Can't Get Checkbox To Go True From Another Userform

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to do is develop a electronic visitors log in excel that has three statements visitors must read and accept before they can enter. I have a userform with date/time, name etc, then the three buttons that open another user form with the statements for them to read and 2 command buttons (Accept and Decline), Accept takes them back to the log-in userform and Decline closes all forms.

The problem I am having is I can’t get the checkbox on the log-in form next to each statement to go true when the accept button is clicked for said statement. I would like to disable the checkbox on the visitorsignin form so the only way it goes true is from the statement form.

I hope I explained myself well enough for someone to understand what I’m trying to do, the code is not finished yet either, still waiting for signature pad to come in so I can paly with it and figure out how to incorporate it into the file.

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Hide Checkbox TRUE/FALSE & Sum Values Adjacent To TRUE

Aug 2, 2009

I have a worksheet where I have around 300 rows, each with 7 columns. What I want to do is add a checkbox to each column. I plan on setting non-applicable checkboxes to mixed status and locking the worksheet. I will unlock applicable checkboxes and sumif or countif their value according to row-based scoring, for example, each checked checkbox represents a value of 3. I do not know VBA and have chose to use the form control checkboxes rather than ActiveX.

I believe that a formula for this would be something like: =SUMIF(B1:B3,True,"3") or =COUNTIF($B$1:$B$3,True)*3

I am wondering firstly if I have that right and secondly if there is a way to stop my checkboxes from displaying labels. Currently, if I click on one it displays True behind the active checkbox. If I uncheck it, it displays False.

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ActiveX - True / False Checkbox?

Sep 5, 2013

I've done a check box on excel (ActiveX) which then enters True or False when I tick or untick it. Is there any way which you can change the True/False words to something else?

For example, if the box was ticked it would enter "Electric" instead and "N/A" if the box was unticked?

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Link Two Cells If Checkbox Is True

Feb 6, 2013

Is there a way to link to cells so that one cell is populated with the others value if a checkbox is set to true?

In other words if the checkbox isnt selected the two cells would be as normal. If checkbox is checked, I want to enter data in one cell and have it show up in the other. I cannot use formulas as I use spin buttons on these cells as well.

I can get it to work with a worksheet change event but that is proving to be more buggy than anything I have ever seen. The worksheet change event is set to one cell but it the code executes if any cell is changed. This has happened before so Id rather not use the worksheet change event if possible.

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How To Covert The Value Of A Checkbox From True/False To 1/0

Dec 24, 2008

I have searched all through the threads but I can't find anything similar to my problem. I am trying to create a checkbox that when the excel file would be saved as a *.csv file, the value for the checkbox would be saved as an boolean value 0/1. I created a macro that would populate the cells with the form control checkbox and linked it to the respective cell, I just need to change the value.

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Cell Act As True Or False Checkbox

Dec 11, 2009

I have some code for another project which was using checkboxes to select elements to copy/paste.

However, I need too many checkboxes and I think it is slowing down the run time.

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a cell act as a true/false checkbox?

Then I would just change my code from

if checkbox1.value = true then...


if range("A1").value = true then....

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Determine If Checkbox Is True/False

Jul 28, 2006

I have macro that will call another macro if a checkbox is true, how do I code it to ignore it and move to the next check box if it is false.

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Extract/Copy Data Where CheckBox Is Checked/TRUE

Oct 6, 2006

I have a series of checkboxes, we'll say checkbox 1-5. These are all listed on a sheet called products.

If for example you select check boxes 1,3 and 5 I need those to then be listed in a column in that order on another sheet called purchased.

If I went back and then uncheck 3 and check 4 then purchased would be updated.

I understand that if you take a cell and name it P1 for instance..and then on another sheet enter =p1 in a cell that they will update and share data, but I dont know how to pull from a check box..nor do I know how to assign a row of cells to accept multiple and changing information from those checkboxes.

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Return Value To Cell Based On CheckBox TRUE/FALSE

Mar 12, 2008

I would like to create a qestionairre with checkboxes used to answer the question "Do you need____" (Check if yes). On the following workbook I would like a list of all items needed, and a list of items not needed on yet another workbook.

Is there a way to create these lists without having blanks for values that are not true? (and because Im sure there is HOW?)

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Find TextBox Text In Worksheet If CheckBox Is True / Checked

Feb 24, 2008

I have a userform where the textbox already pulls data from a worksheet. I have a checkbox next to the textbox, If the checkbox is true it finds the textbox value on a worksheet and using Offset it inserts "yes" in the next cell.

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Change Form Checkbox Fill Color For ALL Checkboxes In Workbook When Checked (True)

Nov 20, 2013

I have a multi-worksheet workbook that has many forms control checkboxes throughout it. I'm looking for some VBA that will change the background (fill) color of ALL the checkbox when it is checked (True). I've seen code for a single checkbox, but not multiple/all boxes. I know just enough VBA to be dangerous, but I'm up to learning anything new.

