Updating Hourly Rates
Mar 27, 2007
I am trying to create a conditional formula. I have multiple workers that work for different $$ per hour. I am keeping the hourly rates on one page for security purposes (the person that is going to be updating the hours worked is not very computer savy and they less they have to type the better) and the hours on another... I want copy a formula down the page that will calculate the hours to the hourly rate. The issue is that i want the formula to look at all of the hourly rates (assume they get raises) for Joe and multiply the most recent hourly rate times the hours... in addition I don't want the formula to re-calculate when a new hourly rate is put into the hours sheet.
Jan. 1 joe works 8hours at $10 per hour formula in A1 (or wherever) calculates $80
Jan. 2 joe gets $1 raise
Jan. 2 Joe works 8 hours at $11 per hour formual in A2 calculates $88 but formula in A1 maintains the $80 and does not calculate the $1 raise.
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Aug 15, 2007
formula is needed to get excel to calculate all A rates seperate from B rates and C rates example 10 A rates @ 50.00 9 B rates @ 40.00 and 6 C rates @ 30.00 so although the rates could be mixed up (not following in any particular order the result which I would like to appear on a separate spreadsheet would be A = 500.00 B = 405.00 C = 180.00 then to get them to total up = £1085.00
A 50.00
B 40.00 then separate sheet with answer a 100.00 b 40.00 c 60.00
A 50.00
C 30.00
C 30.00
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Jun 24, 2008
i have a bunch ofdaily rates back from 2005. sometimes ill have one or even 2 or 3 missing rates in a row. when there is a blank rate, i just want excel to calculate the average of the date below and the date after. right now, ive just been going manually to each missing date's rate and calculating the average.
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Aug 22, 2007
I have a dataset in one column. Here 4 cells should be turned into 1 in a new column using a middelvalue.
How do i get excel to do this, so it uses 4 new cells from the first row to every new cell in the new column?
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Feb 10, 2009
I have been using the attached formula to calculate total volume (customers seen) by hour (between 1 and 2, 2 and 3 and so on...). But how can I change this formula to take a census at a certain period of time (let's do it on the hour to be easy) instead of double-counting those who were there, but left in the same hour and those who just entered in the same hour. I hope this makes sense...a true census really should not count two people twice though which I think is happening here...
I hate to create a sense of urgency, but would love to begin working on this later tonight. Please let me know if you need more detail.
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Jul 14, 2009
I have an excel work sheet with 2 columns and hundreds of rows. The first column is time in minutes over a number a years and the second is a list of corresponding data readings (numbers). I want to only select on the hour data from the list however I cannot seem to do it. The times vary in the sense that they are not all just 1 minute apart, some are every minute, then there might be a 10 minute gap in data, a few more minutes, then another gap etc.. All I want to be able to do is to select all the on the hour data from the list and its corresponding data value.
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Nov 4, 2008
I have a list of days and hours, and data for whether a type of event either did or did not occur for each sampled hour. I need to return a new value, some sort of "Event Day" value, which will essentially tell me if an event occurred at least once for each day.
Attached is a sheet with 4 days' worth of data. Jan 1st and 3rd 2006 are my two "Event Days".
To complicate things, I can't be sure I have 24 hour readings for each day, so I can't assume each day is a data range (e.g. A1:A24). Hours might be missing. (As such, I am trying to organise along the lines of IF the preceding cell is the same date...)
I also have lots of data stored as months, so would love a formula I could just autofill down. All it needs to do is effectively flag up for me when a day has experienced one event.
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Jun 2, 2007
I am trying to build a costings sheet for shift work. The first problem I am experiencing is getting excel to split up a shift into the different bands.
For example the shift needs to be calculated on different rate bands, from 00:00 to 08:00, 08:00 to 19:00 and then 19:00 to 00:00. There is a different hourly rate for each band. Therefore if I enter a start time and end time, I need excel to calculate the total charge over the different rate bands.
For example a shift 07:00 - 21:00 would have:
1 hour 07:00 - 08:00 at Night rate
11 hours 08:00 to 19:00 at Day Rate
2 hours 19:00 to 21:00 at Night Rate
Once I have this worked out I have the added complication of different rates on Friday evening,s, Saturdays and Sundays etc. But at the moment one problem at a time !
