Vba To Delete Rows Based On Certain Conditions In Column A

Mar 2, 2006

I have a report in which I need to delete the entire row for each cell in Column A that has the name "Defacto" in a certain location in that cell. I am trying to use VBA code in conjuction with the "MID" function [i.e., Mid(Cell.Value, 8, 7) = "Defacto"]. This is the code I came up with (but, obviously, it doesn't work):

Sub DeleteRowOnCondition()
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select
For Each Cell In Selection
If Mid(Cell.Value, 8 , 7) = "Defacto" Then Rows.Delete
Next Cell
End Sub

As well, there is another worksheet in the same report in which I need to delete all the rows that do NOT meet that condition (while retaining the ones that do).

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Delete Rows Based On Two Conditions

Mar 29, 2012

I need a macro that loops through all rows (With the exception of the first row) and looks for two conditions. If those two conditions are met, I'd like for it to delete the row.

The first condition is if Column O does not contain a certain phrase "VTX" VTX isn't the complete value of the column, it might just be contained within a few other notes in that column.

The second condition is if Col S equals "COMPLETE/FOLLOW-UP IMAGING".

So if these two conditions are met, Col O does not contain the word "VTX" and Col S equals "COMPLETE/FOLLOW-UP IMAGING", then that row should be deleted.

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Identifying Rows To Delete Based On Multiple Conditions?

Jun 5, 2014

Maybe this has been taken care of in another thread, but still:

1 222222 0 0
2 222222 0 0
4 333333 0 0
5 333333 0 0
6 333333 0 0
8 444455 1 1
9 444455 1 1

I have a situation like above, but what I want to do is:


(create name for set?)



THEN DELETE ROWS(within set) >=2

Or more simply:

If there are rows with multiple Accident ID numbers, name that set,
and if OCC_K and/or OCC_K values are BOTH >= 0,
then delete all duplicate rows?

Yes I figure there needs to be some way to distinguish Row 1 from Row 2, (flagging one of the two?) so that ROW 2 can be identified, and similarly with Row 4 from Row 5 from Row 6, but the general flow of commands is what I'm trying to get at.

Is it also possible to use AND and OR in the same line? Or BOTH?

(I have other variations on this that I also like to ask about, such as multiple rows within a set that meet certain conditions that are identified in a different field, but for now this is a simpler version.)

I would like to think I'm not going to need a macro, and that I can do this in a Formula.

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Delete Rows Based On Condition Of 1 Column

Oct 19, 2007

I would like to Use my Excel VBA program to search each row in a csv document for a name (located in a cell ) if the name exists then I would like to delete the entire row.

Whenever I try to do the above in excel, even when I save in csv format the file formating or something gets changed and the file which has to be procesed through another program then process incorectly.

Is there a way to do what I need while retaining the formating which must obviously be changed when the file is opened in excel?

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Delete Non Numeric Rows Based On Column

Mar 12, 2008

The attached picture shows part of an excel file. It contains about 50.000 rows which I want to run a pivot on. The problem is though that the file contains some rows which stop my pivot from running correctly. These data which I mention are in rows 4, 7, 22-25. Seeing as deleting them manually would take me hours and hours I was wondering if there would be a macro which I can run which delete rows automatically. I think it should filter on the following: whenever there is not a numeric value in column A, the entire row should be deleted.

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Delete Rows Based On Flag In Column

Mar 14, 2008

I want to get a Macro to delete all rows wherever "DELETE" appears in a certain column - I tried using the Delete Entire Row Based on Criteria Macro on Ozgrid but I'm looking for a fully automated solution, rather than the question boxes coming up and asking which cell/criteria to use. The spreadsheets I'm using this on are big, so because this Macro uses filters, it takes a long time and I also need to run this macro on multiple sheets so its not practical to use this.

DELETE is just the word I'm using as the TRUE statement generated from an IF formula that I'm using to compare cells in adjacent rows ie =IF(AND(E2=E3,G2=G3,Q2=Q3),"DELETE",FALSE) - Its completely fine for me to copy/paste values of this formula first and then sort the column so that all cells containing DELETE will appear at the top of the column if that helps. Any ideas on how I could get a Macro to delete those rows at this stage?

