Counter In Userform - Increment If Checkbox Is Not Selected

Oct 17, 2011

I currently have a user form and am trying to make a counter to that will increment if the check box is not selected, but will not increment if the check box is selected.

I am assuming I could use an if then statement for this, under the command_click OK. but I cant get it to work.

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VBA Counter With Increment Of 1

Sep 22, 2011

I have a input worksheet and in this user have to manually enter the sequence no. The sequence no. heading is not always in one cell that can be in any between any cell from D14 to D21.

I need some code which start the sequence no. with 1 and everytime I click add button. It find the sequence no. in range between D14: D21 and add 1 in the relavant adjacent cell (which can be in from E14 to E21).

See Table below

Start withColumn DColumn ERow No. can be any from 14 to 21Sequence No.1Clicked AddDesiredColumn DColumn ERow No. can be any from 14 to 21Sequence No.2DesiredColumn DColumn ERow No. can be any from 14 to 21Sequence No.previous val +1 and so on

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Increment Counter Between Date Range

Feb 13, 2014

I have a list of information contained in a massive spreadsheet. I am trying to create a counter that increments starting with 1 up to X between two date ranges. The increment counter should start with 1 for the easiest date and increment up X up to the last item in the list. The list contains tasks names with some tasks have dates but there are some tasks that don't have dates (blank cells).

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Add Counter Column That Will Increment The Number Of The Rows (1,2,3..)

Mar 7, 2014

I am working on a sheet that has dynamic data saved. For any new value, a new row is inserted. I want to add a counter or more like an index so that I can see the number of the rows. I know that excel has is on the side but, I want to be able to make calculations. Like average of the numbers. Lets say I have 512 rows added. I want to be able (automatically via vba) to set the average with a sum of the values/ 512 which will be the number of the code I am asking. So I want a code that will start with the number 1 at (lets say) cell B2 and it will go like B3=2, B4=3.... any time a new row with data is added.

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Checkbox To Set Date And Start Day Counter?

Mar 4, 2014

The racks in each aisle must be detailed at least once in a years time. So, I have mapped out the warehouse in Excel and I want to be able to check a box ( as the rack has been detailed) and set the date in a cell, which will start a day counter. However; I will then need the check box to clear after 2 months (so it can be used again) but the date remains and the counter continues until the box is checked again. I have been able to use formulas adapted from this site to do the counting. But I need code to set the date with the checkbox. Also This must be able to happen while the sheet is protected.

I have uploaded to The Box so you can see exactly what I am doing.

Here it is: [URL]

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Checkbox : Married, Widows, Single Checkbox Is Selected

Feb 25, 2009

married, widows, single checkbox is selected

macro solution
good work.

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Increment Through Checkbox To Check Status And Change A Value?

May 1, 2014

I have a userform that has 28 checkbox's that we go through that we check which ones apply to a report.. To keep those boxes checked as the supervisor's cycle through the reports, I am leaving a 28 digit code next to the report which is created as they check/uncheck the proper checkbox's.


So if say CheckBox10.value = True, then the 10th digit of the ID will change to 1 while keeping the rest of the ID the same.

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Non-consecutive Loop Counter: The Counter Skip Values In Between

Jun 29, 2006

How can I write a For-Next Loop and have the counter skip values in between. For example:

For i = 8 to 17

When that is completed, the counter jumps to 21:

For i = 21 to 30

When that is completed, the counter jumps to 34:

For i = 34 to 43

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Check If Any Checkbox Is Selected

Nov 14, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that I use for people to make requests.

They can only select from the dropdown menus or the check boxes in the spreadsheet. Some fields are required.

I have a button that they click on to save the workbook.

When they click on it a macro checks if all required fields are completed. If they aren't, The user receives a Message box asking them to complete all required fields.

The problem I'm having is with 5 checkboxes each linked to a cell (B11:B15).

The user can check any or all of the boxes but they need to select at least one.

how I can check if the user selected at least one and if not then I would display a Message box asking them to select at least one?

Here is my code ...

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Display Checkbox If Another Selected

Dec 2, 2007

In an Excel user form, I want to display a checkbox only if the user selects another checkbox.

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Receive A Message If One Of 3 Checkbox Are Not Selected?

May 31, 2014

I would like to ask regarding checkbox checking. I have 1 master checkbox and 3 sub checkboxes on the userform, and my target is that if the master checkbox is selected then I want to receive a msg if one of 3 checkbox are not selected when I hit the "Confirm" commandbutton.

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Copy And Paste Selected Checkbox

Mar 17, 2012

I was asked about if i can copy defined cells when i checked its checkbox by using vba button , and another button in another book to paste those cells .

Mention that i may select more than one checkbox in copying and when i would paste these checkboxes , they would be in queue.

