Check If Celll Contains Certain Characters
Mar 20, 2007
If character or letter "A", or "B", and so on (until "J") is found both in Column A and Column B in a given row, then it is TRUE.
If no character or letter (from A to J) matches in both columns, then FALSE.
**Numbers are irrelevant.
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Oct 6, 2008
I have a sheet in which there ara $ and Cents but in the bottom i want to sum them together. How can i do that?
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a column which cells are populated with codes like
and so on. As you could see, we'll always have a number from 1 to 20 (or no number at all) followed by those letters (which can be only W,U,B,R or G). I'd like to know if there is a function to count the # of times a particular character occurs in a colum. In the above example, the "U" character appears 8 times. This would be nice to automate part of the filling process.
Just a little difference: since numbers always come before the letters, I need to treat a number sequence as a single value: 12GWW should not be seen as 1 then 2, but "twelve", like it was a single character. So, if I have this column...
...then "12" appears 3 times. Nevertheless, B appears four times (3 on line 2 and 1 on line 3.)
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Feb 12, 2014
I need to come up with a formula to verify that the last 3 characters of a text string match the 3 characters in the adjacent cell. So I am comparing in the example below Column B to Column A.
A1 010 B1 3.010
A2 010 B2 1A.010
My spreadsheet is very large and I need to get this done without manually having to look at each.
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Jan 21, 2009
Is there a formula to show (true or false) whether a cell contains any characters that aren't a letter or number without resorting to vba?
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Jun 7, 2006
I have a textbox in a form and i need to check if the text posted there begins with zero or if it contains spaces. Ex:
05E 9050 01
if this is the text then it shoud warn me becouse there is a zero in the begining and it contain spaces
4P 565001
if this is the text then it shoud warn me becouse there is a space
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Aug 10, 2007
In my column of text strings, I have a multiple format of strings make-up. Below is just one of them I have to check that the first 6 are digits from 0 to 9, and it is followed by a hypen. If condition is true, the first 6 digits is the output (ie. 345678).
=IF(ISNUMBER(--(MID(A1, FIND("-",A1)-1,1))--(MID(A1,FIND("-",A1)-2,1))--(MID(A1,FIND("-",A1)-3,1))--(MID(A1,FIND("-",A1)-4,1))--(MID(A1,FIND("-",A1)-5,1))--(MID(A1,FIND("-",A1)-6,1))),LEFT(A1,FIND("-",A1)-1))
However, if I were to continue doing this for other strings, I would soon run out of characters limit that is allowed in a cell. I wonder whether a formulae such as below is valid? Any suggestion or help for a shorter formula is very much appreciated.
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Dec 3, 2008
looking for a formula that will tell me if a cell containing a date
is the 1st wed of the month or a 3rd wed of the month then
hightlight the celll
=if(A1=1st wed or 3rd wed,A2=green,"")
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Jan 25, 2008
I want to write a macro that will check every selected cell. It should detect if there is a space after the fourth character. If there is a space, go to the next selected cell. If there is no space, add a space and go to the next selected cell.
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Nov 11, 2008
I have a list of stores across the ABC columns and a list of items down the number rows.
I need to sort the lowest price from the A2,B2,C2 row and place it in another cell (possibly L2) along with the store name (from A1,B1....) in M2.
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May 8, 2012
I need a formula that will search the range D8-D100 to confirm that all cells within that range are either 11 characters in length or blank. I will use it inside of an error message that will look something like this:
=IF(****formula that checks to make sure all of the cells in that range are blank or 11 characters****=TRUE, "", "Please make sure that all cells are 11 digits or blank")
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Jan 17, 2012
Is there an Excel formula to remove the spacebar + characters in red, as shown below? I need to be left with only the last name, first name and the semicolon.
Mouse, Mickey ;
Microsoft Outlook has changed the way that email addresses from the global addressbook copy and paste (from version 2003 to version 2010).
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May 13, 2009
I'm trying to use conditional formatting to highlight cells in a column that have less than 8 characters.
I know the LAN function, but I don't know how to make it work for the conditional formatting.
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Nov 27, 2009
My company uses 4 types of barcodes 8, 12, 13, & 14 number barcodes for our products my problem is that I can't figure out how to force the barcode to format properly no matter how somebody enters it if they don't use spaces or put them in the wrong spots, I can't use custom formats because there is 4 different layouts
8 digit should be "#### ####"
12 digit should be "###### ######"
13 digit should be "# ###### ######"
14 digit should be "# ## ##### ######"
these barcodes are in columns L, M, & N also right now 'm using a formula in another cell to verify the barcodes by calculating the check digit and comparing it to the check digit typed the formula i'm using is
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Aug 10, 2012
I have data in Row 53 that spans 7 columns, but stays in the same row. I want to design a loop to select every 7th cell in that row and check if it is empty. If not, add onto a "counter" then display the final number of occupied cells (the value of the counter) at the end. This is what I have so far, but I get all sorts of errors.
Sub Tester()
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim WS As Worksheets
Dim modCounter As Long
Dim Cell As Range
Set WB = Workbook("Transverse Series.xlsm")
Set WS = WB.Sheets(BM18)
[Code] ......
