SUMIF While Checking Each Array With Condition
Jul 19, 2013
I currently have a Row with this value
row1 lh lh lh
row2 8 12 8 5 2
First I will need to check if the column has an "lh" if true then sum row2, however i will need a second condition that will check that if >8 it will use the value 8 instead of 12.
However if value is<=8 get that value from the cell.
In this case the correct answer is
8 + 8 + 5 = 21
8 (because it is <=8 get the value from the cell) + 8 (because 12 is>8 use the value "8") + 5 (because <=8)
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Nov 5, 2008
This is a good deal harder than my last issue. I have a few pieces of data:
A62:A80 - Array of Integers named X (2 through 20, to be exact)
D62:D80 - Array of Strings named Y (on a Drop Down)
AD45, AG45, AJ45 - Formula Holders
Now the tough part of explaining what I want... assume the string in question is "Pie":
If Y contains "Pie" once, I want AD45 to take the value of the corresponding X.
If Y contains "Pie" twice, I want AD45 to take the value of the first X, and AG45 to take the value of the second.
If Y contains "Pie" three times, I want AD45 to take the value of the first X, and AG45 to take the value of the second, and AJ45 to take the value of the third.
So, in the end, the formula holders will either have a number between 2 and 20, or be blank. Note that it is possible for users to put more than 3 occurrences in Y even if it's user error.
I'm not really asking for the full formulas, but I simply don't know where to start on this, on what functions would be useful in pulling out the values I want.
One idea I had is that:
AD45 searches the array for "Pie" and takes the first value of "X" that matches the find. Blank if it doesn't.
AG45 checks if AD45 is not blank, and searches the array for "Pie" starting at the next index.
AJ45 checks if AG45 is not blank, and searches the array for "Pie" starting at the next index.
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Jun 5, 2014
Create array set for checking multiple workbook?
[Code] .....
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Sep 11, 2012
Trying to write function statement that does the following:
IF cells C9:E14 contain any of the following: "Termination" or "Forms" or "PWE" or "TSA" or "3rd Party", then cell would show "Provided Date (If Applicable):",""
This is my best shot at trying to get it to work, but it wont, no matter what iteration I try.
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May 12, 2009
I'm trying create a Sum(If formula with 2 conditions, but whatever I try doesn't seem to want to cooperate. I want to add up the sum of all invoices according to the country they deal with and the month that they were created in. I've attached a sample file showing what I'm trying to accomplish. Here is how far I've gotten so far: =SUM(IF(Main!$L:$L;B21*Main!$Z:$Z;C20);Main!$H:$H)
I've tried other forms as well but even though this only returns #Value!, at least the formula is accepted.
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Dec 3, 2006
Is there any way to use sumif with or , in other words to put more than one condition to execute the sum process
like this way :
+ sumif(search range;condition1;condition2;sumrange)
I tried but I had an error.
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Jan 9, 2007
There is a function sumif() that is used for do sum() under condition
Nevertheless, if I want to do max() under condition, how can I do?
There isn't a function maxif().
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Oct 22, 2013
When you filter a spreadsheet, you can find results that are similar to a condition. I have families of products that share a common 3 digits, but the rest of the model number is different. The 3 similar digits could be the first 3 digits, or it could be 3 digits starting with the 2nd digit. This spreadsheet has each complete model number on its own row. In that row is a number that represents a volume. I want to be able to sum the volume column if the model number contains the 3 digits.Model Number
A hat
B hat
A glove
In the above example, the total for "hat" = 5 + 1 + 8 = 14
I would type in a condition (family name) into another cell (D1) and the formula in D2.
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Mar 26, 2007
I want to perform a SUMIF if more than 1 condition is true. I can do a regular SUMIF if, for example, values in column A is > than 10,000, then SUM associated values in column F.
However, what if I want a SUMIF if values in column A is > 10,000, values in column B = “Yankees”, then SUM associated values in column F.
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Apr 14, 2008
Is there a way to have a sumif formula dependent on two conditions?
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Jun 27, 2006
I have a problem with a SUMIF statement. I think it is =SUMIF(AND(...
I have attached I want to sum in column E lines 255-316 if in cell D 34 and if cell B25 equals GL and cell C255 equals 0001.
Maybe this would be handled better with a sumproduct formula...
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Jun 1, 2007
As a starter in VBA i have a lot of doubts... one of them is, how can i sum in a column the cells that are bold? i've thought that sumif was the trick, but i don't find the way to be able to adapt code.
