I have the following code which toggles the value of cells by double clicking on them. I need to exclude certain ranges of cells though. I tried password protecting the sheet, but that haults the code. Is there a way to exclude the cells or exit sub if the targeted cell was in the range of Rows("10:10") or Columns("A:B") for example?
Within Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick, I have the following simple code extract that sets the appropriate autofilter to the correct value (and highlights a couple of cells for clarity) when a particular cell is double-clicked...
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C10:AQ11")) Is Nothing Then
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C10:D11")) Is Nothing Then
You'll be happy to hear that the event works as expected.
However I would like to add the following enhancement: after Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick completes the "double-clicked cell" is selected, is it possible for the "original" cell to be re-selected once the event completes?
I am using a BeforeDoubleClick event to look for a worksheet name and if it exists, go to the sheet. If the worksheet does not exist, it is creates a new sheet by copying a hidden sheet and naming it using a name in a cell reference. It works for the most part, but I am finding that it is having an intermittant issue. Sometimes, when I double-click, it double-clicks the target cell for editing, and then it renames the active sheet to the cell reference rather than copying the hidden sheet. It seems to happen when I reach 35 sheets created, but not always. Here is the
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Dim WSname As String Dim WScheck As Worksheet Dim WScheckname As String If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A5:L85")) Is Nothing Then WSname = Range("L" & Target.Row) On Error Resume Next Set WScheck = Sheets(WSname) If WScheck Is Nothing Then 'Doesn't exist so create it Sheets("Master_SLP").Copy Before:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Name = WSname.........................
I have a speadsheet where I have a cell that reads a named range via OFFSET. The range consists mainly of numbers but a few cells contain the text UL (Unlimited)
The cell that "reads" the OFFSET is then used in another cell where it is multiplied by either 2 or 3 depending on user input.
The problem occurs where the cell attempts to multiply the text "UL" which results in "#VALUE!" How can I have this cell with the multiplication bypass the multiplication and simply return the text "UL" in the case of reading text from the named range.
I have a dynamic named range which allows me to have an automatically growing drop down list in B1 as more cities are added in column A. however, my workbook will have N/A errors to begin with before cities are added.
is there a way for my drop down list in B1 not to include the N/A errors and only the cities? of course when the next N/A error turns into a city, i would like the B1 drop down list to recognise this and include it.
I have a tracking sheet (attached) that has many functions, but I'm having trouble with two of them. First of all, I have a Worksheet_Change event set that when a cell is cleared, it fills the cell with a formula to use the record above it as a default value if another cell is equivalent. This worked when I first wrote it, but now it seems to break every other time I use it. When assigning the formula it returns a Method Default/FormulaR1C1/Offset failed error message. It seems to be different for each one, each time and I can't figure out what the problem is.
The other problem I'm having is that I wrote a BeforeDoubleClick event to expand or contract any given record, or series of records. this too worked when I initially wrote it, but now is only hiding one row when it should be hiding eight or more. I'm not terribly versed in VBA and totally baffled as to why I'm having these problems. As I side note, any ideas to clean up any of the code and make this run smoother (as ther will be many more series added when complete).
I have a list of users in Colum N and in the next column each user has to assign a code from a drop down list... that part is ok... In the next column I have a formula that returns a value of 1 if the code has been assigned... =IF(N4="","",1)... This is the bit i am struggling with... i now need the value to be zero if the user name appears within a range called "excludePersons"
I use currentRegion to add the item to the combobox, but i don't know how to add without including the first cell in the range,as usually, it is the field name.
I want to conditionally format the highest and lowest number in a range of numbers in a single column (Column C). The numbers in Column C are created by a formula that simply adds the data in the two cells in the same row of Columns A & B.
Numbers are entered into columns A & B daily. The column C formula has been filled into enough rows to complete the entire year. Since future days do not have numbers filled in for Columns A & B, Column C for those days results in a sum of 0.
I have set up conditional formatting for Column C so the cell of the highest number in filled in green. I want to conditionally format Column C so the cell with the lowest number is filled red, but it automatically fills all the cells for future days in Column C in red because the sum displayed there is 0.
Is there a way to exclude the 0 sum cells? The date is filled in as simple text, rather than formatted as a day. Is that the answer?
