Calculating Monthly Growth Rates
Feb 28, 2008
I have US money supply data, arranged monthly from 1975-2008. I need to calculate the monthly growth rates. I would really appreciate some help as I have no clue how to do this.
here is a link to a text version of the data I am using: [url]
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Mar 6, 2013
I have a table of yearly totals for the amount spent by x. I also have a growth rate for each month so for example in 2001 in jan the growth rate might have been 0.3% and feb 0.5% What I want to do is for each month based on the growth rate and the total produce a value for each month which sum to the total amount. It's also important to note that it restarts each year.
Link for excel file is here: [URL] ...........
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Jul 10, 2014
I have a model that makes projections based on annual growth rates. However, I need to evaluate the data based on monthly intervals. With an 8% return on an investment of $1,000,000 my ending balance at the end of the year should be $1,080,000 and in year 2 it would be $1,166,400 and so on. In order to evaluate the monthly data I need each month in year 1 to be based off $1,000,000, so it would be 8%/12=.006666% or $6,666.66 per month. The next year would be based off $1,000,000 + (6,666.66*12) = $1,080,000 and each month would be $7,200.
writing a formula to evaluate over 360 periods.
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Jul 20, 2006
I have three columns. The first column contains a certain category ( i.e. Cat 1, Cat 2, ect.), and the second and third columns contain numbers referring to that category:
A1 B1 C1
Cat 1 6 5
I want to be able to find the success rate (C1/B1), but I want Excel to recognize what category it belongs too so I can split the success rates into categories in a different location. What function, if there is one, do I use, and what information do I need to plug in.
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Oct 14, 2013
I am trying to create a booking calculation sheet for facilities. I want it to create something like a quote for customers. So when booking facilities, the hourly rate changes after 6pm. What I want to do is to put in a start time and a finish time and it calculate how many hours are before 6pm and charge them at $12 per hour, as well as how many hours after 6pm and charge them $18 per hour. I have tried a few things but they don't seem to work. I'm struggling with the logic of it really. This is mainly because the start time may or may not be before 6pm, as too the finish time.
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Jun 20, 2014
Never tried complicated formulas in Access and at a bit of a loss... What I am trying to do is calculate a utility bill based on stepped rated.
For example:
Usage up to the first 500KHW is billed at .067 per KWH
Usage after the first 500KWH from 501 to 999 is billed at .044 per KWH
Usage from 1000 up is billed at .0318
So if my usage was 1200 KWH...
((500 x .067)+(500 x .044)+(200 x .0318)) = 61.86
I was assuming it would require an complex "if" function to split the 1200 into steps and then calculate charges per step?
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Aug 15, 2007
formula is needed to get excel to calculate all A rates seperate from B rates and C rates example 10 A rates @ 50.00 9 B rates @ 40.00 and 6 C rates @ 30.00 so although the rates could be mixed up (not following in any particular order the result which I would like to appear on a separate spreadsheet would be A = 500.00 B = 405.00 C = 180.00 then to get them to total up = £1085.00
A 50.00
B 40.00 then separate sheet with answer a 100.00 b 40.00 c 60.00
A 50.00
C 30.00
C 30.00
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Feb 13, 2014
From a chart in Excel I need to automatically calculate what the annual percentage growth rate is of a trend line. How to automate this in Excel? I've attached a sample so you can see what I'm trying to accomplish.
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Apr 4, 2014
how to match a series of rates for a destination city depending upon the origin city. I have figured out how to match rates from origin city to multiple destination cities but have not figured out how to change the series of rates when the origin city changes. These rates will be calculated on the "calculator" in the excel document depending on the cities chosen.
I have attached a document that shows a simplified version of what I am trying to do.
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Apr 28, 2007
I have a list of dates with respective balances. I am wondering how to get Excel to determine if the end of the month has passed after a certain date and then calculate the return for that month. What is the most efficient way in your opinion?
