Sort Rows To Show Values Of Cells In Sequence And Eliminate Empty Cells
Nov 11, 2013
I have data on 400 rows. Each row has a maximum of 10 cells with data, but many have empty cells with no data. I would like to sort each row to show values of cells in sequence and eliminate empty cells. I can use the sort row function but its a long process for 400 individual rows. Is there an easier way?
Please see attached workbook. I know for a fact this isn't the most effective way to do this, but I just needed something really quick for a small worksheet that my department at work is using. A1:C7 are supposed to represent 3 different types of "methods" In the case of my worksheet, I just typed random stuff.
Basically, I have data validation in B10. Depending on which one I select (1 corresponds with A1:A7, 2 with B1:B7, and 3 with C1:C7), it is supposed to populate that data. I've done this with nested if statements in D10:D16. The issue is that for options 2 and 3, it shows 0's where the blanks should be.
In the screenshot attached I want to sort on PrioCd, but I am unable to presumably because there are empty cells. How can I sort by PrioCd for each ECDNo?
When choosing ascending or decending, is it possible to always keep rows with the designated blank cells at the bottom? Trying to prevent the blank cells from popping on the top when i filter by a certain field.
i am having trouble putting together an IF Formula together with and/or. i need to do the following
if cells k8 and l8 and r8 are empty, then no data should show. if cells k8 and l8 and r8 is zero, then show zero. otherwise add all three cells. i thought i should use if(and... that is all 3 cells must be empty or zero.
=IF(OR(ISBLANK(K8),ISBLANK(L8),ISBLANK(R8)), "no data", IF(OR(K8=0, L8=0, R8=0),"ZERO", K8+L8+R8))
i have tried if(and) and if(or) and no matter what i have tried it doesnt work
I got the following formula to get data from the "data"-sheet into the "werkblad"-sheet. If the regarding cell on the "data"-sheet is empty the result on the "werkblad"-sheet will be "0"
I am looking for something that will first delete all empty columns up until it runs into data, then delete all rows that are blank in Column A until it runs into data. In other words, I recieve different spreadsheets that start their data in different locations and I would like to have them always start in cell A1.
My company has a canned template for some of the work we do and to avoid wasting too much paper I wanted to insert some extra code into an already programmed macro button (which sets the page breaks) to hide forms (both as individual worksheets and rows within separate worksheets) if the field that ought to auto-fill them is left empty.
I created a macro that analyzes some datasets and according to different parameters it puts an X at the side of every cell that goes out of parameters. These Xs are all in columns named the same way for it to be easier to find. What I want to do is to write some macro that will hide every row where the data did not go out of parameters to be able to easily see where it did. In the following example it would need to hide the second row since there are no Xs in that row. One of the problems I'm having is that the amount of columns and rows is variable.
Data Data Functional Upset Data Data Functional Upset
# # X # #
[Code] .......
Below is the piece of code that I created to try to do this (G has the value for the amount of rows). I think it is working but it is either taking too long since it has to sometimes go through over 20k lines as much times as it needs to to cover all the rows that contain Xs or its getting stuck for some reason.
Code: Worksheets(2).Range("I3:I" & G).EntireRow.Hidden = True K = 0 Do Until Worksheets(2).Range("I1").Offset(0, K) = "" If Worksheets(2).Range("I1").Offset(0, K) = "Functional Upset" Then
I have a spreadsheet with data in all different rows. I'm trying to delete all the blank cells in between. I tried go to special, blank, and delete cells, but for some reason, the excel doesn't select all the blank cells. It only selects a few blank cells, which is really strange.
I'm attempting to count the empty cells in column C which correspond with the project reference shown in column A. I only want to perform this calculation where the project numbers change (see desired results in column D).
Am struggling with finding a way to define the different range of rows for each project ref within the formula. The full sheet has over 6000 rows and 1500 project refs.
My columns are labeled A B C D etc... If the product I am creating the table for falls into one of those categories I place a 1 in the cell. For instance, ProductA falls into the A and B categories, so column A will get a 1 and column B will get a 1. This is so I can sort all of category A's Products etc...
I am looking for a formula to put in a column that would Say what categories ProductA falls into. ie Since ProductA falls into the A and B catergories but not the C and D catergories, This final column would say something like AB, or A,B or something.
