Average A Range IF Within 30 Days

Jun 5, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with dates running down column J, and a number running down column K. I want to average the numbers in column K for all the rows that are less than 30 days old.

I have a formula for determining if a date is less than a month old:

How can I translate that into averaging a range?

I'm using Excel 2003

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Average Of First Three Days Of The Week?

Feb 9, 2014

I have following data

Column A Name of the company
Column B Date
Column C Day
Column D Week of the Year
Column E High Price
Column F Low Price

My requirement is I need the average high price for the first three days of the week i.e Mon, Tue, Wed in Column I and average Low Price for the remaining days is Thu, Fri, Sat , Sun in Column J.

If in some case any day is missing then average high / Low price for the next two days is to be calculated.

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Average Number Of Days

Sep 25, 2009

I would like to find the average number of days events take from start to finish.

My data is in 3 columns:

EventName StartDate EndDate

I have a ton of EventNames, each of which have a StartDate. But I want to calculate the average days to complete only for those EventNames that have EndDates.

So, if a cell in the column EndDate is greater than zero, then take that cell, subtract it from the corresponding cell in the StartDate column; Add all of them together and divide by the count of those rows in the EndDate column that have a value.

How do I put this in excel terms? ....

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Average For The Past X Days

Feb 7, 2008

I want to keep track of housekeeping attendants' average productivity of rooms cleaned per day/shift for the last 10 days worked.

I need a formula which will give me an average of the 10 most recent cells with a value (0 should be counted).

I also want to have each month in a separate tab, and for the formula described above to average between two tabs should the 10 days cross-over.

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Calculate The Average Amount Of Days?

Mar 26, 2014

I need to calculate the average amount of days it is taking for files to be processed. Here is the example I have.

Assuming that B1=0 and C1=1 (in the # of days row)

# of Days 0123456789101112131415Total Files
File Count011712113203000000049

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Average Number Of Days In A Quarter

Nov 15, 2007

I have a worksheet containing 5 columns. A start and end date, a number of days between these dates, the quarter number of the start date (i.e. 1 to 4) and then the year.

I want to calculate the average number of days per quarter so an average of days in column C, based on the details in column D and E.

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Average Number Of Days Between Sales

Mar 26, 2014

I need a formula to determine the average number of days between sales transactions for each item in inventory. There are several hundred different item numbers with thousands of transactions.

I have attached an example of what I'm looking for. I've toyed around with Average and If functions but can't seem to get it right.

Avg Number of Days - Excel Help.xlsx‎

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Calculate Average Days Between Dates For Each ID?

Oct 23, 2013

My sheet looks like this - example:

ID Dates CombinedAverageDaysFromID
0001 2012-02-01 ?
0001 2013-08-10
0001 2013-10-10
0402 2011-01-02 ?
0402 2013-01-05
0402 2013-01-22
0003 2009-02-04 ?
0003 2009-12-04
0003 2010-01-04
0003 2010-03-03
0003 2010-08-02
0003 2012-04-04
0003 2013-01-05
0003 2013-10-03

I need to calculate the average days between the dates for each ID? How do I do this?

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Average Days Between Date Stamps

Mar 12, 2014

I'm trying to complete an excel project for work that keep track of orders from several systems as they come in. Every time I get a new order I put the name of the part ordered in column B4:B5000 and have it set to automatically datestamp that days date in column D4:D5000. The problem I'm running into is that on a separate sheet I want to keep track of the average time between orders while also skipping any blank cells and returning a 0 instead of a div/0 error if the sheet has no orders. For Instance:




The answer I would be looking for here should be 5 skipping over the blank row. I've scoured the net and tried numerous formula but nothing seems to work.

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Average Margins By Date And Days

May 1, 2014

These functions are returning the wrong answer of zero in col GJ , I have put correct answers into col GO

They are looking at the dates in cols FP to FR , then averaging all margins

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Average Number Of Days Between Array Of Dates?

May 6, 2014

I'm working on building a workbook to track sales progress, and I'd like to perform an analysis on some of the data with regards to sales efficiency.

To simplify:
Column A = Initial Contact Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Column B = Close Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

As an example, I would like to calculate the average number of days between the Initial Contact Date and the Close Date to calculate the average number of days in the prospecting cycle. Basically, the formula should function as AVERAGE((B1-A1)+(B2-A2)+(B3-A3)...) and so on for the entire column.