I have data that I calculate by month and at the bottom I calculate a weighted average. However, I want to exclude the last two months (data points) because they are not mature.
So every month when I update the spreadsheet, it would be the two newest data points to exclude.
I have 2 excel sheets with records of email addresses. Excel Sheet A , Excel Sheet B.
I want to exclude the email addresses of Excel Sheet B from Excel Sheet A (if there are similar records I want to remove them from excel sheet A)how to do this?
I have a macro code (attached below) which i am using to do some conditional formatting for all my worksheets in a workbook. I would like this macro to skip 1st 2 sheets in this workbook.
Can some1 kindly edit my following code so that macro does not runs on 1st 2 sheets namely "Sheet1" & "Sheet2" and continue running for all remaining.
I have a workbook event where the macro inserts the username and date into the comments of the cell that has been edited.. However I would like it to exclude the 'Index' worksheet that has its own macro for indexing all the sheets in the workbook. As every time the sheet is clicked and the macro updates the sheet names all the cells comment.
I've got data for different regions of our company. For this example, what I need to do is count the number of jobs in the "South Atlantic" region (Column T) that are NOT "Wal-Mart Stores, Inc" jobs. In order to do this, I put a "1" in Column F so that the formula would have something to sum:
The problem is that some job numbers, which are located in Column G, are duplicated. As a result, this number is higher than it should be.
So what I need to do is only count each job number once. How do I do that? Is there a way to modify the existing formula? Or do I need something completely different?
I have a list of weeks 1-4 for the fiscal month of January. I have a total column. Each week the appropriate week is updated and the total is updated via formula. The total column is just formulas adding Weeks 1-4 up. I also have an average column with the AVERAGE formula beside the total it that should give me the weekly average for January. However, it's trying to average all the weeks instead of just the weeks that I am on.
For example, Week 1 is 1,000,000. Week 2 is 500,000. Week 3 & 4 are 0 because there is no data in there yet. The AVERAGE formula keeps showing 375,000 instead of 750,000. It's averaging all the weeks and I just want it to average Weeks 1 & 2 right now, but automatically average Weeks 3 & 4 when they are populated.
I'm running a query of 30 and 60 days worth of data but I don't want certain dates to be included in the queries. How do I exclude certain dates and at the same time pull in day 31 to include this in my 30 day high or average etc.?
I want to exclude 1/15 because it is a holiday and it just repeats the data from 1/12. So I want it to pull in the data for 1/12 if I were doing a 5 day query. As I said before I need to do a MAX, MIN, AVERAGE and STDEV of 30 and 60 days but my formulas are skewed because of the holidays.
I need to have an inputbox for users to enter multiple store numbers. What I need to do is actually filter out the store numbers that was entered into the inputbox my code so far is:
'Inputbox to filter out new stores Newstore = InputBox("Enter New Store Numbers seperated by a space", "Enter New Stores", "119 120") x = Split(Newstore, " ") For i = 0 To UBound(x)
Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=Array(x) _ , Operator:=xlFilterValues Next i
How do I adjust this formula so it copies & paste special values rather than copying formatting etc? I am very new to this and I have looked at other examples but have found it hard to adjust my code using those examples.
VB: Sub PrepayjournalKW() ' ' PrepayjournalKW Macro ' Range("A6", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Journal").Range("A1") Range("B6", Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Journal").Range("C1") Range("AB6", Range("AB" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Journal").Range("D1") Range("AF6", Range("AB" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Journal").Range("E1") End Sub
E.g After i filter my data, i have 50 data which will not include into my data analysis. However, after set up pivot table, these 50 data still include into my counting from my pivot table. How to exclude?
I am trying to create a schedule that includes weekdays only. Is there a formula or set-up step to do that?
Currently I have 3 columns: Start date Action date Finish date
The Action date column has the formula: that cell (say C4) minus number of days that action requires (say 10), but when 10 days fall on a weekend, I need to change to the next work day instead.
I am trying to exclude unusable data from my analysis. I have flagged data in the flag column on sheet 1 by a "1". A "0" is good data. On sheet 2, I have counts for the amounts of a certain code per partner. I used a sumproduct formula for the counts, but now I want to exclude all data with a flag "1".