Alternatively, I could make a single column entiltled 'categories' and put something like 'A B' in ProductA's column. In this case I would need a way to sort all A's or sort all B's and not just sort all 'A B'
I am working on a Golf League score sheet, and each week there may be a different amount of players that play. I have a weekly worksheet (attached) that contains the full list of golfers that had played that week and I only want to sort the columns for those golfers who have a score greater than 0 (this would be the ones who played that week). You can see that in week 1 I had more players than in week 2. So in my weekly worksheet I sort these sub grids by Score first. However I ONLY want to sort the rows that have a score greater than 0. Can this be done in VBA or am I stuck doing this manually every week?
I am using Arrays throughout a large report and each time I move around in the report or simply open the report I have to wait 5 to 10 seconds to wait for the cells to calculate. Is there a way to prevent this from happening other than changing the calculation option to manual.
Is this and array problem? I don't get this when I use multiple vlookups and choose formulas? Any ideas to speed up or prevent all together?
I have a sheet with some survey data. the data covers about 4 months. There are about 2200 rows and 8 columns.
The "code" could be in there more than once as the person took the survey multipule times, but all other data is different. How can i pull out the whole row when the code is there more than once.
I want to know all the "codes" with multipule entries that took the survey more than once then trend there scores.
CentercodeRecommendReasonEnvironmentTraining ManagerOverall LHQTR27909415Learning effect4444LHQTR28844652 Center environment2222LHQTR45614375Service5555LHQTR96944292Service2222LHQTR144769543 Center environment4433LHQTR144769543Learning effect3433LHQTR155258791Service3213LHQTR168772563 Center environment2232LHQTR168772563Center environment3332LHQTR168772565 Learning effect4414LHQTR173991905Learning effect4445LHQTR192966385Service5555LHQTR193282534 Qualified teachers3344
I am trying to add 2 cell values together then show the total as a % of a value in a 3rd cell, however I also need it to allow for 0 values in the chosen cells without displaying an error message or it messes up the average formula elsewhere on the sheet?
How I can look up non empty cells as shown in the below tables by use of a formula (I guess shifting data to the left without any empty cells between the data)?
My requirement is to remove the spaces in the text in each cell in a worksheet. i have used TRIM function for this. Sheet1 will have the imported data and sheet 2 has the formula to TRIM. i have an issue when using TRIM on date format. I have used formula TRIM(sheet1!Ax) for columns 1,2 and 3 and TRIM(TEXT(pcload!D1,"mm/dd/yyyy")) for column 4. But the blanks cells in sheet 1 have a value of 01/00/1900 in sheet2. I need the blank cells to be displayed as blank in sheet2.
I have a pivot table that compares year-on-year sales data for accounts. If an account didn't have sales for the earlier year, the custom calculation errors #DIV/0! which I can show as at the account level. Problem is at the subtotal levels, I also get the error when I should be getting a value for the group. The error for the one account is affecting my subtotal.
Is there a way I can Show Empty Cells as a VALUE instead of TEXT of say... 0.001 so I can eliminate the error messages?
In my Pivot table I have 3 fields in the "header - section" of each row There is also the possibilty in the Page section to choose between subjects (eg physics, chemistry, biology etc) When all rows are displayed there are 68 in total
When I choose Physics there are about 30 customers that have a value in 1 of the rows. Excel shows 30 rows, but I would like all 68 row to be shown, because these are the values that are important to me. I have tried a lot of settings in the pivot table but can't find the correct 1.
What happens a lot is the the rows are "multiplied", meaning that the 1st row header has every combination of the 2nd and 3rd and so one. Which setting is needed to get what I want?
I have a workbook wherein I have 7 sheets.Lets say they are called Tom, Peter, John, Sia, Mia, Tia and "Home Page". I have 2 buttons for Report 1 and 2 to which I want to assign the macros.I also have a table wherein I have defined which sheets I want to show. First Column of table has sheet names from A2:A6(Home Page,Tom, Peter, John, Sia, Mia, Tia). Column 2 has report 1 sheets - Home Page, Tom, John, Mia and Column 3 has report 2 sheet names- Home Page, Peter, Sia, Tia
What I want to do is, if I click on "Report 1" button, I only want to show sheets whose names are there in cells under report 1 so for report 1 it will be Home Page, Tom, John, Mia. For Report 2, it will be Home Page, Peter, Sia, Tia. Since I have many reports I want this to be one macro. Stepwise, here is what I want
1. Click on button for Report, macro should check which report I am referring to and select the range on basis of that. Report 1 = column B, if Report 2, Range is column C. 2. Basis the range I want sheets to show or hide.