Return Oldest Date Based On Call Value

Feb 28, 2014

I have 4 columns (Date (A), Open (B), High (C), Low (D)) in date order with the newest at the top. I have a value in G1, I'd like to see the oldest date returned in H1 of when a value in the (D) column is lower then G1. I've been looking at match and vlookup but what I can't seem to figure out is how to return the oldest date.

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Return Oldest Date With Some Dates Excluded

May 30, 2014

What I want to do is return the oldest date to another sheet, but I only want to return the oldest date if the backlog value is higher than 0. So example below has oldest date with 0 as backlog value, I don't want to return that date, but go to the oldest one with an actual backlog value.

So I have the following raw data in Sheet1

[Code] .....

Now I want to put this raw data in Sheet 2

I use this formula to pull the data =SMALL(Sheet1!C3:C5,1)) but this returns the B4 value to me, which I don't want as A4 is 0.

I've been thinking about somehow using VLOOKUP or IF to sort this out but I am stuck.

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Return Oldest Date That Appears X Times

Aug 10, 2006

I need a formula that links to another workbook where it looks in a column for the oldest date which appears more than 10 times.
So if the oldest date was 01/01/2006 but it only appeared twice, it would ignore it, but if there was then 02/02/06 which appeared 11 times, it qould quote that date in a cell in the workbook

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Excel 2010 :: Return Oldest Date In Entire Sheet

Mar 19, 2014

in Excel 2010, whether using VBA or otherwise;

1) how can I return the oldest date in the entire workbook (or at least in the entire sheet if it's not possible to find that date in the entire workbook).

2) how about the most recent date ?

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Oldest Date In A Workbook?

Jun 6, 2013

Without VBA, I'd like to find the most recent date in a workbook. The workbook as various columns with dates on numerous sheets. I just need to know the date that is the newest date. Nothing else.

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Finding Oldest Date

Dec 3, 2009

date1/Jan2/Jan3/Jan4/Jan5/Jan6/Jan7/Jan8/Jan9/Jan10/Jan11/Janquantity 502023108948202535current stock 200oldest date of manufacture?

I have a report that lists the quantity of an item that is manufactured on particular day. On some days there will be no items produced. The report is similar to the above table. I don't want to change the table format.

I know the current stock of that item (in this example it is 200). Note that the current stock is not just the sum of the quantiy for each day's production.

I need a function that will determine the oldest date of manufacture of material in the current stock. The function assumes that that the current stock is made up of the most recently produced material. ie the stock is depleted on a first in -first out basis. Essentially the calculation has to sum backwards from the most recent manufacture date until the total = 200 and then lookup to corresponding date.

In the above table the oldest prodcution date would be 6/Jan. The answer to the funstion in example = 6/Jan

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Find Oldest And Newest Date

Dec 29, 2009

Is there a way to pull out the oldest date ((04) Apr 25, 1950) and the newest date ((02) Feb 14, 2050)...?

i have tried the Min function (min(P28:P31)) and the Max function (max(P28:P31)) both resulting in a "0"..

i have also searched this forum as well as others and found formulas that were posted by Aladin Akyurek..but those did not work either..


P28(02) Feb 14, 205029(04) Apr 01, 201330(04) Apr 25, 200931(04) Apr 25, 1950
Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaP28=IF(O28=FALSE,"Who Knows?","("&RIGHT(O28,2)&")"&" "&LEFT(O28,3)&" "&LEFT(RIGHT(O28,4),2)&", "&LEFT(RIGHT(O28,8),4))

Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

Im Using Windows Xp With Sp2 With Microsoft Excel 2003

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Excel 2007 :: Where To Find Oldest To Newest Or Newest To Oldest Sort Option

Jun 4, 2014

I want to sort a column in Excel 2007 which is having dates. Normally, we use oldest to newest or newest to oldest option in sort & filter. But i am unable to find this option in my excel sheet. how can I find this option in Sort & Filter.

