Formula To Calculate Percentage Based On Number And Text In Cells

May 14, 2014

I have a form in work which acts as a tick sheet for tasks complete on a construction site. When a task is complete I copy & paste from a key of dates i.e. week ending 11.05.15, this allows me to see what week a task was complete.

Generally I only marked off tasks which were 100% complete but my manager wants me to enter the % of the task complete also, i.e. 80% in the box.

So my question is how can I have the formula assume that any box with a date & shading is 100% and any cell with a number i.e. 80 is only 80% complete. I need it to monitor around 150 cells and give me the overall % complete based on what i have discussed.

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Calculate Number Based On Percentage

Aug 10, 2005

example 1:
This years sales are $3700, a decrease of 11.6%. What would last years
sales be?

example 2:
This years sales are $4500, an increase of 151%. What would last years
sales be?

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Calculate Percentage Based On The Number

Jul 17, 2008

I am working on a spreadsheet which has lots of data in it. I have a Column i.e. Checked out and on each cell entered an X Mark indicating that a device has been checked out.

Since this Checked Out Column goes all the way down to > 1000 cells. Is there a way for us to make a formula and calculate percentage based on the number of X's that are entered and tell as that out of 1000 cells, the X's are 65% and so the blank cells would have to be checked to complete the list?

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Calculate Percentage Based On Count Of Specified Text

Aug 8, 2007

I have a list of YES or NO answers in a sheet. I want to calculate the % of YES in the list. E.G. if there are 100 cells in total and 25 of them say YES and the remaining 75 say NO, the percentage should be 25%.

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Conditional Formula Based On Another Cells / Rows Text / Number?

Jan 25, 2013

I am wondering if I could have a formula be used against a certain row/cell containing a certain "phrase" or "number" for instance

I want E1 to read something like this = (row containing item "FF32105") (the given row from the previous statement) ( the input column ex. B) (the input value ex. *6)

Essential I want to be able to copy and past a sales forecast and have the formulas automatically (listed below the pasted forecast) calculate purchase needs. The issue is that if our forecast one month has a certain item and then the next does not then they will end up on different lines after the copy/paste. We have over 500 items so a manual adjustment would be time consuming..

Is there a possible way for the formulas to "find" the correct line to start calculating data?

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Formula To Calculate Based On Start Month Number And Duration Number Of Months

Mar 14, 2014

I need a formula that will calucalte the monthly total based on the following conditions:

Col A = Yearly Cost
Col B = The number of the month when the costs are starting (1=Jan etc)
Col C = The duration or the number of months for which the costs are to spread
Col D is Year 2013 with the months across columns D-O. Row 1 above those columns shows the month's corresponding number.

Right now I have =IF($B3<=D$1,$A3/$C3,0) however if my start month is 1 and my duration is 5, I need the costs to stop after May. I've attached a sample file. Calculate based on start month and duration.xlsx

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Calculate Percentage Of Text Occurences

Sep 11, 2007

I am having problems with a macro I wrote that basically fills things in two columns based on a set of values from other columns.

Lets say it looks like this (column B is based on column A):

A1 = Hi
A2 = Hello
A3 = Hi
A4 = Hello
A5 = Hi
A6 = Hello
A7 =
A8 = Hi
A9 = Hello
A10 = Bye

After the macro runs, column B should look like this:

B1 = 10%
B2 = 20%
B3 = 10%
B4 = 20%.............

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Calculate Number Required To Achieve Target Percentage?

Mar 28, 2012

I am trying to create a formula to calculate the total number of calls that I need to receive to hit the target % if the current % is less than the target %. I have tried various formulae, but not having much luck. Also, it shouldn't show me any negative figures.

