Select Range Based On Criteria?

Jan 3, 2014

Need to select a range from colum A7 to E20.


1) if the last colum (E20) should be selected if in the colum A equal to "Thank You".

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Select Based On 2 Search Criteria

May 20, 2009

I have an Excel Sheet with three columns of data. In a separate worksheet, I am setting up some calculations. To do so, I am having the user select from a drop down list, the data in the first and second columns. Based on the two values selected by the user, I would like to bring forward the value in the third column. Can someone please help me out with the formula to do so?

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Select Row Based On Cell Criteria

Feb 15, 2007

I am trying to create a macro that selects an entire row based on a date criteria. The explanation is as follows: I have fields in an excel sheet such as: Name, Date, Place, Time, Country etc….. There are many rows with data in them…. I require a prompt box that asks for a date range and then selects all the contents matching that criteria and copies into another excel sheet called Export.xls.

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VBA Auto Filter To Select Field Based On Certain Criteria?

Feb 5, 2014

I'm currently using the following:

[Code] .........

However, i'd like it select the field ie 2-17 based on a year in a cell on another sheet "x" in cell E3.

At the moment i have a row of numbers 1-17 above the corresponding field cell so for example the number 15 is attached to the year 2013 (although this is dynamic).

I just cant work out how to get the autofilter to select the number that matches the cell in "x" E3 with the same value in T2:AJ2 on filter sheet and then filter the column that matches.

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Macro To Select Multiple Files And Copy Them Based On Criteria?

Mar 10, 2013

This is what I am trying to achieve:

1) Prompt user to select a file (or multiple files)

2) Copy the files that meet certain criteria to a folder

My attempt (fail):

Sub FILES2SFTP() Dim FileNames As Variant Dim I As Integer Dim fso As Variant Dim Data As String ChDrive "G:" ChDir "G:TEST" Data = InputBox("Enter the date", "Enter the date", Format(Application.WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(Date, -1), "yyyymmdd")) Set fso = [code]....
I get error 424 object not found in this line:

If fso.getfilename(FileNames(I).Name) = ("Name1" & Data & ".xls" Or "Name2" & Data & ".xls") Then

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Formula To Have Excel Select Date Of Month Based On Certain Criteria?

Feb 24, 2014

I am looking for a formula that will select a date in the month based on certain criteria. Found the choose function but not sure if I can really get that to work. I basically have a list of clients, with zip codes, restricted days of the week - and would like the system to group them by zip code and select the best day of the month to schedule an inspection but not pick he restricted day. The goal being have zip codes scheduled together - but on a day other than garbage day. Is this even doable?

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Count Records In Table Based On Criteria - Select And Paste To New Spreadsheet

Jul 17, 2014

I have a ListObject table called Table1, and the column name is Table1[Company]. The records have been sorted A-Z for the Company.

The records look something like this

Date Employee Company
1/1/11 Jane A Company
1/1/11 Jane B Company
3/1/11 Bob B Company
2/1/11 Bob B Company
4/1/11 Bob B Company
5/1/11 Bob C Company

What I need is a sub() to look in the column of Table1[Company] and determine:

The # of records that match the criteria given the Company name, and where they start and end. Ultimately, I'd like to copy and paste this portion of the table to another spreadsheet.

So for instance, if the Company = "B Company", then I could find out there are 4 records and there locations to copy and paste them.

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Select Row Based On Cell Criteria Remove All Formulas From Row And Change Fill Color

Apr 23, 2014

I have a worksheet that when a row changes based on the value of column B, I want to remove all of the formulas found in the row but keep the existing values, and then change the color of the row.

In the sample file attached, when the value is "Closed", that row will keep the existing values and then it gets grayed out. Rows that are still marked "Open" need to retain the formulas in case other information changes.

I have tried copy/paste special using autofiltering but that doesn't work because of the hidden lines. This file changes on a daily basis and I need a quick way to update the file.


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Sum Range Based On 1 Criteria Of Column & 2 Criteria Of Another

Mar 4, 2008

i m trying to use the sumproduct formula, and OR but i cannot seem to get this right! =Sumproduct(--(A1:A10="Yes"),--(OR(B1:B10="Yes",B1:B10="Mayby")),C1:C10)

I have also tried Array Formula as follows; {=SUM(IF(A1:A10="Yes",IF(OR(B1:B10="Yes",B1:B10="Mayby"),C1:C10)))}

I have also used UDF to for the sumproduct, but cannot make that work! keep giving me value message

Function Customer(Service as Range, Outcome as String, Service2 as Range, Outcome2 as String)

Customer = Sumproduct(--(Service = Outcome),--(Service2 = Outcome2), Result)

-Didnt get thru this bit to start building on the Function! keep giving me #Value!

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Select Range Based On A Cell Value

Sep 18, 2008

I have a worksheet with a block of data. The size of this block changes.

