Transform-column-into-a-row Macro
Jun 10, 2008
there is a ONE column containing data. it looks like 7 rows of content, 2 blanks, 7 rows of contant, 3 blanks etc. there can be more than 1500 rows in this document.
i am looking for a macro which would copy these 7 VERTICAL rows in 1 column and transform them into a NEW HORIZONTAL ROW IN 7 COLUMNS.
step by step it would be like:
- copy 7 rows in 1 column
- transform it into 1 row, 7 colums and put it ONE ROW ABOVE THE ORIGINAL
- delete original 7 rows in 1 column
i did macro by recording the whole action but it works only for first repeat. it does not work then because the macro keeps the row number and rewrites the content. i would need a macro which works independently of the row number.
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Jan 24, 2009
I need a macro that will transform numbers in Column A to rows. i.e.
The (6) astericks will determine the start of the next row.
Transformed to:
Transformed to:
0>>> -23 -12 0 12
>>>> 700 701 698 699
100>>-50 -25 0 12
>>>>>670 688 600 700
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Jul 10, 2013
i have a data as below
and i need the data as below in one column
needed in this regard either macro or formula
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Feb 7, 2014
I have never written a macro and when I record one I usually have trouble with the relative references.
I am trying to write a macro to transform formulas into values every month.
I want to transform formulas:
- across a range of tabs: each tab is exactly alike and is named page-1 to page 25
- on a different column every month (same column across all tabs)
- on the same rows: L168 to L227 and L266 to L277 (same rows across all tabs)
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Feb 17, 2010
In a workbook some of the numbers I have to use are in format: 12,50. How can I modify the formula so it transforms it to 12.50 (so that excel knows this is a number)? I am getting the values with:
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Mar 13, 2014
I need to transform many text (that Looks like numbers) in to numbers. The thing is that, there is an option to search for errors in the "formulas" menu, but I want a code in vba that I can run.
so in conclusion the thing is:
1. look for text that "looks like" numbers
2. turn them into numbers
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Apr 23, 2009
Is there a ATransform or replace command in Excel. i have a value of 04/23/09 which is a date and would like to replace all "/" with "-' thereby making the value 04-23-09. I could examine each character value within a cell but this would just make a long coding and would like to know if there's a shorter way to do this?.
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Jan 20, 2003
I have a spreadsheet which has data in the format of
This appears in the form of rows. How do I make the data in a table meaning,,,
Name Address City State Zip Phone.
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May 30, 2014
I have a spreadsheet of multiple entries per person. I need to calculate the total per person and have only one entry per person of different character variables within one column. For example:
Jon Smith Fair
Jon Smith Assignment
Jon Smith Fair
Nancy Drew Info
Nancy Drew Info
Rachael Smith Notes
Turned into this:
Jon Smith
[Code] ........
I can already calculate a 1 or 0 for each row with =SUM(IF(A2:A3442=A2, IF(D2="Fair"))). Which creates a 1 or 0 in each row labeled for each entry but I do not know how to create a new spreadsheet with just one entry per person with the totals for each column.
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Jan 7, 2014
how do I transform thousands of groups of columns (each group has 6 columns) into A Single row (placed into another sheet) using Macro?
Since my data is large, so efficiency is also important.
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Aug 23, 2013
How can I transform a text string into a formula. ='F1'!$C$2
This appears as a text and I want to convert it to a formula exactly like it's written. I made this formula like this because I need to get the value from 1000 sheets. So I use the formula to change the sheet number automatically.
But now I can not convert the text into a real formula.
I know that I could do it with a macro but I prefer to do it without using a macro.
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Mar 21, 2014
I have a table with data and I want to transform the data in table 1 to the format in table 2 with a formula. I want to change the table format since I have data with 12 000 rows in table 2 format. I haven't been able to find any formula that works, so I will try to explain my problem
Table 1: How the data looks like
Account number
Account Name
[Code] ........
Table 2: How I want the data to be transformed
Account number
Account Name
[Code] ........
1. The same accounts are used several times, but with different description or months.
2. All "0" values are eliminated in table 2.
My first thought was to use a pivot table, but I can't use it on sheet 1 since each month become a separate value.
Maybe there are some setting in pivot tables that makes it work, but I would prefer a formula to solve the problem.
