Using VLookup On Duplicate Values To Get Sum Of Both

Feb 11, 2013

I am currently busy with a material tracking sheet. The sheet tracks all the material from fabrication to being released from painters.

My problem is that in a summary sheet that I created, I used vlookup to get the exact value of the item number that was released.

Focus on Item # 043-06016

example summary.jpg

[Code] .....

This formula only gets the first value and not the 2nd value that was also released so that in my summary sheet i can get 2

example released items.jpg

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VLookup With Duplicate Values

Apr 12, 2012

I have an interesting problem where I am trying to display a list of top ten ranked items and I have multiple items tying for a rank, creating two or more values for one rank.

I have a table that shows the ranking, numbers 1 to 10. I'm using a vlookup formula to find the rank and return the corresponding name from my data table.

The problem I have is there are two that are tied for 3rd place, so I have two ranking at three. The current table looks something like this:

1 Warren
2 Stan
3 Mike
4 #N/A
5 Dan

I can change my table so that the numbers on the left are dynamic so it will display the number 3 twice if there are multiples of the same ranking, but when I do my lookup I'm still stuck.

Is there a way to return the second "3" on the lookup? Or is there a better way to solve the issue?

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(UDF) MACRO To VLookup Duplicate Values To Columns

Apr 13, 2013

I need a User Defined Function (UDF) to Vlookup duplicate values in separate Columns.

I can't use an Array function as the data is huge and it takes lot of time to calculate.

I have attached a Input and the desired output in the file attached.


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Get Correct Value Using Vlookup Formula In Duplicate Look Up Values?

Mar 4, 2014

How to get correct value using vlookup formula in duplicate look up values.

Here i mentioned a eg;


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Duplicate Values For VLookup - How To Receive Data Back

May 23, 2014

I have a situation where I have about 20000 lines to populate and looking for a quicker alternative. I have duplicate numerical values in the lookup_value. I want the same number to appear for all lookup_value's but there is only one instance of that value on the other sheet I am searching. My table looks like this:




Column A Column B

50058459 1234
68594523 9876
58965214 3456

I want my output of vlookup to look like this

Column A Column B

50058459 1234
50058459 1234
50058459 1234
50058459 1234
68594523 9876
68594523 9876
68594523 9876
58965214 3456

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Macros To Delete Entire Duplicate Row For Duplicate Values?

Aug 19, 2014

I have a worksheet that has 3 duplicate values in a particular column, I need a macros that will highlight two of the duplicates row and then another macro to delete the entire row. The duplicate element are in column R. find attached worksheet.

Copy of OCL 2010 (3).xlsx‎

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Mark Duplicate Values :: Insert Word Duplicate Next To Row

Jun 12, 2008

I am using the following macro to insert the word "Duplicate" in the first blank column next to a duplicate row. My data is sorted by the first column. Data Example:

12345 a
11111 b
23123 b

Here is the macro I am using and it does not work. It marks the first duplicate it finds then goes into an infinite loop. Any Idea where I went wrong?

Sub MarkDupes()
x = ActiveCell.Row
y = x + 1
Do While Cells(x, 1).Value <> ""
Do While Cells(y, 1).Value <> ""
If (Cells(x, 1).Value = Cells(y, 1).Value) Then
Cells(y, 3).Formula = "Duplicate"
y = y + 1
End If
x = x + 1
y = x + 1
End Sub

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Sum Duplicate Values Then Delete Duplicate Rows

Jan 5, 2004

I have 4 columns in my spreadsheet. I am trying to find any duplicates that may exist in Col A, sum values in Col D, then delete the entire row. So far my sheet before I run my vba code is this.

Col A

Col D

After my code is run, I need for my spreadsheet to look like this

Col A

Col D

I have some code but I still need to do a considerable amount of tweaking to it. Currently my code is only deleting the duplicate values in Col A. I am having difficulty summing the values in Col D as well as deleting the entire row.

Here is my code thus far....

Public Sub FindDuplicates()
For RwCnt = 1 To (Worksheets(1).Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
SrchValue = Worksheets(1).Cells(RwCnt, 1).Value
If Len(Trim(SrchValue)) > 0 Then
With Worksheets(1).Range("a1:a" & Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row)


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Sum Duplicate Values Then Delete Duplicate Rows

Jan 5, 2004

I have 4 columns in my spreadsheet. I am trying to find any duplicates that may exist in Col A, sum values in Col D, then delete the entire row. So far my sheet before I run my vba code is this.

