Changing Cell Values As Per The Value Selected In Dropdown?

Feb 4, 2014

I want a functionality in a sheet wherein if i select a value from a drop down, i will get specific fields to be entered in the sheet below and when i select a different value from the drop down the fields to be entered should change.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Selected Values Of Two Dropdown Menus

Dec 9, 2011

I am building a spreadsheet with a column having two drop down menus at the top that designate independent, but strict conditions. For simplicity, say I have in cell A1 a drop down menu with choices "alpha, beta, gamma" while A2 has a drop down menu for "1, 2, 3". These six values sit off to the side in cells X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 and X6 respectively.

In cell A3 I woul like to change its color, perhaps to green because it is an acceptable number (say less than or equal to 100) or change to red if unacceptable, value greater than 100.

I can do both of these commands in Excel, no problem. In my situation, I would like to change the value at which cell A3 goes from green to red dependent on the options in A1 & A2. There are 9 such combinations of alpha, beta, gamma, paired with 1,2,3 and I would like the combinations to change the fill color of cell A3 in the following manner:

If A1 = alpha and A2 = 1, then A3 will be green for values less than or equal to 100 and red for values greater than 100.
If A1 = beta and A2 = 1, then A3 will be green for values less than or equal to 80 and red for values greater than 80.
If A1 = gamma and A2 = 1, then A3 will be green for values less than or equal to 60 and red for values greater than 60.
If A1 = alpha and A2 = 2, then A3 will be green for values less than or equal to 95 and red for values greater than 95.
If A1 = beta and A2 = 2, then A3 will be green for values less than or equal to 75 and red for values greater than 75.
If A1 = gamma and A2 = 2, then A3 will be green for values less than or equal to 55 and red for values greater than 55.
If A1 = alpha and A2 = 3, then A3 will be green for values less than or equal to 92 and red for values greater than 92.
If A1 = beta and A2 = 3, then A3 will be green for values less than or equal to 72 and red for values greater than 72.
If A1 = gamma and A2 = 3, then A3 will be green for values less than or equal to 52 and red for values greater than 52.

How to create a cell that can change its conditional formatting based on the selected values of two drop down menus.

I have a few other conditions I would like to implement, say change the fill color of A3 to green, orange or red dependant on the values in A1 & A2, but I might be able to crack that if I can see how the above scenario is done.

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Excel 2007 :: Lock / Unlock Cells Based On Values Selected In Dropdown List

May 15, 2013

I am looking to write a code to lock/unlock cells based on values selected using a drop down list (see attached Excel) For example if Netherlands is chosen as the Country (Column A), then except for the columns Amsterdam (column B) and Eindhoven (column C), all other columns must be locked. Similarly, if India is chosen as the country from the drop down list, then only the columns New Delhi and Mumbai must be editable for the user, the rest of the columns remain locked.

I tried tweaking some of the lock/unlock codes around, but got lost especially with getting to run the macro - still trying to come to terms with running a "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange" function in the sheet from "Module"!

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Changing Cell Value Based On Selected Row.

Jun 8, 2009

Is it possible to select a cell on any given row and the value of a cell on that row for example C5 & C6 are shown in cells A1 and B1 respectively? So if the user moved down the sheet selecting different rows the data would change?

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Changing Cell Color Based On Changing Values

Sep 16, 2009

This may have been answered on here but can not seem to find it. My situation is I have values in A1,A2 & A3 that are like counter reading so the value is always changing. What I am looking to do is change the cell color if one of the values is over 500 from the other two values. Say A1 is 3000, A2 is 3250 and A3 is 3500. I would like the cell for A3 to change color.

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Comments In Dropdown Box Dependent On Number Selected In Adjacent Cell

Jul 8, 2013

I have been asked by my supervisor to make a performance review template a little bit more user friendly.

Basically what I have is a drop own list in cells in one column (various cells with the same drop down menu) that you select from either 0-10 in a drop down box.

I have another cell which I want to have a drop down box with text comments that you select from when. Only problem is the comments different dependent on the ranking score you give a person (the number selection in the previously mentioned cell from 0-10). So if you have a score between 9-10 in the cell then the comments box will give you certain comments to choose, 7-8 different comments and so on and so forth.