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Delete Rows Based On Date Column

May 10, 2008

modifying the following from deleting rows older than 365 days to delete rows older than 12 months. So I can keep a rolling year by month.

Sub DeleteOldSR()
Dim x As Long
Dim iCol As Integer

Application. ScreenUpdating = False

iCol = 7 'Filter on column G (Create Date)

For x = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, iCol).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1
s = Cells(x, 3).Value
If s Like "Closed" Or s Like "Closed w/o Customer Confirm" Then
If Cells(x, iCol).Value < (Date - 365) Then
Cells(x, iCol).EntireRow.Delete
End If
End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

I tried modifying the IF statement using month with the following but it seems to delete all months < and is not year dependant.

If Month(Cells(x, iCol).Value) < Month(Date) - 12 Then

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Delete Duplicate Rows Based On 1 Column

Jun 12, 2008

creating a macro for an excel spreadsheet? The problem I am faced with is I need to reduce a xls file from a ticketing system at work that contains roughly 50,000 rows.

What I need to have done is reduce a Site Code column (column B) so that for each ticket entry there is only one occurrence of each user that worked on that ticket.What the macro should do is to look through column B and remove any duplicate rows for the same ticket number located in column A. once the macro gets to the next ticket number in column A I need it to start over on the duplicate check for column B.

I have a attached a xls file to this post to try and show what it is i am working on.

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Delete Rows Based On Seperate Column Data

Nov 29, 2006

How can I delete an entire row based on seperate column data? Example: I want Excel to look at cell A2 and cell E2. If the values are the same I want Excel to delete row 2.

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How To Delete Rows Based On Whether Or Not A Cell In Column B Is Empty Or Null

Jun 23, 2014

I am building a template ("Table") that will import data from 4 other spreadsheets and then format the data once its all in the template. I need to delete all rows where a name didn't import. The names are landing in column B (starting with B22), so I set up my code using an active cell loop macro to examine each cell to see if it was empty, and then to delete the row if it were. I've tried 4-5 iterations of code but nothing is working correctly.

Apparently when the fields are copied over from the other spreadsheets, some empty cells actually have something in them such that they are not completely blank. What syntax I can use so that I capture every instance of a blank/empty cell and delete that corresponding row? Some of the code I've tried is below.

[Code] .....

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Search Column Bottom Up Then Delete Rows Based On Value Found

Jul 7, 2009

I've attached a dummy worksheet that shows constant values of 1.00 in columns D and E. In the actual workbook, user action will sometimes cause these values to change to something other that 1.00. The user may wish to delete the action that caused the change.

I need a macro that will search from the last cell in column D upward to the first instance of a cell that is not equal to 1.00 and select that cell and those immediately above with the same value as the first found cell.

For example, in the attached worksheet the search would start in the last cell of Columd D and search upward. It would find cell D23 and upward to D19. These entire rows would be deleted.

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Delete Duplicate Rows Based On Cell/column Values?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a excel file which contains dublicate rows. The duplicate rows can be identified based on few cell/column values. I need a macro to delete the duplicate rows when the below condition is satisfied: let us consider row 5 and row 6:

If column 7,12,13,16,17,18,19,23,24,27,28,29,30 in row 5 = row 6 then row 6 has to be deleted. This condition has to be followed for all other rows in the excel used range. Have attached the sample workbook.

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Delete Rows Based On Criteria While Referencing Column Header

Jun 6, 2007

I'm trying to use VBA code to delete certain rows based on a couple of criteria as follows:

1) If column header is "TERMINAL NAME" and the cell value in that column is "BONDDESK", I need the entire row deleted.

2) Similiarly, if the column header is "PRODUCT TYPE" and the cell value in that column is "CORP", that entire row needs deleted as well.

The information is coming from another source, so the columns may change from day to day, i.e, "TERMINAL NAME" may be in Column L one day but in Column O another day.....

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Delete Rows On Conditions

Apr 25, 2009

I would like to delete rows that are based on these conditions:

First ,Do a loop from row 2 to last available row
- Delete rows with same column(column B) that has the same value. However I want the last available row with the same ID to remain.