A = Departments
B = Calls Dropped
C = Calls Received
D = Current % (C/F)
E = Target %
F = Total (B + C)
G = Required (When I enter B, C and E, the rest needs to calculated automatically. G should tell me the amount of calls I need to receive in order to achieve the target specified in E)

Calls DroppedCalls ReceivedCurrent %Target %TotalCalls Required to hit TargetDept 1
21083.33%95.00%12 Dept 2
067100.00%90.00%67 Total

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Calculate Percentage Based On Criteria

Jul 29, 2006

I have events in column 1,in my sheet there are about 800 events.

In col 2. each contestant has a label,blue(b),green(g) or red(r)

In column 3 I want to print the % of blue + green of the total for each event,

e.g first event in attached sheet would show 77.7% down to row 10 in col 3 etc.

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Formula Calculate The Percentage

Nov 16, 2005

I have a row of numbers from 1 to 26 in cells A1 to Z1 representing numbers
'chosen' at random by 500 unique people.

I have another row of numbers representing the 'frequency' that the
aforementioned number was chosen in cells A2 to Z2.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...
10 4 16 9 23 20 61 13 18 43 17 ...

Is there a formula that I could use to calculate the percentage (0%-100%)
that each number was chosen?

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Formula To Calculate Percentage

Dec 20, 2013

I need a correct formula to calculate percentage...mine is not correct

Cell J18 will hold the formula.Range C18:I18 will have values.

C18 will have a value for today,D18 will get a value tomorrow,E18 will get a value 1 day after tomorrow etc..etc..

J18 formula - =sum(C18:I18)/7

If I only has a value in J18 then it will divide that single number by 7.......can a formula only divide by entries in cells....if I have 1 entry then it divides by 1,if I have 4 entries then it divides by 4 etc..etc until thee is 7 entries.

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Formula: Calculate Percentage

Nov 15, 2006

I have in row D a list of numbers and in cell F a list of salaries. I need a forumla to tell me what percentage D1 is of F1 etc.

IE the formula will be something along the lines of D1 * 12 / F1 * 100

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Calculate Percentage Between Two Cells

Jun 26, 2007

in A1 I have 57 in B1 I have 75 so if I calculate percentage between those two I should get somewhere around 5% instead I'm getting 76%,

what am I doing wrong, in C1 I have =A1/B1 and then formated under percentage.

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Formula To Calculate YTD Total Percentage

Jun 10, 2013

Formula to calculate the YTD % ?

If A1= YTD 100% and B1, C1 ,D1 etc.. do represent the month of Jan, Feb, Mar...etc

What do I have to use for A1 to auto-cal Jan - Dec?

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Calculate Total Pay Based On Sliding Percentage Scale

May 20, 2008

I am trying to set up a spreadsheet where all the sales manager will have to do is input the number of cars sold to determine what the total amount of commission will be for a salesperson. I have something set up so far, but need the spread sheet to do an if/then type thing where it will search the table, and produce the dollar amount for the number of cars sold based on the scale and the number in the # cars sold cell.

I've tried conditional sum, IF, goal seek, and all kinds of stuff to no avail. The spreadsheet is attached.

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Shift Range Of Cells To Calculate Formula By Fixed Number

Mar 10, 2009

How can I shift the range of cells I want to calculate an average from? For example I want to get the average of cells A1 to A10, so =AVERAGE(A1:A10) And next I want to get the average of cells A11 to A20, so =AVERAGE(A11:A20). But I don't want to manually change the data or delete rows all the time.Is it possible to do something like: =average(A1+10:A10+10)??

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Calculate Percentage Of Individual Months Between 2 Dates And Populate Different Cells With Results

Dec 20, 2013

I want to display the percentage of occupancy for each month for condo rentals.

I have columns with dates that represent bookings throughout the year. check in and check out dates to be more precise. (A1 and B1 for example) and I have columns with months Jan, Feb, etc. (C1, D1, etc. for example)

The problem I run in to is that I can calculate the number of days between the dates and the fraction of the year (*12 to get a monthly value, but I fail to understand how I can break that up so that I can populate each month with a correct percentage of the total term.

