Calculate Total Pay Based On Sliding Percentage Scale

May 20, 2008

I am trying to set up a spreadsheet where all the sales manager will have to do is input the number of cars sold to determine what the total amount of commission will be for a salesperson. I have something set up so far, but need the spread sheet to do an if/then type thing where it will search the table, and produce the dollar amount for the number of cars sold based on the scale and the number in the # cars sold cell.

I've tried conditional sum, IF, goal seek, and all kinds of stuff to no avail. The spreadsheet is attached.

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Sliding Percentage Scale

Jun 18, 2014

A set low number of 100 is in cell B4, and a related set high percent of 18% is in cell B6.

A set high number of 1,000 is in cell D4, and a related set low percent of 14% is in cell D6.

In cell B8 a manual number will be typed between 100 and 1,000.

In cell B10 we want a formula that will roundup a percentage number between 14% and 18% depending on the number inserted in B8.

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Calculate On Sliding Scale

Nov 19, 2006

Calculate the intensives to be paid to a loan officer based on the number of cases he brings , according to the following :

the first 10 cases 0
from 11 to 15 cases 6 pounds
from 16 to 20 cases 8 pounds
from 21 cases to more 10 pounds

so I need to put the total number of the cases , the loan officer brought in one cell, and this value to be processed and splitted to the segments above , and multiplied with adjacent pounds sums , and finally calculate the total of theintensive to be paid.

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Calculate A Linear Sliding Scale

Oct 9, 2008

I need a formula to calculate a linear sliding scale from 10%-30% (no higher, no lower). Based on the data in the below chart, if the GROR (let's say this is known and the result resides in cell A1) is less than or equal to 0.0% the payout % is 10.0% and gradually increases as the GROR increases.

The payout % is capped at 30% which is if GROR is 18% or greater. Below are just some examples of how certain thresholds should calculate.

GROR 0.0%5.0% 8.0% 11.0% 14.0% 18.0%+
payout %10.0%10.0%14.6%19.2%23.8%30.0%

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Oct 3, 2008


0 - 49.99 = 9.9%
50 - 599.99 = FIRST 50 @ 9.9% (4.95) THEN AT 5.8%
600 ABOVE = FIRST 50 @ 9.9% (4.95) + 50 - 599.99@5.8 (32.45) AND THEN 600 ABOVE AT 1.9%

this is what i came up with, but it is not excepting the formulae.


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Sliding Scale - Figure Increases And Moves Through Thresholds Pay Changes?

Jul 18, 2013

I have a single figure and as the figure increases and moves through thresholds the pay changes. e.g.

Number of sales payable = 15.66
Level 1: 1-10 pays 100 for each that falls in this threshold
Level 2:11-15 pays 150 for each that falls in this threshold
Level 3: 16-20 pays 200 for each that falls in this threshold
Level 4: 21+ pays 250 for all above this

I want to work the amount payable with a formula.

It should be $1849

Is there a formula that can calcualte this without me manually figuring out how many in each threshold.

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Percentage Based On Closest Match Of Scale

Mar 20, 2008

I'm looking for a solution that could automatically return a value from a predefined named range depending on a given value. eg. I have 3 discount groups:

1) Discount A
Above quantity 5 = 3%
Above quantity 10 = 4%
Above quantity 15 = 5%
Else = 0%

2) Discount B
Above quantity 30 = 2%
Above quantity 60 = 9%
Else = 0%

3) Discount C
Above quantity 15 = 5%
Else = 0%

I have assigned all products to the various groups using vlookup. All discountgroups are named ranges (respectively DISCOUNT A, DISCOUNT B, ...)
ALL OF THE ABOVE IS DONE. How can I make excel look into a named range and return the correct percentage depending on the quantity that is written elsewhere (Keep in mind, most discount groups have a different amount of applied scales as you can see above). So far I can make it look into the correct named range and return a value when a quantity is exactly the same as the minimum quantity. The 'between' or scale functionality ... I have no idea how to work that out within a named range, whilest keep on looking for next scale if condition is not met.

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Formula To Calculate YTD Total Percentage

Jun 10, 2013

Formula to calculate the YTD % ?

If A1= YTD 100% and B1, C1 ,D1 etc.. do represent the month of Jan, Feb, Mar...etc

What do I have to use for A1 to auto-cal Jan - Dec?