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Macro: Check CheckBox Is True, Current Date For Day/Month, Then Sum TextBox & Cell

May 28, 2008

I am trying to allow the Command Button when clicked to go through multiple conditions before making a decision. So, when someone clicks on Command Button 3 the code should look to see if CheckBox1 is true, then it should check today's date, and if it is between a range of days, or even months, then it would add the number in TextBox1 with the amount already in cell H18. This event will happen every time someone clicks on the Command Button.

The end result is to have several sheets (4 total) for each quarter in the fiscal year, and if the dates are within those parameters, the clicking of the command button will update the correct sheet.

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Determine If CheckBox Is TRUE/Checked Or FALSE/Un-Checked

Aug 30, 2006

code below whould return value "a" to specified range(s) The cells are formatted Marlett, 10pt, black, bold, center. Should return a nice tick mark to the specified range if selected shape has value of 1. I double chk'd the name of the shape referred to in code and it is correct Yet value of "a" is not returned, though the chkBox is "ticked". What else can I check?

Option Explicit
Sub cv_ReviewCheckBoxes()
Dim wbBook As Workbook
Dim wsNotesLoose As Worksheet
Dim wsCoinRolled As Worksheet
Dim wsCoinLoose As Worksheet
Dim wsSummary As Worksheet
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.DisplayAlerts = False
. ScreenUpdating = False
End With.........................

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Use Of Checkbox On Userform

Nov 2, 2009

Can it be made in VBA as follows:

I have made a userform with the initialize routine. On this there are checkboxes which I would like to be selected for a YES.

When the YES (checkbox) is being selected I than would like to see in the active userform an already made and "hidden" textbox to enter a value for confirmation of a quantity to order.

I have been loking for some sort of Private Sub Userform Change() routine, but can not find this type of routines

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VBA CheckBox Identify In Userform

Jan 4, 2013

I have a 20 number of CheckBoxes in a userform. But only the first checkbox has a special function if it is selected alone. So I want to set a condition if only it is selected. How may I express this?

Something like:

If only the Me.Checkbox1.Value = True Then
'Do this
'Do that
End If

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UserForm CheckBox That Will Print

Jun 21, 2009

On my excel 2007 UserForm I have a CheckBox with 18 possible or multiple selections of reports (word.docm)
what I would like to do is, when selected they would be sent to printer.

Here's what code I have so far, something is missing, I'm not sure

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
For x = 1 To 18
If Controls("checkbox" & x) Then
Select Case x
Case x = 1
worddoc = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "Inspection ReportsCover Page.docx"
Case x = 2
worddoc = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "Inspection ReportsClient Information.docx"
Case x = 3.....................

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Checkbox And Userform Confusion

Jul 7, 2006

i am having is i have created a userform that automatically opens when i open the workbook, I have placed checkboxes on the userform and i need them to remain checked even after the workbook is saved and closed, but whenever i reopen the workbook the checkbox are unchecked again

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Show A Userform If The Value Of Any Of Three Possible Chekboxs Is True

Jul 9, 2009

I need a macro that will show a userform if the value of any of three possible chekbox's is true. However if more than 1 checkbox is true I still only need the userform to be shown once. I think a goto command would work, or if I could simply say If-then-End Sub.

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Userform - Checkbox And Textbox Value In Range

Feb 28, 2014

I have userform which shows days in month & populated Listbox for cell values. I want checkboxes to be ticked and Textbox to count when conditions are met, for each day. Range is, example (for 1st day) from E3:E318. My code so far is :

[Code] .....

So, When "MIN1" reaches value of 2, checkbox is ticked - If more than 2 then Msgbox ; When "MIN5", I want to be counted in Texbox ;

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Export Userform Checkbox Selections

Nov 23, 2008

I have a userform with lots of checkboxes and I would like to be able to create either a GIF file of the userform using VBA (if it's easy), or export to a .txt file all the checkbox labels and their respective values (i.e. TRUE or FALSE) which I think might be more easier to code.

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Loop Through All UserForm CheckBox Controls

Nov 14, 2006

The code listed below checks to see if any checkboxes are checked via a form and if they are then populate a string variable with text to build out a range to be used for a Defined Name Range in excel. The code works but I was wondering if the same functionality could be written better.

Private Sub cmbRun_Click()
Dim SelectedRange As String
If CheckBoxML.Value = True Then
SelectedRange = "Revenue!$M:$M"
Goto jump1
If CheckBoxML.Value = False Then
Goto jump1
If CheckBoxSL.Value = True Then
SelectedRange = SelectedRange & ",Revenue!$N:$N"
Goto jump2

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Checkbox Format Inconsistent In Userform

Apr 26, 2007

OK I feel really stupid on this. I must be overlooking something very obvious.

If you look at the attached userform there are some checkboxes where the "check" has a bold appearance, and others where the check is not bold.

If you examine the properties of the checkboxes in VBE, they appear to be identical.

