Change Sumproduct Formula To Incorporate Condition

Mar 3, 2014

I have have sumproduct formula that works well, however I need a section of it to use a condition.

"=SUMPRODUCT(--(('Input Sheet'!$A$10:$A$20009=3)+('Input Sheet'!$B$10:$B$20009=1)+('Input Sheet'!$C$10:$C$20009=1)=3),--('Input Sheet'!$L$10:$L$20009>=G21),--('Input Sheet'!$L$10:$L$20009<=J21))"

The first section ('Input Sheet'!$A$10:$A$20009=3) looks at column of data and checks if any of the data says 3, however I need the formula to look at the column of data and determine if the figure is =>3 and also =<5.

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SUMPRODUCT Formula With Criterion Condition???

May 8, 2009

see the attached spreadsheet. Basically I want the formula in the yellow cell to carry out a sum product of two columns, but only for rows where the value in the first (criterion) column is 10.

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Incorporate A Vlookup Into The Formula

Mar 5, 2010

Last Name

First NameSales CodeDepartmentSalesHours WorkedBase PayCommission RateAllbaughJoshuaAMMen's$ 4,000.00 8.00188.0072

I created this formula to show commission but it doesn't incorporate the array below.

How can I incorporate a vlookup into the formula above showing this array of info?

Sales CodeSales TitleHourly Wage QuotaCommision RateAMAssistant Manager$23.50 $200.00 0.03PT1Sales Assistant$10.50 $100.00 0.01PT2Sales Partner$11.75 $125.00 0.015S1Sales Associate$13.50 $150.00 0.02S2Sales Consultant$15.00 $175.00 0.025

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How To Incorporate An If Then Else Function To An Average Formula

Jun 13, 2009

Is there a way to include an if then else function to an average formula that will skip cells with zero?

I went into better detail in the attached example.

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Incorporate (InputBox) Result In Formula?

Mar 5, 2012

I need to often enter a formula such as:


but, I need to change the variable 'a' to whatever letter I need.

I wrote the following:

y = InputBox("Enter letter")

So, how do I incorporate the 'InputBox' result in the formula?

If I use =SUMIF(H1:H500,""=x"",G1:G500) I just get 'x' as a result, not the letter I input.

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Incorporate Several IF Statements Into Single Formula?

Nov 27, 2012

I am trying to incorporate several IF statements into a single formula:


What I am trying to achieve with this formula is:

- insert LR if AB5 is less than 20;
- insert C if AB5 is less than 30 but more than 25;
- if neither of the above is true, insert CLEAR if T5 contains something and if not insert B-T1-F10 if AB5 is between 240 and 40 and AA5 = 1.

The problem I have is that the B-T1-F10 is not being inserted where the other criteria are not met so I think I have not integrated the statements correctly?

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Sumproduct Given A Condition?

Apr 7, 2014

I am trying to arrive at the results in the yellow cells without needing the blue cells inbetween.

A sumproduct would be best but the 2nd row of blue cells has an if statement in it.

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SUMPRODUCT Using A Condition

Jun 20, 2014

I would like to create a formula in D7 that calculates the weighted average growth for products (column A) manufactured by Bob (column B). In J5 I've inserted the expected result using a SUMPRODUCT function.

How to create a formula in D7 that will calculate from the data in B6:D6 the same result as in J5. i.e. How do I make the SUMPRODUCT function only consider data in columns C and D when Bob is the manufacturer?

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Sumproduct With More Than One Condition

Oct 23, 2007

Here is my dilemma I have 3 columns with data ranges two of which need to match certain criteria and if the criteria is met then I want the 3rd columns data to be sumed.

For instance: I want all only want to add column c for the ones in Column a that have blue and column b that have lost.


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More Condition With Sumproduct?

Mar 3, 2009

I want to make some general tab from source in other sheet. I want to count unique product based more condition and also sum the amount for people and product.
It is better to understund in my atach.

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Aug 7, 2013

I have a SUMPRODUCT formula that checks several columns of employee data for various conditions and sums up a salary value, which works just fine. But now I have to put a cap on the salary amount when summing up each employee, which I thought I could use an IF statement for, but alas just returns a #VALUE! error. Essentially what I tried was

=SUMPRODUCT( --( Range1=A1), --(Range2=B1), IF( SalaryRng>200000, 150000, SalaryRng) )

I thought since I was returning numeric values from the IF statement there shouldn't be a problem. Obviously not. So my question is whether an IF statement can be used this way, and if not, what method should I use? SUM/IF array formula?

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Sumproduct With Condition Formating

Nov 5, 2008

I have two columns from which criteria must be satisifed. column A denotes gender (m or f) and column B denotes a number of points. I want to sum those males who achieve >4 in one cell and those females who achieve >4 in another cell.