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Changing Value Of Cell By Change Of Value In Another Cell Using Dropdown List

Jun 7, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with numerical data in B1:B11 and textual data in C1:C11. The numerical data is a couple of digits, nothing big, and the textual data is always two letters, in this case AB, AC or AD. I have the options for AB, AC or AD for each of the cells in C1:C11 in a data validation drop down list. What I'm trying to do is make a VBA macro, of some sort, that acts upon when, AB for instance, is changed to AC, and then multiply the adjacent numerical value in the B column by a conversion value:

AB -> AC = 3
AC -> AD = 7
AD -> AB = 4

So for example, if I had cell B2 as 10 and C2 as AB, then changed AB to AC using the drop down menu, the macro would recognise the change, select the adjacent cell, B2, and multiply it by 3 to get 30, and put 30 in B2.

This is what I've got so far, and I'm no VBA expert, so I've probably made mistakes in multiple places. At the moment, the code below is getting stuck on active.celloffset - and I'm really not sure why. I did manage to get it working with specific cells rather than a range, but that only ever worked once and I had to close and re-open excel to get it to work again. Is my code any good, or am I coming at this from the wrong direction?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Static ov As Variant
For Each Cell In Range("B1:B10")


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Macro To Jump To Cell That Matches Text Selected From A Dropdown List?

Mar 24, 2014

I'm looking for a macro to jump to and select a cell if it matches the text in another cell based on a drop down list. So I have a drop down list in cell c57 and a form control search button right next to it. I want the user to be able to select from the drop down, click search and then jump to the cell that matches what they selected. I would like the macro to search from B:60 - B629.

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Changing Cell Colors For All Matching Textboxes Based On Text From Dropdown Menu

Feb 19, 2014

I have a large workbook, with multiple sheets. I would like to be able to select a name from a drop down menu, and have the cell color change for all entries of that name in my other sheets. I can do it manually, but it would be much cleaner and easier to have Excel do it for me. I have looked at other answers here on this forum and know that if it can be done,

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Dropdown Lists Data Went Selected Won't Show In Next Dropdown Only Remaining Data

Mar 11, 2013

I am trying to pull data from more than one drop down but don't the same data to show if already use, example as follow:

First drop down Contains:- Pants

if I chose Hats it should not show up in the second drop down

second drop down Contains:- Pants
Is this done in data validation or combo Box? if so how?

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Run Macro When Dropdown Value Selected

Sep 6, 2012

I need to have my Fx macro run whenever a value is chosen from the drop down list in cell K9. I know I have seen how to do this but for the life of me I can't find a thread today that contains this info. The actual value chosen does not matter, I just need the macro to run every time the value in the cell changes.

On the template cell K9 is blank. So when the user chooses a EUR from the drop down the macro should run automatically (the user shouldn't have to do anything). And if the user then decides to change the currency to USD the macro should run again automatically.

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Adding Selected Cell Values From A List

Feb 3, 2014

Below is a list of sku's where column C contains values that represent quantities of items received. Now, column D contains 4 different categories of items, BK, BL, CBL and PP, so what I need to do, is add the numbers shown in column C, for each category separately. That is, all values from column C having a "PP" value on column D, should be added separately, and so on with the other categories from column D. The resulting values will be used to create pie charts, but that part I have resolved.

What I'm doing to achieve this, is selecting column D, then, conditional formatting→highlight cell rules→equals to, then typing each category so I can highlight the corresponding cells. Then, adding Filter to column C, then sorting by color, then, selecting the corresponding cells from column C to add their values. The process works, but takes too long, especially when considering my lists usually have a few hundreds of sku's each. The below list is just a shortened version of one of them.

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Changing Cell Formulas To Values

Oct 25, 2006

I currently maintain a program that creates an Excel report. The report is full of formulas (mostly vlookups).

After the report is built, I'd like to get rid of the formulas. The only way I know to do this is to copy the report and do a paste special values.