Here is a small data sample:
27/12/2005 06:23 0.3%
27/12/2005 05:47 -0.6%
29/12/2005 06:53 1.3%
04/01/2006 17:55 -0.1%
09/01/2006 15:35 3.99%
09/01/2006 15:46 2.54%
09/01/2006 17:07 1.8%
12/01/2006 07:12 -2%
12/01/2006 13:37 1.5%
12/01/2006 13:39 0.8%
12/01/2006 13:58 0.01%
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Feb 24, 2006
best formula for adding figures in a column that correspond to each month of the year?
I have a sales register with the date of sale and commission on each row but want to display the total commissions for each month of the current year on one worksheet and monthly totals for previous year on athother worksheet.
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Jul 7, 2012
I am working on a spreadsheet to automatically generate teachers schedules for teaching various students on a weekly basis. (See section of the spreadsheet below)
The teaching dates in column A are generated using the formula
Where Column J is the list of Holiday dates to exclude.
The rate of pay for each lesson is in Column H.
What I am attempting to do is to automatically calculate the teachers pay each month by adding together the range of cells in column H that correspond to the dates taught in a particular month listed in Column A.
I have tried to use SUMIF but as there are a different amount of lessons taught each month the range of cells to add is different each month, I can't see a way to define the cells to add from column H without doing it manually.
Is there a way to define the range of cells to add together from column H based the dates in a particular month?
Student Name
Rate of Payment
Holiday2 2012/2013
14:30 - 15:00
Student 1
Studio 103
[Code] .........
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Apr 21, 2007
If I want to obtain a future value of $500,000 at the end of 20 years, how much do I need to save each year at an interest rate of 10% per annum? I ended up using the following formula: =PMT(10%,20,-PV(10%,20,,-500000,1),,1). Let's define (Insert/ Name/Define) the answer to this function as Pmt1.
By then using =FV(10%,20,Pmt1,,1) to confirm that Pmt1 will end up providing $500,000 after 20 years I get the answer I am looking for but have absolutely NO IDEA why it works. Worse, I do not know whether it is the correct answer. I have the following function (courtesy of someone) that I use to determine the expected future value of a series of annual payments at a fixed interest rate but also with fixed annual increases in the payments. (Example: $1000 per annum is invested for 20 years. The interest earned on the $1000 is 10% per annum. The $1000 increases by 5% each year - i.e. 19 increases)
=Pmt1* SUMPRODUCT((1+5%)^(ROW(OFFSET($A$1,0,0,20,1))-1),(1+10%)^(20-ROW(OFFSET($A$1,0,0,20,1))+1))
Assuming the payment does not increase, I simply replace the 5% with 0%. When I run this function and use Pmt1 as the annual payment the answer differs from the one that I get from the PMT function that I quoted above until I change the ",,1" in the function to ",,0". What do I not understand about these functions!? Which is correct or are both provided I learn to know what they do? This is the vaguest question I've ever been able to devise simply because I can see that something is amiss and I do not know what - or how to start figuring out what it is that I "know not"!
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Dec 27, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with the second tab hyperlinked to the first tab.
Tab 1
DEC '13
NOV '13
OCT '13
SEPT '13
AUG '13
[Code] ......
ERROR: Row 157, Aug '13
Here's the formula I used: =IF('End of Month'!L3>=0,('End of Month'!L3-'End of Month'!N3),IF('End of Month'!L3>0,('End of Month'!L3-'End of Month'!M3),(0)))
Should return value 339.
The formula should simply take the current month value and subtract it from the previous month value BUT if the value is zero, then it should go to the prior month and so on until it retrieves a positive value.