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Variable Condition In Sumproduct

Nov 25, 2008

I have the following formula


Cells F1, D1 and H1 contain dropdown lists matching values in the referenced columns, PLUS they all contain the option All, which effectively means that the condition should return true.

I need something like if($F$1='All',1,(INDIRECT($B3&"u3:u1000")=$F$1))), but this doesn't work

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Double Condition (where Sumproduct Won't Work)

Jun 30, 2008

my table is something like below:

my program sheet looks something like this:

I need a double condition formula to check the date, if matches the date Column (A), and matches product Column (b), then returns Column (C) which is the doc#.
I Could easily do it if it is a sum product formula, but in this case, it is alpha numberic.

date: 14 Jun (dd / mm)
product -- Doc#
apple ---- ac21 (so what formula do I put here?)
Orange --- abc2 (formula?)

date --- product --- Doc#
12 Jun -- apple ----- abc1
12 Jun -- Orange --- ab12
14 JUn -- Apple ----- ab21
14 Jun -- Orange ---- abc2

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Sumproduct Returns A Zero In False Condition, Instead Of A Blank

Jan 8, 2007

I've written a sumproduct formula, which does what I want it to do; but it returns a zero in false condition, instead of a blank. I've tried several things, but don't seem to be progressing very far. Here's the formula that I ended up with.

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Adding Condition To SUMPRODUCT Causes Result To Go Up? (2007)

Jan 22, 2010

Adding condition to SUMPRODUCT causes result to go up? (2007). I have the following formula:

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Excel 2003 :: How To Use List Or OR Condition In SUMPRODUCT

Oct 30, 2009

How to include a boolean OR in my SUMPRODUCT formulas.

Software: WinXP SP2 and Excel 2003 SP3

I'll try to type in some data in legible format:

......Col B.....Col C.....Col D.....Col E.......Col F
1...NW OH....WMA.....110%....NW OH...(result)
2...NW OH....SIS.......130%
3...SO FL......PRB........92%
4...NW OH....TRO......104%

I want to sum the contents of Column D when Column B = a given text value located in Cell E1 AND Column C = text value #1 OR text value #2 OR text value #3, and plunk the result in Cell F1.

So for example if I have NW OH in Cell E1 and my values to match in Col C are WMA, SIS, or PRB, I need a result of 240%.

I am using dynamic ranges for the contents of Columns B, C, and D: CALC_AFFIL, CALC_TITLE, and CALC_PERC respectively.

I have tried:

Also tried both the above formula w/o the "--" in front of any array.

Again, the above was tried with and w/o the combinations of "--" in front of arrays.

Once more with and w/o "--" combinations.

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Adding Another Condition To Sumproduct (countif) Statement

Oct 6, 2011

I am using the formula below to count the occurences of relevant text strings (names) in a cell that can contain many separate strings. It works great. "References!$F$2:$F$34" contains my list of names and the formula returns how many occurences there are in each cell.

What i'd like to do know is work in a date criteria. Each name has an associated relevant date attached to it as does each cell that I am looking for these names in. english what Id like to do is alter my formula so that when it finds a text string that exists in "References!$F$2:$F$34", it then compares the associated date in "References!$G$2:$G$34" with the date associated with N3 which happens to be O3.


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Formula To Change Cell Colour :: Shade A Cell Depending On Condition

Feb 9, 2007

Is it possible to use a formula to shade a cell dependent on a condition? I have tried an if formula (see below) but it is incorrect. =if('November 2006 SVOC'!B6>'March 2006 SVOC'!C6,'November 2006 SVOC'!B6 [red],if('November 2006 SVOC'!B6<'March 2006 SVOC'!C6,'November 2006 SVOC'!B6 [blue],))

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Incorporate Adjacent Cell In Formula W/o Naming Cell Address?

Oct 2, 2009

I searched and I keep finding something that's not quite what I'm looking to do so I think I'm missing something really simple.

Let's say that I want each cell in col b to be the sum of 5 plus whatever value is in the cell adjacent to it on the left (col).

I know that you can just write a formula in each cell like...

b1 will be =sum(a1+5)
b2 will be =sum(a2+5)

... but is there a shortcut so that you don't have to write out the actual cell address for each one?

Meaning - is there a predefined name or something that represents the cell to the left or right so you can just use that instead, allowing you to just copy paste the same formula all the way down the column? Something like...

b1 will be =sum(left+5)
b2 will be =sum(left+5)

... where "left" represents whatever value is in the cell to the left of that particular cell?

