Excel 2010 :: Converting From SUMIFS To SUMPRODUCT In Order To Make View Filtered Results
Jan 2, 2014
I'm using Excel 2010. I have a spread sheet with sales data covering 3 years and multiple customers. I was able to create formulas such as this to calculate the figures for the entire sheet (all customers) by year.
I believe that in order to use filters that show this date for a specific customer I need to convert this to a SUMPRODUCT formula, I've tried this multiple times and had no luck.
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Feb 15, 2013
Excel 2010
I have the following SUMIFS formula that produces the desired results until I get the the last qualifier, displayed in red:
The result of this formula is: #VALUE!
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Jan 5, 2014
Excel 2010 windows 8
I am in need of a formula to count filtered results. On Sheet1 (Job Flow) the user enters data continually . The most important is the Date in column D some measurements in columns N,O & P that gives a result as a code, example s15020 or c3005 in column Q. A vlookup is then pulls up a price for the code.
On sheet two Column A There is a list of all the codes. I need a formula that will give a count in column B for the amount of codes that was entered in to the data base "sold" for a date filtered time period, be it a week, month or year. In other words the codes in ,column A sheet 2, should reflect the amount of units for the time filter on page1.
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Nov 6, 2012
I am a Microsoft Excel 2010 user and am trying to create a usage report for a website that I work on. I have been compiling the usage reports into one spreadsheet. The columns I use are Month, Device, Language, Title 1, and Title 2. I can filter each of these rows and it shows me the number of records found. Each row on this spread sheet refers to a time that someone selected something on the site. For example the row may say;
Month (filtered)
Device (Filtered)
Lan (filtered)
How do I automatically populate a table on a separate sheet with the number of records found for a certain combination of filters applied. So if I'm looking at monthly trending I want to know how many times the stress test was started in May, June, or July, but automatically using info from the multiple filters.
What is a formula I can use to compile the filtered data from above.
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Jun 10, 2013
I have a workbook with multiple tabs that I update every other month with current data. I have one tab for data that I clear each time and copy the updated info into. (That info is copied from another excel spreadsheet, by the way.) On the second tab I have sumifs formulas set up to pull in certain data from the data tab. This setup has worked perfectly until today. I copied my data into the one tab but could not get the formulas to calculate. It looks like the formulas aren't picking up the data. I've checked to make sure the formulas are calculating automatically. I've retyped the formula. I've replaced the =. I tried naming the ranges I wanted the data to be picked up from. I've tried changing the format of the data - general, text, numbers, etc. I'm working in excel 2010
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May 22, 2013
I have MS Office 2010 Home Edition. Is there a way to make 2 different Excel docs show up on 2 different monitors at the same time (one on each, of course)? (I have a PC and 2 displays total.)
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Apr 9, 2014
I believe that someone showed me once that you could view the same workbook on two monitors with the vien arrange all mode, you could make changes on both screens and the changes would be saved to the same file similar to arranging two views. I cannot rememebr how to do this or even if it is possible.
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Jan 6, 2012
I'm used to work with the Excel 2003 edition, however I just changed the version to 2010. As result of that I do have the following question:
How can you view the source data of a pivot table in Excel 2010?
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Nov 13, 2013
SUMIFS with less than & more than
I found this thread which works for normal ranges
I want to Sum for Values Greater than a specific date in my formula.
This first one works for a specific date (Relevant reference in red), so say 01/01/2014
Table2[[#All],[Start Date]],Table3[#Headers],
Table2[[#All],[Perm / Temp / Prof / ETA]],[@Company])
To Sum for ranges >= 01/01/2014, I have tried this below based on the thread above but Excel does not accept this.
">="Table2[[#All],[Start Date]],Table3[#Headers],
Table2[[#All],[Perm / Temp / Prof / ETA]],[@Company])
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Sep 3, 2013
I'm using Excel 2010. I have a workbook with only 1 worksheet in it and it will be sent to several people. I want that excel file to open in Full View when the end user opens it. Is this possible without any VBA codes?
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Nov 16, 2013
Please see the screenshot : Excel-comments-misplaced-bug.png
when I filter my list (around 1000 records) and I want to edit a comment, the comments are at their original (unfiltered list's) place. is it solved in 2013 version ? or anyway to solve it ?
