Add X Days To Date Based On Time In Another Cell
Apr 23, 2008
I have a date in col A and a time in col B. I'm trying to use an if function so that if time in Col B is greater than 15:30, the date in col A is returned plus one day. If time in col B is less than 15:30, date in col A returned with no change.
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Jun 17, 2014
I have the following:
A1 = Date item is due. (DD/MM/YY format)
A2 = Time the item was delivered (HH:MM:SS format)
B1 = Actual Date item was delivered.
B2 = Actual Time item was delivered.
I'd like C1 to count the number of days the item was late. - taking into account that 16:00:00 is the deadline on each date.
For example:
Due Date: 17/06/14 @ 16:00:00
Arrival Date: 17/06/14 @ 16:01:00
Days Late = 1
Due Date: 17/06/14 @ 16:00:00
Arrival Date: 18/06/14 @ 15:00:00
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Jun 17, 2014
I have the following:
A1 = Date item is due. (DD/MM/YY format)
A2 = Time the item was delivered (HH:MM:SS format)
B1 = Actual Date item was delivered.
B2 = Actual Time item was delivered.
I'd like C1 to count the number of days the item was late. - taking into account that 16:00:00 is the deadline on each date.
For example:
Due Date: 17/06/14 @ 16:00:00
Arrival Date: 17/06/14 @ 16:01:00
Days Late = 1
Due Date: 17/06/14 @ 16:00:00
Arrival Date: 18/06/14 @ 15:00:00
Days Late = 1
Due Date: 17/06/14 @ 16:00:00
Arrival Date: 18/06/14 @ 16:01:00
Days Late = 2
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May 27, 2012
There are dates in column C and I need to count how many days are coming due within 90 days of each date based on the today() function but do not exceed the 90 days.
Countif Today()+90
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a time column (A) that when looked in the cell only shows AM & PM times, but the cell itself (not showing) contains dates too, keeping me from be able to do a sheet wide sort of time or time frame occurrences.
Can I do some thing to sort these cells with their corresponding rows based on time only disregarding dates?
I am trying sort out all rows that in column (A) is time equal to or greater than 4:00 PM OR even maybe sort all rows that column (A) shows a time between 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM. The date in the cell is the problem, I think. Excel 2013
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Jan 17, 2014
creating a cell to show: no colour unless
date minus 90 days as amber
date minus 45 days as red
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Sep 10, 2008
I am trying to count the number of orders written per day. I used the following formula on another sheet and it worked fine, however on this one, A8 is a date only, and F2:F2000 is a date and a time.
I tried reformating the cell for date only, and it displays only the date, however, the time information is still stored, and I can't get it to do the count. Is there a way to count the date regardless of the time?
=COUNTIF('ACT Legacy'!$F$2:$F$2000,Stats!A8)
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May 2, 2014
I have a cells with a date and time in each cell. I want to subtract the number of days between the cells only. Is there a way to do that with the time in the cell? If not, how do I remove the time in each cell?
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Jul 20, 2007
I want a forumal to do in excel.
Assuming that a workday is from 8:30am to 5:00pm. (also need to not calcualte Saturday and Sunday but this example doesn't show it).
Wednesday, 7/18/07 at 4:00pm (minus) Friday, 7/20/07 at 9:00am (should equal) 10 hours or 1 day, 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Basically what I want to do it determine how much work time has elapsed from the time a message was left on voicemail to the time that someone picks that message up. We only want to assume that a message can be retrieved duruing business hours but a message can be left at anytime!
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Apr 26, 2007
I have some cells which must be in the format 15/06/2007 15:25
I then need to add either days, months or years onto it.
Say the above date/time is in cell A1, when I do =YEAR(A1)+5 it displays 2012 if I choose the general cell format, but when I select the same cell format (date time) it comes out as 04/07/1905 00:00
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Jan 8, 2009
If I use =now() in a cell it will enter the current date and time. For shift workers, this does not work.
I'm tring to figure out a formula that will only change the date at 6:00am every day. This way a person working the night shift will not see a change in the date on his sheet at all, only the day worker.
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Apr 23, 2008
I need to create a formula that states a delivery date when the order date is entered in an adjacent column. Items ordered on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be delivered the Friday of the following week, eg. ordered 23rd April 2008, delivered on the 2nd of May 2008. Items ordered on Thursday or Friday will be delivered on a Friday 2 weeks later, eg. ordered on the 24th April, delivered on the 9th of May 2008
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May 12, 2014
I've attached an example workbook.
Trip Plan example.xlsx
I'm trying to work out how to have cells R11 - Rxx generate the correct date, based on the rest of the calculations.
Please note that the attached is a crude cut down version of the larger spreadsheet, for the purpose of highlighting my problem.
SO, if E7 is changed, subsequently the values in K11:Rxx will be respectively updated.
D12 and G12 are entered manually. (although I'll probably make these drop downs or date choosers at some point...)
Depending on the value in E7 and time in D12, the required break period is listed in K11: Kxx.