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Jan 8, 2014
Below is my function.
="Profit $"&SUM(IF(Sold!D15:D8998<>"",IF(MONTH(Sold!D15:D8998)=A4,Sold!H15:H8998)))
I would like to edit this function to also count profit only if Cell A15:A8998 in my Sold sheet has the words "Shipped". The text value Shipped is not a text value I entered, it is automatically written based on a Vlookup formula I created.
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Nov 24, 2009
I have a worksheet where two columns of data are written. In another worksheet I have a list of data in one column. In column next to it (so the rows are the same) I am trying to write a list of sumif formula, where the range is first column of the first worksheet, condition is a value of the cell next to where I am writing the sumif equation (list of data) and the sumrange is the second colummn in the first worksheet. I can't get it. I tried with --- "C" & i --- but I get an error saying expected:end of statement. It goes like that:
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Jul 19, 2007
I want use the formula sumif...something like that! =SUMIF(I77:I176;AND(>F1092;<F1091);Q77:Q176). I want sum the values between q77:Q176 if the value in i77:i176 is >F1092 and <F1091 But the multiple criteriun don´t work in the sumif.
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Nov 5, 2008
I've been manually writing IF statements out for ranges of data that could easily be done with a little array work. So I set out to convert all my functions into something more readable and quicker to write. But I ran into a problem. I want to add the values of an array G45:Z45 if the corresponding values in G44:Z45 are less than or equal to P41. So I thought to use a SUMIF:
That didn't work, in fact, it didn't come error free until I did:
But that doesn't add anything up either. From what I can see, the problem lies within the condition. If I simply put P41, it works. The moment I add <= I get a multitude of problems.
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Feb 7, 2008
I am preparing an analysis of my company's expenses for the last two years by account. One on excel sheet I have the raw data,
bank account, payee, payment date, clear date, amount, payment type
(This is from all accounts for the whole 2 year period.)
In the second sheet, I have a summary schedule setup. The summary is setup like this:
Account #
Row 1: Begin Date
Row 2: End Date
Payment Type 1 AAAAAAA
Payment Type 2 BBBBBBBB
I would like to come up with a formula that will populate AAAAA & BBBBB for a given account during a given time period. For example, I would like it to give me the total of Type 1 payments from account 12 during the period January 2, 2005 through January 27, 2006.
Right now it is only giving me the info for 1 payment type and 1 account. Here is what I have now {=SUM(IF(Detail!$G$10:$G$3942>=R$5,IF(Detail!$G$10:$G$3942
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Sep 18, 2007
does the SUMIF worksheetfunction in VBA work on Arrays? I know it will work on ranges, and thats all fine, but I am convinced it should work on an array too... for example... Just assume two columns of numbers (A and B) with 13 rows -
Public Sub test()
Dim a As Range, b As Range
Dim x, y
x = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A13").Value
y = ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B13").Value
Set a = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A13")
Set b = ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B13")
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(x) 'works
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(y) 'works
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf(x, "1", y) 'wont work - "Object Required"
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf(a, "1", b)
End Sub
I also tried Transposing the x and y arrays, but the same result "Object Required".
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Apr 7, 2014
In sheet1 I have name(column A) and value(column B)
In sheet2 I have name (column C) and key(column D)
In sheet 3 I have results
Example ( It is just a total nonsense example, the real data is net inflow of some funds that are unique)
House 1000
Car 1500
pet 2000
Sheet 2
So in the sheet 3 I want to put a formula that is capable to sum all values of the sheet2 if the name has a key of 1in the sheet2, the key columns has values of 1 or 2
I think in SQL will be something with join and group by with having clause.
The result will be 2500 in the sheet 3.
What I tried: My attempt is to do something like this code ( using array functions).
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Jan 15, 2010
I've hit a major brick wall and hoping someone will be able to help! I've written an array formula to replace a pivot table (long story) anyway, they now want to be able to filter the data by date (between two dates) i'm using the current formula:
{=SUM(IF('SAP Data Current'!$A$2:$A$39802='Payment Block by Ac. Clerk Cal'!$B$84,IF('SAP Data Current'!$I$2:$I$39802='Payment Block by Ac. Clerk Cal'!$C101,IF('SAP Data Current'!$B$2:$B$39802='Payment Block by Ac. Clerk Cal'!S$2,'SAP Data Current'!$AA$2:$AA$39802,0),0),0))}
I know I need to put it at the beginning, but not sure how! I have the following formula for between dates:
but then this isn't working right either!