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Calculate Percentage Of Total Salary

May 4, 2008

I have percentages set up for my monthly costs (student loans, food, spending money) and I want to be able to type in my weekly salary and have the percentages break it down into dollar amounts. Later, I'd like to put that into a pie chart, but I'm really only asking for help referring each category/percentage to the total $ value I enter each day/week/month.

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Calculate Taxes And Pension As A Percentage Of Total W-2

Dec 16, 2009

I have attached a sample workbook of what I am struggling with. It is for payroll, and I need to calculate taxes and pension as a percentage of Total W-2. The problem is that the 'Total W-2' column then deducts these taxes and pension.

Currently, the worksheet has about 30 columns out to the right using 'guesses' to back into these numbers, but I hope there is an easier way.

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Pivot Table: Calculate Percentage Of X Sales To To Total Sales

Feb 20, 2008

See the attachment. I want the percentage of Car Sales to total sales of different countries automatically.

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Calculate Number Based On Percentage

Aug 10, 2005

example 1:
This years sales are $3700, a decrease of 11.6%. What would last years
sales be?

example 2:
This years sales are $4500, an increase of 151%. What would last years
sales be?

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Calculate Percentage Based On The Number

Jul 17, 2008

I am working on a spreadsheet which has lots of data in it. I have a Column i.e. Checked out and on each cell entered an X Mark indicating that a device has been checked out.

Since this Checked Out Column goes all the way down to > 1000 cells. Is there a way for us to make a formula and calculate percentage based on the number of X's that are entered and tell as that out of 1000 cells, the X's are 65% and so the blank cells would have to be checked to complete the list?

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Calculate Percentage Based On Criteria

Jul 29, 2006

I have events in column 1,in my sheet there are about 800 events.

In col 2. each contestant has a label,blue(b),green(g) or red(r)

In column 3 I want to print the % of blue + green of the total for each event,

e.g first event in attached sheet would show 77.7% down to row 10 in col 3 etc.

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Calculate Percentage Based On Count Of Specified Text

Aug 8, 2007

I have a list of YES or NO answers in a sheet. I want to calculate the % of YES in the list. E.G. if there are 100 cells in total and 25 of them say YES and the remaining 75 say NO, the percentage should be 25%.

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Formula To Calculate Percentage Based On Number And Text In Cells

May 14, 2014

I have a form in work which acts as a tick sheet for tasks complete on a construction site. When a task is complete I copy & paste from a key of dates i.e. week ending 11.05.15, this allows me to see what week a task was complete.

Generally I only marked off tasks which were 100% complete but my manager wants me to enter the % of the task complete also, i.e. 80% in the box.

So my question is how can I have the formula assume that any box with a date & shading is 100% and any cell with a number i.e. 80 is only 80% complete. I need it to monitor around 150 cells and give me the overall % complete based on what i have discussed.

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Calculate Quantities Based On Set Total

Dec 22, 2007

I have three values. The Quantity of items, the cost per items and the cost for the entire order. In some instances I want to give my clients items for free so I need to lower the cost per item in order to keep the entire order cost the same.

In order to ensure we are on the same page let's use the following associations:
Y = Quantity
X = Cost Per Item
Z = Order Total

So essentially I need a formula that will automatically calculate the cost per item (X) when more Quantity (Y) is added in order to keep the order total (Z) the same.

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Calculate Colum Total Based On Formula

Dec 8, 2009

I would like to have something that looks like a running total, but isn't.

I have in a colomn 'rate' and after that a column for each month in a year.
I would like to have at the bottom a total cost, so rate x hours.
have a look at the picture.

is there a formula for this?
$10 2,02,01,0
$12 2,03,00,0
$10 3,02,05,0
$15 4,02,53,0

total cost $134,0 $113,5 $105

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Maths / Calculate Scale Of A Set Of Numbers?

Dec 11, 2012

I have a need to work out a scaled trend 1 - 10

for example if I have the following data set:


Product A


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Randomized Rows Based On Percentage Of Total Rows

Mar 26, 2014

I have medium size sets of data. They have different properties including alpha, integer, date, etc..

I would like to set up a macro to search through the data dump based on criteria asked of me specific to a row and return a random list of entire rows that is approximately 10% of total rows where the criteria matches up with what I have specified.


