Check If Cell Has Numbers Or Text
Aug 6, 2008
I'm having a hard time figuring out a solution for this situation. By the way I'm working in VBA macros. I need to check a cell for two things: if its empty or if it has something besides numbers in it. I know how to code the rest of what I need, but I'm just stuck on identifying if the cell has something else besides numbers inside it.
Possible entries would be "Isn't an enhancement" or "NOT A SIR", but I can't be sure those are the only things so I just generally need to check if there are any letters in that cell or not. One thing to note is that the contents of the cells are in text format and not number (the cell has a little green arrow in the top left that tells me about it). Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance! Oh, just remembered, the number has to be 5 numbers long so I thought of using the Len() function but that doesn't cover things that are words under 5 letters like "None".
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Jan 28, 2014
I have 2 tabs in a 2013 workbook. Inventory Receipts and lookups. One of the Data verification lookups I have is a drop down list in each cell in Column B (eg: Cat, Dog, Mouse) In the lookups tab I have another cell range containing the sounds (eg: Meow, Bark, Squeak).
What I am trying to acheive is, if B2 contains Cat, then return Meow in B3, if B2 contains Dog then return bark in b3 and if B2 contains Mouse return squeak in B3. Ideally I would like the formula to return the text from my lookup sheet (eg: 'Lookups'!C2,'Lookups'!C3,'Lookups'!C4). So depending on which option they choose from my animal drop down list .. the correct noise would automatically fill in.
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Jun 12, 2007
I have problem with function, I have array with random numbers in cell G1 and columns with X in some of the cells, now I want to check the cells with numbers from cell G1 in column F to see is there X or not if yes count if not do nothing. In attached example result should be 3.
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Mar 27, 2008
I have a sheet in which some of the cells have two strings separated by a linefeed. I have come up with a cumbersome formula which will let me check if either of the two strings is a member of a list stored on another sheet. However, it fails if there is only one string in the cell, presumably as there is no linefeed for the formula to find. How can I modify the formula to cope with this situation?
There are also on occasions, three strings in the cell, but I can't seem to access the middle string with the formula. Simplified spreadsheet attached to show the problem. This must be formula-based, as we have a no VBA policy. If you think there is better way of doing this, please let me know.
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Jan 1, 2010
For all bank transactions I've downloaded, I would like to add a subject. The list contains many hundreds of rows, so I tried to make a macro for it. Unfortunately I cannot manage to search if a cell contains a certain text string. I came up to:
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Jan 2, 2010
I'm trying to identify if text contained in one cell is also contained in another cell. I used the following formula with some success, but it is not successful in all situations, and I don't know why.
Attached is a spreadsheet with the example.
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Mar 25, 2014
I am looking for a formula to grab only the numbers withing a cell that has text in it i.e (John Peters142 lp) or (Sally Jones54) or (Terry Cram310 jkb) sometimes there will be text after the number and sometimes not, the format is as shown with no space between name and number but a space after the number.
I added a sheet for visual example.
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Oct 12, 2006
I need the " solutions cells " to match to the " source cells " and return a " yes " or " no ". in cells d4:d10. Ex: #1 cell C4=01234598, it will conduct a search & match of cell A5 which contains the number 123, since cell C4 contains all 3 numbers from cell A5, then the formula would result in a " Yes ". The match has to contain all 3 numbers from the solution cells to the source cells.
Ex: #2 cell C7=67891234, it will conduct a search & match of cell A8 =901. Since cell C7 only contains the 9&1 from cell A8, it would return a " No " because cell C7 did not contain all 3 numbers from cell A8. I'm not sure if the IF, Match, Index or Count formula is the right one to use, they all seem to partially work, but still don't complete this problem.
