Date And Time Based On Shift In Cell

Jan 8, 2009

If I use =now() in a cell it will enter the current date and time. For shift workers, this does not work.

I'm tring to figure out a formula that will only change the date at 6:00am every day. This way a person working the night shift will not see a change in the date on his sheet at all, only the day worker.

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Calculating Day And Night Shift Hours From Date / Time

Dec 22, 2009

I want to find the hours worked in day shift and night shift. Day shift is from 06:30 to 18:30 and night shift is from 18:30 to 06:30. Listed below is an example of my date/times.

Note that the night shift carries over to the next day.

21/12/09 07:00 to21/12/09 11:09
21/12/09 07:46 to21/12/09 14:41
21/12/09 12:13 to21/12/09 22:08
21/12/09 16:40 to21/12/09 18:05
21/12/09 19:40 to22/12/09 02:34
21/12/09 23:20 to22/12/09 04:39
22/12/09 02:06 to22/12/09 06:15

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Calculating Overtime And Regular Time Based On Shift Schedule?

Nov 19, 2012

I am trying to calculate over time based on shift time.

For example: Regular shifts are between 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM (Monday thru Friday). Anything between those hours and on those days should be considered REGULAR TIME. Anything between 12:00 AM to 6:59 AM or between 3:01 PM to 11:59 PM should be calculated as OVERTIME.

Anything on Saturday or Sunday should be calculated as OVERTIME as well.

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Calculate Pay For Shift Work With Different Rates Based On Shift Hours

Apr 11, 2008

a person works for certain hours and get paid according to the hours worked either by day or by night or a mix of both. Day payment is $8 when worked between 08:00 and 19:59 , night payment is $12 when worked between 20:00 and 07:59. The excel cell are formatted as datetime with yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm , the function works fine in getting the time information and checking whether the whole work is all day or all night , yet the if-then-else statements for calculation seems to be wrong!!


start = 2008-01-01 09:15 , end = 2008-01-01 11:40 , all day as it is between 08:00 and 20:00 and cost = 8/hr = 19.333

start = 2008-01-03 21:05 , end = 2008-01-04 02:05 , all night as it is between 20:00 and 08:00 and cost = 12/hr = 60.000

start = 2008-02-02 19:00 , end = 2008-02-02 20:05 , cost = 9.000 as 1 hour day = 8.000 plus 5minutes night = 1.000

Function prod(st As Date, en As Date) As Double
Dim shour As Integer
Dim smin As Integer
Dim ehour As Integer
Dim emin As Integer
Dim stod As String
Dim etod As String
pday = 8
pnight = 12
shour = Hour(st)
smin = Minute(st) + shour * 60
If (shour >= 8 & shour < 20) Then
stod = "day"
stod = "night"
End If
ehour = Hour(en)
emin = Minute(en) + ehour * 60
If (ehour >= 8 & ehour < 20) Then.................

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Operational Model - Shift Start Time Plus Amount Of Hours Worked In One Cell.

Feb 19, 2009

Is it possible that a cell contains both numeric and alphanumeric data and to do calculations on that?
For example: if a cell conatain the value "10a" or "8.5b" etc. Would it be possible to have a column that gives me the hours worked (the numeric value in the cell) and a line that gives me the amount of people that are working on shift "a" (the alphanumeric value in the cell).

Is this at all possible? Or does that require VBA/Macros and stuff (in which case this is posted in the wrong part of the forum )

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Add X Days To Date Based On Time In Another Cell

Apr 23, 2008

I have a date in col A and a time in col B. I'm trying to use an if function so that if time in Col B is greater than 15:30, the date in col A is returned plus one day. If time in col B is less than 15:30, date in col A returned with no change.

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How To Populate Date Cell Based On The Sum Of Two Time Cells

May 12, 2014

I've attached an example workbook.

Trip Plan example.xlsx

I'm trying to work out how to have cells R11 - Rxx generate the correct date, based on the rest of the calculations.

Please note that the attached is a crude cut down version of the larger spreadsheet, for the purpose of highlighting my problem.

SO, if E7 is changed, subsequently the values in K11:Rxx will be respectively updated.

D12 and G12 are entered manually. (although I'll probably make these drop downs or date choosers at some point...)

Depending on the value in E7 and time in D12, the required break period is listed in K11: Kxx.

The time that these periods of rest are required to occur before is then calculated and listed in O11:Oxx.

I need R11:Rxx to calculated the appropriate date from these calculations, relative to the date in G12.

For example, the rest required in K11, is required on the same day, as such it need to populate with the value in G12.

However the rest required in K13:Kxx, is required by a time (O13:Oxx) on the following day - G12+1

In some case, this time variance could run over 2 or more days.