Note: I have imported this data column from Access 2007

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Find Out Oldest Date Using Multiple Criteria

Dec 24, 2012

I want to know the macro code to find out the oldest date in the Calculation sheet of the attachment based on two criteria.

The criteria should be if the Item ID on Calculation sheet matches the Item Id Pivot sheet and then if the Status on pivot sheet and calculation sheet matches then the macro should find out the oldest date for each item ID. And once the oldest date is identified the difference on pivot sheet should be added to the cost basis column on calculation sheet to the already found oldest date lot.

Find the attached excel sheet : Book1.xls

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How To Determine Oldest Date In Range Of Cells

Jan 30, 2012

I am looking for a formula to determine the oldest date in a range of cells. BUT, the part that's kicking me in the pants here, is that the range will change.

In column D, I have a person's name. The number of times that person's name will appear will change every time I run this formula. In column F, I have a date & time. I'm looking for a formula that will determine the oldest date/time associated with that person.

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Sort Alphanumeric Date From Recent To Oldest?

Aug 19, 2012

How do we sort an alpha numeric date from recent to oldest.

from this:-

to this:-

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Find The Oldest Date A Specific Value Occurs

Oct 3, 2008

I am looking for a formula which will find the oldest date for a specific set of search criteria:

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
05JUL2008 06JUL2008 07JUL2008 08JUL2008 09JUL2008 10JUL2008
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
Cat Dog Pig Cat Pig Dog

So if possible I would like a formula that searches through and returns

C1 (Search for Pig) = 07JUL2008
C2 (Searcg for Cat) = 05JUL2008
C3 (Search for Dog) = 06JUL2008

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Conditionally Calculate Aging Using Oldest Date

Sep 10, 2009

I looking to track the oldest entry that is still marked "Open" or "In progress".
So far I have done the below If Statement:- =IF(H24="Open",E24,IF(H24="In progress",E24,"")). This returns the Date it was logged if the status is "Open" or "In progress". to column T, So far so good!

So in cell T22 i wanted excel to show me the oldest date so i used the MIN function like so:- =MIN(T24:T40). This returned me the oldest date which i then wanted to know how many days this has been open for so i used:- = SUM(TODAY()-H6)

which gives me the number of days. This all works fine until..........i don't have any entries set to "Open" or "In progress" or any dates added (e.g. start of a new week). When this is the case the MIN function returns a value of 01/01/04 which in turn tells me that the oldest entry is 38,604 days old. I have tried different combinations of If statements to ignore the blanks / date etc but i just can't make it return zero or even better blank. I have attached a sample of my sheet and inserted comments to explain what each part does

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Dynamic Lookup Of Oldest Date In A Pre Determined Month

Oct 26, 2008

I have a list of dates going through several years of data - month ends and starts don't always coincide with calendar months. I need to figure out a way to get the oldest date of the previous month, for example. Tried vlookup but could figure out how to do it for one year only, hence not as applicable with several years of data.

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Delete Duplicate Rows Containing The Oldest Date And Time Entries?

May 23, 2014

I have a UserForm which writes data to rows in a master spreadsheet. I'm attempting to write some vba code for a CommandButton in the master spreadsheet which can identify and delete duplicate entries based on "user ID", "Date", and "Time". I would like the CommandButton to retain the most recent entry from a user and delete all previous entries.

My master sheet is set out as such...
A, B, C, D,
UserID, Date, Time, Response

The users could potentially submit multiple entries on the same day. Ideally I would like to be able to click a CommandButton and delete each user's submission but retain their most recent one (based on "UserID", then "Date", then "Time").

I've searched all day for a solution and I've come close but I can not figure out a code that accounts for my three variables ("UserID", then "Date", then "Time").