- Delete Rows with any values in found in other sheet column B. When the value taken from the first sheet(ABC) is compared to the column B in second sheet(DEF), if they are equal, the row will be deleted in the second sheet and the rows in first sheet will main.

The comparsion of ID are compared between sheet ABC and sheet DEF
(the Highlighted are those rows to be deleted based on those conditions)
The final outcome are shown on col H I J for sheet ABC and col I J K for sheet DEF.



2100111Case 1

100222Case 33100222Case 3

50333Case 1450333Case 1

57444Case 3557444Case 3

150666Case 26200555Case 1

100111Case 17150666Case 2

100888Case 38100111Case 1

231999Case 19100888Case 3

200555Case 110231999Case 1

100112Case 411200555Case 1

100113Case 112100112Case 4

100114Case 2 13100113Case 1

100115Case 114100114Case 2

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Delete Rows, Multiple Conditions

Jul 20, 2009

I need help with the following conditions. I have attached a sample file with desired results.
Conditions required to delete row:

1Delete Row when cell E is blank (example: Row 6 will be deleted as E6 is blank)
2First character in column 'C' is an alphabet (for example: Row 5 will be deleted as the first character in the cell is an alphabet
3First character in column 'B' is an alphabet (for example: Row 29 will be deleted as the first character in the cell is an alphabet

Special Notes : All characters in column 'B' are not in number format (ex: 555-9999 is general)
There are more than 1500 rows of data that need to be sorted with the above conditions.

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Delete Duplicate Rows If 3 Conditions Are Same?

Jul 1, 2012

I have a sheet caled "Data", with thousands of rows.

I want to delte any rows that have duplicate rows only if the following data is in the same row but if in column A, coloumn C and column H have the same data

w 1 1 3 4 5 6 7
e 1 1 1 3 4 5 8
w 2 1 5 2 5 6 7

The last row would need to be deleted as dupilcates are A C and H

The data is not sorted.

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Delete Multiple Rows Under Certain Conditions

Aug 1, 2008

I need to eliminate the passing jobs, leaving the failing ones so I can do coaching sessions with the guys that are missing the mark.

Conventions of the report:

Each job has a 20 digit job # and is allocated 12 rows worth of information fields unless customer has more than 1 cable outlet with a modem, then the rows increase by 4 for each additional modem
Tech name is repeated after every 12 rows even if within the same job #
On passing jobs, column I will only contain “Yes” (there are blank cells in column I, as not every parameter is checked on every job), failing jobs will contain “No” in column I

Items I need to accomplish:

· Increase column C width to 22 and column E to 25

· Format column C to number, 0 decimal places (to avoid scientific notation)

· Move tech name to beginning of each job # and eliminate repeated names

· Delete all rows plus tech name on passing jobs

· Change cell color to red in rows (columns A-I) that contain “No” in column I

I have highlighted each different job # in different color

John Smith10002934422610200000Outlet 2D - Up Stream SNR274029.4Yes10002934422610200000Outlet 2D - Up Stream Tx365546Yes10002934422610200000Outlet 2D - Down Stream .............................

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Delete Duplicate Rows When Two Conditions Are Duplicated

Jan 14, 2008

Each task in my spreadsheet has multiple jobs assigned to it. Frequently users will work two jobs for the same task simultaneously and log the time together.

Unfortunately when I go to try to sum up how much time was spent on each task, this causes it to appear as if the task took twice (or even twenty+) times as long as it truly did.

I want to be able to figure out the time spent on each task for each user. In order to do this, I need to get rid of rows where the task id and the user id are both duplicated in another row.

Ex: ...

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Delete Cells Based On Multiple Conditions?

Jul 16, 2013

I'm trying to remove cells that contain certain suffixs. Here is the code I'm trying to use:

For i = 7 To 2000
If Cells(i, 7) = "IV," Or Cells(i, 7) = "Jr," Or Cells(i, 7) = "III,"
Then Cells(i, 7).DELETE Shift:=xlToLeftEnd IfNext i

but it does absolutely nothing. I've used this for similar macros in the past and it worked just fine.