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Apr 5, 2014
I have a series of raws with 7 numbers in each raw; sums may vary a lot from raw to raw, and also differences between one number and the other in a same raw.
Now, i need to obtain a much simpler distribution of scores, so reducing differences.
I would need to transform all numbers into a 0-4 score distribution, according to differences between numbers in a same raw. It's like a kind of rank score.
I want to obtain in each raw:
- 1-2 numbers with score = 4 (if three or more numbers have similar values: no 4 scores)
- a maximum of 3-4 numbers with score 2-3 (according to differences between these numbers but also also according to the 4 scores already assigned)
- all other scores = 1 if the numbers are >0
- all other scores = 0 if the numbers are 0
example: |14|23|3|0|45|0|10| => |2|3|1|0|4|0|2|
Would it be possible to do with Excel?
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Jan 8, 2010
I would like to know if there's an easy way to transform an excel file from 2000 version to 2007 version or if I have to redo completely my file
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May 24, 2007
I have a sheet with data imported of another software. In the column "G" are all the dates, and the problem is how can i change the format, because, some of them are "mm/dd/yyyy" and the rest are "mm/dd/yyyy".
Is there a way to change it to the same format? maybe there are some dates like "11/02/2007" that are "02/11/2007" (i don't know how change it with code), and others that the difference between formats is logically clear. I want to get the format "dd/mm/yyyy".
After this i want to apply a filter between two dates, for example, (in dd/mm/yyyy) from01/05/2007 to 30/08/2007.
I've tried different ways, but i'm not able to transform the format of the dates to the same format, although i've read your help and other posts that talk about this.
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Mar 11, 2014
I want my macro to transform the cells whom values are visible into pure value no formula "behind them". I have simple multiplication formulas in those cells. If The result of a multiplication is 0 and I format that cells to not show me that 0 with "0.000;-0.000;;@" the macro still deletes the formula from that cell.
[Code] .....
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Mar 16, 2009
Am working with a spreadsheet of about 1000 rows and 50 columns which I need to transform into 2 columns and as many rows as needed. I have attached a simplified example of a 3x3 spreadsheet so you can see what I mean. I have already managed to get my result using Filtering and some copy and paste but I am struggling to now fully automate the solution.
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Nov 14, 2013
I have an excel 2007 script that downloads daily stock data and prices. I do analysis and graph the data.
I would like to keep the download the same, but modify my analysis so as to obtain weekly and/or monthly data.
I am sure this is commonly done, and is not rocket science, but so far I am baffled as to the procedure / algorithm to do this.
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Nov 7, 2009
I am running Win XP and Excel 2003.
I have a macro I found here on the boards written by Lenze to delete an entire row based on what is found in column A. I would like to delete any row where Col. B contains 10 or less characters and I have modified it to do so (or at least I think it does). My problem is that it takes about 12 minutes to run the macro (I have about 50k lines to run through). I was wondering if this is the fastest method or if it examines things other than just column B.
Sub Test()
Dim i As Long
LR = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
For i = LR To 2 Step -1
If Len(Cells(i, "B")) < 11 Then Cells(i, "B").EntireRow.Delete
Next i
End Sub
After this runs, I am left with Columns A to somewhere around AH. The columns are generally in the format of text followed by a numeric column. An individual text column has the same name through all of the rows. The numeric columns have varied values whether negative or positive.
Ideally what I would like: If a given cell (ie. C2) in Row 2 is numeric, then copy the cell to the left (ie. B2) into (ie. C1) and then delete Column B. I need this to work for multiple columns from B to C, skip D and E, and then from F to AG (and maybe beyond).
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Mar 25, 2008
my existing macro, as the run takes to much time to complete. (at least 20min) I've already tried several loops, but no one worked for me. Following situation: There are two excel files, entries in column 73 - 85 will be copied from WorkbookRust to the other workbook if the numer in column 5 is the same. Not every cell within this columns contains data, so the macro should automatically jump to the last entry in each of the above mentioned columns, instead of predefine the range as you see in the code below. After the data is copied to the other workbook, it will be filtered acc. to Sub FilterMain and then copied back to WorkbookRust. As already said, the whole thing works, just to lame.