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Jun 7, 2008
I'm trying to look at a value in one column (Column A) and if it matches a set of criteria, I'm trying to change the value of another cell 6 columns to the right.(Column G) I've been trying for a couple of days now to get this working, but to no avail. I've tried to modify the code below that I've found on this site but can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Sub RatingsFix1SP()
Dim FindWhat, rngCell As Range, i As Integer
FindWhat = Array("BB", "B", "CCC", "CC", "C", "CCC+")
For i = 0 To 3
For Each rngCell In Range("A2", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
If InStr(rngCell, FindWhat(i)) <> 0 Then
rngCell.Offset(0, 6) = 0.15
End If
Next rngCell
Next i
End Sub
To try to clarify a bit: If column A in the attached spreadsheet has a rating code of BB, B, CCC, CC, C, or CCC+, I want the Haircut % rate in column G to be 15%. It seems the code that I'm using changes the % rate to 15% if any "B" or "C" shows up in any part of the string in column A.
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Jul 13, 2014
if a1 = aaa then copy a1 to b1 until the cell =bbb
if a5= bbb then copy a5 to c1 until the cell =ccc
if a8= ccc then copy a8 to d1 until the cell = ddd.........
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Mar 15, 2013
I am trying to categorize a list of words based on the first letter.
For example:
[Code] ......
I want to see if the letter 'D' in 'Data' occurs in a range from A-G, if so display "A-G" in cell B,
else if the first letter occurs from H-M, display H-N in cell B
else if the first letter occurs from N-R, display N-R in cell B
else display S-Z in cell B.
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May 18, 2007
is there a formula which can locate instances of same text even though due to spaces it may look different? for example, "bad apple" and "badapple" are essentially the same.
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Apr 10, 2014
I need to get a code that will just read the text in a cell that contains text and numbers example abc123 I want it to only read the abc as the numbers can change and cant write them all into my macro all the time.
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Oct 31, 2010
multiple numbers and text are in single cell which are separated through spaces or comma, is there any formula which can bypass text and add all the numbers in the cell.
For example:
red 12, yellow 10, green 5 27 red 3, blue 9 12 yellow 21, blue 3 24
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Jul 11, 2012
I'm trying to extract the numbers from a cell containing both numbers and text. In other words, say the current selected cell contains: "63.0 Vac", I would like to store the 63.0 in a variable using VBA.
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Nov 14, 2006
I have several cells I need to sum that are MB K size related. IE.....
Circuits per Router....
155 MEG
85 MEG
100 MEG
768 K
512 K
76 MEG
need to total these
add up the MEG as 416MEG
and the K 1.2MEG
Total 417.2MEG
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Apr 11, 2007
I've got two spreadsheets one with a load of names and a blank column I need to put mobile numbers into, and a second with a column with names and numbers and a second column with mobile numbers.
About 90% of the people have their mobiles listed in the second spreadsheet, so I've done a VLookup to match their names and if it does match, stick the mobile number into the spreadsheet.... however...
A big proportion of the cells have a name and a user number in the same cell, separated by a comma ie
John Brown, 1048456
So when Vlookup tries to match the above with 'John Brown' in the second spreadsheet it fails.
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Aug 10, 2012
I have data in Row 53 that spans 7 columns, but stays in the same row. I want to design a loop to select every 7th cell in that row and check if it is empty. If not, add onto a "counter" then display the final number of occupied cells (the value of the counter) at the end. This is what I have so far, but I get all sorts of errors.
Sub Tester()
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim WS As Worksheets
Dim modCounter As Long
Dim Cell As Range
Set WB = Workbook("Transverse Series.xlsm")
Set WS = WB.Sheets(BM18)
[Code] ......
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Jun 5, 2014
If I input "wd" to cell d4 I want it to look up say E4 to E20 find the highest and add 100 and change the wd to "1234"
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Aug 4, 2014
Is there a formula or function that I can use that will allow me to split data like below into two separate cells?
In one cell, I have - Narre Warren Black 6.8-44 & in another cell - Pakenham Maroon 5.4-34 just as an example. (There are quite a number of cells like this) I would like the cell split to show - Narre Warren Black in one cell and then 6.8-44 in the next cell. The same is needed with the following cell - Pakenham Maroon in one cell and 5.4-34 in the next cell.
Because some have one space and some have 2 or 3 I can't use 'LEFT' and I can't use Text to Columns as far as I can see.