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Hide Rows Based On Two Conditions?

Apr 3, 2013

I'm trying to hide rows in an excel sheet based on two stipulations. I want to hide the row if it finds a particular value in column B and a different particular value in column K, otherwise i want it to do continue looping until it has hidden all rows that meet both stipulations.

Sub hide_loop()
Dim bl As Excel.Range
Dim blrange As Excel.Range


Currently I have tried different approaches, like a Do Loop, but I could not make that work, and this seems closer. The problem I'm having right now is that with this loop it hides everything found in column B regardless of what is in column K. I suspect this is because of the code following the if statement.''

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Deleting Rows Based On Set Of Conditions?

Dec 30, 2011

I have the following data

Ticket NumberOriginSectorDescFB DataPax NameClassPointO CCRegionDestin

I need to delete rows based on following conditions, If,

Ticket number, origin, FB Data, Desc, pax name is same i need to delete all rows except the Row which has Destin filled in. In the above example I need rows only with NBO

Result should be as follows,

Ticket NumberOriginSectorDescFB DataPax NameClassPointO CCRegionDestin

I need one more criteria to be tested the above result. IF,

origin, FB Data, Desc, pax name is same and ticket no is A1+1 i need to delete the second row

Final result should be

Ticket NumberOriginSectorDescFB DataPax NameClassPointO CCRegionDestin

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Code To Delete Rows Based On Status Code In Column

Jul 24, 2009

I'm trying to write a VBA script which will delete all rows in my Excel spreadsheet where Column I (which contains a status code) does not contain the word "Completed".

At the moment, I'm doing this the other way round: my script is able to search for entries in Column I which contain the status codes "Pending", "Awaiting Authorisation", "In Progress" etc and delete them. The idea is that when all those rows are deleted, I'll only be left with rows which have a status of "Completed". This works fine at the moment. However, the concern is that if a brand new status code is added to the data file, my script would be unable to pick it up and delete it. This is a small sample of the code I'm currently using (which deletes all the rows with statuses other than Completed):

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Count Data In Column X Based On Conditions In Column Y

May 6, 2009

I am wanting to count the number of records (excluding cells with no value) based on criteria in a corrosponding column. In column "AS" I have a number of records that are not sorted showing values "7", "13" and "2".

In column "AL" there are values attached to some of these records based on certain IF statement conditions. I am wanting to count and sum the number of records in column "AL" that meet the conditions of "7" in column "AS" and so forth.

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Highlight Non Matching Rows Based On Conditions

Aug 7, 2007

I am having a problem finding or creating a macro for what i am needing to do. I have a workbook with 2 worksheets (2 months july and august) to figure out a billing process.

I need to be able to First of all search each value in Column A on sheet 2 (august) to Column A on sheet1 (July).

My sheet is set up like this where ID is a buyer and Products 1,2,3...are if they have purchased that product from us

1 ID Product_1 Product_2 Product_3
2 100 0 0 1
3 200 1 1 0
4 300 1 0 0
5 400 0 1 0

Better Picture representation attached

Both worksheets are very similar but August may have some changes from July such as new ID's and changed prduct purchases. What I need to do is have each ID in Column A be compared to Column A in the July sheet, but it may not always be the same cell (because of new ID's added they are moved around)..so it need to search for the same ID first then compare. Once it finds the ID, I then need it to compare the rest of the row (the product info) for that ID to see if any products were added or changed to determine billing. And for any changes that are found in the comparison, I need them to be highlighted.

Now in the case that a new ID was added...it wont be in the July sheet, so the whole row would need to be highlighted to notify of a new ID and new billing needs to be added.

This way the billing person can look at the sheet, see the highlited changes and see what is new or needs to be added to a previous ID's billing. Currnelty they are looking at it manually to see if there are changes.

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Toggle To Hide & Show Rows Based On Conditions

Mar 4, 2008

First, I realize there are plenty of hide cells threads but I have yet to find one pertaining to my situation and I apologize in advance if I this solution has already been posted.

The Problem: I am looking for macro code to a toggle button that will hide various rows that have no value between multiple sets of rows. The toggle should refresh the format of the rows as the information that was blank could later on have value.