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Change Sumproduct To Countif(and(

Apr 8, 2009

Change Sumproduct to countif(and(. I'm using this formula

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Change SUMPRODUCT To IF With Exchange Rate

Mar 31, 2009

As you can see in the attached sample file, I have different currencies, that all need to be converted to USD.

The exchange rate are displayed on sheet 2.

Currently the formula just picks all values without considering the exchange rate to USD. What I need to have, is a formula which, based on the currency, picks the correct exchange rate and outputs USD.

Apart from that, another thing the formula should consider is the value of G1 in sheet 2. With G1, the user can later define a specific type to be calculated by simply pressing down the button and chose either FG or RM.

The formula needs to:

Find out what currency the value is in and automatically convert it to USD via the exchange rate values. It also needs to consider the value of G1 in sheet 2 in order to filter out the other values. If, for example G1 is FG, then only FG should be taken into the process and therefore only values where type FG is marked.

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How To Change One Condition Based On Another

Feb 2, 2007

I have a "if" statement that goes something like this:

=if(and(Function1),do this, if(and(Function2), do that, 0)

where Function 1 and Function 2 consist of three conditions each.

Now Function 2 has reference to a particular cell (U23), whose value is dependent on other cell references.

If U23 has some real value, I want the above statement to be executed.

However, if U23 displays a "#N/A", I want only Function1 to be executed. i.e. = if(and(Function1),do this,0)

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Change Colour Of Certain Cells When Condition Met

Jul 31, 2014

I am using the following code to amend the colour of a cell when a name is entered in ROW J however, i need it to colour the row from A to O on the line the name is entered on.

So for example Dave is in j2 (j1 is a header) the line from A2 to o2 goes green.

I have tried a few things with interesting results but not get desired result.

[Code] ......

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Change Color Of Part Of Row If Condition Met

Dec 6, 2012

I'm working on a macro to change the color of the row between column W to AN if in column K the value is "FCA" (without quotes).

So far I have this, but it doesn't work:

Sub Test()
For Each cell In Range("K1", Cells(Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp))
If InStr(1, cell, "FCA") Then
Range("W" & cell.Row & ":AN" & cell.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
Next cell
End Sub

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Additional Condition To Change Events

Jan 17, 2008

The codes below allows me to change the color of the cells in Col F & G dependence on the value of Col G. I like to add another condition and that is if Col K the value is cancelled or closed the whole row will be CellColor = 48: FontColor = 2

Sub Risk_Color()
Dim c As Range, myFontCol As Integer, myCol As Integer
For Each c In ActiveSheet.Range("f7:g20000")
myFontCol = xlAutomatic
myCol = xlNone
Select Case c.Value
Case Is = 1, 2, 3
myCol = 34....................................

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Change Cell Color On Condition

Oct 3, 2006

I need to change automatically the color of a cell (let say A1) to green if the cell content is YES and to red if content is NO. Which function to use?

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Incorporate Calendar

Feb 21, 2007

I have the following worksheet ,named "Calendar", to make an annual calendar and I'm wondering if there's a way to use it to make a calendar in worksheet named "NovemberDaily". On the worksheet named "NovemberDaily" I want to put in cells C14, G14, K14, O14, S14, W14, and AA14 "11/1/2007" if the weekday of the week matches the date"11/1/2007". Is this possible or is there an easier way of accomplishing this. I'm needing the date (e.g. 11/1/2007) in the cells mentioned because it ties into another formula that I'm using later in the worksheet.

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Highlight Rows When Change In Condition Occurs

Apr 11, 2008

I have a whole spreadsheet of data which looks confusing so I need to make it look more attractive to the viewer.

I have column A which shows a number of the branch conducting the transaction and the column will contain numerous different branches which I have sorted into branch order.I think there are too many branches to use the conditional formatting condition (probably 5000 different numbers)

What I wish to do is change the colour of the cell when the branch name changes.

For example
Column A= Branch number

What I need is to highlight all branches 123 with a colour (any colour say red) but when the change in branch number occurs to 345 use a different colour to highlight all the branches (cells) with the number 345 (say grey).Then when the branch changes to 456 use the same colour that highlighted branch 123 (ie red) .Then again when the branch changes to 789 change the colour back to grey again so the spreadsheet shows rows highlighted when a different branch occurs

The above example would look like
Column A
all branches with 123 ( cell highlighted any colour but say red)
branches 345 cells highlighted grey
branches 456 cells highlighted red
branches 789 grey

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Incorporate Picture In Header

Dec 20, 2010

I have a macro that create the page header (and footer), which uses a jpg image/logo from my computer. How can I incorporate that into the code so that the macro/image will work properly if not run on my computer?

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