Adding Text To Single Column?

Apr 4, 2012

I simply have an entire column with random things in it that I would like to add "www." to the beginning and ".com" to the end. I am very new to excel and I am sure there is an easier way than going through it manually and entering it.

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Adding Column Widths Of Merged Area To Match Single Column Width

Sep 19, 2012

I needed to match the width a merged area of seven columns to a single column width (for row autofitting). Adding the column unit values and setting the single column to that value produced a significantly narrower width.

The documentation mentions that the column width unit is scaled to the font type and size and the absolute width is given in points.

This is set by the normal style setting in Excel Options or by VBA application.standardfontsize = 8 (in this case).

For instance, ten columns of Arial font 8 at 8.5 units you would think to be equivalent to a single column of 85 units.
In points, the difference is 420 vs. 386.25, or 33.75 points.

Well, the standard character zero has a width at this setting of 4.5 points and 1 unit is 8.25 points, leaving 3.75 points for margins.

Then (10-1) margins allowances time 3.75 points resolves the difference.

Determining the margin allowances is straightforward, and reveals that the gradation with size is stepped by MS design.
For instance, sizes up to 11 use 3.75 points for margins and increasing points for characters (except between 9 & 10).
Sizes 12 through 18 use 5.25 points, 20 & 22 use 6.75, 24 & 26 use 8.25, etc.

I have created a table for this purpose, however I rarely use a "normal" other than 8, so I can probably use that set in programming.

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Text To Column With Single Column Transpose?

Aug 13, 2014

I have a file that I need to do a text to column separated by comma and then transpose results to a single column. See exaple below

1801524, 25
1804214, 16, 18



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Import Mulitple Single Column Text Files

Apr 20, 2008

I am trying to get a VBA code to import multiple text files into an excel worksheet. The text files contain about 5,000 words each listed in a single column. I found this thread Import Multiple Text Files and the code listed there:

Sub test()
Dim myDir As String, fn As String, ff As Integer, txt As String
Dim delim As String, n As Long, b(), flg As Boolean, x, t As Integer
myDir = "c: est" '<- change to actual folder path
delim = vbTab '<- delimiter (assuming Tab delimited)
fn = Dir(myDir & "*.txt")
Do While fn <> ""
Redim b(1 To Rows.Count, 1 To 1)
ff = FreeFile
Open myDir & "" & fn For Input As #ff
Do While Not EOF(ff)..........................

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Reformat Text In Single Column To Rows Using Delimiter

Jun 10, 2008

I am trying to convert text to rows but in the same column Take the following example:

Column A:
waht i am looking is convert it to the following format: (the - is the delimiter)
Column A


i have found the following VBA code on those forums but i don't know how to edit it to suit my needs

Sub Txt_To_Rows()
Dim arrText() As String
Dim varItm As Variant
Dim rngText As Range
Dim rngCl As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Set rngText = Range("A1:A" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
j = 2...........................

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Adding Text To End Of All Cells In Column

Feb 16, 2010

I have about 5000 rows of data and I need to add the same letters (.jpg) the the end of all the data in a column.

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Adding Incrementing Text In Column

Mar 17, 2014

I've got a sheet with 3 columns A, B and C headed: "Surname", "Forename", "Membership No" with then a variable number of rows containing the data. There are no blank cells (the macro already checks for this).

In column D I have "Group Name" which I need to populate with GrpA for the first 250 members, GrpB for the next 250 and so on down until it stops with the first blank cell in column C. At the moment I'm happy for it to cope with up to 2000 members, i.e. 8 groups, though may need to extend it later (no danger of getting past GrpX though!).

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Filtering And Converting A Text Table To A Single Column List?

