Averaging Values In Multiple Columns With Conditions
Dec 18, 2013
I am a teacher creating a grade book in Excel. Each student is in a single row, with columns for the various assignments. For data analysis purposes, I am trying to develop formulas to make two different calculations.
The first calculation is simply the average quiz grade for all students, for all quizzes.
The second calculation is the average quiz grade for all grades that are higher than zero. This will tell me the average quiz score for quizzes that have actually been attempted.
I do need to track students that have withdrawn from the class, so column A will contain the letter "w" if the student has withdrawn from the class. If the student has withdrawn, the grades for that student should be ignored in the calculations.
Since I do accept quizzes after their due dates, a particular quiz score will have an entry of "L" if it has not yet been taken. These entries also need to be ignored in the calculations.
See the attached workbook for some sample data and the expected results.
Sample Workbook.xlsx‎
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Apr 30, 2014
I have a dataset consisting of concentrations of parameters (alpha and beta) at different locations over multiple years. I've included an example dataset here.
I need to calculate an average and standard deviation for each parameter that spans multiple locations and years (but not all locations and years).
Example 1: Calculate the average and standard deviation of alpha values from years 2009 to 2012 at locations A and C.
Answer should be: Average of {0.84, 0.47, 0.27, 0.14, 0.36, 0.65, 0.66, 0.85} is 0.53. Standard deviation of {0.84, 0.47, 0.27, 0.14, 0.36, 0.65, 0.66, 0.85} is 0.26.
The real dataset is large, including 7 different parameters and more than 30 locations. I need to perform these calculations for many parameters, so am looking for a formula (or array formula) that will do this in as little cells as possible. Can this be done by formula or will I need a macro?
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May 29, 2007
I am trying to compile a spreadsheet for my job that will find an average of all the break times and meal times that all the employees take. I have the employee list and their respective timeclock punches for the week, so I took that and found their meal and break times for each individual day, but I'm having trouble when it comes to consolidating and averaging the data. The first column lists the employees, but their names are repeated depending on how many times they punched the clock that week, and since not every punch was a meal or break, my time columns contain a lot of zeroes that aren't needed. I need a way to just average each employees' meal and break times.
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Mar 17, 2009
Im trying to have a formula look at two diferent columns and if they meet the criteria add the third column.
I tried using sumproduct but It wont give me anything but error messages or a zero.
Looks like this
Need it to say:
if column A = Stewart and Column B = Fiduciary then add up the amount in Column C
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Jan 15, 2010
I want to be able to look at two columns and set a criteria to count. I want to look at column A and if its blank then look at column B and if it has a value of more than 0 then count.
1 1.00
2 Yes 4.78
4 5.00
5 Yes 4.89
6 11.99
So this example would count 3
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Nov 29, 2008
My data looks somewhat like this :
DOU Quarter Sum
0 Q1 = sum of 1's in Q1
1 Q1 = sum of 1's in Q2
1 Q2 = sum of 1's in Q3
0 Q2 = sum of 1's in Q4
1 Q3
1 Q1
1 Q4
0 Q2
A cell in the SUM column must contain the sum of 1's in column DOU if under column Quarter the value is Q1. Similarly for Q2, Q3 & Q4 if only the corresponding value under DOU is 1.
Its like.. count the number of 1's per quarter and come up with the sum in 4 distinct cells for each quarter.. i.e. quarter-wise sum/count of 1s
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May 7, 2014
I need counting unique values with a number of given conditions. I need this to be a formula so that I can just add data to my spread sheet and it will automatically calculate.
The formula I have is:
The goal is to count all of the unique value in column G:G that meet certain criteria (have ending times greater than Z3 and beginning times less than Z4, etc.). Once I get the formula to work, I'll simply drag it down to have it calculate for similar lightly changing criteria (like different beginning and ending intervals). However, the formula doesn't seem to be working. It's only giving me zero values (I have "ctrl-shift-entered").