100-Emerson Court


So if I choose the site to be "100-Emerson_Court" and there are 400 rows with "100-Emerson_Court" in column A, in a separate sheet called "audit", it will transpose a random 10% or 40 of the rows.

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Calculate Players Ranking Based On Their Weight Categories And Attempts Total?

Jan 31, 2014

I am trying to calculate players ranking based on their weight categories and attempts total, e.g. Category (50kg, 69kg etc..) Rank should be calculated automatically the highest total value of cat. 50kg is 1st second highest is 2nd etc. However, if tow players or more within the same Category have scored same point ranking will be calculated based on Body Weight less comes first and if both have similar weight calculation will be based on Start # first player comes first etc..

Start #
Body Weight
Total Point

Player #1
Team #1

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Conditional Formatting Based On Percentage And Insert Cell Based On Percentage

Apr 3, 2013

I have a workbook that I've built for a project. I've attached a sample workbook. What I'm trying to do, for the entire sheet or workbook if possible, is turn any Cell with a percentage of 30% to 49% yellow and any cell with a percentage of 50% or more Red. I would also like to move the ID's of the variable cells, for example Id number 9922, to the cells beside the description of the rows, Affected would be an example, if the information contained in the same row as the ID meets with a set of variables.

For example I only want the ID's moved if they correspond with IDsub 1-25. One more thing, the people who will be using this spreadsheet will be copying data from a website when it is imported it does not insert the values as numbers. I would like to format the cells, in example workbook they would be any of the cells labeled ID IDsub Variable or Number, so that anything put in that cell will automatically be converted to a number.

I should also probably add that the formatting will be done on approximately 80 rows a sheet with 47 sheets.

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Create A Spreadsheet That Will Calculate Total Money Spent And Total Savings?

Mar 5, 2014

I need to set up an easy to use spread sheet for my office. It needs to be able to calculate the running total spent of fuel, as well as include any discounts we get and then calculate our total savings.So basically, total spent and total saved.

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Total Percentage Of True Cells Compared To Total Number Of Cells

Jun 9, 2014

I have a column with Cells that will sat True or False, the amount of rows will be different every time, I need to work out what the total percentage of True cells compared to the total number of cells. How would this be achieved.

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Subtract A Percentage From Total?

Jan 9, 2014

for example:

Period Revenue 5% 10% 15% 20% -5% -10% -15% -20%
$72,003.33 $75,603.50 $79,203.67 $82,803.83 $86,404.00 $68,403.17

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Formula That Will Look Across Row And Will Total Percentage With Max Of 100%

Feb 11, 2014

I am looking for a formula that looks across and row or column and makes sure that a max of 100% or dollar value is not reached. Is there any solution that would allow for flexibility. Below would be the wrong result.

30% 20%25% 10%30% 115%
600,000 200,000 250,000 100,000 x 1,150,000

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Pivot: Percentage Of Subtotal And Total

Feb 14, 2010

I have created an old fashioned pivot table. I would like to have it show percentage of subtotal and show percentage of Grand Total, to 3 decimal places. See REPORT tab. In column D of attachment, I have entered in text what I would like to see in this column for INCOME, EXPENSE, AND SPENDING pivot table.

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Formula: Extract Percentage From Total

Oct 6, 2006

I need to make a formula to extract GST from a total amount, when the total amount also has PST (like state tax) in it.

GST is 7%

This is how I would figure it out manually


$6.54 is the number I'm trying to figure out how to get to with an excel formula.

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Count Of Cumulative Percentage Of Total

Feb 19, 2008

I have a table representing the usage of several thousand product in a market. Each row represents a product and one column indicates the frequency of use. I'd like to find out how many products represent the Nth percentage of the whole, when ranked from most used to least.

Shorter, if I want to know the Top 25%, how many products equate to the top 25% of all product frequency? ....

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Calculate Percentage Of A Percentage?

Apr 26, 2013

calculating the percentage of a percentage and writing the formula for excel.

There are 295 people in a room, of the 295, 75 or 25% are mothers. (I know how to calculate 25% - 75/295 = 25.42) of the 75 mothers 35 have 3 children, 32 have 2 children and 10 have 1 child.

35 is what percent of 25%
32 is what percent of 25%
10 is what percent of 25%

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