Dec 16, 2013

From a table like the one here, how can I generate a list (without spaces) of all the names only? Perhaps filtering by "Mr","Miss","Dr" or something? The result I'm after would be a column on a new sheet that ran:

Mr James
Mrs Milly
Dr McAllister
Miss Aujard
Mr Barker
Mrs Stanley

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Text And Number Data To Be Parsed (extracted) From Single Column

Aug 24, 2012

I need to split in Excel some thousands of data rows containing text and numbers information of different character length Data to be extracted ( parsed) is stored in a single column( the first one) and needed results look like this:

Data to be extracted
Needed results
Phone no.
Green Street no 16 Smart town Schmit Anders +3900098787867

[Code] .......

Data is composed by addresses, name of persons and phone numbers. Person's name is has two or three parts, address and phone numbers length is different ( 9 to 12 characters) I need to complete this difficult task (for me, obviously, ) in Excel using a combination of functions and/or multiple operations.

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For A Column Of Cells Separate Text In Single Cell Across Multiple Columns

Nov 29, 2013

New task for work today, which involves creating a spreadsheet for all existing members of an organization. I went to the organization's website and copied all of the names & info, then pasted into a blank spreadsheet. All of the entries were separated into their own rows, but all of the information is only in one column. Take a look at my sample:

(NOTE: does not contain actual names or info) Book1.xlsx

This sample only contains 5 entries, but my actual list contains about 200; if it had just been the 5, I would have been fine with manually separating the information, but for 200 entries I need something much faster. You'll notice in the sample that the company, person, address, phone number, email, and website (when there) are not separated by anything. I know that using Text-to-Columns, I would technically be able to achieve what I need using the Delimited option, but I can't imagine this working without separators. I thought perhaps there might be a way to separate them based off font changes or something? Or maybe some way that I can insert a semi-colon or some kind of separator between the necessary data?

While the font is Arial for the majority of the entries, in terms of font changes: company font size is 12 and color is navy blue; the person's name is size 18, bolded, and dark grey; the address & phone number are size 9 and the color is light gray; and finally, the email & website are also size 9, but navy blue in color. However, you'll notice that two of the five entries are formatted differently. This is because formerly, the entire cell & its text were a hyperlink to the email. I went ahead and removed these hyperlinks, simply using a "Remove Hyperlink" macro walk through I found on the web, but now these cells are uniformly set to Calibri and size 11, my default font setting.

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For Each Loop To Count Text In A Cell With Multiple Criteria In Single Column

Dec 19, 2011

Is there any method to speed up a for each loop to count text in a cell with multiple criterias in a single column. This is on example:

For each rr in r

If rr = "a" And rr.Font.Strikethrough = False Or rr = "B" _
And rr.Font.Strikethrough = False Then
a = a + 1

end if

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Comparing Text Values In Two Cells And Adding 1 To Result Column

Apr 14, 2013

I have an excel file with some data in it. I have two columns with one of four words in it. For simplicity I'll call them RED, GREEN, BLUE, and Yellow. A few columns over I have columns "Same" "Good" and "Bad". I'm trying to figure out a way to get excel to put a 1 in the appropriate column, if cell A1 is Red I need excel to look at the word in cell B2 and put a 1 in the "same" column if A1 and B1 are the same word. If the word in B2 is Yellow I need excel to put a 1 in the "Good" column. If the word in B1 is GREEN or BLUE I need it to put a 1 in the bad column. The tricky part is each of the four words RED, GREEN, BLUE, and Yellow have a different set of words that will be called "good" or "bad". So if the word in cell A1 if Green for example it will have a different set of good and bad color words.

So it seems I need four different functions depending on what word is in A1. In the column next to these lists of words I have the date which I'll need to use to give me the sums of same, good, and bad for each day. But first things first. I think I need to use a combination of IF functions and MATCH function, but I can't figure out anything that works. Below is what I'm hoping it will look like when I've got the right formulas.

First column
Second column


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Adding Numbers In A Single Cell

Mar 31, 2009

What is the function to add numbers in a single cell to show only a single number. I know it can be done but do not know the quick function to do it.

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Adding Single Row Using Excel Macro?