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May 7, 2014
I need to count unique values with a number of given conditions. I need this to be a formula so that I can just add data to my spread sheet and it will automatically calculate.
The formula I have is:
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May 1, 2014
I am trying to pick out certain bits of information from the below "example" set of data:
[Code] .......
My aim is to record the letters that are recorded against both numbers (note: in my data there are more than 2 sets of numbers). For the example above the solution would be:
...because these two letters appear against both 1 and 2.
There are some letters that are duplicated against the same number which is making it hard for me to work out. I don't care if the same letter appears against the same number, I just would like to know instances when a letter appears with a different number, and if possible what that number is.
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Oct 1, 2007
I know there have been many posts about multiple conditions in arrays, but I didn't find one that applied to my situation, so I'm hoping can help me out of jam. I'm using Excel 2000 on XP.
I have a database of sales information. Customer name is listed in column C, and columns F through Q contain the sales for the months of July - June (fiscal calendar year), with the headers for the months in row 4. There can be many rows of sales for the same customer, hence the need to sum them.
customer1 2 3 4
customer1 2 3 4
customer2 2 3 4
customer2 2 3 4
The problem is that this information will need to be updated every month to reflect sales year-to-date, meaning that the conditions for summing the data will change depending on how far into the year we are. So for instance, in August I will need to sum all the records for customer1 in the July column (column F) and the August column (column G), but next month it will have to sum the records for customer1 from July, August, and September (col H).
The result of this information would be displayed on a different worksheet. My thought was to assign a range of 12 cells (Sheet2!A1:A12) and to populate those cells with any of the months that need to be summed thus far. So for example, through September, A1 = "July", A2 = "August", and A3 = "September". Then the formula would use those values to evaulate the conditions. So in plain English the formula would:
sum the values in columns F : Q where the monthly header = the values in the range Sheet2!A1:A12 for all records where CUSTOMER = CustomerName
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Jun 25, 2008
I am trying to write a Macro that would go into same specific cells in multiple worksheets and paste the data into one summary worksheet if ofcourse a criteria is met.
The multiple worksheets have the same format. The worksheets are numbered 001, 002, 003, 004, etc (increase on a daily base) ..
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Feb 22, 2011
I'm having a problem with a spreadsheet in Excel. I have in column terras, codti problem and several cells that are repeated. I'm stating that terra appear only once, the information in column each issue should appear in different columns with the sum of how often they appear and codti according to terra.
In excel is best illustrated what I mean!
In total, 5267 lines and need to do this with all. You can do this in excel?
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Apr 28, 2014
I need to modify the underneath Count Array Formula to count unique values based on multiple conditions. I can get the formulas to work with NUMERIC values in Column A in the N1 & N2 tabs. However, I cannot get the formula to work when column A contains TEXT values in the TX1 & TX2 tabs.
I've attached the XL file for your review of the project.
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May 16, 2009
I'm making up a list of average scores across a season. I have an average column and I need to be able to deduct 10% from this average, then have excel ignore any scores below this new number and make up a new average (kinda like a handicap score).
I have columns for average (BD), 10% of this (BE) "ignore any score lower than"(BF) but Im not sure how to get excel to add up only the scores below the number in BF and make a new average column of only these in BG -
Last column would be to give each person a classification based on cutoffs (for instance 1-10=C Class, 11-20=B Class, 21-30=A Class etc etc). Is there a way to make "if BF=xxxx, make BH A, B, C etc?
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Nov 13, 2007
Without using VB is there a single cell solution to this?
Column of cells contain values in this format;
100, 100, 95, 96
as text.
There can be any number of commas and values. Is there a way to find the average of the numbers in each cell? (Above example would return 97.75.)
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Feb 26, 2008
Are test have some text values RA = 0 and A= 0.5 as well as numeric values. I am currently using the formula =IF(COUNTIF(A1:A13,"A"),(COUNTIF(A1:A13,"A")*0.5)+SUM(A1:A13))/COUNTA(A1:A13) which is not very good at all, but it works for this instance. I also use the formula in B2 =IF(A1="RA",0,IF(A1="A",0.5,A1)) as a helper column but I need a stabile formula with out a helper column that will allow me to average text and numeric values. In the future, they are going to expand the text values part i.e. B = 0.3, BD = 0.2 etc....