I know one solution would be to insert a new column that performs the subtraction between the two dates, and then I could AVERAGE this new column. However, I want to perform similar calculations to analyze the time period between other key milestones in the prospecting cycle - rather than have a lot of extra columns in my sheet, I was wondering if there's some type of array formula that will calculate what I need.

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Calculating Average Days Overdue Per Department?

Jan 20, 2014

I have a file that's almost 3000 rows of data I have attached a test file for the purpose of this request. I am trying to figure out the average days overdue per department whose due dates have not already passed.test (1).xlsx

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Average Of Network Days Where Cell Value Is True

May 27, 2014

I am trying to get an average number of Networkdays where specific cell values are true. If the project Status is 'ongoing' or 'overdue' in Sheet2, what is the average Networkdays of the open projects for each project lead for Column C in Sheet1?

Column A
Column B
Column C

Project Lead
Count of Projects
Avg Age of Projects


[Code] ..........

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Formula To Return Average Days Between Two Dates In A Given Month?

Jan 13, 2014

I have a workbook with two sheets. The first has a list of job positions open, columns designated to stages in the employment process and in these columns, my staff enter the dates that they completed a particular stage.

"Position | Date Opened | Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4"
Pos 1 | 01/01/2014 |02/01/14|03/01/14|07/01/14|09/01/14

This has a great number of entries and they are increasing and decreasing every day depening on the amount of jobs available.

On the second sheet, I am trying to set up a table which shows the average working days it is taking to complete each stage, divided into the months in which the job position was opened (i.e. for positions opened in january, the average completion working days for stage 1 was X amount of days etc...)

I have tried using =IF(AND(Logical, Logical),TRUE,FALSE) but this doesn't return any info as the logicals will always be false. I tried the OR function, but that requires only one of the criteria to be true to return a value. What I need is for the formula to return a number of days between two dates, ONLY if the opened date falls in one month.

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Excel 2010 :: Average Days Between Two Date Ranges?

Jul 5, 2012

Using Excel 2010.

I am trying to come up with a formula that will return a total average from two columns of dates with criteria. The range will need to cover an entire column as my data is continuously growing and the criteria would have to limit the start date to each month. I have tried


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Excel 2010 :: Highlight Number When It Exceeds Past 30 Days Average

Jan 20, 2012

Excel 2010 Higher than past average formula?

Im using Excel 2010 and want to make a formula that will High light the number when it exceeds the past 30 days average. My information is listed vertically in row F..

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Find Out How Many Ticks Were On Green Days, Amber Days And Red Days

Dec 19, 2008

I have a series of data that acts upon a traffic light system, i.e. Green, Amber and Red. These variables are posted along row 1 for example and there are 10 columns. Per column I have a tick and cross to answer a question. How can I find out how many ticks were on green days, amber days and red days? I have attached an example.

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Count Days In Set Range Of Dates From A Range

Aug 7, 2014

Trying to count how many days from a set range of dates are within another range.

So for example, the first two dates, 7/29/2014 - 8/5/2014 would be 6

7/31/20148/6/2014 are the set dates

Count Days Within Range.xlsx

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VBA To Get Average Of Range Of Cells Based On Named Range In Different Column

Apr 10, 2013

I am trying to calculate some averages. What I have is 3 columns of data in A, B, C, also the "tasks" in A are in named ranges ex: "Award Contract" is a named range - "Task_Award" and "Confirm Updates" is a named range - "Task_Updates". I've attached a sample excel sheet.

I'd like to be able to create a macro to evaluate column A, and for every row in range "Task_Award", give me the average of the corresponding cells in column C and put it in the same range of cells in column B , then, for every row in "Task_Confirm" then give me the average of the same range of cells in column C and place the result in the same range of cells in column B. This is my very first post so I hope I am doing this correctly. I have 77 of these task ranges to evaluate and it will take a long time to do it manually. I'm thinking of a loop function.