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Compare Dates To Date Range & Return Date Based On Outcome

Jul 1, 2008

I need to compare three cells of random dates shown in Column E, F,& G with Row's H5:AK5, H7:AK7, H9:AK7 (the Dates to these rows is Static on row H3:AK3.) EX: ROW 5 has Start Date, End Date (1) and End Date (2). Compare Cell H3 between Start Date & End Date (1). If H3 falls between or equal to Start and End Date(1) then highlight cell H5. Proceed till AK3 (higlighting only the cells H5:AK5). Then compare cell H3 between or equal to End Date (1) and End Date (2) (higlighting only the cells H5:AK5). Then do the same for ROW 7 and ROW 9.

To make things a bit more difficult I need to have " WK#" in Row 14 (these WK# is on another tab called "Task" of the workbook) needs to be displayed in Row's H4:AK4, H6:AK6, & H8:AK8. EX: Compare Date in D15 between or equal to Start Date & End Date (1) then display Wk# in D14 in H4. Continue till all dates in
D15:Z15 are compared to Start Date & End Date (1) and WK#'s in Row D14:Z14 are inputted if applicable in Row H4:AK4, H6:AK6, H8:AK8. I hope this is not confusing. I can't seem to use the upload option so here is alink to download a jpg of the sheet

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Return Value Based On Date In Cell

Aug 31, 2007

I'm trying to put in a formula that will populate a cell with either "Yes" or "No" depending on the date enterd in a different cell.

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Return Grouping Based On Date Field

Mar 18, 2012

I have a date field 08/09/2011 and want to monitor an item to ensure it's "Approved" before it reaches this date.

The groups are:

Late = this date or past
Within 1 week
Within 2 weeks
Within 3 weeks
Over 3 weeks

How to do this, I tried Nested, and I've tried lookup but I'm not sure how to tackle it.

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Return A Date Based On Year / Month

Jan 21, 2009

formula off here i use all the time relating to finding and sumproducts for specific months and years i.e.

Jan 2008, Dec 2007.. depending on these dates excel searched through a specified range and returned me any values i wanted like No. of occurences, totals, sums etc etc it was a sumproduct formula...

is there any way i could specifiy a date i.e. Jan 2009, which would search column a and return the date /and/or an account number in column b, only if the date was during jan 2009?

The reason i want this is to use a lookup on the account numbers to return specific items of info, but i only need the account numbers if they occurred in specific months which i want to choose.

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DATE Function & IF Function (return A TRUE Or FALSE Based On A Date In A Cell)

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to return a TRUE or FALSE based on a date in a cell.

for example:

if cell A1 = 07/11/2009

I want A2 to show TRUE or FALSE if A1 is 14 days or more behind todays date.

I have tried stuff like:


but it just always says false. EDIT: I have just noticed that if I change the date in A1 to exactly 14 days behind todays, it returns TRUE. So, it does work. Do I need to add a GREATER THAN in there?

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Return Latest Date Based On Matching Criteria

Jul 25, 2014

I am looking for a formula that returns the latest Sale date for a each model of car. Below is sample data which I am trying to use the formula. I tried with below formula, but not successful.


MakeModelSale Date
AudiA4 11-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro 12-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro3-Jan-14
AudiA5 Cabriolet 14-Jan-14
AudiA5 Cabriolet q15-Jan-14
AudiA4 16-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro17-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro18-Jan-14
AudiA6 quattro19-Jan-14
AudiA4 10-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro09-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro10-Jan-14
AudiA4 11-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro11-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro11-Jan-14
AudiA8L 11-Jan-14
AudiA8L 11-Jan-14

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Return Rows Based On Latest Date AND Highest Quantity For Given ID

Dec 10, 2012

I'm trying to return a distinct list of rows that filter based on the latest date and largest quantity for each distinct AccountID and ProductID combination.

I tried some variant of the =max function, but I need two filters.

The purpose of this is to create a data set of all company accounts with the most recent number of products used to upload to a database.