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Sep 19, 2013
I am using Excel 2010 on XP. I would like to apply conditional formatting to shade every group in alternating color. For example, I have a list of US states. I have a formula already to produce this:
Current Conditional Formatting Formula: =MOD(SUM(1/COUNTIF($a$2:$a2,$a$2:$a2)),2)=1
STATES (unfiltered)
When I apply a filter, the rows remain shaded as they were originally:
I want the conditional format to change when I have filtered out items (DESIRED RESULT):
I would assume SUBTOTAL(3,...) would need to be incorported into the conditional formatting formula above, but I do not know how.
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Nov 1, 2013
How we can select specific cells in the filtered data using VBA in Excel 2010.
I need to select 10th column, 5th row data .. or 10th column, 6th row data .. or 13th column, 8th row data...
How to select this data using VBA.. I am struck here .. If I give the below code.. the hidden cells inbetween the filtered data is getting selected.. only the first row is getting selected correctly.. i.e, ..rnVisible(1, 2).Select .. If I change the row like rnVisible(2, 12).Select its selecting the hidden cells ..
Dim rnVisible As Range
Set rnVisible = ActiveSheet.Rows("2:10000").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
rnVisible(2, 12).Select
MsgBox ActiveCell.Address
[Code ........
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Jun 27, 2014
I am working with a very large spreadsheet 10k references... I need to add sequential numbers in a column to identify the references but I need to use he filter in the author column due to the way my referencing software exports the data...
When I try to use the pull down autofill it just keeps repeating the last or second last number of the cell - the autofil box that usually appears has disappeared.
Im using excel 2010
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Aug 20, 2013
i have the text as string data in column A and it is just a text not date format. i want to convert this using formula text function to get result shown in column B and C. is this doable?
Excel 2010ABC1DateRevised DateRevised Date 2Fri 4 Feb 2011Friday, February 04, 20112/4/20113Fri 5 Oct 20074Fri 28 Apr 20065Fri 30 Sep 20056Fri 23 May 20087Fri 3 Feb 20068Fri 30 Sep 20119Fri 11 May 200710Tue 1 Jan 201311Fri 13 Aug 201012Tue 25 Jun 201313Fri 8 Jun 201214Fri 25 Mar 201115Fri 12 Feb 201016Fri 5 Sep 200817Fri 6 Nov 200918Fri 6 Mar 200919Fri 21 Aug 200920Fri 6 Jan 201221Fri 5 Jan 200722Fri 15 Jan 201023Fri 12 Jun 200924Fri 7 Jul 200625Fri 21 Oct 201126Fri 31 Oct 2008Sheet4
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Aug 24, 2012
I am trying to convert
Excel 2010
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May 27, 2014
I have a Column of dates in this format: 5/19/2014 8:08:44 AM I am trying to get this to read 20140519 or yyyymmdd It doesn't matter what format I change to, it will not update unless I activate the cell and then tab or enter out of it. I have 3000 rows to convert. with this either by setting or VB Sub?
Excel 2010
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Nov 11, 2012
I'm trying to copy a whole bunch of tables with identical layout to a master table, so I can create a whole bunch of pivot tables that include data from ALL the various tables. The source tables MAY be filtered, and I can't work out how to copy them easily while also INCLUDING any hidden/filtered rows while at the same time leaving any filter settings on the source tables intact.
If I use something like range("Table1").Listobject.DataBodyRange.Copy then it only copies the VISIBLE rows.
But I want ALL rows to be copied to a master table.
1. I don't want to unfilter the sources tables, because users might still want the source tables to remain exactly as the user filtered them. (However, it doesn't matter if the DESTINATION list is filtered or not). I realise that I could copy the entire sheet to a temp sheet, then unfilter any tables on that sheet and THEN copy these to the master list. But wan't to know if there's a simpler way.
2. I DON'T want to use SQL to create a pivot table directly from the tables, because the tables will have further information added to them from time to time, and so if I use SQL to make a pivot directly from them, I'll have to recreate the pivot cache using that SQL query each time, which might muck up the settings in any existing pivot tables. I realise that I could use SQL to copy the data to a 'staging area', and just point the pivot table at that.
3. I can't use PowerPivot, because its not installed in this environment.
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Mar 5, 2012
How to add Sumproduct and Min/Max functions? Using Excel 2010
I am looking for the minimum, or maximum number within a range while using the Sumproduct function.
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Nov 13, 2012
Is there a way to sort out the sheets into alphabetical order in excel 2010?
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Aug 20, 2014
I am using excel 2010.
