Set Values For A Cell In Every Sheet Of A Workbook?
Mar 5, 2009
I have approximately 100 sheets in a workbook. I want to set the value of cell C5 to same exact thing for every sheet. Is it possible to do this without manually going into each sheet and pasting the code?
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Mar 20, 2008
I am trying to be a good programmer and not do a whole bunch of activate workbooks and worksheets. So I am 99% complete with my subroutine and stuck on 3 lines. I need to copy my entire pivot table from PvtDest (which is Superdatabase.xls sheets f2 pivot)
Set PvtDest = Workbooks(SSRname).Worksheets(CarrPivot)
PvtDest. Cells.Copy
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
PvtDest.cells.copy works fine Fails due to (select method.range class failed
finally Selection.Paste special is supposed to paste on PvtDest but I have not been able to accomplish this.
I think I have seen copy paste special in the same command line is that the solution
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Jun 20, 2008
I'm trying to figure out a way to find a specific sheet in a workbook that does not contain the macro. Within the macro I have a cell which holds the name of the specific sheet I would like to find but I can't get it to work for some reason...
'Dim officen As Integer
'Dim thiswb As Workbook
officen = Range("A2").Value
Set thiswb = ActiveWorkbook
' Open the Active Info file
Workbooks.Open "C:My DcoumentsActive 20080616.xls", , , , "xxxxxx"
' Dim sourcewb As Workbook
Set sourcewb = Workbooks.Open"Active 20080616.xls"
RowCount = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
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Mar 23, 2006
I have a commissions workbook with about 20-30 sheets. In A1 of every sheet is a Name and in column G is a bunch of Numerical Values. I want to create a "Grand Total" sheet where I have the Name and the Values corresponding from each of the sheets onto my final one.
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Oct 16, 2009
I'm looking for some guidance on a particular popup box that I am getting when I try to run the code below.
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Mar 26, 2008
I would like to link a macro to a button on the active sheet, that saves the active sheet In a New Workbook, with Format And Values Only. Preferably saved in the same location as the origonal workbook. This is my main goal.
If possible I would like the new workbook to be named from a chosen cell (E19) on the active sheet with date added.
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Apr 25, 2013
I have a workbook that is used to calculate values from various data etc. On completion of calculating the values, eg. £20,000, I want to put the values into specific cells of another workbook template. I can of course do it manually by selecting the cell of the template workbook and do an = then reference the the cell in the calculating workbook.
What I want to happen when all the calculations are complete is that:
1. A new workbook, based on the template, is opened and saved with an appropriate title
2 The values from the calculating workbook are automatically entered into the new (saved) workbook at specific cells
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Jul 20, 2014
I've created a chart in sheet 1 in a workbook. I want to copy and paste that chart into another sheet (lets take sheet 2) of the same workbook. I am using Excel 2010 version.
Whenever, I try to copy a graph and want to do "Paste Special as Link picture". The problem I am facing as "Paste Link" option is inactive.
I am attaching the Excel for your reference.
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May 20, 2009
VBA that will put the Sheet's file name & a dash with the sheet name in cell M1 when the sheet's name is changed (right click sheeted tab & rename).
For example:
When changing tab named Sheet2 to 08-39 for the workbook TaxWorkSheets.xls,
put in cell M1:
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Jul 1, 2009
I would like to set up my workbook so that I can save it by the combination of two cell values. The cells are A2 (which displays a country name) and E10 (which displays a string of numbers) and would like to specify the file to where to save the workbook which is:(G:BusUnitsShipping_RecievingInternationalInt'l Order FormsSpecific Orders). The following is a code I have tried that is close but not quite right:
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Jul 1, 2014
The two sheets are...
1. Sheet1.xlsx (regular excel sheet as the extension is .xlsx)
2. Consolidated.xlsm (macro enabled sheet as its extension is .xlsm)
1. Copy both the files on your system under a particular folder.
2. Now make 9 replica's of Sheet1.xlsx and name them as Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4, .......... Sheet10
3. Open the sheet Consolidated.xlsm and see the button i have added called "Pull Data".
Now write down the code by adding a Module in that excel sheet from the code window.