E.g. A1=1-jan-2014 and B1=20-jan-2014 is an easy one because it only covers 1 month:
formula: =(YEARFRAC(A1,B1,3))*12 gives me 62,47% which I could just use as is for that month.

So far so good, but when the period covers more than one month or when the months overlaps, I don't know how to break the outcome up into the appropriate months to display the correct percentage for each month in its own column.

e.g. A1=1-jan-2014 and B1=20-Mar-2014 gives me a result of 253% with the same formula.
100% for November, 100% for December and 63% for January, which I could somehow formulate to break up over different Months.

But then it gets more tricky. What if the booking starts on a day other than the 1st of the Month?

e.g. A1=5-jan-2014 and B1=20-Mar-2014
The result of the formula (243%) is correct, but isn't sufficient to put the correct percentages for each month in their respective column.

What formula(s) should I use to break down the percentages to match the correct fraction of each individual month?

I attached an example of what I have so far for your review : test.xlsx‎

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Return Percentage Of Number Based On Its Value

Sep 8, 2007

Spreedsheet on on sales and taxes

Need formula for cells.

3 different cells involved... B1 will have $ amounts, B10 tax code, B25 will have total of tax applied due to code.

Exp; cell B10 will contain the tax code... if you enter..... "1" in the cell the calculation will be 7% in cell B25, enter "2" in cell B10 and the calculation will be 6% in cell B25 , and if you enter "3" in cell B10 the calculation will be 13% in cell B25.

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Number Format Based On Corresponding Cells Text

May 15, 2008

Cell L90 to L120 are input cells where I type " Percentage" or "Dollar Amount". I need the five cells to the right of each input cell starting two cells over, to be formatted accordingly. I read a thread similar to what I'm asking for suggesting a worksheet change macro, but I can't quite figure it out for a range of cells. Also, in case I need to add a row to my sheet before all of these cells, how can I make sure that this will still work without having to go into the code. Is this an activecell thing?

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Conditional Formatting Based On Percentage And Insert Cell Based On Percentage

Apr 3, 2013

I have a workbook that I've built for a project. I've attached a sample workbook. What I'm trying to do, for the entire sheet or workbook if possible, is turn any Cell with a percentage of 30% to 49% yellow and any cell with a percentage of 50% or more Red. I would also like to move the ID's of the variable cells, for example Id number 9922, to the cells beside the description of the rows, Affected would be an example, if the information contained in the same row as the ID meets with a set of variables.

For example I only want the ID's moved if they correspond with IDsub 1-25. One more thing, the people who will be using this spreadsheet will be copying data from a website when it is imported it does not insert the values as numbers. I would like to format the cells, in example workbook they would be any of the cells labeled ID IDsub Variable or Number, so that anything put in that cell will automatically be converted to a number.

I should also probably add that the formatting will be done on approximately 80 rows a sheet with 47 sheets.

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Formula For Largest Percentage Related To Reference Number

May 15, 2014

I have data one sheet which is

Date Ref No Type %complete
Monday 1 Erect 75
Monday 2 Erect 50
Tuesday 1 Erect 95
Wednesday 1 Erect 100

On the next tab I am consolidating all the reference numbers and want to capture the latest % complete

I have been trying =Max(if ref no=1 and type = Erect, % complete),1

But when I try it for reference number 2, it just says 100% aswell, when that should be 50%.

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Formula Based Upon Number Of Empty Cells?

Jul 28, 2014

I am creating a fantasy football draft board using excel. To keep it short and sweet, each individual team (one per column) has a $200 budget to draft players. Each team must fill 14 roster positions (one per row), but here's the catch; you must spend at least $1 on all of the 14 players on your roster. So you have a maximum bid amount which is your remaining budget subtracted by $1 for every remaining spot you have left to fill.