The Setup: For each set of rows, the first row will have the label T and the last will have the label S. In between T and S there can be data. If the cells between T and S are all empty then the rows including T and S should be hidden other wise only the non blank cells between T and S should be visible.

The Reason: I have a master database worksheet, there are four copies of the master database worksheet each entitled phase1, ""2, ""3, & ""4 respectively. These phase sheets are linked to the master sheet and show the entire row's data based upon the beginning cell of each row showing either phase1, ""2, & so on.. The data is broken up into many sub databases and traditional auto filters or advanced auto filters will not be applicable as the title of the data and the empty rows in between need to be hidden if the data is empty.

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Sum Cells In Column Based On Conditions In Other Column

Dec 6, 2013

I am trying to sum up cells from a column based on conditions in another column (see attached file). I know this could be done using a formula but for various reasons I want to use code. I am not sure if what I am doing is the right approach.

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Excel 2003 :: Hiding Rows Based On Conditions On Two Worksheets?

Jan 4, 2013

I have two worksheets (Sheet1 and Sheet2). Based on meeting a condition on Sheet1 AND Sheet2, I'd like to use macros to automatically hide rows on Sheet2.

Sheet1 sample:


The conditions are: If on Sheet1, a Type has the Selection "Include", then any rows on Sheet2 which have that same Type are shown (ie. not hidden).

If on Sheet1, a Type has the Selection "Exclude",then any rows on Sheet2 which have that same Type are hidden.

So in the example tables above, if ONLY Type A = Include, then on Sheet2, the rows for Sample URL1 and Sample URL2 are shown, and the others are hidden.

Also in the example tables above, if Type A = Include AND Type B = Include (and all other Types are Exclude), then on Sheet2, the rows for Sample URL1, Sample URL2 AND Sample URL3 are shown, and the others are hidden.

I'm fine with the concept of If... And... on the same worksheet, it's trying to get it to look at two separate worksheets I'm struggling with!!

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Excel 2003 :: VBA / Hiding Rows Based On Three Conditions On Two Different Worksheets

Jan 14, 2013

I have a workbook with two worksheets, Sheet1 and Sheet 2. Based on the data entered in the 2nd column on Sheet1, I'd like a macro which hides rows for Events which do not meet the criteria entered on Sheet1.

So in the example below, on Sheet2, I only want to see rows where the Country=Scotland, AND the Location=Glasgow, AND the Start Date is greater than (or equal) the Start Date on Sheet1.

Sample of Sheet1


Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy)


So in this scenario, only the FIRST row meets the 3 criteria (Scotland, Glasgow, date after 30th April), thus all the other rows should be hidden.

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Query Worksheet & Return Rows Based On Conditions/Criteria

Jun 1, 2008

I am trying to query a names sheet where each row may contain more than one occurence of a member ID. There are no duplicate rows ( records), because the dates are different for all rows.

1. I want to retrieve all of the rows from the names sheet that match a unique member ID. So far I only get one row.

2. And if mistype the number, it gives me a wrong record .I would like to get an error message that if I don't get a match, that it appears in the somewhere like dialog box or even entry in one of the cells that no name exits.

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Trying To Use SUMIFS To Sum A Column Based On Two Conditions

Jan 11, 2010

I would like to use a SUMIFS statement to sum up a column of numbers based on two conditions. The first condition is a word. I have this done. The second condition is going to be a two week date range, which I am having problems solving.

Here is my formula that works so far.

Now I would like to SUMIF a second condition is met. The second condition is a date and time in this format.
1/9/2010 9:21:49 AM

I am only concerned about the date. Time does not matter. I cannot figure out how to specify a date range for the second condition. I am trying to specify between 1/1/2010 and 1/14/2010 as a test. So here is what I have so far with a SUMIFS.

=SUMIFS(Data!D:D,Data!C:C,"Office",Data!A:A,"Cannot figure out how to specify dates")

Maybe my logic is wrong...maybe I need to do three conditions? Where column A has a date < 1/14/2010 and a condition that specifies a date > 1/1/2010.

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