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May 13, 2008
I'm trying to do some averages for a year to date "cover" sheet. Worksheet 2 is Jan, Worksheet 3 is Feb, etc..through December. Worksheet 1 is the year to date averages. My data is a formula on each worksheet in cell B22, I thought I had the function written correctly however Excel won't take it:
=AVERAGE(IF(January!B22,February!B22,March!B22,April!B22,May!B22,June!B22,July!B22,August!B22,September!B22,October!B22, November!B22,December!B220, January!B22,February!B22,March!B22,April!B22,May!B22,June!B22,July!B22,August!B22,September!B22,October!B22,November!B22 ,December!B22,""))
There are blanks,of course, until each month is filled in. Could it be because the number that is in B22 on each worksheet is the result of a formula instead of typed number
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Aug 6, 2014
Is it possible to perform average function on subsequent group of rows and make a new set of rows ?
For example: As below, in column 1 the average of values of first 3 rows (i.e, 1, 2 & 3) is 2. similarly average of values in next 3 rows (i.e, 4,5 & 6) is 5 and so on....
Is this possible to get a new set of rows by averaging values of rows from a particular column. without applying average formula in each row of column 2. i m using MS Excel 13.
Column 1 ______ Column 2
1 _____________ 2
2 ______________ 5
3 ______________ 8
4 _____________ 11
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Aug 7, 2013
I have a very large dataset (~5000 points in a 2D array) which I need to plot and fit a linear trendline to. There are 90 subjects each of which has a daily binary event checked over its lifespan. eg:
Day: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
subj 1 0 1 0 0 0 (dead)
subj 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0(dead)
subj 3 0 0 1 0(dead)
I simply averaged the number of events per day per subject and plotted them but near the long-lived end of the data the variability gets really high. I have normalized the lifespan for each subject such that instead of the event occurring on day 10, it occurred at 0.2 of its total lifespan (dying on day 50). Now that my data is in this format, I want to create an average for all subjects over the domain 0-1 representing birth-death.
The trouble is that now each subject's domain has different intervals between points (eg. 0.1 for subjects living 10 days and 0.006993 for those living 143 days). How to now space out the cells (somewhat) automatically so I can average the columns? My array is 90 x 150 so doing it manually is not really possible. Or, alternatively, is there a way to create a continuous average rather than a discrete one? Some sort of function that goes through each infinitely small (or even a discrete really tiny interval) point of the domain (0-1) and averages the binary y-value?
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Jan 14, 2014
I've got daily water level data that spans around one hundred years. I am looking for monthly average water level data, but rather than using the whole month, I'd like to average the first two days and the last two days. I want to have a single value for each month in the 100 years of data.
If the data was smaller I could do this by hand, however having 100 years worth of data = 1200 months = so many days...
It's tough since months don't have a set number of days, and then leap years and it all gets so complicated. I've never really had a problem where date was a criteria to pull values from, and I don't know how to work with this. The internet suggest the Averageif function which I have dabbled with, but no dice.
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May 19, 2014
I am looking for a formula that averages the numbers in an array if they match the row and column text-based criteria. Based on another thread, I found and edited the following formula. However, it is giving me incorrect numbers.
I have attached a sample workbook that includes the broken formula.
Average Formula Error.xlsx‎
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Nov 20, 2009
I have data for 500 companies over 10 years, in three criterions: “EPS”, “DPS” & “PX” (i.e. earnings, dividends and price).
For each company I have four lines recording the data, and given a letter code indicating how the change in dividends and earnings have been according to the following
DD-ED = Dividends Decreased & Earnings Decreased
ND-EI = No Dividends & Earnings Increased
As can be seen below this code is present for each company
What I need help with is some sort of lookup function which takes the average of the price changes (which is given in numerical values) only for the companies which code is equal to the code in the reference field.