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How To Have Only One Checkbox In A Group Of 3 Selected At A Time

Mar 23, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that consists for 30 rows of groups of three checkboxes on each row. I want to have only one checkbox per row checked at a time. If the user checks one box while another it already checked then I want that checbox to be unchecked.

I want checkboxes to work like groups of option buttons. Actually, option buttons would be fine but with option buttons there is always one clicked but I need them all clear until the user clicks one. They will start off clear but if the user clicks one by mistake there is no way that I know of to clear it again. Checkboxes will clear again if you click it again so I thought I would use them.

how to have a group of three option buttons or checkboxes that will begin unchecked and be able to uncheck all three is one is checked in error,

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Ensure Only 1 OptionButton Or CheckBox Selected

Aug 22, 2008

I have a workbook containing several sheets, each sheet has a large number of ActiveX check box controls on it.

The controls are presented in groups of three to capture responses to a question (Y/N/NA). If one of the three check boxes is set to True, the other two associated check boxes must be set to False.

What I want to do is avoid having to have an On_Click event sub for every single check box.

I have written a function that will handle updating the related check boxes but I am unsure how to call this function, passing it the name of the clicked Check Box whenever any check box is clicked.

Here is my current code with an On_Click event being used to call the function:

Private Sub chk100_01Y_Click()

' Want to replace this with a dynamic sub that will be invoked
' when any Check Box is clicked and pass the name of that Check
' box to the function

Call Update(ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("chk100_01Y"))

End Sub

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Only Allowing 1 Checkbox A Time To Be Selected On A Page

May 30, 2007

I have up to 6 checkboxes on a work sheet but I only want one of them to be allowed to be checked at any given time. Is there a way to make sure this happens? As an example if the first check box is marked and then the user checks Checkbox4 checkbox1 would automatically be unmarked.

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Copy Range And Paste Depending On The Selected Checkbox?

May 30, 2014

Im looking for a macro that can get a cell RANGE, the data in the RANGE will be copied then if the checkbox is selected it will copy the same data in the RANGE and add the selected checkbox in next column

I have column A and Column B < this is my selected range


I will have a form that has checkbox and buton.

When all the checkbox is selected. when the button is click. the result will be.

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Use Of Checkbox On Userform

Nov 2, 2009

Can it be made in VBA as follows:

I have made a userform with the initialize routine. On this there are checkboxes which I would like to be selected for a YES.

When the YES (checkbox) is being selected I than would like to see in the active userform an already made and "hidden" textbox to enter a value for confirmation of a quantity to order.

I have been loking for some sort of Private Sub Userform Change() routine, but can not find this type of routines

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Can't Get Checkbox To Go True From Another Userform

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to do is develop a electronic visitors log in excel that has three statements visitors must read and accept before they can enter. I have a userform with date/time, name etc, then the three buttons that open another user form with the statements for them to read and 2 command buttons (Accept and Decline), Accept takes them back to the log-in userform and Decline closes all forms.

The problem I am having is I can’t get the checkbox on the log-in form next to each statement to go true when the accept button is clicked for said statement. I would like to disable the checkbox on the visitorsignin form so the only way it goes true is from the statement form.

I hope I explained myself well enough for someone to understand what I’m trying to do, the code is not finished yet either, still waiting for signature pad to come in so I can paly with it and figure out how to incorporate it into the file.

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VBA CheckBox Identify In Userform

Jan 4, 2013

I have a 20 number of CheckBoxes in a userform. But only the first checkbox has a special function if it is selected alone. So I want to set a condition if only it is selected. How may I express this?

Something like:

If only the Me.Checkbox1.Value = True Then
'Do this
'Do that
End If

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UserForm CheckBox That Will Print

Jun 21, 2009

On my excel 2007 UserForm I have a CheckBox with 18 possible or multiple selections of reports (word.docm)
what I would like to do is, when selected they would be sent to printer.

Here's what code I have so far, something is missing, I'm not sure

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
For x = 1 To 18
If Controls("checkbox" & x) Then
Select Case x
Case x = 1
worddoc = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "Inspection ReportsCover Page.docx"
Case x = 2
worddoc = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "Inspection ReportsClient Information.docx"
Case x = 3.....................

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Checkbox And Userform Confusion

Jul 7, 2006

i am having is i have created a userform that automatically opens when i open the workbook, I have placed checkboxes on the userform and i need them to remain checked even after the workbook is saved and closed, but whenever i reopen the workbook the checkbox are unchecked again

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Userform - Checkbox And Textbox Value In Range

Feb 28, 2014

I have userform which shows days in month & populated Listbox for cell values. I want checkboxes to be ticked and Textbox to count when conditions are met, for each day. Range is, example (for 1st day) from E3:E318. My code so far is :

[Code] .....