4. Write a code that will open each of these sheets (Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4, .......... so on) one at a time and will copy the data from these sheets to the Consolidated.xlsm sheet.
5. Make sure that the data is appended(and not overwritten) from the multiple sheets (Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3). that is once you paste the data from sheet1 to Consolidated.xlsm then the Sheet2 data will be pasted at the end and after that sheet3 data will be pasted and so on..
6. In this way at the end we will have all the data from Sheet1, Sheet2, the consolidated sheet.
7. The Division column in the Consolidated sheet will have the value of first row in these multiple sheets. So after making the replicas of Sheet1, please change the value in first row (Range A1) to any other value to avoid the confusion.
8. I have highlighted the data for two sheets in yellow and grey color in the consolidated sheet.
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Aug 19, 2009
Is it possible for the VBA code to capture the open workbook name and sheet name from a cell?
I've been trying to tweak this ...
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Apr 16, 2009
I've recently discovered the usefulness of VB in excel and have managed to write some basic macros that enhance many of my workbooks. BUT, I've bumped into a problem I can't seem to solve. Please help!
I'm looking to import the values in a large range of cells ( 5 x 5000) in a closed workbook into a range that i specify in an open one, where both workbooks are housed in the same directory. I also want to include logic that allows me to move the 2 files to different directories (the names will never change, only the paths) and have the code still work--I believe i'd use relative path references?
I've found lots of snippets of code on the topic but can't seem to get any of them to work. For instance:
Problem is, I'm so new that I don't even know where to begin pasting the code (objects vs. modules, etc) in the VBA editor.
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Jun 3, 2009
i have a workbook with two sheets. lets just call them sheet 1 and sheet 2. on sheet 1 i have data for employees and their current wages and other info. on sheet 2 the data is for compensation scale on three separate columns.......
in order for me to automatically get the data from (sheet 2 B3) the formula for sheet 1 E1 would be: ='Sheet 1'!B3. how do i formulate the equation so that i can do ='Sheet 2'!(C1)(D1)?. in other words i want to specify the column and row from the values declared in sheet 1 column c and column d respectively.
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Jun 28, 2012
i need to copy same sheet many times but with different name , and the name is in cell A1
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Jul 15, 2006
I am trying to add one cell from every sheet of my workbook to the first page. I have renamed all the pages, and I don't know if that is screwing things up, but I just want to do a simple SUM on one page from a single cell on all the other pages.
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Jul 30, 2009
I'd like to automatically run 1 of 4 macros depending on some criteria. Every workbook created has, unfortunately, the same worksheet name, so that leaves the only differences between the 4 possible loaded workbooks in the cells area and even those can be similiar in many ways. But....I found some criteria to separate all 4 workbooks...Here they are...
run macro 1 if this
1. Worksheet name says "Screen"
2. Cell H1 has the word "Lead"
run macro 2 if this
1. Worksheet name says "Screen"
2. Cell B1 has the word "records" somewhere in the cell
3. Cell H1 has the word "Lead"
run macro 3 if this
1. Worksheet name says "Screen"
2. Cell B1 has the word "records" somewhere in the cell
3. Cell N2 has the word "Delivered"
run macro 4 if this
1. Worksheet name says "Screen"
2. Cell B1 has the word "records" somewhere in the cell
3. Cell N2 has the word "Bevel"
I don't know if this can be done, but if so, that would be fantastic! I'm thinking that the macro would have to be "global" and in the user's personal workbook?
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Feb 15, 2010
I have a small macro that before closing the workbook will check a range ("C4:G24") on Sheet ("Data Checks"). It will then show a msgbox displaying each non "OK" result in the range. I want this to close the workbook if all cells in the range have the value "OK" and cancel the close if the msgbox appears. This is what I have so far...