So something like: =AVERAGE(IF((MOD(ROW(D2:D2353)-ROW(D2)+1,5))=0,IF(D2:D2353"",D2:D2353))) (currently counting every 5th line, since there is 4 lines between respectively PX/DPS/EPS for each company) –But with a constraint indicating only to include the value in the calculation if the codes are the same (e.g. "DI-EI" = "DI-EI").
So that the value, which is currently 20.96% (which now includes ALL price values), would only include those for the respective group (in this case, companies in the DE-EI group).
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Jun 24, 2012
I need to calculate the average spend on a day of the week over the month, so all Monday's or all Tuesday's, etc. One sheet is one week so I need to average b16 on 6 sheets as an example.
I used =AVERAGE('WEEK1:WEEK6'!B18) to calculate average over the six Monday's. The issue is, as in other posts, how do I ignore the cells that have a zero or null value.
I've tried adjusting this which was in 1 post
with this
=AVERAGE(IF(1+1=2,IF('WEEK1:WEEK6 '!B180,'WEEK1:WEEK6 '!B18))) which returns #REF!
this from another post
=SUM('WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B18)/COUNTIF('WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B18,"0") which returns #VALUE!
and this
=AVERAGE(IF('WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B180,'WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B18)) which returns #NAME?
The cells on each sheet are sum formulas for other cells on the sheet not just numbers on their own.
Using windows 7, excel 2003
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Apr 9, 2014
I have an excel worksheet which is having duplicate values in multiple columns, i want to remove those duplicates and should return unique values... how can i do that... My Excel Sheet looks below....
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Apr 18, 2014
I have attached a file with an example of what i am looking for. The data in columns A and B are my original Data. There are multiple instances of e-mail address on the left but I need to bring in each data horizontally. I would like a formula to enter into E2:J6 to pull the information in.
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May 13, 2014
I need to list only the unique values in a range found in multiple columns. Some cells are blank. I need to list all the unique values in numeric and/or alphanumeric order in another column within the same worksheet. I would prefer non-array formulas, if possible. See the attached file.
In the attached table, I have 5 columns and 5 rows of values in the range B2:F6. The unique values, in order, are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. This looks simple and can be done manually if the file is small but I have 150 columns and 150 rows, thus the need for automation.
List of unique values in multiple columns 2.xlsx
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Oct 23, 2009
My columns are labeled A B C D etc... If the product I am creating the table for falls into one of those categories I place a 1 in the cell. For instance, ProductA falls into the A and B categories, so column A will get a 1 and column B will get a 1. This is so I can sort all of category A's Products etc...
I am looking for a formula to put in a column that would Say what categories ProductA falls into. ie Since ProductA falls into the A and B catergories but not the C and D catergories, This final column would say something like AB, or A,B or something.
Alternatively, I could make a single column entiltled 'categories' and put something like 'A B' in ProductA's column. In this case I would need a way to sort all A's or sort all B's and not just sort all 'A B'
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Jan 4, 2013
I am not sure if Excel is able to do this but basically I am looking to find out which rows have some duplicate values. I have just read this back and it doesn't make a great deal of sense so I have attached an example spreadsheet.
Basically I am looking to find if E1:G1 duplicates further on down the list, hope this makes a bit more sense with the example attached.
Trial Upload.xlsx‎
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May 21, 2014
I'm using the code below to remove duplicate values from a column of cells, in this case column B.
[Code] ..........
The code works fine, but I'd now like to adapt this so I can remove the duplicates from columns B, C, D and F.
I've tried over the last few days different methods but recieve 'Debug' errors.
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Jan 24, 2014
For my job I have to take hundreds of codes and compare them to other codes. For example, in column A I'll have 453 codes, in column B I'll have 352 and in column 97. I want to find common codes for all three columns. Sometimes, I'll have just two columns and sometimes it's multiple columns. I have tried a few formulas but nothing works that well. Any formulas or MACRO
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