On a regular basis I have to upload cost to our order system. These cost are sent to me by the suppliers, and the part numbers have to match exactly, (from the excel sheet to the order system), or else the cost won't upload.
I have found that in some of my upload files there is a space, or sometimes several spaces, at the end of the part number. These spaces will screw up the upload. I alwyas use the "Replace" option to replace spaces with nothing, and that usually works.
In the attached sample file, there are 3 part numbers with a space at the end of the part number. I tried using the replace option. That didn't work. I also tried using the =TRIM() formula and the =CLEAN() formula, and neither of those removed the spaces. Why can't I remove the spaces from the end of these part numbers?
I have come up with this to Trim all of the data from rows 2:30 removing any trailing spaces after the last word in each cell. The macro takes a couple of minutes to run have I got something wrong that is making it run slowly or does the Trim process just take longer?
Sub TRIM_RANGE() Dim myRange As Range Dim myRow As Range Sheets("CAMPAIGNS_2007").Select Set myRange = Range("2:30") If myRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Application. ScreenUpdating = False myRange.Replace What:=Chr(160), Replacement:=Chr(32), _ LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False For Each myRow In myRange.Columns If Application. CountA(myRow) > 0 Then myRow.TextToColumns Destination:=myRow(1), _ DataType:=xlFixedWidth, FieldInfo:=Array(0, 1) End If Next myRow Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
I'm trying to remove leading spaces in cells that have numbers. I'm familiar with the functions TRIM and CLEAN but they don't seem to work on numbers. Unfortunately, just reformatting the cell as text doesn't work.
I'm coping and pasting data (html) into a worksheet. When I try to format some of the columns as accounting$, number, ect. They won't format. It looks as if there are spaces before and after the data. So I tried the trim and clean function but it doesn't work, so I guess the blank "spaces" are not really spaces.
It gets better...
When I do the same exact copy and paste (as html) on another persons computer, they are able to format just fine, and the "spaces" are removed automatically.
Why is this working on one computer but not the other? Is it a setting that my computer has enabled or disabled? If so, what is it?
I have some cells containing imported text with a lot of leading spaces. I try to get rid of them by TRIM'ing those cells, but it doesn't work. Is TRIM only for trailing spaces?
Suppose I have a list (mine is several thousand lines) with city names. In this list some has manually input some names with double spaces between multiple word names -- Example (using dashes to represent spaces in this case):
Maple-Grove Maple--Grove
I know about the function TRIM, but that only works at the start or end, I need something simple to trim the extra space between two words.
My V-lookups are not working. I have data with extra spaces before or after the word. The table I am looking up does not have extra spaces. I'm trying to to a TRIM(data with spaces) and then copy and paste the values so that the spaces go away and the TRIM is not taking my spaces out.
I am working with a spreadsheet and rather new to be VBA. How do I select a range that only has data. I currently have the following macro, but when I run it, it checks every cell in the active worksheet which cause the application to hang. I would like it to automatically select only cells that have data in them ignoring all empty cells. I need this to be an automatically process running without the user selecting a range of data.
I am trying to use the trim function to remove unwanted spaces at the beginning of cells that contain an address. The entire column contains spaces prior to the street number/name.
to trim leading and trailing spaces from values I'm getting from a For Next routine. I'm using c as my variable and Trim(c.value) as the operation.
There are other routines that search for the explicit string that's the result of the trimmed value and some can't be found because the trim as I'm using it isn't trimming.
I'm in need of some VBA code (to be included in a Macro) that will automatically use the TRIM function for all cells in a whole column and that will then replace the values in that column with the resulting TRIM values. I have a LOT of individual files with varying #'s of records in them, so a way that will address all of them (all the cells in the specified column due to varying #'s of records) would be best.
Excel tables to the web >> http://www.excel-jeanie-html.de/index.php?f=1" target="_blank"> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
How can I ensure that all Rows before "Title" and all Rows after the last populated Row (denoted by the fact that there is a single blank Cell after it) are completely deleted?
I have a spreadsheet that has data in columns A through AE. I have built a VBA that deletes all columns except 2 (columns C & AF), and brings them over to columns A & B.