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim r As Range, txt As String
With Sheets("Data Checks")
'for each non "OK" result in range
For Each r In .Range("C4:G24")
If r.Text <> "OK" Then
txt = txt & r.Text & vbLf
End If
End With
If txt <> "OK" Then
MsgBox "Please check:" & vbLf & vbLf & txt, vbExclamation
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
The problem I have is that although the msgbox displays the correct cell values if they are not "OK", it also appears and cancels the close if all cells in range DO have value "OK"???
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Oct 7, 2013
Within one workbook I have 15 sheets, 13 are for separate divisions within the company, 2 are used to present sums across the 13 sheets. All 13 sheets have identical columns and rows, with unique numbers in each cell. Right now I am manually selecting the cells to reference in my master sheet, =sheet name!cell+sheetname!cell+sheetname!cell - so and and so on. How can I reference the sheet name once, and then all of the cells to SUM? =sheetname!(c4+c14+c24+c34) etc?
This would let me be able to copy the formula from cell to cell, and only have to change the sheet name each time.
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Apr 10, 2014
I use an excel time sheet for my employees and I am wanting to use a command button to copy data in a cell from worksheet1 to worksheet2. The cell that will be copied from worksheet1 will always be "S14". I want to copy that data to another worksheet and have it paste the data in the correct cell. The code needs to find the employees name in worksheet2 and paste the data in the next blank cell. Currently the command button I have works perfectly but I have to use the specific range, I would rather have the code seek out the employees name on worksheet2 so that I don't have to worry about specific row/column ranges. Is it possible? I'm sure it is. I have attached what worksheet2 looks like.
Rather than having to use .Range("A4:AA4") I would prefer to have the code find the employees name.
Attached file: Book1.xlsx‎
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Apr 11, 2014
I am trying find a match from multple "text" values.
The values I'm using are flight numbers from sheet "Indiv case" in column (range H2:H51). The flight number could occur multiple time in the column.
The associated flight number sheet "Code & categories" in column (range H2:H257) are associated with the last port of embarkation (range I2:I257) in "Code & categories" sheet.
I need to copy & past the name of the Last port of embarkation from sheet "Code & categories" into sheet "Indiv case" adjcent to the flight numbers in column (I2:I51).
Example: Sheet "Indiv case" from Column (H2:H51) Fligh number Data: UA863, VA4148, EK432, BA15, BA15, VA98, QF8, AC33 etc Using these value from "Indiv case" from Column (H2:H51) search and match valuse in "Code & categories" in column (range H2:H257)
If match found copy valuse from sheet "Code & categories in column (i2:I257) in to sheet "Indiv case" into column (I2:I51) Last port of embarkation".
H2;H257, I2:I257
Flight, Last Post
3k111, Singapore
3k131, Singapore
AC33, Vancouver
Copy and Past "Last Port" into sheet "Indiv case (I2:I51) adjcent to matching flight code.
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May 22, 2007
I have a main workbook that is meant to summarize data from other workbooks
In Row 6 from column H on I have workbook names in each cell
Column G in all workbooks (including the main one) contains our branch #'s for our offices
For each workbook listed in row 6 , I need to open that workbook (I have that setup with the code below---notice there is an AX.xls that is appended to the file names listed in row 6 in order for the names to match what is in the windows directory)
In the newly opened workbook, I need to, for each value in column G, copy the value from adjacent cell in column H (the dollar value) then search column G of the main workbook for a matching branch and paste the value to the appropriate row under the workbook name column (remember workbook names are in row 6)
The trouble is, for each branch in column G in the newly opened workbook that cannot be found in the main workbook, I need to paste the new branch # at the bottom row of/in column G and the $ value (H column value from the newly opened workbook) to the corresponding row under the workbook name column
Sub OpenWBs()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim MyPath As String
Dim lastCol As Integer
Dim newRange As Range
lastCol = Cells(6, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Set newRange = Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(6, lastCol))
MyPath = "F:AccountingAPAdvertising AccountsLA TimesAgentExtractorCompletedLIST"
For Each Rng In newRange '
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Apr 28, 2008
I want to pull data from closed workbook based on cell values of open workbook of column B and the source file name is on cell J1. Actually I save monthly files and opening balnce of current month should take vakues from previous month file.