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Mar 22, 2007
I have a list of values at 'x' min intervals (the intervals sometime changes). I want to sum each hour's values eg. between 0:0:0 hour and 0:59:59, I want to add values 1040+800+860+870. Then I want to proceed and add all values for the next hour i.e. between 1:0:0 and 1:59:59, and so on. I have about 65000 of these calculations to do, so the need for some vba programming.
Hour value
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Oct 25, 2011
There is a database of rates, stored in an excel table. There are dates (in the format MMYY) and corresponding currencies (100 in total)
I would like to have a custom function where I could type
And the corresponding rate will appear
The excel file with the rates is stored read only in a locked folder on the network so the format and layout will not be affected
How could I macro this? - then turn the result into an addin so that everybody can take advantage of this.
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Jul 20, 2006
I have three columns. The first column contains a certain category ( i.e. Cat 1, Cat 2, ect.), and the second and third columns contain numbers referring to that category:
A1 B1 C1
Cat 1 6 5
I want to be able to find the success rate (C1/B1), but I want Excel to recognize what category it belongs too so I can split the success rates into categories in a different location. What function, if there is one, do I use, and what information do I need to plug in.
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Dec 7, 2006
I know that Excel has a function to import currnecy rates from the MSN Money web site. But MSN Money doesn't support all currencies. I would like to build an excel sheet where a user can maintain the currency codes and the currency rate is being fetched from the internet. Does anybody have a suggestion from where I could get currency rates into Excel?
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Sep 26, 2013
i have a s/sheet with thousands of times in a column (eg col1 below in 24 hour format) and would like these in an adjacent column in hourly intervals (eg in Col2 below
Col1 ColB
00:23 0 - 1
02:54 2 - 3
09:07 9 - 10
15:24 15 - 16
Is there a formula I can run to enable?
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Nov 6, 2009
I have a large sheet with the values of power from a counter in a 15 minute base.
01.01.09 00:15 0,25
01.01.09 00:30 1,15
01.01.09 00:45 0,75
01.01.09 01:00 2,01
and son on until the end of the month
What I am trying to do is to create a macro which calculates the average per hour and put in another columns like this:
01.01.09 01:00 average from 00:15 until 01:00
01.01.09 02:00 average from 01:15 until 02:00
and so on until the end of the month.
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Dec 22, 2009
In time Out time
I 've used the site many times in the past, but this is my first post.
Above is a small example of the data Im working with. I'm not wanting to plot all of this out by hand, so hopefully someone can help (there are around 30,000 samples). I'm looking to track by hour when a customer is actual here. The first row is one customer in @ 00:22 and out the next day at 14:05.
I would like to have dates of the year down column A and hours 0 through 23 across row 1. Then a number of customer here on 1/1/2008 by every hour of the day on to 1/2/2008 so on and so.
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Apr 13, 2006
I have a macro that I want to run on an hourly basis, say at 9am, 10am, etc whenever the workbook is open. This needs to be definable as I have several users that will be conducting the same activity throughout the day. In other words I want the macro to run on the hour for user 1, quarter past the hour for user 2, half past for user 3 and quarter to for user 4. Each user does have their own unique macro to run so it should (hopefully) just mean introducing a line of code to each, defining the time to run.
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Oct 14, 2013
I am trying to create a booking calculation sheet for facilities. I want it to create something like a quote for customers. So when booking facilities, the hourly rate changes after 6pm. What I want to do is to put in a start time and a finish time and it calculate how many hours are before 6pm and charge them at $12 per hour, as well as how many hours after 6pm and charge them $18 per hour. I have tried a few things but they don't seem to work. I'm struggling with the logic of it really. This is mainly because the start time may or may not be before 6pm, as too the finish time.
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May 16, 2014
Formula to calculate a daily compound interest based on the higher rate of the two rates for the first 5 years, then after 5 years the calculation would only be based solely on the blocked rate.
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Oct 8, 2007
I am trying to figure out a formula to figure out how much to charge for hrs of a rental. There is an automatic $1000 charge regardless of time used. the rate chart is as follows:
$1000 + hourly charge = total
=<50 hrs= $15/hr
>50hrs but <100hrs= $6.50/hr
ex: so is A1= 200hrs then i want B1 to equal $1820.($1000 + (200 x 4.1))=1820.
I have an idea on how to write the formula, but i am having a little bit of trouble with it.
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Sep 22, 2011
I am trying to work out a formula to calculate compounded interest rates.
I have a table that is 24 columns wide (months).
