Checking Value Of A Cell Using Variable

Oct 3, 2013

I am trying to check the cells in column C for a defined set of rows and if it is blank change it to astericks.

Current is the row selected when the macro begins
LastRow is the last row with data (in column A)

For i = Current To LastRow
If Range("C" & i).Value = "" Then Range("C" & i).Value = "***"
Next i

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Checking If Variable Is Multi-dimensional

May 11, 2007

Is there a quick way to check if a variable is an array or multi-dimensional? I am trying to send variables to a sub to print to excel but I am sending mixed variables - some are one dimension, some are two dimensional.

Here is what I am using:

Private Sub Send(Item As Variant, Top As Integer, ToSheet As String, Row As Integer, Column As Integer)

'Sends values to Excel

' Loop counter
Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To Top - 1
ActiveWorkbook. Sheets(ToSheet). Cells(i + Row, Column).Value = Item(i)

End Sub

I suppose I could set up a second routine to handle one dimensional variables, but I thought I would ask the pros -

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Checking Cell Values And Position On A Row And Setting Summary Value In Another Cell

Apr 8, 2014

I have a tracking sheet that is used to show where a specific project is within the lifecycle and would like to automatically set a summary value depending on the last data entry within a range of cells in a row and also set it to RAG status depending on the value.....

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Checking Cell Values

Oct 9, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with 2 columns of values. I need to check that the two columns have the same values, however the last digit of the values will differ every time, in the first column the value will always be a 3 and in the 2nd column it will always be a 0. Unfortunately the amount of digits before the last, differs from 6 to 9 so its not as easy to do a trim. Example

Column 1 Column 2
11111113 11111110
222222223 222222220
4444444443 4444444440

I need to check that the first digits (no mater how many) are all the same except the last digit.

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VBA - Checking If Cell Is Named?

Nov 28, 2011

Programmatically speaking, any way of checking whether an arbitrary cell is part of a named range (that is, short of looping through an entire book's named ranges checking for intersections)? (It can be assumed that all the named ranges consist only of one cell).

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VBA - Checking For By How Much A Cell Is Indented

Oct 16, 2013

I am using VBA to indent the values in a range of cells.

However, I would like my code to check if the label has already been indented, to prevent it from being indented further.

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Checking Cell Value Is A Number

Aug 6, 2006

I want to run some macros based on the value of an input cell, but only if the input is a number (ie. it is not a letter or other character).

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Checking Date In Cell

Apr 11, 2007

Is there any way through VBA that I can check whether the date in cell A2 is Monday or not.

Also the code should allow me to continue if its Monday else should promt a message saying that its not Monday and whether the user still wants to continue. If no it should terminate if yes the next part of the code should continue.

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Checking If Cell Value Is True Or False

Mar 27, 2009

I have a cell in Excel having a boolean value and want to use a macro to check if it is true. Something like this:

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Checking For Blank Cell When Reformatting

Sep 29, 2006

I want to reformat some data, arranged as follows, and ignore blank cells

Date1 Time1 blank Time2
Date2 blank Time3

Date1 Time2
Date1 Time2
Date2 Time3

Code being used, currently writes out lines where a Date exists, but Time cell is blank, what do I need to modify in the code below, to ensure blank times are not written out

Sub test()
counter = 2
For i = 1 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
For j = 2 To Cells(i, 256).End(xlToLeft).Column
Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(counter, 1).Value = Cells(i, 1).Value
Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(counter, 2).Value = Cells(i, j).Value
counter = counter + 1
Next j
Next i
End Sub

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Checking If A Value Is Present In A Cell If So Changing To The Cell Below

Feb 28, 2007

Problem Designing "new customer" form, a textbox(forename) in the
form has the Control source of "B3" (an empty space in my Customer
database). When the form is run and the forname is typed in the box, it
fair enough appears in the Database sheet (in B3).
However, then when opening the form again and typing over the forename
just inserted it will ofcourse overwrite it (B3 is replaced). Any ideas how i can input
code into the sub linked to the textbox so that it checks the control
source and moves down if the source is empty(code checks B3 for text, moves to B4) then the next one (B4 is checked, moved to B5).

Dim topCel As Range, bottomCel As Range, _
sourceRange As Range, targetRange As Range
Set topCel = Range("B2")
Set bottomCel = Range("B65536").End(xlUp)
If topCel.Row > bottomCel.Row Then End
Set sourceRange = Range(topCel, bottomCel)
Set targetRange = Range("B3")

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Error Checking With Range Cell In Userform

Jul 29, 2014

I am trying to build a user form to find out the customers who purchase more than $1,000 during a certain period. The userform has two inputs:

One is to select the data range of customer information. Assume all customer information are in the cell A2: H10, how shall I write the error checking code if the user selects the range which is out of (A2:H10)? message box would be " You selection include invalid data, please check"..

The other input is called " Get data past this data", and I can enter a date in the following cell ( txtDate). Regarding the error checking, I am thinking to use IsDate() function to make sure it is a valid date. Will be there be any other error checking you will recommend?