Sub Allmacros()
Dim WorkbookRust As String
WorkbookRust = ActiveWorkbook.Name
ChDir "C:Documents and Settings vogtMy DocumentsRüstplausch"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:Documents and Settings vogtMy DocumentsRüstplauschCH_Revenue_2008.xls"
Windows(WorkbookRust).Activate ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!UpdateEntries" ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!FilterMain"
'not ask to overwrite existing file
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub
Sub UpdateEntries()......................
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Aug 20, 2014
I have a spreadsheet which is updated daily. Row A of the sheet has the date in it, and every day a new column is created for the that set of data. I have the below code which works at the moment:
[Code] .....
I want to use this same code on another spreadsheet to do the same process (I need to copy and paste 4 columns (A,B,C + D, into E, F, G & H, then tomorrow it will copy E, F, G & H into I, J, K &L etc etc)). The problem I'm having is that A1:C1 is a merged cell, then D isn't (used as a border to separate). So when it is copied I need to select the merged cell columns and column D (i.e. A:C & D on day 1) and paste it into E:H with E1:G1 merged.
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Aug 2, 2012
a macro to convert this;
Into this;
So far I have the following, but this is not quite right!
[QUOTE][Sub ConvertRange()
Dim targetRowNumber As Long
targetRowNumber = Selection.Rows(Selection.Rows.Count).Row + 2
Dim col1 As Variant
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Jan 20, 2013
How would you set up a macro to delete numbers in a spreadsheet in one column that appear in another column or worksheet?
In other words, if I have the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10 in one column and in the same column, or another column or worksheet I have the numbers 1,2,3,4,5 - I need a way to delete 1,2,3,4,5. I know how to delete duplicates via the advanced filter but I want to have the duplicate and original deleted.
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Mar 25, 2013
I am trying to find a macro that look for last non empty cell in column A and them paste a formula/comment in all cells of column B.
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May 22, 2008
I have been working with a few people on here to setup a macro to copy text from a column of cells to another column and then print this in to a text document but it seams to have got stuck in a loop ....
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Sep 19, 2008
I am looking for a Macro that will search a column for blank cells, and when one is found will add text to the same row in another column. For example: The below is a spreadsheet. I am trying to find something that will search through column "C" in this case and add text (of my choice) to Column "A" if the cell is Blank. So Since cell C1 is Blank then Type "ERROR" is cell A1.
1 X X X X
2 X X X X
3 X X X X X
4 X X X X
5 X X X X
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Feb 21, 2014
This is for a template for teachers to analyze student testing data. On sheet4, wrong answers in each column are noted by a lack of a + in the corresponding cell. I want to paste the names of the students who missed each question into sheet 5.
I've done it by repeating a filter macro, but I manually copied the following separately for the 75 columns in the template.
Problem #1 - there must be a more efficient code, something that automatically loops to the next column
Problem #2 - the template has 75 columns, but many tests have fewer questions. I'm trying to find a way to stop the loop whenever it hits a blank cell in Row 10 on sheet 4. I've done it with an if/then in the last section on the above code, but where I'm at now, i would have to add that to the code section for each column. Which isn't that big a deal, but I figure there must be a better way.
The relevant portions of the workbook are attached here.
repeating macro until hits blank cell sample.xlsm
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Mar 11, 2009
I have the file here i work with, basically the first column is a legend and the column to the right of it is a pointer column to help me find out where a legend is located in another file. So i was wondering if a macro could be made to basically find where the "legend column" A, C, E ect ends ( every other column is a legend column , one next to it is a pointer column ). and then combine the ends all of the columns contents and put them into 1 column.
In the file with this question i have showed you what i start off with, i highlighed in yellow where each column legend ends, ( normally these are not highlighted and i find them manually ). In the 2nd tab i show what the end result should be. All the columns are now consolidated into 1 column. 1 after the other.
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Jun 8, 2009
This macro is extreemly basic but i have no skills in excel with macros. Basically i have 'Column A' with stats that i need input into 'Column B', however i need then to be input inside a field that is already there.....
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Sep 3, 2013
I have a macro that copies data from one sheet to another. I would like getting the macro to figure last row used in column B from B3 on and put the word Sum below it. For example, if last row used is B64, on B65 would like the word sum on it.
I cannot just input in as the number of rows could change when macro is run. Data is dynamic.
Here is simple code I have:
Sub Weight()
Sheets("Final Month").Select
Sheets("Final Weight").Select
[Code] ...........
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