I am calculating and storing the upperleft and lower right cell position of the block in say cells AA3 and AB3 on the same worksheet.

So far I have everything working fine.

Now I want to create a button to trigger a macro to sort that block.

I can figure out the button and make it trigger a macro.

One of the lines in the macro is

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Select Range Based On Last Row And Last Column Used

Aug 12, 2008

I have defined my last row and column by using:

lr = Sheets("week1").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
LC = Sheets("week1").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

Now how do I select the range starting at A2 through the last used column ( LC ) through the last row ( LR )?

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VBA Select Range To Copy Based On Two Variables

Jan 13, 2014

I have a Macro that already works great but now I need to look for another variable to sort it down even further. I think it can be done by setting up a "Case" but still not sure how to do that. It already looks through the range to find all the rows that return a value of "True". Now I need it sort those results so it only returns what has a specified value in Column "AJ". I am looking to do several choices (Listed Here). So the end result will be all the items that return "TRUE" In Column "AI" and are Items that return one of these values per Case "Starters, Appetizers, Soup, Salad, Entree, Dessert, Special" with then copy over in the exact format that is listed in the code below.

For example All the items that are selected with "TRUE" can be narrowed down to all of those that are "Salad" as well - Then copied over in the exact format that is listed in the code below.

What I am doing is breaking out all the different course of food and putting a Header in-between each (That is already built and working) - So I can select all the food from a master list and then put it in order on the "Catering BEO" Sheet with Headers in between

Sub BEOA4()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim wsDest As Worksheet
Dim FoundX As Range
Dim FirstFound As String
Dim lastrow As Long


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How To Select Range And Clear Based On LR Variable

Jul 28, 2008

I want to select and clear a part of a sheet.

here is what I have.

Sub clear_data()
lr = activesheet.usedrange.rows.count

Here is where I get lost in translation (syntax).

I want to select starting at Bcolumn through bycolumn but the row be set with the LR from above, since the rows always change.

I could write B2:by2000, but i want to use the LR variable to define the number of rows i have.

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SUM Of Values In 1 Range Based On Specific Criteria In Another Range

Jan 31, 2009

I am tracking total man hours of contractors in columns of different rates applicable. At present I have structured my worksheet with the different rates across and days going down. As I am invoiced for a period of work I will log the invoice ref number in a separate field. I would like to sum totals to report against $ Invoiced and $ Committed (i,e worked but not actually invoiced against yet).

Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve. The Actual showing sum mhrs * rate only for the mhrs entries with an invoice in corresponding Invoice Ref Column. The Committed producing sum of all mhrs * rate [which I am using =(SUM(D9:D37)*D7)] regardless of what is in invoice ref column.

This way I can hopefully track what we have been billed and also what we can expect to have to budget for to cover what has been worked but not billed against.

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Excel Function To Select Two Columns Based On Range?

Jul 30, 2014

Function to select two columns based on the header and the variable given.

Sample excel file attached for your ref.

Excel sample.JPG

Find the excel file in which I am looking for an formula which will look up variable in Col A for Eg USD and search the same in Row 1 and then will select COL D:E and so forth for other currency.

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Select Range Based On Variable Cell Content

Apr 30, 2009

Based on if the value in col A contains the characters "TT" I want to select the range starting with this cell and ending at the end at the end of the row I'm using (.End(xlRight) and then merge these cells, change colors etc. And then looping this through a 'range' so that it only occurs where the values occur. I can amend various cells based on this idea, but am unable to identify the range and then merge the cells.

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Select Dynamic Range Based On Non-empty Cells

Aug 7, 2009

I require code to identify the last row in column 'A' that contains data, and then to select every row up to that one, and each column up to 'H'. My data begins on row 3, and the rows with data varies from row 7 through 120. The columns with data is constant so there is no need to test in that direction.

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Select A Range Based On Active Cell Location?

Oct 27, 2009

I'm trying to select a range of cells whereby the range is dependent on the currently active cell. I know you can use the "Activesheet.Range("A1:D2").select" method to select a range where the cells are always the same, but I'm after a dynamic selection where the values can be programmatically altered depending on some other result.

For example, let's say that I make a certain cell active (based on the result of some other formula), and I want to select the range of cells in the adjacent column that is X rows deep. Putting this into context, imagine the resultant active cell is B2, I then want to select the range C2:C10, but if the active cell is E10, the range selected would be F10:F18 (if active cell is X, then range would be Y:Z).

The Offset function would allow me to position the cell based on the current active one, but it doesn't let me select a range. The Range function only lets you choose either hard coded or index cells, e.g. "Range(cells(y,z), cells(y,z)).select", but this is still no good because I'd need to know the index value of the active cell (can this be done?).

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Select Range Of Cells Based On UserForm Input Value?