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Change Cell Color With Different Dropdown Values

Jun 12, 2013

I would like to have the cell color changed according to what value is chosen from a drop down menu. I guess you need to make some kind of rule with conditional formatting ...

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Reference Selected Value From Dropdown List

Jul 24, 2014

My function is:

=IF(A2="","",IF(INDEX('JOBNAME Time Cards'!K:K,(ROWS($1:1)-1)*7+1)="No TV","","X"))

The idea is basically, if on another page at specific cells there is a value of 'No TV', there will be an empty cell - otherwise there will be an X.

In the past this has worked fine, but now that I've changed the way the 'No TV' cell works to be a dropdown of options, it no longer works. Even though 'No TV' is selected from the dropdown, the value is still X.

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Send Email When Dropdown Value Selected?

Apr 30, 2014

What is the code for getting Excel to send an email once I close a line item? I got some code from another post but can't get it to work for me. My current spreadsheet is a list of outstanding problems. Once the issue is "Closed" (Dropdown in column U), I would like Excel to email a recipient who's address is in Column K. The issue is in the code - If c = "Closed" Then

Sub Closed()
'You need to Reference Outlook
'Goto Tools>References and select Microsoft Outlook Libary 9.0 (or your version)
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application


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Changing Values In Column Based On Value In One Cell

Jan 12, 2009

Based on the attached (much simplified) spreadsheet, I want the values in the green cells on the "Month" page (B6:B10) to vary depending on the value in the yellow cell (B4), and for these cells to to look up the relevant column in the "Full Year" page - i.e. if B4 (on "Month") = Jan, look up C6:C10 in "Full Year"; if B4 = Feb, look up D6:D10, and so on. I know I can nest IF functions in order to achieve this, but could be a bit messy. I'm sure there must be a simpler formula within Excel ... just don't know what it's called!

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Macro, Want To Get Values From A Cell Without Changing Sheets

Mar 27, 2009

Made a macro to Copy a value and paste is as "Special" for Value only.

The problem is it won't function correctly Unless I force a switch to the sheet where the calculations are. (Which I want to avoid)

The current code is:

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Changing Range Selected With Variable

Jan 17, 2009

I have some code that uses offset to select a column of numbers

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Dropdown List Range Based On Two Different Cell Values

Aug 2, 2012

I'm new to excel and was trying to make a workbook that will have a drop down list populate based on a user input in two separate cells. Basically, i have columns: name, pages, and books. I would like to have the drop down list match data by first finding the amount of books read, then finding the amount of pages read. Then any name that meets the criteria will be available in the drop down list. How can I do this?

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Selections In A Dropdown Menu To Generate Different Cell Values?

Dec 17, 2009

Hey everyone, I'm new to the boards and only moderately familiar with Excel, so I'm looking for a little help. My question might not be completely clear, so I'll try to give you a visualization.

I want to give users the ability to choose different kinds of expenses from a drop down menu (i.e., Salary, Postage, Supplies). However, some of the expenses have general costs associated with them on top of other costs, and I want it to be made clear by having the proper costs come up with the proper expense. For example: ...

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Replacing Text Selected In Dropdown List?

Feb 20, 2014

I have a drop down list of locations, which when one is selected I would like to show an abbreviated version in a different cell (say B5). I have tried the following so far:

=IF(A5 = "London", "LON")

But I would need to do this for around 30 locations and would need the abbreviated version in the same cell.

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Update DropDown Selected Value After Updating Source

Feb 20, 2014

I need it without macros

Example : I create a list (cat, dog, cow), i create a dropdown on this list and select the first - cat. After that i change cat on SuperCat. Dropdown has a new list, yes, but selected value still Cat. Can i update it automatically on SuperCat?
Or are maybe there any shortcut for validation to let me know that i should change my value from invalid ( if the first variant is impossible )?


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Copy Row Based On Dropdown List Selected?

Jun 10, 2014

I am trying to copy/extract row of data from worksheet(Detail)A:W to worksheet(1st Letter) if X=1st Letter on worksheet(Detail). I have never used VBA and i am not sure if this can be done with a formula.

