Averaging Middle 10 Numbers Of A 12 Number List
Aug 1, 2014
How I could get an average of a 12 number list while at the same time removing the highest and lowest numbers. They aren't in any order either.
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Sep 3, 2009
why my drop down list defaults to the middle of the list when first clicking on the arrow that opens the list? I created an alphabetical list of all US airports but when I open the list, it starts at "D" instead of "A" which is the top of the list.
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Apr 7, 2008
Dim varUserInput As Variant
varUserInput = InputBox("Enter 3 Digit Number:", _
"Project Number", "")
If varUserInput "" Then Exit Sub
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Jun 25, 2009
I need to average out a set of numbers but the amount of numbers inputed will vary, these number can also be either positive numbers or negative numbers but will never be 0.
How do i do this and I would like this in formula terms?
Say cells a3,b3,c3 were the numbers that I want averaged but there is not always a number inputted in each of these cells. I want the answer to show up in cell a4
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Sep 8, 2009
I am looking for a formulas to first find the middle number in a column of numbers eg 1,2,3,4,5 3 is the middle (similar to median) thats where the calculations start...
it then assigns values of minus to the numbers above the middle and plus values to the numbers below the middle
1 -50
2 -50
3 0
4 +50
5 +50
now when it comes to even numbers eg 1,2,3,4,5,6 if i use median it divide 3 & 4 and comes up with 3.5 ........ i want it to recognize 3 and 4 as the middle numbers
and assign plus and minuses above and below the middle numbers
1 -50
2 -50
3 -25
4 +25
5 +50
6 + 50
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Mar 21, 2009
I am looking for the correct way to average a group of numbers.
I know the formula but it doeskin work correct.
I am trying to average this numbers below.
Now when I do this I use this formula
and get this result
Now the only problem is, with baseball lines +100 and -100 are both the same and there is never and two or one digit lines like
or -88
its always at min -101 or +101
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Sep 11, 2009
I have a row of cells containing numbers, some of which are 0, how can i get an average where it averages all cells except the 0, as at the moment it is distorting my results.
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Jun 7, 2006
Is there a way to average only the X highest number of scores in a row?
What about if there is an additional condition, i.e., if the column
heading says "Quiz", for instance, instead of "Test"?
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Nov 24, 2006
I'm struggling to get the syntax right for this formula. I've been trying variations on the following formula but can't get it right:
Columns AP:AZ:
Any column in this range could have a zero value.
What I need: The average of the 8 lowest non-zero numbers in range AP:AZ
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Jul 17, 2012
I have a large workbook that contains hundreds of account codes and values. For example, cell A2 contains the account code "55021357122 Global Business Sales", cell A3 contains code "55021753221 Global Business Purchases" and so on through the column. Column B contains the values.
I need a formula that will sum all the values in column B if the middle 2 number are "21" (positions 4 & 5 in the number). My current range for column A is A6:A366. I've tried SumIFs but that fails on the array because it fails on the MID function.
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Feb 16, 2010
I am running Excel 2003. I have two columns of numbers (column A and column B)
column A has 1s and 0s. column B has latencies (ie. 100-500ms). When column A has a 0, i would like to know the latency of the following row in column B. from this i would like to average all of these latencies that are found. for example.
column A has 1,1,0,1,1.
column B has 100, 200, 300, 400, 500.
so since A3 is 0, then i want the latency of the following row in column B which is B4 or 400. and then average these findings.
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Oct 14, 2009
I have tried looking for similar questions in the forum and couldn't find them. If you know of any, please let me know. My problem is that in one column I have peoples names that are repeated. I need to average numbers that are in the same row as their name. So for example:
NameDateworkPagesRevisions Revisions/PageRH9/16/09Sandy land39320.82Bryce9/18/09Price mixed use1111030.93Bryan F.9/21/09Letter (rates)6325.33Bryan F.9/21/09Bountiful Nursery64871.36Randy9/22/09SJ Subdivision58220.38RH9/25/09Park City office Condos76881.16Bryce9/25/09Evanston Motel62210.34
this list is continually added upon monthly. So for Bryce I would be able to pull 111 and 62 and have an average of 87.5 from the pages column. But if I were to add another row farther down with his name, it would change the average.
I was thinking that a repeated vlookup would work if it stopped when there was a blank in the cell, but I am unsure on how to do this. If you have any questions, let me know. I was hoping to have it in a formula in a cell above the table.
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Feb 2, 2009
I have a problem here with the currency style, when I put the number in the cell and clicked the currency style button, the currency is placed in the left side and the number is in right side. How can I make it both in the middle? http://i44.tinypic.com/bfnbqd.jpg
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Mar 22, 2007
I have a several hundred rows of data that are telephone line type, number and user name all concatenated. This is the way the data arrives. I need to extract the number and user name into 2 separate columns - I do not need the phone type. Is there a formula that can identify numbers within text. I can't use Text to Columns as the leading telephone line type varies and I don't want to use VBA to do the work. There are at least 10 different line types, example of some:
M/BANK (Spectrum) 0740318578 MB TO 4429
the following phones start witn an "N"
Can this be done or will I have to resort to code.
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May 17, 2013
I have a large excel spreadsheet which looks at a number of test results for students in school. The worksheet being prepared by marcos to display different class results dependent on the teacher select so they can view their class data. The sheet works fine and does all I need but have a fault with the transfer of test results which contain zeros. These are transfered with the zero missing even if the zero is in the middle of the number eg 203. The display if zeros is not suppressed and I have no format to suppress zeros but also understand these commands on suppress empty cells containing just zero.