The time that these periods of rest are required to occur before is then calculated and listed in O11:Oxx.
I need R11:Rxx to calculated the appropriate date from these calculations, relative to the date in G12.
For example, the rest required in K11, is required on the same day, as such it need to populate with the value in G12.
However the rest required in K13:Kxx, is required by a time (O13:Oxx) on the following day - G12+1
In some case, this time variance could run over 2 or more days.
I figure it's got something to do with the value in D12 also including the date of 0/1/1900.
I'm happy to add hidden cells for formulas/results to work around it, as the end product will print as an A4 document, where many cells will be locked.
Would prefer not go with any VBA unless it's my only option as I haven't done any VBA stuff as yet.
NB (the value in P5 is static only in this example)
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Mar 19, 2009
I am trying to write a formula that will have the cell display todays date if it is after 2:00PM, and if it is before 2:00PM I need the cell to display Today()-1. I have tried several iterations and I'm stumped.
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Nov 22, 2013
I want to calculate the end date of my German courses. This is how it works:
A course consists of 60 LU*. The course can occur i. e. three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In each day the course lasts 2 LU, which means 6 LU each week. There is no course on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and on holidays. Therefore this type of course that begins on 18-Nov-2013 will end on 03-Feb-2014.
Another course which occurs Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and respectively has 2 LU on Tuesday, 2 LU on Thursday and 3 LU on Saturday and starts on 03-Dec-2013 will end on 06-Feb-2014.
Therefore I want to create a worksheet where I set the start date, choose the days and respectively the LU amount on those days. The end date shall be calculated according to these criteria.
The workday function on excel cannot do this and I do not have any programming skills to work with VBA.
*LU = lesson units; 1 LU is 45 minutes
[Code] ...........
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Oct 20, 2009
What is the code i need to use to assign a macro to a command button which inserts the current date and time in the selected cell regardless of where that cell is?
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Sep 1, 2007
I am attempting to create a template to input specific dates. If a student submits an assignment on the due date, I have set up the spreadsheet to conditionally format whether the assignment was late or not. In addition, I have a column for when feedback is to be submitted and whether it was on time or not. My problem is this...
I cannot figure out a formula or a way to determine:
If the student submits the assignment late, when will the feedback be due? For example, if submitted one day late, the instructor has an extra day to submit feedback.Two days late is an extra two days to work on it etc..
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Mar 1, 2014
I am having rows of data, that i will be updating from time to time. I want excel to move the latest updated rows, in any column if updated, to move to the top, to easiy know that i updated those records. It should be that when i updated more rows than one, then the first updated cell would be in lower, in order, than the latest updated cells. I do not want any cumbersome vba. I want in formula or in conditional formatting. The row no may be total not limited to some rows.
Because, you naturally would have updated the 200 th record and would have saved. It saved as it is, so when you next opens it it is there, but how can i know that that is the last row of data i edited.
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Jul 4, 2008
is there a formula that will say how many days there are in a month ?
B9 contains the a refrence to the first day of the month eg 1/7/2008 I want the cell above it (B8) to return 31. If the date reference is 1/6/2008 I want (B8) to return 30.
I'm using it to pro rata by the number of days in a month.
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Mar 22, 2012
Consider this code:
'light eligibility
Dim facb As String
Dim sunset As Variant
[color=green]' check if facility has lights[color]
facb = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(RID, ds, 10, False) 'find facility code
If WorksheetFunction.VLookup(facb, fac, 6, False) = "Y" Then 'facility has lights
sunset = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tempws.Range("A9"), sun, 2, False) 'lookup the sunset time based on the record's date
[Code] ......
This code checks the need for lights at a facility.
It first checks to see if the facility even has lights by cross-referencing a value in the record with a facilities database.
If it has lights, it then checks to see if they are needed. If the rental goes past the sunset time, then it needs lights. Sunset is determined by cross-referencing the date value in sheet1! A9, with the sunset database.
If it needs lights, variable lghtson is calculated equal to "sunset"-30 minutes.
As I step through this code:
WorksheetFunction.VLookup(facb, fac, 6, False) = "Y" Facility has lights.
Check to see if lights are needed.
sunset = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tempws.Range("A9"), sun, 2, False)
sunset=0.879166666666667 which is 9:06PM. This is a proper value from the lookup.
If rental_end.value > sunset Then
rental_end (value from textbox) = "9:30 pm" , sunset=0.879166666666667. This is true, and Excel accepts it as true ...
lghtson = sunset - 0.5
0.379166666666667 = 0.879166666666667 - 0.5 (9:06 AM)
This is not the value I was looking for. I was looking for 8:34PM (0.856944444444444)
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Jul 8, 2014
I have a list of data that displays data by day, I want to select only the data for the for the current month and then the same day time frame for previous months in the data set.