Jun 18, 2012

So I'm creating a UserForm that takes user input to create a worksheet based on the values input. My question is: How to select a range of cells based on a variable input value? For example, it asks how many competitors there are, and the user can input 5, 8, 10, etc. So I want that many cells in Row 1 selected, whatever the value input is.

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Select Column Or Range Based On Current Time

Nov 18, 2013


Columns: c)6:00 AM, d)6:15 AM, e)6:30 AM
Rows: 4)tech1 Phone, 5)Tech2 Phone, 6)Tech3 Phone

What I am tying to do is to select the column that matches the time, for instance anything before 6 AM would select Column C, betweeb 6 and 6:14 still selects column C, 6:15 to 6:29 selects column D, Etc

View 2 Replies View Related Error (SELECT METHOD OR RANGE CLASS FAILED)

Jul 23, 2008

I have this:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=1, columnOffset:=0).Activate
End Sub

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Excel VBA Code To Select A Range (rows) Based On Values And Delete

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying out with a code which checks for cell value as "Select" in column IU and then checks for corresponding column IV for value as "0". Please note that "Select" and "0" are populated by formulas. I need the select "Select" and "0" till the next "Select" occurs in column IU and delete the selected range and continue the process until last non empty cell based on column C.

I have written the below code but it doesn't work.

Public Sub Test()
Dim nRow As Long
Dim nStart As Long


I could have uploaded the excel file that I am working on but did not find any upload attachment option.

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Select Multiple Cells Based On Multiple Criteria?

Sep 25, 2013

I would like a macro that select all cells based on multiple criteria. It's a big sheet, but I've made it smaller in the following example.

In row 1, there are 2 headers, in B1 (electricity) and C1 (gas) In column A, there are 3 houses, in A2, A6 and A10. The blocks of cells in between (e.g. B2:B5) have 2 headers, 'period' in B2, and 'account number' in B4. B3 and B5 have a list of options in them.

I want to select cells that meet certain criteria. Either electricity or gas, and either period or account number. So, if in cell D1 I choose electricity and in D2 period, I would like to select B3, B7 and B11. If I choose gas and account number, I wish to select C5, C9 and C13.

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Sum Range Based On Criteria Of Another

Dec 28, 2007

I need to sum values from the same column, in different rows, but is there a way to sum each value based on the name in the first cell of the row. Since I realize I probably did not word that well, I will give an example. The data would be as follows

Bellcrank 3
Bellcrank 5
Gearbox 2
Bellcrank 6

Is there a way I could just sum the Bellcrank values? I understand that i could just use the sum function in this case, but I want the sum to automatically update if another bellcrank row is added.

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Merge Cells: Select A Range Based On Two Variables Which Store The Column Numbers

Jul 19, 2009

I am trying to select a range based on two variables which store the column numbers. what I have is:

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Sum Range Based On Text Criteria

Mar 18, 2009

Trying to sum a range based on the criteria of the 1st position within each cell in the range. Cells have data like "A-8", "A-4", for a total of 12 for "A". This is the formula I have that is not working.


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Return Value Based On Range Of Criteria?

Sep 25, 2013

I would like Excel to return me a value based on many criterias in the same worksheet.




QN: For any of the value from Col B to Col N, i want the result of Column A appearing in my cell.

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Sum Range Of Cells Based On Criteria?

Sep 27, 2013

I have the following data





What I would like to do is sum a specific range of this data based on three criteria. Each criteria is in its own cell.

- Start Date
- End Date
- Country

So if I wanted to sum from 'Sep-13' to 'Nov-13' for 'USA', the formula would give me the answer 43.

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Copy Every Nth Range Based On Criteria

Feb 15, 2010

I am copying from cell A2 to C2, then A8 to C8, etc. if the cell in column "A" contains the text "Item" until the end of data in column A. Here is what I am attempting:

Sub MoveItem()
sText = "Item"
sText = LCase(sText)
iMax = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
For i1 = iMax To 1 Step -1
If InStr(1, LCase(Cells(i1, 1)), sText) <> 0 Then
Cells(i1, 1).Copy Destination:=Cells(i1, 3)
End If
Next i1
End Sub

The problem is the destination location. If I define it as a Range eg: Cells(i1, 1).Copy Destination:=Range("C2") The macro works, but does not iterate the destination cell.

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Copy Range Based On Criteria That Changes Constantly

May 7, 2009

I am trying to copy a range of cells, based on a set of criteria that changes constantly.

In Column A, I have numerical values that are present every 10th cell. In columns B through D, I have various text data that corresponds to the number in Column A. So for example, in A50, I have the number 46975. In the range B50-D59, I have text data that goes with the number in A50.

Each day I run a few calculations and based on the number I get, I want to find the exact match in column A, then copy all the data in columns B through D that are related. So if my calculations result in 46975, I want to automatically copy over to another worksheet the range B50-D59.

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