I figure it's got something to do with the value in D12 also including the date of 0/1/1900.

I'm happy to add hidden cells for formulas/results to work around it, as the end product will print as an A4 document, where many cells will be locked.
Would prefer not go with any VBA unless it's my only option as I haven't done any VBA stuff as yet.

NB (the value in P5 is static only in this example)

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Show Current Date Or Yersterdays Based On Time In Cell

Mar 19, 2009

I am trying to write a formula that will have the cell display todays date if it is after 2:00PM, and if it is before 2:00PM I need the cell to display Today()-1. I have tried several iterations and I'm stumped.

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Delete And Shift Cells Based On Cell Values

May 23, 2007

I have a spread sheet that has RX codes as field headers and ones or zeros as values. I want to find all cells which contain "0" and delete those cells while shifting the remaining cells left. The range of cells is aj1:dr17365 and the sheet name is "May 07 Rx HCCs"

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Date/time Macro: Inserts The Current Date And Time In The Selected Cell Regardless Of Where That Cell Is

Oct 20, 2009

What is the code i need to use to assign a macro to a command button which inserts the current date and time in the selected cell regardless of where that cell is?

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Move Latest Updated Cell In Sheets In A Workbook Based On Time And Date

Mar 1, 2014

I am having rows of data, that i will be updating from time to time. I want excel to move the latest updated rows, in any column if updated, to move to the top, to easiy know that i updated those records. It should be that when i updated more rows than one, then the first updated cell would be in lower, in order, than the latest updated cells. I do not want any cumbersome vba. I want in formula or in conditional formatting. The row no may be total not limited to some rows.

Because, you naturally would have updated the 200 th record and would have saved. It saved as it is, so when you next opens it it is there, but how can i know that that is the last row of data i edited.

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Lookup Sunset Time Based Onrecord Date - Incorrect Time Calculated

Mar 22, 2012

Consider this code:

'light eligibility
Dim facb As String
Dim sunset As Variant
[color=green]' check if facility has lights[color]
facb = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(RID, ds, 10, False) 'find facility code
If WorksheetFunction.VLookup(facb, fac, 6, False) = "Y" Then 'facility has lights
sunset = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tempws.Range("A9"), sun, 2, False) 'lookup the sunset time based on the record's date

[Code] ......

This code checks the need for lights at a facility.

It first checks to see if the facility even has lights by cross-referencing a value in the record with a facilities database.

If it has lights, it then checks to see if they are needed. If the rental goes past the sunset time, then it needs lights. Sunset is determined by cross-referencing the date value in sheet1! A9, with the sunset database.

If it needs lights, variable lghtson is calculated equal to "sunset"-30 minutes.

As I step through this code:

WorksheetFunction.VLookup(facb, fac, 6, False) = "Y" Facility has lights.
Check to see if lights are needed.
sunset = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tempws.Range("A9"), sun, 2, False)
sunset=0.879166666666667 which is 9:06PM. This is a proper value from the lookup.
If rental_end.value > sunset Then
rental_end (value from textbox) = "9:30 pm" , sunset=0.879166666666667. This is true, and Excel accepts it as true ...
lghtson = sunset - 0.5
0.379166666666667 = 0.879166666666667 - 0.5 (9:06 AM)

This is not the value I was looking for. I was looking for 8:34PM (0.856944444444444)

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Delete Date & Time Cells Based On Time

Dec 6, 2006

I have a large dataset where the first column is date and time i.e. "20/01/2005 03:41:06" and I want to delete certain rows based on the times. I have already tried playing about with macro's but failed fairly spectacularly so far. I have code from someone else to delete cells if the value equals a certain time but this doesn't work as the cell contains the date too.

I have already recorded one macro to reformat the data to as the software return 10 timestamped samples per hour and I want 8 i.e. every three hours so there is constant separation for statistical purposes. Both the macros are shown below so you can see what I have.

Ideally I would like to replace the line - If (r.Cells(n, 1) = TimeValue("22:41:06")) ............ - with one that reads - If (r.Cells(n, 1) CONTAINS TimeValue........ - but I don't know if that is possible? If not is there a way to separate the time from the date into 2 columns and then I can delete rows based on the time column using the code below? .......

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Change Working Shift To A Time?

Apr 19, 2014

In Cell A1 I have the date. In Cell B1 is the shift. There are three shifts labeled as 1, 2, and 3. Is it possible to create a rule that will convert 1 to 0700, 2 to 1500, and 3 to 2300? Below is an example of how I need the shifts converted to time (military).


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Return The Value Of The Shift Time On Other Sheet

Mar 30, 2009

I have a worksheet that contains a 5 week shift pattern for workers. It is briefly laid out as:


Months Jan to Dec 09 are there and shifts are divided up to ABCDE. I need another sheet to return the value of the shift time i.e. 1330-2130, probably via a lookup?? In my second sheet I have the Day number, the month and the shift letter.