I've also tried to following formula without any success:
=IF('End of Month'!H3=0,('End of Month'!H3-'End of Month'!J3),
IF('End of Month'!H3=0,('End of Month'!H3-'End of Month'!K3),
IF('End of Month'!H3=0,('End of Month'!H3-'End of Month'!L3),
IF('End of Month'!H3=0,('End of Month'!H3-'End of Month'!M3),
IF('End of Month'!H3=0,('End of Month'!N3-'End of Month'!O3),
IF('End of Month'!H3>0,('End of Month'!H3-'End of Month'!I3),(0)))))))
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Mar 26, 2014
I have a workbook with each month as a tab Jan 2014- dec 2014. I have a totals page that's has total billings( the sum is adding all the totals of each month). The totals for each month are in different cells based on the number of individual invoices I enter for each month. I have entered jan- march invoices. I would like to put in a formula on my totals sheet that gives me a ytd avg without changing it. ie: d4/3 then next month april d4/4.
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Aug 3, 2009
I’m currently pulling data into two columns labeled “Monthly” & “Non-Monthly” respectively. They indicate work orders with a frequency of “Monthly” or “Non-Monthly”
The Monthly data is obtained using the following formula:....
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Feb 3, 2014
what i need to do to track daily sales with 10% growth from previous year total sales.
I have 12 separate sheets for each month.
On each sheet i have separate columns"date" "goal" "actual" "% from goal".
What function/formula is needed to calculate the daily target goal taking into account that weekends are busier
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Aug 28, 2007
Does anyone know of a statistical formula that would create a normal growth curve?
For example. Let's assume that I want to forcast growth from January through December. I know that in January I will have 100 units. In December, I will have 1,000 units. Is there a formula to predict the the units in Feb-Nov (using a normal growth curve)?
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Aug 8, 2006
I am trying to calculate the compound annual growth and my starting point is a negative number. The example is that I have (273,000) for the YE 2003 and have Growth to the amount of +767,000 at YE 2006. The formula I have been using for other calculations where the starting point is positive is =POWER(J23/C23,1/O$1)-1. Where J23 = a positive amount and C23 = a positive number. This formula works fine, but when C23 = a negative number the formula does not work and the % does not make sense.
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Mar 15, 2012
I would like to use excel to plot a growth curve. I would like it to plot the points that correlate to my data without connecting them by a line. I would then like to give excel a formula and have it plot that line on the graph.
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Jul 13, 2006
I have access to a huge database in excel that involves sales data. The database is catagorized like:
Column A = Country
Column B = Product
Column C = Company
Column D = (Product) category
Column E = Sales
Column F = Period
Column G = Sales of particular company
Column H = Market category
Further details: see attached file!
I am looking for way to express developments ( absolute and relative) in market growth and market share over time.
I have 3 questions:
How can i show the growth of the total market sales over time (period 1 to 4)?
How can i show the growth of the Int comapny sales over time (period 1 to 4)?
How can i show the market share of the Int company over time (period 1 to 4)?
Market growth can be calculated by comparing the sales amounts of the total market (or the Int company) to previous periods. Market share can be calculated by expressing the sales figures of the Int company in percentage of the total sales in a partical period (i=1,2,3,4).
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Jul 3, 2014
So, I work in a large indoor grow facility, and as such, we need to keep an active, updated calendar of all activities that will need to happen in the grow. If something happens to a set of plants, we need to change to date of transplant into the next pot size and every transplant after that, as well as moves into the flowering room from the vegetative room.
I have tried to manually make a calendar (I'm not worried about auto-generating a calendar or auto-filling dates, only things that happen on those days.) and tie in this information, but I'm having issues automatically searching a column and finding the date, and then pulling more information from that row automatically. (i.e. If anything in Column E has the date 7/3/14, then fill the data from Column C and Column B on the same row.)
I'm attaching a copy of the spreadsheet that I am trying to pull the Data from, and a copy of the Calendar I mocked up.
FYI, the spreadsheet I am pulling from Automatically fills once you put in the Clone Date, and then if you add in an adjusted date, it will adjust all later dates from that same section.
I tried to find something other than Excel as well to do this for me, but AFAIK nothing exists to make the calendar update Live, only to reproduce a new calendar with the current spreadsheet. This is not an option, I need it to stay up to date.