Col A

Col D

After my code is run, I need for my spreadsheet to look like this
Col A

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Vlookup And Duplicate

Jun 17, 2009

I want to check with the vlookup function and some other form of either index or other function where if I check (enter an ID) an ITEM ID and then it will tell me how many different products have been assigned to that ID ITEM. In some cases the ITEM ID has only used One Product, whereas other ITEM ID's have used muliple products.

I have attached an example of what I am trying to achive (its possible the same ITEM ID could have several products used against it.

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VLookup With Duplicate Data

Jan 27, 2012

I have a table simmilar to this:

Reptile Dog Red
Reptile Tiger Purple
Mammal Tiger Stripes
Mammal Tiger Spots
Mammal Racoon Black
Mammal Cat Plaid
Mammal Dog Brown
Mammal Dog Purple
Reptile Dog Red
Reptile Tiger Purple
Tree Dog Orange
Tree Pine Green

I would like to use this data to populate within a seperate worksheet that reads:

Mammal, Tiger, Stripes
Mammal, Tiger, Spots
Mammal, Dog, Brown
Mammal, Dog, Purple

Essentially pulling all of one duplicate item within a column. The problem I ran into is when I run a vlookup within the entire table, it gave me duplicates.

Basically, it gave me...
Mammal, Tiger, Stripes
Mammal, Tiger, Stripes
Mammal, Tiger, Stripes
Mammal Tiger Spots

I know this is because of the array, just forwarding to the next item, and rerunning the lookup... since Mammal is not at the top... it has to wait till the array gets to the area of "mammal".

How do I create the list, so it will not create the duplicates... like in the example I gave.

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Vlookup With Duplicate Id & Interval

Oct 16, 2008

I have a template whereby it show agent hourly performance. I unable to use vlookup formula because duplicate id with different interval. If I select id 1977 it will auto update agent performance it the table according to the interval.

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Using Vlookup With Duplicate Data

Nov 25, 2009

Message board virgin here, but I need help with an excel issue so excuse me if I don't follow protocol.

I'm using vlookup to return the salesperson by serial number, but run into a problem when my criteria has a duplicate value, but my answers does not.

Here's my example:

Serial#, Salesperson
123 Bill
456 Bob
456 Suzy
789 Bob

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Vlookup - Pick Last Of Duplicate Entries

Jan 15, 2010

Writing this workbook in 2007, but it will be used in 2003. Have searched but can't find answer to this. I have a 5-column (A to E) table array and I'm using VLOOKUP in several other cells to return values in col2, 3, 4 & 5 with my lookup value being col 1. However, col 1 will contain numbers which occur more than once. How can I get VLOOKUP (or something else?) to pick the last occurence (lowest row) and use that one? Also, the array will be sorted - smallest to largest - as the rows go down - how will the SORT work on duplicate entries? I'd like, if possible, for the entry made most recently to be the lowest of the duplicate entries so that VLOOKUP (or whatever) will pick that one to use. Will any kind of SORT do that?

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Ranking With Duplicate Values While Ignoring Zeros And Negative Values

Mar 26, 2014

I'm trying to rank the values in cells S32:S38 in ascending order while ignoring zeros and negative values. I also need to rank duplicate values with a unique ranking, so that no ranking value is repeated. I tried the formula below, but the ranking values start at "2" instead of "1" and I can't figure out how to fix it.


[Code] ....

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Counting Duplicate Values With Repeated Text Values

Jan 25, 2004

I have a collumn with lots of different text values some repeated. how can i count all these values so that it only counts each value once.


if in cell A1 i have = "apples"
and in cell A2 i have "apples"
and in cell A3 i have "Pear"

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Macro: Find Duplicate Values & Sum Values. Per Day Basis

Oct 13, 2006

I have data that looks like this:

day# id amount
1 56575 0
1 56675 0
1 56680 0
1 56683 0
1 56681 0
1 51810 0..............

How do you write an excel macro that looks at the number in the first column (day #) and finds all the duplicate id#s in the second column that are in day 1and adds the amounts together in the 3rd column then writes the first column number (day#), second column number(id#) and the third column (sum of the amounts of duplicate Id#) to an new worksheet. Then the macro would loop through day #2 and do the same thing. Notice that the values in the id column are unique in this data set below this is how I would like the data to look. I have accomplished this in a pivot table but my problem is I need a cvs file to export the final data into an external database which is why I need a macro.....

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VLookup - Find Duplicate Accounts And Get Count?

Apr 24, 2012

I have a workbook where i am trying to find duplicate accounts. I need to get a count of these duplicate accounts and i need to find the accounts as well. One last thing the workbook covers an entire year and i would like a formula that will cover the 12 sheets to provide the results.

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Removing Duplicate Information In Same Cell After Performing VLookup?