Jan 22, 2013

I am wondering if it is possible to use a formula or IF statement within a macro to add a single row at a time if a cell shows as False? For example, if the value in column AD is False, I want it to add a single row under that row that has False. However, if the value in column AD is True, I don't want it to add a row and skip to the next record. I need it for approximately 500 records.

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Adding 2 Digits In A Single Cell

Jul 29, 2008

I am triying to write a formula adding two digit in the same cell and return the sum as a single digit as shown below. but not sure how to go about doing it. would appreciate any kind souls to help out.

C5 D5 E5 F5H5I5J5K529121958 D8 F8 H8 J8 2 3 1 4Let's say if 2+9 = 11, than I wan to break 11 into 1+1 = 2, how can I get it done?examplecell D8 is the sum of cell C5 and D5 which is 2+9 = 11. than 11 is further break down into 1+1 = 2cell F8 is the sum of cell E5 and F5 which is 1+2 = 3.Likewise for cell H8 is the sum of cell H5 and I5 which is 1+9 = 10. than 10 is further break down into 1+ 0 =1cell J8 is the sum of cell J5 and K5 which is 5+8 = 13, than 13 is futher break down into 1+ 3 = 4.

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Multiple Row, Single Column Cell Blocks Into Single Row, Multiple Column Format

Mar 21, 2008

I have a text file containing internet explorer browser history. The file has data in the following format (in Excel all data is in 1 column): ...

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Copying 2 Columns Of Data Into A Single Row While Adding Spaces

Dec 4, 2013

I have two columns D and E that contain dates and values. Column D has the dates and Column E contains the corresponding values.

I need a macro to take all of the dates in column D (it is pulled from a different macro so the length of the two columns varies every time but starts at D2) and paste the first value in W1, the second value in AE1 , and so on (every eight cells).

I need to do the exact same thing with Column E except start at Y1, then AG1, etc (still every eight cells).

I will try to post an example later.

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Adding Multiple Row Contents Based On The Content Of A Single Cell

May 30, 2007

Been trying to work this one out and have ended up banging my head against the wall.

Basically I have a spreadsheet, in the first column is the person's name, in the secon which team they are in and following this a cell for each day of the month with their availability.

The team name is a selection from a list, the availability is 1-6 (different levels of availability)

I'm trying to do subtotals at the bottom for each separate team, so the very last row each of the cells for each is added up:

Name Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th etc.
Mr X ___1st___1______2__1
Mr Y ___2nd_______2________5__5__5
Mr Z ___1st___1____________3__3__3

Total 1st: 2 2 1 3 3 3
Total 2nd: 2 5 5 5

So basically the formula in the last row goes along the lines of:

Add each cell in the column IF the team name = 1st

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Excel 2003 :: VBA - Adding Named Template Worksheets Based On Single Cell Value

Apr 24, 2012

I'm trying to make a macro in Excel 2003 to create x amount of named worksheets that are a copy of a different worksheet.

1. I have a main worksheet that will have a number manually entered into a cell (lets say A1);
2. I have a 'template' worksheet;
3. I'll assign the macro to a button on the main worksheet

If I enter '10' into cell A1 of the main worksheet, I'd like to click the button and have Excel create 10 copies of the template worksheet. These new worksheets should all share the same name with a number after them (ex: banana 1, banana 2..... banana 10).

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How To Combine Text Values Of Formulas In Addition To Adding Text

Jun 15, 2013

I am trying to combine the text values of several formulas in addition to adding some text (punctuation) in between.

Here is the data that I am trying to combine

C14: 2013
C15: Period 6
C16: Week 1

In Cell C13, I would like to have this value returned: "2013 - Period 6, Week 1"

Is there such a way to do this?

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Creating Single Column List From Multi-row / Column Table And Removing Blanks

Mar 7, 2014

I'm trying to come up with a single formula to create a single column list from a table with blanks.






I know I've done this before but having trouble visualizing today.