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Jun 16, 2008
I used HTML Maker to show my sheet below. I want to have cells K3:Z3 automatically populated using the same calculations as "Linear Trend" Auto Fill and K4:Z4 using "Growth Trend" Auto Fill without having to do it manually. The data in Row 2 will of course be continually updated with actual scores so the remaining empty month scores would need to be updated again. I am using this to come up with a more accurate prediction method than a simple trend line in Excel graphs.
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Auto Fill setup for questions.xls___Running: xl2002 XP : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutL14=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1Months00. 1010 9887 3Linear Predicted10 1010 9887 4Growth Predicted10 1010 9887 5Auto filled Linear in Red10 1010 98877.066.666.275.885.485. filled Growth in blue10 1010 98877.146.826.526.235.955.695.435.194.964.744.534.334.143.953.783.617Actual scores10 1010 98877554456 Sheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
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Jun 1, 2009
I have excel 2007. My data sheet has columns for the sales for May 2009 and the sales for May 2008. Next to it is a column for the % growth between the 2 periods. When I put all this info into a pivot table and add the formula as below to the pivot table it shows the correct values for all the individual customers but not for the Grand Total line. Here it just shows a zero.
Can you also help so that the names on the data side of the Pivot table is the same as on your original sheet where it is reading the info from, and doesn't say "Sum of May 2009, but only says "May 2009".
Please show how you would work out the % Growth between the two different columns, as I tried it, and on the individual cell the data is correct but on the grand total line it shows it as zero and does not apply the formula.
I used the formula
=SUM('MAY 2009 H&B'/'MAY 2008 H&B'*100-100)
=sum(33,296,271 / 46,852,649 *100-100)
Result should be -29, but it shows zero
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Jun 24, 2008
i have a bunch ofdaily rates back from 2005. sometimes ill have one or even 2 or 3 missing rates in a row. when there is a blank rate, i just want excel to calculate the average of the date below and the date after. right now, ive just been going manually to each missing date's rate and calculating the average.
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Mar 27, 2007
I am trying to create a conditional formula. I have multiple workers that work for different $$ per hour. I am keeping the hourly rates on one page for security purposes (the person that is going to be updating the hours worked is not very computer savy and they less they have to type the better) and the hours on another... I want copy a formula down the page that will calculate the hours to the hourly rate. The issue is that i want the formula to look at all of the hourly rates (assume they get raises) for Joe and multiply the most recent hourly rate times the hours... in addition I don't want the formula to re-calculate when a new hourly rate is put into the hours sheet.
Jan. 1 joe works 8hours at $10 per hour formula in A1 (or wherever) calculates $80
Jan. 2 joe gets $1 raise
Jan. 2 Joe works 8 hours at $11 per hour formual in A2 calculates $88 but formula in A1 maintains the $80 and does not calculate the $1 raise.
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Oct 25, 2011
There is a database of rates, stored in an excel table. There are dates (in the format MMYY) and corresponding currencies (100 in total)
I would like to have a custom function where I could type
And the corresponding rate will appear
The excel file with the rates is stored read only in a locked folder on the network so the format and layout will not be affected
How could I macro this? - then turn the result into an addin so that everybody can take advantage of this.
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Dec 7, 2006
I know that Excel has a function to import currnecy rates from the MSN Money web site. But MSN Money doesn't support all currencies. I would like to build an excel sheet where a user can maintain the currency codes and the currency rate is being fetched from the internet. Does anybody have a suggestion from where I could get currency rates into Excel?
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May 16, 2014
Formula to calculate a daily compound interest based on the higher rate of the two rates for the first 5 years, then after 5 years the calculation would only be based solely on the blocked rate.
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Oct 8, 2007
I am trying to figure out a formula to figure out how much to charge for hrs of a rental. There is an automatic $1000 charge regardless of time used. the rate chart is as follows:
$1000 + hourly charge = total
=<50 hrs= $15/hr
>50hrs but <100hrs= $6.50/hr
ex: so is A1= 200hrs then i want B1 to equal $1820.($1000 + (200 x 4.1))=1820.
I have an idea on how to write the formula, but i am having a little bit of trouble with it.
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