I have a spreadsheet with the following:
Column E is a product. If that product is ordered, any character is entered in that cell
Column F has a due date
Column I has the received date
What I want is to count the number of cells that have any character in column E AND the received date is later than the due date
These two formulas are working fine alone but I cannot get them to work together.
I have tried all kinds of tweeks to the following to no avail:
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Dec 29, 2012
I am trying to sort multiple values in ascending order (example attached) however I can't get this to work. Tried looking at a few different forums and although there is plenty of sorting questions out there they all tend to be relating to dates not different values (i.e text and numbers).
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Oct 25, 2011
Find the sorting method of dates in excel 2010. I have dates in one column and i want to sort it, but I am not able to sort in ascending or descending order.
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Jul 1, 2013
I wanna sort these numbers in descending order and related to each others in excel 2010.
[Code] .........
About descending and related to each others, I mean for example : #700 in column A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H places in the same row and the same happen to #1533.954 and others. About the numbers that are The One ( like 549.894), I need to put them in its column and a new row with empty cells in its other columns. In the end i want a table like this:
[Code] .........
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May 1, 2014
Have developed a form for my associates and want them to be able to move to the cellls I want them to fill data in to by merely hitting the TAB or ENTER key vs. having to move the cursor to each cell requiring them to input data.
Want cursor to move in a specific cell order. You would think you could merely say 1M, 2C, etc.
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Oct 3, 2013
sumifs I was using but eventually got it to work by switching the order of the criteria. how the order of the criteria affects the result?
Working formula:
=SUMIFS('QB data 2011-2013'!$F:$F,'QB data 2011-2013'!$L:$L,'Daily Report Summary'!$M$4-1,'QB data 2011-2013'!$M:$M,'Daily Report Summary'!$N$4,'QB data 2011-2013'!$C:$C,'Daily Report Summary'!$J10,'QB data 2011-2013'!$H:$H,4)
Failing formula:
=SUMIFS('QB data 2011-2013'!$F:$F,'QB data 2011-2013'!$H:$H,4,'QB data 2011-2013'!$L:$L,'Daily Report Summary'!$M$4-1,'QB data 2011-2013'!$M:$M,'Daily Report Summary'!$N$4,'QB data 2011-2013'!$C:$C,'Daily Report Summary'!$J10)
The only difference between the two is that the criteria referencing "4" is at the end of the working formula VS the beginning of the failing formula.
I have never experienced the order having any affect on the returned value, but in this case the top formula works but the bottom returns 0.
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Mar 20, 2012
Formating Date Issue
Excel or Access version:Excel 2010
Computer operating system:Windows XP
Sample data:No sample data
Formula(s) right now:Mar-5-2012
Current result(s):Mar-5-2012
My goal:To convert the above text into a date format.
Error message:Can't format the way I want it.
How error occurred:No error message
Generated in:Excel
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May 7, 2012
I am using Excel 2010. I am tracking client orders on a spreadsheet. I would like to offer a 60 percent rebate on revenue from orders placed between the first order date and 30 calendar days thereafter. On day 31 and continuing through day 60, I would like to offer a 40% rebate. On orders placed on day 61 through 90, I would like to offer a rebate of 20%. From all of the orders placed by clients who start ordering on different dates, I need to sum their order revenue in these three time periods. I have the individual client order data arrayed on my spreadsheet - one order per row.
I am capturing the unique client ID number (Column A), the order date (Column B), and the associated revenue (Column C). Keying off of their unique ID number, I would like to calculate the sum of how much revenue is generated in calendar days 1 through 30, days 31 through 60, and days 61 through 90 from the very first order date from any given client. The start date can be any date in the month, so I can not rely on any calculation that uses the calendar month. Orders are not necessarily placed every day. Multiple orders may be placed on any given day, and then no orders may follow for many days afterward.
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Sep 30, 2012
I am trying to set up a simple sports picking list using Excel 2010. I would like to be able to carry out several filers and then extract results to a new sheet to allow printing.
For example, there are four available terms and I would like to be able to filter by term/sport and student. Ideally I would like to be able to add a command button once this is working.
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Apr 30, 2014
I'm trying to evaluate if 2 of the 3 criteria are met using an IF function in Excel 2010.
I have 3 columns of data. Each column has a number ranging from 0-15.
B2 = 0
C2 = 3
D2 = 4
Since B2 = 0, I'd like to have the equation return a 'Yes' because there are values greater than 0 for 2 of the three cells.
The hangup is that any of the three cells could potentially equal 0, so the equation must account for C2 or D2 being zero.
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