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Autopopulate With Dropdown Menu For Selected File Only

Apr 13, 2013

I have 2 worksheet in excel, first worksheet called "inventory", and second worksheet called "consumption".

The inventory worksheet is the big list of items that we have in store(ex: apple, mango, grape, orange, carrot, banana etc up to 200 items).

In this worksheet, coloumn A is the item name, and coloumn B is the quantity. in some cases, we dont have all the item in the inventory, for example only 50 items that having the quantity (other items is 0)
In the worksheet "consumption", it also have coloumn A with item's name and coloumn B with quantity.
In Consumption worksheet, i want to create a dropdown list in coloumn A, that automatically only populate the items that we have in the inventory worksheet (50 items) (not showing all items (200 ea) in dropdown list).

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Pulling Data From Sheets If Certain Name Selected In Dropdown

Mar 29, 2014

I am creating an excel workbook for my consignment store to keep track of sales for the store as well as the consignors. I have a sheet for each day of the month, and in the sheets I have it to where I can select the consignor from a drop down box. I am trying to create a sheet at the end of the workbook that would allow me to use the drop-down list to select a consignor and have it pull the sales for the month onto that sheet, an end of the month summary of sales. I don't mind creating a formula for each day. IM taking my time on this to make it work the way I want it to. But I cannot figure out how to make it reference that through the drop down box. Consignors name may not be in the same spot each day and might not have sales for that day.

At first I was thinking an IF formula, but how to do an IF for a range of cells from one sheet and have it pull the sales from that same sheet.

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Changing Values Of Cells Based On Change Of One Cell Value

Jun 3, 2008

I am trying to do is to write a code that will change the values of cells B17:B25 to "false" when the user selects "true" from the drop-down box in cell B16.

Here 's my
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Target.Address = "B16" Then
If Target.Value = "TRUE" Then
Range("B17:B25").FormulaR1C1 = "FALSE"
End If
End If

End Sub

This is not working! Nothing happens when I select "TRUE" in cell B16!

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Excel 2010 :: Resetting Cell Values (Dropdown List)

Jun 23, 2014

I'm using Excel 2010. I have developed a calculator (attached) to make life easier for my colleagues. It works perfectly fine. But one thing keeps bugging me.

In Cell C3 - You have the option to choose "Daily" or "Weekly" (Drop Down). This selection effects your selection for Cell C6.

If you choose Daily in Cell C3 then your options for Cell C6 are restricted to select/enter an amount between £0.00 and £6.00.

If you choose Weekly in Cell C3 then your options for Cell C6 are restricted to select/enter either £0.00 or £12.00.

This works perfect.

However, if I select "Weekly" and then select " £12.00", all my results are perfect which is exactly what I want BUT if I then go back up to C3 and change "Weekly" to "Daily", the £12.00 in C6 remains (though the data validation for "Daily" is restricted to £0.00- £6.00) and all the results are consequently wrong until C6 is changed.

The obvious thing is to delete the £12.00 from Cell C6 or introduce a "clear" button BUT I don't want my colleagues to do this as it leaves the possibility of error and since we are dealing with money, I can't have it.

So what I would love and what would complete this calculator and deem it ready is if every time Cell C3 is selected (i.e. from the drop down list you choose Weekly or Daily) it as a result resets Cell C6 to £0.00.

Calculator 23-06-14.xlsx

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Rotate Arrow Image To A Value Entered In Cell (dropdown Of Values Between 0 And 180)

Mar 1, 2013

I want to rotate an arrow image to exactly a value entered in a cell (dropdown of values between 0 and 180)

e.g. if the value is 0 it should point south, if East or West 90+ or - and if pointing North 180. Also all value between these e.g. 45 for South East or South West etc.

I need some VBA I guess to do this but I don't know how.

When the arrow has stopped, I need the macro to end cleanly so that the user can input other values.

Is this even possible?

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Pull Data From Another Worksheet When Dropdown Items Selected?

Feb 21, 2014

I am trying to create a document that runs a scenario based on the two drop down choices selected that determines which worksheet in the workbook autopopulates over to sheet one based on the selection. I tried doing an if statement but did not have any luck.

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