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Nov 3, 2008
I am using this code
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Aug 1, 2014
So we have people's names in a table. First name in one column and last name in another column. We have a 3rd column where we can use 8 characters to do a combination of First 5 of Last Name + first 3 of first name. However, if someone's last name is only 3 or 4 characters, we'd then want to take more from the first name to fill out the 8 characters.
Charles Johnson -> Johnscha
John Smith -> Smithjoh
Willian Wu -> Wuwillia
What's the best way to do that without creating some crazy formula with tons of if/thens?
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Jul 4, 2014
I want to have 1 check box affect 3 others in the following way: check box 1 if checked, allow check/uncheck of check boxes 2, 3, 4 if unchecked, uncheck boxes 2, 3, 4 and do not allow checking check box 1 is linked to D1 which starts with a value of false. cell E1 is if condition to have value 1 when D1 has value of true.
I have attempted to attach an example worksheet.
Test check control.xlsx
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Sep 9, 2007
I am creating a userform with 10 checkboxes. The first 9 checkboxes are user options. I want the 10th check box to be a "Select All" option i.e. if the 10th checkbox is checked all the other 9 options are deemed to have been selected.
The way I want the display to work is that if the 10th checkbox is ticked all other checkboxes are cleared. Also if the 10th checkbox is ticked and any of the other check boxes is selected then the 10th checkbox should be selected.
I have tried coding this up but the checkboxes don't seem to operate as desired. I placed some code on the click event for the last option button to set the vlaue for all other buttons to false. This works but the 10th check box doesn't get ticked itself. When I try to code up the other bit I get similar issues.
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Aug 20, 2009
When I press a command button I want to:
Uncheck a checkbox made with Control Toolbox
Check a particular Option Button within a group box made with the Forms Toolbar.
EDIT: Clarification, I want both things to happen when I click one button.
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Sep 14, 2009
I have a string of names that run together without spaces or commas between each name.
"Danny TrejoJean Claude van DammeVincent SchiavelliGabrielle FitzpatrickDavid 'Shark' FralickPat Morita" for example.
Is there a way to add a comma and space when an upper case letter is immediately followed by a lower case letter?
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Feb 23, 2010
How can I make combobox have only first 18 characters from a cell to appear, Have tried max lengh to 18 but still on the output it shows the full string... or an alternative how can i fix sheet column to 18 characters input ????
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Jan 10, 2014
Ok so my formula simply wants to substitute a really long string of text with a blank cell. Problem is that the really long string of text goes over the 255 char limit for a formula.
How can I go about solving this problem. I think you could name the string of text as a variable such as "long text" and then use the substitute formula as such:
=SUBSTITUTE(A1,"long text", "")
Something like that? I don't know if it would work or the steps to name the variable.
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Feb 17, 2014
I'm trying to make a chart viewer on the first sheet of my spreadsheet and am using this website as a guideline, [URL] However instead of the 3 charts in the example, I have 12 which makes my formula for defining a name substantially longer.
By moving my charts to the same sheet and getting rid of the INDIRECT formulas, I shortened my formula to 291 characters which is too long as the limit is 255.
=IF($G$9="Sodium",$N$34,IF($G$9="Manganese",$N$35,IF($G$9="Iron",$N$36,IF($G$9="Nitrate Nitrite",$N$37,IF($G$9="Nitrite",$N$38,IF($G$9="Nitrate",$N$39,IF($G$9="PH",$N$40,
Is there any way to make my formula shorter? Or to reference a cell where I place the formula?
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Jun 2, 2009
When I try to enter 18 numeric characters in a single cell, the last three characters are converted to zeros. I can find no format that would allow me to see all 18 entered characters. Is there a way of doing this?
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Jun 9, 2009
I've searched Excel's Help but still unsure how to do this. I hope excel experts here can lend me a hand...
I have literally thousands of words in a single columns column which looks like this:
My question is what formula if i'd have to enter to add three spaces between characters and five characters at every end of the word so it should look like this?:
a b s a h .
a b s e n .
a b s e n a n .
Note i have entered a full stop at the end of the example above to make the five spaces visible in this demonstration (I dont need the period character inserted at all).
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Jul 6, 2009
I have a table that have a test or character and value (number) like
A 5
B 6
C 3
And another table that has a set of characters that I want to sum the value of the characters like
A B C 14
So that the result of summing the characters will be in the next cell.
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May 22, 2013
I use excel for keeping a database of all the movies I have seen.
My problem is in regard to the value of characters. I sort my movies by default alphabetically and am wondering if there is any way to exclude the word 'The' from the sort. Traditionally when movies are sorted alphabetically, that word does not count, but obviously my problem is that excel is indeed including it.
There is also another problem regarding the value of characters. When I rate movies less than a '6' I would like to write it as "<6". The problem is that excel actually reads the "<" symbol as being of greater value than numbers and will put any movie rated "<6" at the top of the row when I sort largest to smallest. Is there any way to change the value of the "<" symbol so that my movies rated "<6" will be sorted below all my other rated movies?
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Jul 7, 2014
I have a code that acts a little like pivot tables where it copies a few columns from the workbook into a different sheet.
The thing about the new sheet is that under column G i only need the first 6 characters and not the 3 words that follow it.
I was able to get the code use only the first 6 characters but it extends to the entire sheet!
How to limit this to only column G as opposed to the entire sheet?
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Jan 29, 2014
I need to remove/trim in column B the last three characters in each cell so that I am only left with the first 12 characters.
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