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Find Multiple Numbers In One Column And Replace With Single Phrase In Another Column

Jan 31, 2013

I have taken over this spreadsheet for my work, and it is basically a statement in excel. What I want to do is find a list of invoice numbers in column B populated from a remittance, and then replace column F to say a specific thing depending on check number and date paying for that invoice. So if a check printed today I would have it replace column f to say paid 1/31/13 check # xxxxx. Currently I am searching for each invoice indivudually and then replacing with check number and date. There are about 200 invoices per month that I deal with, and it is a big waste of time!

For example from this

invoice #1 / reconciled (DATE)
invoice #2 / reconciled (DATE)

To this:

invoice #1 / paid (DATE) check # (xxxxx)
invoice #2 / paid (DATE) check # (xxxxx)

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Adding Text To The Start And End Of A Cells Text In Another Cell?

Nov 28, 2013

I have some text I wish to add some content to the front and back of it. i.e. the text in the cell is "" and I want to add "http://" to the front of it and ":9999" to the back to it, so it looks like "" in a different cell.

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Formula That Advances Column Number While Being Dragged Down Single Column?

Jan 14, 2014

I am creating a tool that is populating information off of another excel document and presenting the information in a different format then the data originally appears. Basically I am unsure how to create a formula, for example, in cell A1, that as I drag it down (A2, A3, etc) the column letter in the formula advances but the row number remains the same. In another words as the formula moves into cell A2, the "Sheet1!D3" changes to "Sheet1!E3", where as normally it would advance to "Sheet1!D4". I just started back up in excel, im sure this is way easier then I am making it seem but I have been unable to come up with a solution.

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Cut And Paste Single Column Data In Different Column According To Year

Dec 5, 2012

I have a file which is divided into 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 years in column A. I want these data in different column according to year. For example, Column E(2011), Column F(2012), Column G(2013) and Column H(2014).

Attaching sample a file with sample data to be converted.

It is also to be in consideration that data in column B and C should not be repeated and all year data should come in front of it.

I want this by coding or formula only. I dont want to use pivot table for this.

Expecting Result.jpg

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Extracting Data From Every 3rd Column And Appending In Single Column

Mar 11, 2013

Macro for a repetitive task. I have data in every 3rd column (max of 11 columns) that I want to extract and append the data in column A in sheet 2. The data contains some blank cells and I'd like to remove them also.

I've attached an example in this workbook : tractdata.xlsx

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Multiple Date Column To Single Column & Sort

Sep 23, 2006

I'm looking for a way to sort dates from several columns into a new single column (perhaps multiple columns if the entry columns become too numerous). I've included an example. There are currently only 4 columns, but there may be as many as 20 in the future, each with 20 dates under each heading. Any blank cells would be eliminated. If I filled a blank with a new date, that date would be placed into the chronological column. So basically, this would take the date from several different categories and create a single calendar of events.

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Copy Multi-Column/Row Range Into Single Column

Apr 8, 2008

I have a contiguous multi column, multi row numeric range that I want to copy (and sort in ascending order) into a single column on another sheet in the same workbook. What VBA code could achieve this, or alternatively can this be achieve via formulas?

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Adding Values (currency) From One Column Based On Value Of Another Column (Categories)

Nov 5, 2013

I have a worksheet (Sheet1) that is constantly growing with information. I have several categories under the "Category" column and then the various amounts under "Amount" column. I would like to have Sheet2 be able to keep a running total of the "Amount" column for each category as it increases in entries. I've attached an example sheet.


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Adding Values From One Column Based On Criteria In Another Column?

Jan 30, 2013

If i have the following layout of data

Column 1 Column 2
January 1000
January 1234
February 1300
March 1600
January 15
March 123
April 234
January 3000

I would like a formula that adds all the January numbers together returning a result of 5249

To move this one step further i would eventually need to add these numbers based on quarters, for example if the value is January February or March in column 1 then add the numbers in column 2.

I'm sure i have done this before using a countifs maybe but my mind has drawn a blank

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