This code will bring up the fault shown above and will loose zeros so 10 on source sheet becomes 1 and 102 becomes 12
VB : =IFERROR(SUBSTITUTE((VLOOKUP($A11,INDIRECT($H$14),550,False)),"0",""),"")
I wondered if the SUBSTITUTE command is causeing issues but cannot remember quite what this command does - may have copied from elsewhere and not fully understood it.
The following code is used elsewhere on the same worksheet to display the same test result but in a individual pupil format rather than as a class sheet.
VB : =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($C$7,INDIRECT($H$14),888,False),"")
This picks up the same result but does not suppress the zeros. It cannot be used to do the job of the upper code as it reads from the original source where as the upper line of code reads from a central point which does not change so the data from 6 different areas is copied into this area.
These are not part of macros just in a cell. The cells are not formatted and then right click format cell is just "general".
Needless to say I need to know what I have done wrong to get the test result to be displayed incorrectly so I can correct it to get the sheet right.
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Mar 24, 2009
I would like one formula to remove "5206" from this string. I tried a combination of right/left formulas together, but I could not get it to work.
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Mar 13, 2007
I want to create a long list of 10,000 random numbers between -100 and +150, but do it so that the average of all the random numbers equals 20.
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May 18, 2007
how to code VB to where when data is sorted a formula can be placed at the bottom a column to sum or average the above data?
I have tried relational positioning e.g
each time a row is created, integer n5 = n5 + 1
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveCell.Offset(rowoffset:=1, columnOffset:=12).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=sum(r[" - " & n5]c:r[-1]c)"
ActiveCell.Offset(rowoffset:=0, columnOffset:=7).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=average(r[" - " & n5]c:r[-1]c)"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
n2 = ActiveCell.Offset(rowoffset:=1, columnOffset:=-19).Address
n5 = 0
Where n5 is augmented each time a row is created then set to 0 to count the next list
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Jan 12, 2010
I'm doing the website for my company and things have to be entered into the site via spreadsheets. I have a list of numbers
e.g. 3652, 2845, 50925, 4809, 18392
that need to have the spaces removed in order for them to work.
e.g. 3652,2845,50925,4809,18392
There are over 500 cells with multiple numbers in each, so I don't want to do it one at a time, and rightly so, because Excel keeps changing the format and giving me something like
3.6*10^30 and loses all my commas.
Is there an easier way?
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Jun 26, 2013
I need a formula that will add .1, .2, .3, etc. to a repeating list number. See the example below.
Project Work Id
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May 16, 2006
I have several files of data that are from a data logger. The data is broken up by day. Each day has roughly 43000 rows of data, at its sample rate. This has made charting the data a nuisance. Is there a way to resample the data so it fits in the 32000 points excel can chart? In the future I will set a sample rate that will keep the number of points below the 32K per series. I would like to be able to have the total number of points reduced by averaging the data not by simply deleting one of every four rows.
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Jun 5, 2014
Say column A has either numbers or text in each cell, I need a macro to only get each number in each cell that is not a duplicate of a number in any previous cell and list each number found down column B.
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May 4, 2009
I have a sheet which details specific card numbers in Column A, and the date and place of transaction in the Column B. This very long list contains multiple entries for each card number. What I would like to do is use Sheet2 to list each card number and the number of times it appears in the list.
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Nov 21, 2013
I'm trying to create a staff rota which will populate a rota randomly when prompted - I have been trying to find some way of connecting the random lists and the staff names, though this has proved difficult (to say the least!). How best to proceed? I'm also fully aware of the possibility that my present design will also double book people (place then on reception and telephone duty simultaneously).
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Feb 25, 2014
Is it posible and how to create a list of barcodes from a list of numbers on the worksheet?
Strokescribe seems to have some ind of solution but the data can't come from the worksheet.
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Jun 5, 2014
Does excel 2013 have a fence way to sort a list of alpha numeric numbers and alphabetize in this order A - Z and then 0 - 9.
Ex) Apple, Greg, Rob, Sand, 123, 126, 1000, 2001
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Aug 18, 2014
[URL] .... If you take a look at the picture, what I'm trying to do is add the list of Prices up so that I can differentiate the amount received in $ and in £.
I need to add up all the numbers that don't have a $ in front into the 1 cell, and all the ones with the $ in front into another cell.
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Mar 15, 2014
Is there any script that I generate 6 numbers of these numbers from the list? so they do not recur after another example 7,12,13,19,26,33
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Mar 21, 2014
So the data I put in Is Cells A to D the reast are calculated for me. so for example E2 is looking down column D to see if the number matches the number in A2, If any of them do it will put the name in the corresponding cell in E2 (Or you ca use a different cell if you prefer) so in this case D3=A2 so B3 is the answer also in the cell next to it I need whatever number is the cell next to the answer so in this case C3
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Nov 29, 2007
1- I have a list full with numbers in a column. And I want to count how many digits are there in every cells. If digit of the number is less than 7, macro will complete it to 7 digits by adding 0 (zero) at the beginning of the number.
Example: A1 = 85468... A1 value is 5 < 7 in this case our number will be 0085468 (total 7 digits)
PS: sometime, when numbers start with 0 (zero), excel delete all 0 value at the beginning of the numbers. Macro should prevent this error.
2- I have another list with 2 columns which arranged in order. I mean:
A1=xx1, B1=xx2, A2=xx3, B2=xx4, A3=xx5, B3=xx6... etc. One is at A column, next number in B column.
My request is I want to make this list 1 column as arranged.
A1=xx1, A2= xx2, A3=xx3, A4=xx4... etc.
3- Macro will add a new line to the end of the above list with this format:
Z00001 is static
xxxx is number of the full cells of A column plus 1. It will be 4 digits. If count is less than 4, it will complete it to 4 digits.
Example: if there are 15 cells in the list, last line will Z00010016 (15 + 1)
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