I have already created a "remaining budget" field which subtracts each drafted player's inserted dollar amounts from the $200... easy. Beneath this, I'd like to create another cell per team that tells you your "maximum bid," which is essentially 200, -1 for every cell that remains blank. I have played around with the conditional IF formulas but cannot seem to have it account for multiple cells.

As a workaround, I have made columns hidden beneath the board which contain the conditional IF, ISBLANK fields which are -1 if true and 0 if false. Then creating the "remaining budget" field that subtracts these values from 200. This works, but it's not perfect, as when you have multiple players you still need to draft and you've exhausted your budget only saving $1 for each, it overstates your "maximum bid" by $1, or when you have $X left and you need to only fill one more spot, it ill tell you your "maximum bid" is $X-1.

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Calculate Number Of Days Between 2 Dates And Then Assign Number Based On Answer

Mar 22, 2014

How to create a spreadsheet with what I think will be a very simple formula?

If date in B2 - date in A2 is 1 or less days, put a 1 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 7 or less days but more than 1, put a 2 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 30 or less days but more than 7, put a 3 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 90 or less days but more than 30, put a 4 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 91 days or more, put a 5 in cell C2.


Another, maybe simpler, way of saying it is:

If date in B2 - date in A2 is 1 or less days, put a 1 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 2-7 days, put a 2 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 8-30 days, put a 3 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 31-90 days, put a 4 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 91 days or more, put a 5 in cell C2.

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Range Formula Based On Percentage?

Jul 24, 2012

I have a set number in col A for example 100. Col B is variable value. And Col C is where I need the formula.

If for example Col B is within 5% of Col A return value of "G" in Col C.

If Col B is within 20% of Col A return value of "A" in Col C.

If Col B is under or over 20% ( example if Col B is 79 or 121 ) of Col A return value of "R" in Col C.

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Calculating Percentage Based On Dynamic Cells

Dec 15, 2008

I need to calculate the percentage based on self populating score. however I want excel/formula to ignore any cells which has "NA" in it so that it calculates the percentage based only on the cells having Numbers.

Now these Cells which contain Numbers might or might not contain numbers based on the "IF" function which decides wether the cell will have numbers or will remain "blank" or have "NA". To understand better please have a look at the enclosed sample (that would explain my need better)

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Conditional Formatting Formula Based On Text In Two Cells?

Jan 8, 2014

I need a formula for conditional formatting which highlights a row if A has the text "Ex" and B has "Paid".

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Generating Text For Cells Based On Results Of Formula?

Aug 14, 2013

So basically I have a spreadsheet that tracks if a patient has turned in there required paperwork within the last 6 months and then changes the cell to white and lets me know how many days they have left until they are due to turn this paperwork in again. Then if it has expired I have a condition format change the cell to Red but I would like to add in the text EXPIRED to the cell. lastly I have Cells that have no data in them gray and I would like to add in red text saying No Paperwork.

I'm hoping this will be my last build of this spreadsheet so I can go ahead and start applying it to the real workbook [URL]

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Formula That Resizes Text Box Based On Data In Two Cells?

Jan 17, 2013

What type of formula would resize a text box based on the input of two cells? Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:

A1 - width (in inches)
A2 - height (in inches)

Converts the text box to that height & width.

This is for a sign request form I am creating that would give our requestors the ability to see the size layout of their sign and then input their text to match what they're looking for.

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Calculate Percentage Of A Percentage?

Apr 26, 2013

calculating the percentage of a percentage and writing the formula for excel.

There are 295 people in a room, of the 295, 75 or 25% are mothers. (I know how to calculate 25% - 75/295 = 25.42) of the 75 mothers 35 have 3 children, 32 have 2 children and 10 have 1 child.

35 is what percent of 25%
32 is what percent of 25%
10 is what percent of 25%

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Total Percentage Of True Cells Compared To Total Number Of Cells

Jun 9, 2014

I have a column with Cells that will sat True or False, the amount of rows will be different every time, I need to work out what the total percentage of True cells compared to the total number of cells. How would this be achieved.

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