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Excel 2013 :: Extract Date And Time Info From A Text Cell That Contains Text And Date And Time

Jul 19, 2014

I am using Excel 2013. Anyway, the first issue is that I need to pull a date and a time period from text. So, for example, if I see something like Sunday Prime Time 7/6/14 8:37PM, I would want to pull ONLY the "7/6/14 8:37PM" out of it. Each text box could potentially be different, so it might not always be in the same format as "Sunday Prime Time 7/6/14 8:37PM" it might only show just the date and/or the time without all the extra text i.e. 7/6/14 8:37PM. Some of the cells will have text, others might only have just the time or even just the date and the time. The only thing that I am worrying about in each cell is extracting just the date and time. If this is too much to ask of excel, I would be ok with extracting ONLY the time - 8:37PM and not the date, but I would much rather be able to get both the time and date.

THEN, onto part two of my question. After I would pull the dates and times, I need to compare them with each other. So, when I have the same date with two separate times on that date, I need to write a formula to show if those times on that date are less than 30 minutes apart. So, if I have 6 times on 7/6/14, I need to know if any of them are less than 30 minutes apart.

I would need to have the formula say something like "Problem" if the times on 7/6/14 would be 5:30PM, 5:48PM, 7:00PM, 8:00PM, 8:15PM, and 9:00Pm for example. I would like to see the word "Problem" since 5:30PM and 5:48Pm is only 18 minutes apart, and "Problem" after 8:15PM since that is only 15 minutes past the 8:00PM which is obviously under 30 minutes. The times that are more than 30 minutes apart such as 7:00PM and 9:00PM for example are more than 30 minutes apart from any of the other times that were extracted.

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Time Zone Conversion - Morning Or Night Shift

May 6, 2014

I have this Spreadsheet that has different country, Is it possible that it will auto convert the time into PHT Time (GMT +8) which is in Column A.

For example:

Its 3PM (Cell G1) in Bhutan. I want it to be converted in GMT +8
So therefore the time for GMT+8 will be 5PM and will be shown in Cell A1.

Also there will be an automated identifier in Column B that will identify if that time is for morning shift or night shift.

The morning shift is 12PM til 8PM
While the night shift is 8PM til 11AM.

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Conditional Total Shift Time Spanning Midnight

Mar 6, 2008

I have time in the column C and its Description in column D. i want to calculate total number of hours from "9:26:00 PM" which is in C16 to "3:23:14 PM" which is in C1. from this total hours i want to deduct the time that agent was not available. for eg an Agent is not available from "3:23:14 PM" To "3:23:53 PM" then again from "3:26:57 PM" to "3:27:13 PM" Then again from "3:42:35 PM" to "3:44:10 PM" and so on.......thus i can find out the productivity time lost from the total time an agent was logged in. I have attached the Sheet so that it will be simpler to understand.

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Split Date & Time Cell & Format Time As Hundreth Of Second

Sep 6, 2006

I have one column with as many as 50,000 or more rows. The data format for each row/ cell is unique as shown below ( date and time). I wanted to split the data as shown in "Formatted Data" below. Have Tried Text To Column formatting but didn't work right.

Raw Data: Formatted Data (2 cells):
2005/11/02 23:55:15.758 ==> 2005/11/02 23:55:15.758
2005/11/02 23:58:16.698 ==> 2005/11/02 23:58:16.698
2005/11/03 00:07:13.830
2005/11/03 00:10:14.971

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Format Date & Time Cell To Hide Time If 0:00

Dec 28, 2006

I have a Excel Dates & Times column where the time is not always used. In these cases the time is 12:00AM. Is there a way to Custom Formats the cell so that the time is only visible if it is not 12:00AM?

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Copy Row If DATE & Time In Cell Is Between Time Span

Mar 9, 2008

I have a problem regarding sorting data having date and also time within a single cell.

Example data (I have written it as code to preserve formatting)


12/5/2008 02:072/5/2008 06:0128804833363
22/5/2008 18:012/5/2008 18:0599271297

Column B is start date and time whereas Column C is end date and time.
My aim is to cut and paste the whole row automatically to Sheet2 if the time is within 2AM to 8AM else leave as it is.Also I don't know anything about VBA Script.

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Lookup Wage Calculations (calculate Pay Per Shift Dependant On The Type Of Shift)

Dec 1, 2009

I have the basics set up, but need to work out how to make it calculate my pay per shift dependant on the type of shift i have worked.

I have attached a screen shot of the current page,

In it i have currently used validation drop boxes for the location and worked columns with tables just to one side of the sheet.

The shift pay is the column i am having trouble with.