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Counter In Userform - Increment If Checkbox Is Not Selected

Oct 17, 2011

I currently have a user form and am trying to make a counter to that will increment if the check box is not selected, but will not increment if the check box is selected.

I am assuming I could use an if then statement for this, under the command_click OK. but I cant get it to work.

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Excel 2007 :: Pre-populating Checkbox In A Userform?

Dec 7, 2011

I'm trying to get a checkbox in a user form to prepopulate depending on what's in cell H5.

Here is the line of code that I need rewriting (in bold):

Sub Userform_Initialize()
LabelPolicyNumber.Caption = ActiveSheet.Range("B5").Text
LabelSponsorName.Caption = ActiveSheet.Range("D5").Text
If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNA(ActiveSheet.Range("H5")) = True Or ActiveSheet.Range("H5") = "" Then CheckBoxHalifax.Value = False Else CheckBoxHalifax.Value = True
End Sub

H5 contains a vlookup formula, so depending on other variables it can either have a value ("Halifax"), an error (#NA) or be blank. I've

It seems Excel will only evaluate the first statement and ignore the Or statement, meaning when H5 is blank Halifax is checked off when I load the user form.

I'm working in Excel 2007 on Windows XP.

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Creating A Checkbox On Userform Initialize And Then Using It In A Later Code

Jan 22, 2010

I have a userform that creates labels and checkboxes for those lables on the initialize event based on an if statement. I would keep getting an error on a line where I try and use the name of one of those created checkboxes of "variable not defined" as if it hasn't been created, but it was.. Here is the code for the creation:

'Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'dynamically add the tickers and funds based on if there is any data inputs for them.

'declaring variables
Dim lbl As MSForms.Label
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim newcheckbox As MSForms.CheckBox

'selects the summary page

For i = 7 To 65
If Cells(i, 3) "" Then..................

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Default State For UserForm CheckBox Controls

Jun 14, 2008

I am having a little bit of difficulty find ways to effectively incorporate a checkbox panel into a form interface. What I am trying to do is all the user to select using checkboxes which of 31 separate columns will automatically be deleted or not deleted. The method I have been using is to create 31 checkboxes, and then use the value of the checkbox (true/false) to determine a value in an array, which then can be used to delete the column by a separate sub.

However, I am interested in being able to have the checkboxes start checked or start unchecked by values contained in a different array. My problem is that I am unable to reference the checkbox itself until the form containing the checkbox is opened, but at that point I don't know of a way to cause the desired checkboxes to automatically be selected without placing a command button that must be pressed to fill them in. Essentially I want to be able to open a userform that has checkboxes preselected.

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How To Create Userform Checkbox Captions On Worksheet Range

Feb 6, 2013

I have a userform with 17 checkboxes that their captions should correspond with column A range ("A2:A18) on a worksheet.

Is there a way in userform_initialize, or activate, to create the captions from that range?

I could type the code 17 times like;


me.checkbox1.caption = wb.worksheets("area").range("a2").value

I was curious to know if it could be looped? Textboxes on the same userform.

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Remove "TRUE" & "FALSE" Words From A Linked Checkbox

Nov 15, 2008

On the sheets where 'present' needs to be checked, after linking the checkbox to the cell it now says "TRUE" or "FALSE". How do I get rid of that? There is a formula that this affects also (just FYI).

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Send Multipage Userform Checkbox Selections To Multiple Rows Of Category

Apr 17, 2014

I have a multipage wizard like userform that for each page has check box selection choices a user can pick from. The sample I've attached uses animal attributes for 2 animals. What I'd like to have is code that populates the worksheet with the animal under consideration (determined by the Frame Caption) in say A5, then populates the attribute selections made starting in B5 with no blank rows in between if they chose not to mark a checkbox.

So for animal one on page 1 of the multipage form, if the user selected attributes 1, 3, 4, and 6 and clicked the "NEXT" button on that page, animal one appears in A5 and then those attribute selections would be in B5, B6, B7, and B8. If the user then selected for animal 2 on page 2 of the multipage form, attributes 2 and 6 and clicked the "NEXT" button on that page, then animal two would appear in A9 with the selections appearing in B9 and B10.

I should mention that the number of rows in Table 1 may grow (or shrink) row size with additional rows added (or deleted) by the user. Not sure if it matters.

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Create Dynamic Msgbox That Display Data Updated On Checkbox Selections In Userform

May 29, 2013

I'm trying to create a dynamic msgbox that will display what data has been updated based on checkbox selections in the userform. I've named my checkboxes as Carey, Keith, and Juliet.

Ideally if only Carey's data has been updated, I'd like the msgbox to say

' Data has been Updated for:
- Carey '

If Carey and Keith's data has been updated, I'd like the msgbox to say

'Data has been Updated for:
- Carey
- Keith '


MsgBox ("Data has been Updated for:" & vbnewline & _
If CAREY.Value =true then "- Carey" End if & vbnewline & _
If KEITH.Value =true then "- KEITH" End if & vbnewline & _
If JULIET.Value =true then "- Juliet" End if & ")

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