The simplified and original data set is as follows:



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Lookup With Multiple Criteria: Return The Amount Paid And Full Cost Based On The Person's Name And The Date

Apr 21, 2006

I would like a lookup that takes multiple criteria and that is not an array formula! Unfortunately I decided to use array formulae and my spreadsheet went to over 45mb!! Not good. I've searched the forum for an answer to my questions but couldn't find any! I've attached a spreadsheet as an example. The examples I am using have {Sum(IF)} formulae in it (array) and I would like to change those to others that will not increase the file size so much and will not take too long to calculate.

Basically, I would like a lookup that will return me the Amount Paid and Full Cost based on the person's name and the date. the data and the results table are both on separate sheets. It would be nice to bring that file's size back down to less than 4mb!!

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Lookup Function Call: Vlookup Call In Sheet

May 21, 2006

I have a work book with 3 sheets. Sheet 1 is the main sheet and sheets 2 and 3 will use (I hope vlookup) to update 3 columns from info in sheet 1. my attempt at a vlookup call in sheet 2 is: =VLOOKUP($b3,[master_AoJ_2.xls]Sheet1!$B$3;$B$65,false)

my understanding is that: - $b3 is the cell in sheet 2 that will be updated as a result of the vlookup call. - [master_AoJ_2.xls]Sheet1!$B$3;$B$65 refers to range $B$3:$B$65 on sheet1 of master_AoJ_2. it does not work... infact I get nothing at all. when I type the call into cell $b3 of sheet2 excel thinks it is stariaght text. this is how I coded the function call =VLOOKUP($b3,[master_AoJ_2.xls]Sheet1!$B$3;$B$65,false)

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Call Modules Based On Choice?

Jul 11, 2013

I have two different modules in my automation - to be specific one module to convert file from LH to RH and another module to do the reverse - convert RH to LH.

I have put up a radio button choice for the user and based on which radio button is selected would like to run that particular module.

Below is my code. It always throws an error "expected variable or function not module"

Option Explicit
Public Sub MAIN()
If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FRONT").OptionButton1.Value = True Then
Call LH_to_RH


I am following the correct procedure to call modules. A few minutes of search said the modules have to be public sub routines

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Call Macro Based On Selected Cell Value?

Dec 27, 2012

code to do the following:

If any cell in range T75:KH1000 is selected whose value is "Exit", call the macro named View6.

(There are about 40 non-contiguous cells in this range whose value is "Exit".)

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Call List Of Values Based On Selection

Oct 23, 2007

I have 2 Fields (Columns) and I have implemented Validation Lists in both these 2 columns.

I have around 10 values in Column A which are available in the List and have around 50 values in Column B in the List.

In other words, one of the five values or items can be selected for a single and unique value in Column A.

is it possible to call one of these 5 values in Column B depending upon the selection of the value in Column A ? Both the columns have validation lists.

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Call Macro Based On CheckBox State

Mar 12, 2008

I have a checkbox and a command button on my sheet. I want that, depending if the checkbox is marked or not, I can call two different macros. I don't know if this is possible at all or maybe can be done easier otheriwise, but this would more or less be my idea of what should happen:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click ()
' If CheckBox1 = marked
Call MacroA

'Else (CheckBox1 = unmarked)
Call MacroB
' End If
End Sub

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Macro To Add Additional New Rows Based On Number In A Call?

Jun 3, 2014

create a macro that will insert a certain number of blank rows to my spread sheet. The number of rows is determined by the #of tasks calculated for that day and is in column B. For example if in column A the date is 01-07-14 and in column B it has 7, I would like 7 rows inserted with the date in column A to remain the same in all 7 rows. Ideally I would like to use this macro for every row, so if the next row down has 02-07-14 and 6, I would like it to add 6 new rows with the same date.

I have attached a copy of the spread sheet for reference.

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Calculate Phone Call Costs Based On Rate Per Second

Dec 20, 2007

I have downloaded .csv files with my phone call costs. I want to compare phone companies, so I need to calculate the h:mm:ss amounts to $ based on flagfall and rate per 30 seconds. I can open the .csv files in Excel but I do not know anything about Excel.

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