I would like it to change dependant on what is selected in the 'worked' column.
For most things it should just display basic plus holiday, however if supervisor is selcted in the work column, it should display basic plus holiday plus supervisor.

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Inserting Time (or Date And Time) In Cell On Row When Cell In That Row Changed

Aug 21, 2013

I have a spreadsheet where an engineer is expected to record sample temperatures of water outlets, along with the time he took the sample. Each outlet has a row on the spreadsheet with a column for the Temperature and column for the time. I would like to automatically input the current time(or time and date) on each line as the temperature is entered.

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Add A Date Time Stamp In A Cell After Data Is Entered In A Different Cell And Date

Apr 18, 2014

I am working on an Inventory Spreadsheet. I have need it to date time stamp that willpopulate a different cell /field when text are entered in a different cell/field and will not change all the previous dates entered on the spreadsheetevery time I re-open the spreadsheet. I formula I am using is =IF(E3<>"",IF(D15="",NOW(),D15),"")and it changes each time I open thesheet to do the inventory so I do not know the date of the last inventory. Iwant to capture the actual date that the inventory was completed in thesecond/different cell?

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Adjusting Date Based On Time

Jan 28, 2010

I have the a file that is downloaded from AS400. The time column is presented in 24 hours format in column D. For example : 92114 means 9.21 am. I need a formula to adjust the date in column B based on the following criteria:

1) If the time is after 2.00 pm, adjust to the next working day taking into account public holidays in column H

2) If the time is before 2.00 pm, remain the same day

3) if the time is after 2.00 pm and it is Friday, adjust to the next working day taking into account public holidays in column H

The correctly adjusted date is in column E.

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How To Subtract Time From Date And Time Cell

Mar 2, 2014

I need to subtract the time alone as per below example:

Cell A : 2/4/2014 8:58:13 AM

I need in Cell B as : 2/4/2014 8:46:13 AM (Minus 15 minutes)

How to get this?

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Remove The Time From A Cell With Date And Time In It?

Apr 22, 2009

I have data exported from a defect management tool (that reports all the defects that have been recorded in the defect management system). This data has unique columns for name of originator, defect ID, date originated, priority, etc. The date originated column has the date and time. I want to create a report that tells me how many High, Medium and Low priority defects were created on each date - and I am using a pivot table to do this.

However, because the date column is actually the date and time the defect was reported/recorded, the time element of this is making all the dates unique eg, I have three defects recorded on 29/01/2009, a High priority defect (reported at 29/01/2009 12:23) and two Medium priority defects (reported at 29/01/2009 13:02 and 29/01/2009 13:32). My pivot table is showing each date as a unique date - with a count of 1 against each, whereas I want to see 1 date entry (for 29/01/2009) with a count of 1 against High and 2 against Medium.

I have tried custom formatting the date column to dd/mm/yyyy - which appears to work in the data (but doesn't in the pivot table, because the time stamp is still there, just not visible). I have tried copy and paste special [Values] (on the custom formatted date column) -but the time stamp is still there. I have tried formatting the date column to "General", but this changes the dates to the number format - eg 29/01/2009 12:23 becomes 39842.5166203704.

I have tried inserting a new column and using the =Left function for the first 10 characters of the cell (ie the 29/01/2009), but that gives the first 10 characters of the number form of the date, ie 39842.5166. Basically, without going into every date cell (and I have thousands) and manually deleting all the times, how do I quickly change the date column into just having the date in it (ie how do I strip off the time element)?

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Pull Date & Times Into Seperate Cells From Date & Time Cell

Apr 2, 2008

DONNAS [Single cell, 1st row] 09/08/2003 15:34 [Single cell ( date and time combined) 2nd row]. Do you know of any way that I can move the name, date and time from the above cells to three separate columns on the same row?

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Identify Occurrences Based On Date And Time

Feb 21, 2014

How to identify the criteria (break or lunch) that he took first based on the time stamps. Here's the sample scenario: I would like to know which one is the 1st break or 2nd break they took based on the Date & Time criteria. See attached file for the sample data.

Sample results:

Agent 001 : 1st Break = 2/21/2014 10:13:00 AM
Agent 001 : 2nd Break = 2/21/2014 7:13:00 PM

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Converting A Date Based Upon A Time In Column A..

Jan 15, 2009

I some assistance with converting a date based upon a time in column A. I have a number of dates in column A as follows:

01/13/2009 11:50 AM
01/05/2009 09:14 AM
01/12/2009 05:30 PM
01/12/2009 02:30 PM
01/12/2009 01:45 PM

I need to convert these values to another date base upon the values in column A.
If the time < 2:00 pm then leave date as is, if time > than 2:00 pm then add one day. The expected results in column B would be as follows


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