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Jul 24, 2014
I have a download from an accounting general ledger which has the following:
Column A: Category Description
Column B: Country
Column C: Department
Row 1: Months
Note: Each row contains the last 12 months worth of costs
As the categories/criteria can appear multiple times, and there are thousands of lines, I have been using SUMIFS to calculate totals my required combinations (eg. Travel expense, Germany, Sales department)
Every month, the information refreshes to show the most recent 12 months worth of data. And this means I need to manually update my formulas to correct the month column headings, as everything moves by 1 month.
Would something like a SUMIF with a SUMPRODUCT work? Eg. if current month = July, then it would sum everything from the July column automatically?
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Feb 10, 2014
I have a list of Items and the quantities of those items on one sheet. Each item has a section location number as well. (three Columns, Item, Quantity, and Section Location). the list can repeat the same item multiple times.
This is why I then have a summary sheet to uses a SUMIF formula to sum the quantities of a given item that are in a givin section. which my SUMIF Formula works great for. But my problem is some items have the word "LUMP" as its quantity and not a number. I want to add to my array formula so if the item does have a LUMP quantity and the lump quantity is in the section location to put LUMP on the summary sheet. here is my formula
=SUM(IF((ProjectInfo!$AE$2:$AE$307 =$B59)*(ProjectInfo!$AD$2:$AD$307= AA$10),ProjectInfo!$AF$2:$AF$307,""))
projectInfo is the sheet where the list is. Column AE is the Item column on the projectinfo sheet column B on the summary sheet would be the item that i want to sum the quantities for Column AD is the section location column on the projectinfo sheet the AA$10 is the row and column of the section location i want to limit the sum of the quantities to the formula is in cell AA59 So it will sum all the quantities in the list on the projectinfo sheet if the item and section location match whats specified on the summary sheet.
getting LUMP to display if its a lump quantity. The Lump can only show up if the item on the projectinfo sheet has LUMP for that Item AND in that section location.
EDIT: Column AF on the ProjectInfo Sheet is the quantity column
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Jan 14, 2009
I would like to have a formula in one cell that finds records on another sheet that meet certain criteria, and produces a sum of the total quantities associated with that record. The attached workbook has more details as to what I am trying to do.
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Jan 3, 2012
I am trying to use the SUM IF Array formula to sum a group of numbers that fall under a heading of reference numbers over several sheets of data. For example purposes lets say my spreadsheet looks something like the below.
The first two digits of the heading numbers are the criteria I am trying to use to separate and sum the data. For example I need to sum the value of the data below headings that falls between 1400000000000 and 1499999999999.
For the example above I used the below formula for the current Sheet and it works fine.
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May 21, 2014
Add a condition to this formula Let us assume for the column (classes) and the condition is selected from the cell "G1"
Condition E2: E30 = G1
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Jan 7, 2009
I am running an array formula which is working fine except that I now need to add a further condition: that a one of a number of values in cells C1:C8 is found in range $a1:$A500. I've tried Or with comma separation and with * separations but nothing seems to work.
Can anyone advise me of the syntax?
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Nov 13, 2011
with the formula below..
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Jun 13, 2007
im currently using a static array to select multiple sheets at once which works alongside another Sub
Sheets(Array("Group1", "Group2", "Group3", "Group4")).Select
i have a button that creates a new sheet and names it "GroupX" X being the next number, it automatically adds on the right number by itself and it works fine...
i want it my array to be dynamic so that i dont have to manually edit the array and the macro every time i add a new sheet.
i have tried things like:
Dim MyArray As Variant
Dim Shts As String
K = Sheets.Count - 4
For p = 1 To K
Shts = "Group" + p
Redim MyArray(K) As String
MyArray(K) = Shts
Next p
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May 8, 2014
I have three columns of Data. A is vehicle number, B is miles and C is a Date. I want to be able to pull the miles for the newest date when the user types in a bus number next to the formula. I think It can be done with an array formula but I am not 100% sure on how to do it. Also is it possible if they enter a vehicle number and a date that a different formula finds the miles for the most recent date to the date entered.
Excel Help.JPG
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Jul 16, 2009
Basically, I'm trying to alter the code by inserting another condition where if S12 = R than it will exclude the value found in D12, other wise D12 is included. It was initally setup with a range of $C12:$H12 but i had to write it out long to exclude $D12
Here's my ammended ...
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