Column C contains a 10 digit number and column AF contains text similiar to "ASSIGNED ON 10 CALLS BOLDI". My VBA deletes all unneeded columns, but I am having trouble getting it to do 2 additional functions. I want it to delete the verbiage of "Assigned ON" in the cells under column AF, and delete the last number of the account number under column C, so that the account number is only 9 digits long. Here is my VBA:
I have created an excel tool w/ A LOT of macros in it, and the tool "speaks" to the SQL server (downloads data from it and uploads it back). My big problem now is that every time I run any of the VBA code the amount of RAM that is getting allocated to Excel (2007) is increasing - I am checking it in the Task Manager. So if I work for a long time without closing down Excel - my entire RAM is getting consumed and the system slows down, and sometimes crushes.
I was wondering if there is a way in VBA to clean up memory that is used by Excel.
Do you have any hints? I am using extensively 3 things - screenupdating off; displaymessages off, and calculations off. But this speeds up Excel but doesn't reduce the memory usage.
I have a bunch of "empty" cells. They only look empty visually. In fact, they contain something, because they are preventing some formulas from working. How do I cleanse them and make them truly empty without disturbing the contents of the other cells containing real data.
This formula does what I need it to do, but this is the shortest of the lines. Another cell has the same structured formula, but 15 hard keyed values. I know there is a way to clean this up, I just can't remember how and searching isn't providing the results I need.
I am trying to clean up a template that shows #DIV/0! in the cells that contain the formula below, when there is no value present in the NamedReference.
It worked for a short time but now I am having problems running it. I get an excel error that says excel can't continue. Someone said in a previous post that this could be cleaned up and consolidated. how to clean this up. It took me forever to get this right.
I need to do in excel, clean same lines and text to columns.
In the 1fs sheet "Sheet1" is the file I need to clean same lines and text to columns; In the 2sd sheet "final" is the result I need in the end of the clean lines and text to columns;
I am building a weekly email to my clients giving them some data on their account. When i send through file-> Share as html email, the formatting gets all screwy.
I am putting together a master sheet of 1000s of contacts for colleagues taken from various sources (outlook contact download, linked in download, inputted business cards etc). I have noticed that everyone has their own way of using outlook and the data (normally addresses and phone numbers) appear in different columns and formats. I have used the function concatenate to add zeros back to numbers if i have had to use .csv as the download output, but I have the issue of mobile numbers in the wrong columns (i.e. someone has put a mobile number as the business phone). Is there a way of creating a new column and then applying a logic formula of some kind saying if a number starts with 07 then it appears in the new column, but if it doesnt then to ignore it therefore separating the mobile numbers so I can add to the correct column?
in my sample xls,there are some contents (text) that i don't need. i'd like to remove the duplicate entries from the Consignee Address rows based on the contents of the Consignee City cells. what i mean? lets say, here,the word CHIOS shows 3 times,we dont need that,so we have to delete it in the Consignee Address,and leave it only in the Consignee City
Shipment Number Consignee Consignee Address Consignee ZipCode Consignee City Consignee PhonePieces Shipment Total Weight 0866-03636276 MRS NELLH NIRI LEAFOROS AIGAIIOU 22 CHIOS CHIOS 82100 CHIOS302023288 1 0.11
so,the final text should be like this: Shipment Number Consignee Consignee AddressConsignee ZipCode Consignee City Consignee PhonePieces Shipment Total Weight 0866-03636276 MRS NELLH NIRI LEAFOROS AIGAIIOU 22 82100 CHIOS302023288 1 0.11
in the second case,we have something like this: Shipment Number Consignee Consignee Address Consignee ZipCode Consignee City Consignee PhonePieces Shipment Total Weight 0866-03636453MRS KRISTINA L. KALIVION 252 LAMIA -- SELECT STATE -- GR 35100 -- SELECT STATE -- 6954689 1 0.43
here,we want to move the city (LAMIA) ,and replace the -- SELECT STATE -- in the to Consignee City
check the demo file,to see exactly what we need.. DEMO.xlsx
I have this code, which is primarily built by the record macro utility. I know that record macro does some unnecessary steps such as selecting while inserting columns etc which is generally never done in vba.
I have tried multiple forms of LEFT, RIGHT, MID, etc. Date & Month are always three characters, but the date ("12" in this example) can vary between 1 or 2 characters.