Today's date 08/07
Full days into month 7
Formula to sum data in columns B that only looks at dates 01/07-07/7
I will the adjust that formula for a January date that only pulls data for 01/01-01/07
Then repeat for Feb-June
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May 19, 2009
I need a formula that will calculate the number of days from a date entered into cell A1 to today's date. Whether it's before or after todays date. Example:
5/10/2009 to today is -9
5/22/2009 to today is 3
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May 13, 2008
I have column B with a heading "Days Remaining" and column L with a heading "Deadline". starting with row 5, I need to be able to enter a date in L5 and see the days I have left, from that day untill today, on B5. I need to then be able to enter a date into L6 and see a result in B6 and on and on. Then I need to be able to insert or delete a column and have the formulas still work in the columns with the heading "Days Remaining" and "Deadline"
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm documenting the steps of a process with each step accounting for a specific amount of business days. How do I determine the specific business day based on the number of days it takes to complete a process? For example: Start date then 45 business days from that date the next step begins...then 3 business days from that date the following step begins and so on.
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Dec 6, 2006
I have a large dataset where the first column is date and time i.e. "20/01/2005 03:41:06" and I want to delete certain rows based on the times. I have already tried playing about with macro's but failed fairly spectacularly so far. I have code from someone else to delete cells if the value equals a certain time but this doesn't work as the cell contains the date too.
I have already recorded one macro to reformat the data to as the software return 10 timestamped samples per hour and I want 8 i.e. every three hours so there is constant separation for statistical purposes. Both the macros are shown below so you can see what I have.
Ideally I would like to replace the line - If (r.Cells(n, 1) = TimeValue("22:41:06")) ............ - with one that reads - If (r.Cells(n, 1) CONTAINS TimeValue........ - but I don't know if that is possible? If not is there a way to separate the time from the date into 2 columns and then I can delete rows based on the time column using the code below? .......
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Jul 25, 2014
I have added 3 tables data .. also I had created a sample solution calc for emp1 and project1 ... I need to calculation the ratio between the months based on the working days and allocate the efforts accordingly.
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Jul 31, 2009
I'm needing a formula that will determine the number of days that fall in a specific month based on a date range. For example, if I have a date range of 10/15/2009 to 01/13/2009, I need the formula to determine the number of days in each month within the range (October has 15 days in the date range; November has 30, December has 31, and January has 13.) I have a large spreadsheet that would be so much easier to manage with such a formula. Currently, my spreadsheet is setup as follows. I need the forumla automatically fill in the number of days under each month.
Stard Date End Date Oct-09 Nov-09 Jan-10 Feb-10
10/15/2009 01/13/2009
I'm using Excel 2007.
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Mar 14, 2014
I am making process TAT(Turn Around Time) which required following information. In Excel 2007.
1-Count number of days between two dates where working days are (Sun to Thursday). So required to exclude (Friday,Sat + Holidays)
A1-Start Date Mar/01/2014
B1-End Date Mar/31/2014
C1-No Of Days 22
D1-Days between two dates 21
E1 To E10-Holidays
2-Count number of days between two dates where working days are (Sat to Thursday). So required to exclude (Friday + Holidays)
A1-Start Date Mar/01/2014
B1-End Date Mar/31/2014
C1-No Of Days 27
D1-Days between two dates 26
E1 To E10-Holidays
Note : Any weekend (off days) dates listed in holidays should not effect the query.
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Jul 19, 2014
I am using Excel 2013. Anyway, the first issue is that I need to pull a date and a time period from text. So, for example, if I see something like Sunday Prime Time 7/6/14 8:37PM, I would want to pull ONLY the "7/6/14 8:37PM" out of it. Each text box could potentially be different, so it might not always be in the same format as "Sunday Prime Time 7/6/14 8:37PM" it might only show just the date and/or the time without all the extra text i.e. 7/6/14 8:37PM. Some of the cells will have text, others might only have just the time or even just the date and the time. The only thing that I am worrying about in each cell is extracting just the date and time. If this is too much to ask of excel, I would be ok with extracting ONLY the time - 8:37PM and not the date, but I would much rather be able to get both the time and date.
THEN, onto part two of my question. After I would pull the dates and times, I need to compare them with each other. So, when I have the same date with two separate times on that date, I need to write a formula to show if those times on that date are less than 30 minutes apart. So, if I have 6 times on 7/6/14, I need to know if any of them are less than 30 minutes apart.
I would need to have the formula say something like "Problem" if the times on 7/6/14 would be 5:30PM, 5:48PM, 7:00PM, 8:00PM, 8:15PM, and 9:00Pm for example. I would like to see the word "Problem" since 5:30PM and 5:48Pm is only 18 minutes apart, and "Problem" after 8:15PM since that is only 15 minutes past the 8:00PM which is obviously under 30 minutes. The times that are more than 30 minutes apart such as 7:00PM and 9:00PM for example are more than 30 minutes apart from any of the other times that were extracted.
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May 29, 2013
I want to enter the word 'Closed' in cell B1 when the due date in cell A1 is exceeded by 272 days. I have tried using conditional formatting and excel accepts the formula but nothing seems to happen. Here is what I have tried;
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