1 row that will have amounts input in to the columns (these will be different amounts)
I want to have a row along the bottom that calulates the compounded interest at a fixed interest rate on the total amount that is in the first row.
I have managed to do this using a table but surely there is a formula for this as the table can become very troublesome if the input amounts change.
Ive added an image (attached) : excel.jpg‎
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Feb 28, 2008
I have US money supply data, arranged monthly from 1975-2008. I need to calculate the monthly growth rates. I would really appreciate some help as I have no clue how to do this.
here is a link to a text version of the data I am using: [url]
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Jul 23, 2008
I have a grid to determine interest rates. The are add ons to the rate that are dependent on two factors - the credit score and the Loan to Value percent or LTV, both of which are shown in terms of ranges (720-739, etc). See the screen shot below.
I have already written formulas for converting the score and LTV to the ranges as they appear on the sheet (ie, if you type in a score of 722, the formula converts it to the range of 720-739.
What I need to do is this - when the score and LTV are input and determine which set of add ons come into play, I need the sheet to take those add-ons, identified by an x next to it at the top of the page, and add them to the base interest rate, giving me the final rate. Again, see below to make this more clear.
I've thought of using VLookup, but I don' think that would be applicable here.
What's the best method, and can you give me an example of what a formula might look like?
Loan Level Pricing Adjustments
Base Rate 6.25 6.25
Credit Score 741 >740
LTV 60 740 Cash Out 0 0 0 0.25 0.375 0.375 n/a >740 Investment 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2.5 2.5 n/a >740 2-unit 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 >740 3-4 unit 1 1 1 1 n/a n/a n/a
720-739 all -0.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 720-739 Cash Out 0 0.125 0.125 0.375 0.5 0.5 n/a 720-739 Investment 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2.25 2.5 n/a 720-739 2-unit 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 720-739 3-4 unit 1 1 1 1 n/a n/a n/a
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Mar 14, 2013
I have a string of data containing hourly timestamps with a value attached to each timestamp.
I need the timestamps to be every 15th minutes instead of hourly. So basically, I need the hourly value to be continued four times for each timestamp.
See the attachecd workbook. It should be quite simple, but for some reason I just cant figure it out!? A bit embarressed In the woorkbook, I need VGTs and VPTs to be in a 15 minutes granularity.
ERROR: Cannot upload workbook - uploader not showing so here are shot of the raw data:
01/02/2013 00:00
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Mar 26, 2013
I have large data sets with half hour values that I need to average into hourly values. Here is an example of the data:
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Mar 24, 2008
How can I get the median of a column that contains both hourly and annual rates? I would like to either multiply the hourly rate * 2080 or divide the annual rate by 2080 then get the median.
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Jun 20, 2014
Never tried complicated formulas in Access and at a bit of a loss... What I am trying to do is calculate a utility bill based on stepped rated.
For example:
Usage up to the first 500KHW is billed at .067 per KWH
Usage after the first 500KWH from 501 to 999 is billed at .044 per KWH
Usage from 1000 up is billed at .0318
So if my usage was 1200 KWH...
((500 x .067)+(500 x .044)+(200 x .0318)) = 61.86
I was assuming it would require an complex "if" function to split the 1200 into steps and then calculate charges per step?
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Jun 24, 2014
I have to create VBA according to these criterias. I have a list of 22 rates that i need to distribute by order for a month period (30 days) noting that I need to skip weekends (Friday and Saturday)
Day 123.06.2014Monday20%
Day 224.06.2014Tuesday10%
Day 325.06.2014Wednesday7%
create this formula so that each time I change the date the rates are distributes accordingly
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Aug 23, 2012
I want to calculate labour rates as follows:
06:00 to 18:00 std rate $10
18:00 to 06:00 night shift rate $15
I want to be able to type in the hours worked e.g. 11:00 to 19:00 and would expect 7hrs at $10 and 1 hr at $15.
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Feb 21, 2013
I have a worksheet containing one timestamp column and a single column of data, the interval being one minute. How can I aggregate it to get half-hourly totals?
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Apr 13, 2012
I have got a lot of data to put in a chart that updates every 5 minutes with new data - i have a chart that Line chart that shows this.
It shows the cost of something every 5 minutes.
I have put this in a chart using offset but obviously i want to show the cost over the course of the day - because this updates every 5 minutes, the axis at the bottom (which has the time of the data) is massive and doesn't look good.
Is there a way to show the axis at an hourly interval but keep all the data in the chart?
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