Apr 8, 2014

I have used a vlookup code from a past post (Vlookup multiple values in one cell) in VBA and successfully retrieved my information to one cell.

However, I would now like to remove any duplicates in this cell; preferably while running the same code.

--vlookup code
Public Function mVLOOKUP(mlookup_value As Range, mtable_array As Range, mcol_index_num As Long)
Dim r As Range


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Unique Values From List Of Many Duplicate Values?

Jan 31, 2014

how to get this with formula:

Column A - - Column B
a - - - - - - - a
a - - - - - - - b
b - - - - - - - c

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Using Vlookup Or Similar Function To Find Missing Values Compared To Base Values

Apr 30, 2014

I am trying to find some missing values compared to 6 base values. For instance, I have a sheet with some names translated to another language, I am trying to find the languages some names have not been translated too.

For example, if I have six languages, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese- Traditional, and Korean to compare too, I want to find any names that are not translated in certain languages.


John Japanese
John Chinese - Simplified
John Korean
Martin Arabic
Martin Chinese - Simplified
Martin Russian
Ramon Arabic
Ramon Russian
Sam Arabic
Sam Chinese- Traditional

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Formula For Duplicate Values?

Jun 17, 2014

I have data that is set up like this:

A1 B1
Apple Sweet
Apple Juicy
Apple Worm ridden
Apple Round
Apple Cooking
Apple Grannies
Pear Green


and would like to combine all of the duplicates from A1 into one field, with all of the options in B1 combined into one cell (separated by a |). So the above table would read:

Apple Sweet|Juicy|Worm ridden|Round|Cooking|Grannies
Pear Green|Tasty|Mouldy
Orange Tangy|Tasty
Peach Rare|Forbidden|Expensive|Squishy

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Add To Duplicate Values In A Range?

Jun 20, 2014

I have a range of times, and with the whole range I cant have any duplicate values, if they are duplicates I would like to add 1 second until all the values are individual.

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Showing Duplicate Values

Nov 6, 2008

I have to compile spreadsheets as tables of various values. One column in particular is a column of ID numbers and the worksheet is very very long. I need a method for checking this one column for duplicate ID numbers.

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Identify The Duplicate Values

May 22, 2009

i currently have two columns (e.g. A2:A400, B2:B20) and i am trying to match all the values in B to A, displaying TRUE or FALSE (if the values from B don't appear in A) in column C.

i have tried using the various formula for duplicates, substituting what i thought would be the correct formula, but to no avail.

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Counting Duplicate Values ..

Nov 19, 2009

I'm trying to find a code that will count duplicate values in columns B,C and D and put the outcomes in B1, C1 and D1.

If've tried conditional formatting but can't count any formatted cells with duplicate values.

Any Ideas?

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Rank Duplicate Values

Aug 15, 2008

I have a list of values (some are duplicates) which I need to rank.

The problem arises where I have more than one of any rank, the next rank skips a number. I need to have a list of sequential numbers and therefore can't have any numbers missing.


Value Rank Desired Rank
120 1 1
125 2 2
130 3 3
130 3 3
142 5 4

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Finding Duplicate Values Using VBA?

Aug 19, 2013

I have multiple columns / rows of data, some of which are duplicates.

Column S is a concat of columns A:R where this data is stored, and is sorted alphabetically.

I'm looking for a way using VBA to find duplicate concat rows by cycling through this list that is already sorted. I'm interested in moving down this list, 1 by 1, and if current cell = cell above, delete the data in columns A:P of that row, then delete the cell data in column R of the cell above the current cell.

So for example, if I have sorted data in S8:S14, and S9 = S8, then I would like to delete A9:P9, then delete the data in R8.

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Counting Duplicate Values?

Jan 25, 2004

I have a collumn with lots of different text values some repeated. how can i count all these values so that it only counts each value once.


if in cell A1 i have = "apples"
and in cell A2 i have "apples"
and in cell A3 i have "Pear"

i want this to return the value 2 not 3, make sense?

how can this be done via a formulae or macro?

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Counting Duplicate Values

Feb 4, 2007

I have a 2 columns with lots of different text values some repeated. Again Colum B has a Yes/No anwer input, how can i count all these values in Colum A based on whether the Column B value equals yes.

Column A / Company Name_____________Column B / Reply

Company X ___________________________Yes
Company X ___________________________No
Company Y ___________________________Yes
Company Z ___________________________Yes
Company Z ___________________________Yes

What I want the formula to do is count all the Yes occurrences in column B and Only one distinct occurence of a Company


From the above I want to see 3 as a result as opposed to 4 as they are two Yes entries for Company Z

I have been able to use the SUMPRODUCT function but dont have the knowledge to build upon this to take the second column value into consideration.

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