Suppose current month is May 2008. Then Column Column D for May month shold take value from column G of April 2008. For simplicity the previous month’s name and thus source file name will be placed on cell J1.
The code should loop from column B of source file and current May 2008 file and should pull values for only those items which are in the current file in the Column B. Thus those products which are deleted or newly added item in the current item should not copied. Though for new item no name will be thre in the source file but for deleted items the item might be there in the source file but the code should ignore those value.
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Jul 14, 2006
I have two workbooks: master and student. I have one spreadsheet in each workbook. Both workbooks contains data in the same range.
master.xls data = B1:B10 (values are integers)
student.xls data = B1:B10 (values are integers)
I want to know how to update(add) the values in master.xls with the values in a closed workbook(student.xls). Basically if master("B3") = 5 and student("B3") = 1, it will update the value in master("B3") = 6.
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Apr 2, 2007
I want to tie the values of some cells on Sheet 2 to what's put in into corresponding cells on Sheet 1. Example
If Cell B3 on Sheet 1 has the string "B off" put in, Sheet 2 should automatically get "R1" in cell B12, "B off" in cell C12 and "ID123456" in cell D12. If cell B3 on Sheet 1 is empty, B12:D12 should be blank.
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Nov 3, 2009
Working in one workbook, I am copying a sheet (sheet 1 = IR Master) to the back of the workbook and I need to rename the copied sheet / tab with values from two cells (L1 & M1) on the copied sheet and save the workbook.
The sheet / tab names will change each time another sheet is saved to the back. The names will look like this 0566-100, 0566-101, 0566-102, etc. with L1 = 0566 and M1 being the sequential # that changes, making each sheet copy unique. The other copying and etc. are working fine but I cannot crack the dynamic sheet / tab renaming and save at the end.
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May 18, 2006
Lets say I have sheet 1 and sheet 2 and when I write data into sheet 1 (when cell changes) the data must also be inserted in sheet 2 at first empty row
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Aug 27, 2012
I need VBA code for the following - I have a worksheet with seven colums of data (A to G) - I need to copy the first column (A) from the active worksheet then open master workbook called 'master' and paste the data in to column D - then save the 'master' as the name in cell Z1 of the 'master' workbook. Once this has been been completed I need to repeat the process but this time copying column (B) and so on.
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Oct 23, 2013
I am having trouble getting the selection of sheets to work. I have a workbook that has multiple sheets and one constant sheet (Summary). There is code to create new forms in this workbook and insert them after the Summary sheet. These forms all have a date input that is formatted as a date (mm/dd/yyyy), these dates get modified on the day the form is created, there may be any number of sheets created during this process. I have to print the summary sheet and only the newest forms created. I need a code to select sheets to print based on the date input of a user for each form. This is what I have so far:
Dim i As Variant
i = Range("B5").Value >= InputBox("What date to start PDF from? Format = mm/dd/yyyy")
Sheets(Array("i")).Select [code]....
If the dim can be taken out and just included in the line for the array that would be fine with me. The cell "B5" is where the date is located in each form. I want to input a date and the macro will select the sheets where the date is equal to and greater than the date entered. The Summary sheet will always be included in the print set. I have a dialog box for setting which printer to use - this file will be used at different offices and therefor the printers will be different and it will also allow to create a PDF if desired.
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Nov 29, 2008
I would like to be able to copy the values of certain cells to another worksheet if a certain condition is met. In return - I would also like to delete the information that was copy to the new worksheet if the condition has changed.
I realize I can just filter out the data to get the information that I need but, I am creating this spreadsheet for several sales people to use and some are not to diverse on excel.
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