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Jan 24, 2008
I have a cell that I need to clean up. It contains text and numbers.
What I want to know is this, can I have a formula that will extract just the numbers and not the text?
For example if cell B2 = 'Ref No. 123456'. Could I just extract the '123456'?
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Sep 1, 2009
Hi, Column C has a bunch of addresses that have no spaces between the number and street. (27smith lane instead of 27 smith lane). Is there a way for me to quickly seperate the number and street name from the preceding number in each cell of column c? There are 1075 cells in column C.
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Oct 2, 2009
I am a biologist that works with transgenic animals and I am using Excel to keep records of my mice. I would like to have a column that includes the age as calculated by the DOB of my animal on any given day.
Furthermore I would like for it to be smart enough to tell me in weeks for younger mice and months for older mice. If i do this, obviously i will need a txt string that says "x mnths" or "Y wks" or whatever.
i have come up with an if/then string that works - but for some reason it will not allow me to format the number of decimal places if i include text. here is the function:
=IF(((TODAY()-B6)/7)>12,((TODAY()-B6)/30.417) &" mnths", ((TODAY()-B6)/7) &" wks")
the B6 cell is the DOB of that particular animal.
so what this SHOULD shoot out is something to the effect of "4 mnths" or "3 wks"
depending on the age of the animal. any animal older than 12 weeks will express in function of months and any younger will be in weeks. however what i end up seeing is something like this: 5.81911431107604 mnths I dont need any where near that many dec places...and obviously this doesn't fit in any reasonably sized cell......
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Jun 10, 2013
I have a report that is auto generated in Excel format but I need to summarize the hours worked. The output in each cell in column "I" can be any of the following combinations.
IE: 1h, 15m or 1h 30m
I have tried the following formula with some success.
"=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("m",I32)), SUBSTITUTE(I32, "m", ""),IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("h",I32)), SUBSTITUTE(I32, "h","")*60, ""))
However, it wont work for the "1h 30m" combination.
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Apr 28, 2008
I need a macro to do this: in a cell with text and numbers, keep all the numbers started with 9 and eliminate the text. If there is a cell with two numbers stared with 9, the macro must put one on the first cell and the other on same line, on next column.
A1: mynumember918223232
A2: phone964439933 / 934554455
A3: and 916497585
A1: 918223232 B1:
A2: 964439933 B2: 934554455
A3: 916497585 B3:
All the numbers that i want to keep, starts with a 9 and all have nine numbers.
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Jun 24, 2008
I have a number of cells which contain information such as 'H8', 'S4' and 'T6', etc, etc.
What I want is a formula which sums just the numerical part of these cells, so would add up the 8 plus 6 plus 4.
I have hundereds of these cells filled out like this. The first character in the cell is always a letter and then the number will either be a singe number (e.g. H8) or decimal (e.g. H7.5).
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Jun 5, 2009
I am working with reference numbers which follow the following format:
first section:
Second Section
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Nov 23, 2009
Lets say cells A1 to A5 contain these lines of information:
Till 174 (T0215) - till keeps turning itself off.
Till 245 - stuck on windows screen
116 - keyboard is unresponsive
Berkel Scale is constantly beeping
ped not reading cards Till 156
How can I show only the numbers from these cells (i.e. B1 will be 174, B2 will be 245 etc...)? As you can see the number isn't always in the same place, and doesnt always have the same characters either side.
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Jun 24, 2009
how would I go about pulling the three sets of numbers out of the following example:
Detected 2 resets. Imported 16 out of 22 bookmarks.
These sets of numbers could be single, double, or triple digits. I need to find the percentage from the second and third set of numbers in the long run.
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Jan 22, 2009
I have the following:
cell B2 value = "P1'08"
cell C2 Value = "P11'09"
cell H1 Value = "P4'09"
The value stands for the Periodnumber and a Year so P1'08 stands for period 1 in the year 2008.
In cell H2 I want the following:
If value in cell H1 is the same as B2 or C2 or is in between these periods then the value in H2 should be the value of cell D2. If not the H2 should be empty.
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