So, When "MIN1" reaches value of 2, checkbox is ticked - If more than 2 then Msgbox ; When "MIN5", I want to be counted in Texbox ;

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Export Userform Checkbox Selections

Nov 23, 2008

I have a userform with lots of checkboxes and I would like to be able to create either a GIF file of the userform using VBA (if it's easy), or export to a .txt file all the checkbox labels and their respective values (i.e. TRUE or FALSE) which I think might be more easier to code.

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Loop Through All UserForm CheckBox Controls

Nov 14, 2006

The code listed below checks to see if any checkboxes are checked via a form and if they are then populate a string variable with text to build out a range to be used for a Defined Name Range in excel. The code works but I was wondering if the same functionality could be written better.

Private Sub cmbRun_Click()
Dim SelectedRange As String
If CheckBoxML.Value = True Then
SelectedRange = "Revenue!$M:$M"
Goto jump1
If CheckBoxML.Value = False Then
Goto jump1
If CheckBoxSL.Value = True Then
SelectedRange = SelectedRange & ",Revenue!$N:$N"
Goto jump2

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Checkbox Format Inconsistent In Userform

Apr 26, 2007

OK I feel really stupid on this. I must be overlooking something very obvious.

If you look at the attached userform there are some checkboxes where the "check" has a bold appearance, and others where the check is not bold.

If you examine the properties of the checkboxes in VBE, they appear to be identical.

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Excel 2007 :: Pre-populating Checkbox In A Userform?

Dec 7, 2011

I'm trying to get a checkbox in a user form to prepopulate depending on what's in cell H5.

Here is the line of code that I need rewriting (in bold):

Sub Userform_Initialize()
LabelPolicyNumber.Caption = ActiveSheet.Range("B5").Text
LabelSponsorName.Caption = ActiveSheet.Range("D5").Text
If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNA(ActiveSheet.Range("H5")) = True Or ActiveSheet.Range("H5") = "" Then CheckBoxHalifax.Value = False Else CheckBoxHalifax.Value = True
End Sub

H5 contains a vlookup formula, so depending on other variables it can either have a value ("Halifax"), an error (#NA) or be blank. I've

It seems Excel will only evaluate the first statement and ignore the Or statement, meaning when H5 is blank Halifax is checked off when I load the user form.

I'm working in Excel 2007 on Windows XP.

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Creating A Checkbox On Userform Initialize And Then Using It In A Later Code

Jan 22, 2010

I have a userform that creates labels and checkboxes for those lables on the initialize event based on an if statement. I would keep getting an error on a line where I try and use the name of one of those created checkboxes of "variable not defined" as if it hasn't been created, but it was.. Here is the code for the creation:

'Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'dynamically add the tickers and funds based on if there is any data inputs for them.

'declaring variables
Dim lbl As MSForms.Label
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim newcheckbox As MSForms.CheckBox

'selects the summary page

For i = 7 To 65
If Cells(i, 3) "" Then..................

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Default State For UserForm CheckBox Controls

Jun 14, 2008

I am having a little bit of difficulty find ways to effectively incorporate a checkbox panel into a form interface. What I am trying to do is all the user to select using checkboxes which of 31 separate columns will automatically be deleted or not deleted. The method I have been using is to create 31 checkboxes, and then use the value of the checkbox (true/false) to determine a value in an array, which then can be used to delete the column by a separate sub.

However, I am interested in being able to have the checkboxes start checked or start unchecked by values contained in a different array. My problem is that I am unable to reference the checkbox itself until the form containing the checkbox is opened, but at that point I don't know of a way to cause the desired checkboxes to automatically be selected without placing a command button that must be pressed to fill them in. Essentially I want to be able to open a userform that has checkboxes preselected.

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How To Create Userform Checkbox Captions On Worksheet Range

Feb 6, 2013

I have a userform with 17 checkboxes that their captions should correspond with column A range ("A2:A18) on a worksheet.

Is there a way in userform_initialize, or activate, to create the captions from that range?

I could type the code 17 times like;


me.checkbox1.caption = wb.worksheets("area").range("a2").value

I was curious to know if it could be looped? Textboxes on the same userform.

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VBA - Displaying Values In Multiple Lines If Multiple Checkbox's Are Selected

Sep 10, 2012

In my userform I have a list of check box's that can be selected. Currently if more than one is selected, they will appear in the spread sheet in the same line one after another with a space between them. How do I make it so they either appear with a comma appearing after each, so the next value appears on the next line below or most perferably the cell turning to a drop down list with the values?

Current code

If CheckBox1.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox1.Caption
If CheckBox2.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox2.Caption
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox3.Caption
If CheckBox4.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox4.Caption
If CheckBox5.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox5.Caption
If CheckBox6.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox6.Caption

Spreadsheet current cell appearence if all 6 are selected ' Chinnook EH101 Lynx Puma Sea King Fixed Wing'

Required appearence:
Sea King
Fixed Wing

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