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Days So Far In A Date Range

Jan 7, 2010

I have a monthly start and end date e.g 2/01/2010 – 30/01/2010. I want to a formulate the below so I don’t have to do it manually each day. Start date is in E1 and end date E2

I have to change on another sheet how many Monday’s we have had so far in the month range and this is for each day of the working week (Mon, Tues,Wed,Thurs,Frid). So, so far this week we would have

(B11)Monday – 1
(E11)Tuseday - 1
(H11)Wednesday – 1
(K11)Thurdsay – 1
(N11)Friday – 0

By this time next week I would have

(B11)Monday – 2
(E11)Tuseday - 2
(H11)Wednesday – 2
(K11)Thurdsay – 2
(N11)Friday – 1

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Delete Range Every X Days

Jun 18, 2007

Find any code that deletes cell values in a range every 7 days.

cells.range("range").delete.currentdate + 7

every 7 days the cells in the range "range" get deleted etc

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Condittional Formatting: Range Of Days

May 29, 2009

Color cell AB3 in red if B3 shows the word OPEN and the date on AA is -1 day, -2 days, 0 day, 1day, 2 days... 50days from today (a range from -2 days to +50 days from the current date)

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Distributing Days In A Range Between Years

Oct 31, 2013

I have 2 dates and I'm looking to distribute the days between in the correct 'year' column (See below). my problem is with the units that have days that span +2 years.

I've tried nested 'If(and...)' formula......

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Adding Unique Days In A Range

Aug 4, 2008

We have a client that has to total the number of days that people received medical care (for insurance purposes). BUT...they can't count duplicate days. Some of the dates show a range of days, others only one day. They've asked for my help. (We're actually a computer services firm, but I'm pretty good with Excel...until now!)

In column C I have placed the correct totals for the date ranges, according to the payment policies. But I can't figure out how to write the formula that accommodates all the variables (mostly since all the unique dates aren't entered--only ranges).

Each line is a different medical charge, so line 1 might be 22 days of hospital stay. Line 2 is for a different charge, but covers the same dates, so it can't count. Lines 3, 4, and 5 all occur within the previously calculated range, so they don't count. The date range in line 6 is six days but 4 of them have been counted already, only 2 days fall outside an already calculated range.

It would be easy enough to do this manually for a small list, but this patient has 1367 entries in 4 months of care! And there are others that are much larger.

Fortunately, all the dates are in calendar order. Also, fortunately, they don't need line-by-line totals, just the grand total at the end of all the unique days in the range. So if I can figure out how many unique days are in the columns ....

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Counting Dates In A Range :: Today And 7 Days Ago

Jul 6, 2009

I need to do a total of the dates entered in the RAW DATA sheet that fall in between today's date and 7 days ago. I am comparing it to B3 in sheet 2. Have tried a COUNTIF but cannot get it to work.

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Fill In Gaps - Missing Days In Range

Mar 29, 2012

I get given a csv file on a monthly basis which contains consumption data per day for the specified period. This sounds simple but on occasion (more often than not) the data has missing days. This can cause me problem later on in my analysis.

I can happily total the monthly consumption using the date and month text. What i want to do however is to sort the csv file into daily consumption and highlight the missing days i.e. have a range of the days in the month and allocate the daily data to the correct date. I currently do this manually but know that there must be a better, automated approach... searching for matching dates for example?

In my head i'm thinking the following approach but lack the coding skills to do it.

1. Define the start and end dates. Perhaps count the number of days between the two dates and autofill the start date down the appropriate number of days in column A?

2. Paste the csv file into a different sheet and, starting from the top, cut and paste the csv data to the correct date created in step 1. Do this for each row based on the csv data.

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Calculate Specific Days Within Specified Date Range?

Jan 20, 2013

I have a form with grouped check boxes for each day of the week, and start date and end date from the Microsoft Date and Time picker control. I want to know the total days within the date range based on check boxes. For example, Tuesday and Thursday are checked off. The start date is December 1, 2012 and end date is January 31, 2013. What is the total number of Tuesdays and Thursays in that two month date range.

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Range Of Data - Count Where There Is 3 Consecutive Days

Aug 7, 2013

I have a range of data but the important pieces are

Column B - list of employee IDs.
Column C - Date

I have sorted the data by column B with secondary sort for column C oldest to newest date.

I want to know the number of instances where an employee has 3 consecutive days in column C. Only count 3 consecutive. If the consecutive days go over 3 (such as 4 or 5 days) I do no want to count these.

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Calculate Days And Hours In Date Range

May 11, 2014

Is there a way to calculate how many days and hours there are in a date range IE 5/11/2014 to 10/31/2014 = days and hours

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Distribute Days Per Month Between Date Range

Aug 31, 2007

i'm trying to find a way to distribute days per month between 2 dates. I have found a great exemple that should to de trick but there is still a problem left in it. it gives in the next year (this case '08) an +31 value and a negative value

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