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Checking Single Cell For Multiple Values

Nov 12, 2013

I'm trying to validate the data entered into a series of cells each cell can contain a different set of data but the value N/A is also permitted. For example:

Cell A1 could contain a date from 2013-01-01 thru 2013-12-01 but the value N/A is also valid
Cell A2 could contain a decimal from 0.01 thru 302502.23 but the value N/A is also valid
Cell A3 could contain an integer from 3 thru to 9000 but the value N/A is also valid

When the acceptable values are entered then I want to be able to carry on otherwise I want to pop up with an error.

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Checking Two Sheets Cell Contents Against Each Other For Duplications

Mar 23, 2009

I have a master sheet that has 3500ish names on it, and another sheet that I'll need to drop in a list of about 1000 names. What I need on the master is a way to check the dropped in data, find duplicated names, and flag them up.

Now, I believe what I did last time was have a true/false method of telling me if they're on both sheets, then use an IF formula to instead make Trues into "yes" and Falses into "no". However, I can't for the life of me figure out how I had it previously checking both sheets and confirming/denying if they're on both sheets or only appear once.

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Checking Number Of Characters In Cell Macro?

Mar 6, 2009

i have a problem counting the number of characters in each cell in column "A" in a sheet and checking if number of characters in a cell exceeds 5 characters.

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Checking Number Of Characters In A Cell Macro

Mar 6, 2009

i have a problem counting the number of characters in each cell in column "A" in a sheet and checking if number of characters in a cell exceeds 5 characters.

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One Cell Checking For Duplicates In Range Of Cells?

Mar 21, 2014

Is there a way of checking for duplicates in a range of cells using one cell only for the code? Return does not have to include what value is a duplicate - only true or false. This opposed to using multiple cell and COUNTIF or a pivot table.

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Show Tick Or Cross Upon Checking Cell

Jun 2, 2008

i don`t know how to make this in VBA

But please allow me to explain, if I have numbers in Cell F9 I want image to be displayed as (X <---- which it means wrong) on G9 and message to be appear in H9 says only words are allowed. In case, cell value are words; I want it to show image <---- which it means right) and the message to be say correct. And if cell is empty I want it to show image (!) and the cell beside it the message should say (Please Fill up).

I want to apply this to words instead of numbers as well.

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Return 1 Of 2 Cells After Checking Cell For Number

Aug 2, 2008

I have a report that includes data broken up by several headings. Instead of showing the heading and the data below it, I would prefer that the heading was included in every subsequent row that it related to (and the heading be removed).

All the headings are in italic non bold format.
All the data is in standard format (no bold / italics / underline).

The only data in the sheet is as above, and there are no gaps in the data. A heading will relate to all the data directly below it until there is a new heading.

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Macro To Paste Data After Checking Text In Cell

Aug 1, 2012

I am writing a macro that will allow me to copy all the data in a set range (A2 and below) after checking that B1 contains the text "Year_id".

Right now, I am able to copy all the information, and paste it onto "Sheet 4". I am unable to code for the part where the macro would check for the text. The code that I have (for copying-pasting the date) is below.

Any code that would check the information in B1 into this macro code below:

Sub Copy_Allinfo()

Dim Sht As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range

For Each Sht In Sheets
If Sht.Name = "Sheet4" Then

[Code] ........

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Loop Checking And Moving Data If Cell Is Not Empty

Mar 12, 2007

in writing a loop that will check a number of cells to see if it is emtpy, if it is not, then run the macro. If the cells are not empty it will copy the data in that row and paste it to another sheet and delete that line. If it hits a cell that is empty, i want it to skip that row and move on to the next row.

here is the macro that moves the data.
Sub movedata()

Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
End Sub

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Checking If A Cell With In A Range Is Presen In Another Range

Oct 1, 2008

I need to have a single cell tell me (either by returning a certain word or colour) if any cell within a range of cells (a)(all within the same column) contain the same text as another cell thats located somewhere within a different range of cells (b)(again within thesame column).

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Workaround For Public Variable Bug: Creates Different Cell Colors Based Upon The Cell Contents

Oct 15, 2008

I am in the process of reformatting an excel workbook to act as a review tool for different factors in a process. Part of my redesign includes the use of coding that creates different cell colors based upon the cell contents. The new workbooks will be used to handle existing data for this year. I have developed a process macro to open an existing workbook and copy and transfer the original data worksheet into the newly formatted workbook. The data gets transferred to the new worksheet and the resulting workbook is renamed and saved, Heres'' the rub... the newly saved workbook is missing all of the coding for the worksheets... apparently this is a MS bug.

Has anyone figured a workaround for this. One thought I had is to open both( new and old )workbooks and rather than move/copy , i would transfer the data using cell references.

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Set Variable: Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Jun 4, 2007

I have the following code (just pasting the relevant section) which crashes when it reaches the highlighted line of code. and a dialog box pops up with the text: "Object variable or With block variable not set"

Sub test()
Dim StartRng As Range
Dim Buffer As Range

Set StartRng = WorkSheets("Sheet1"),Cells(1,1)

ActiveCell. CurrentRegion.Select

Buffer = rngStart.CurrentRegion.Copy

' I also tried the following line of code but that didn't work either
'Set Buffer = rngStart.CurrentRegion.Copy
End Sub

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Finding A Cell In A Variable Location Based On The Contents Of The Cell

May 2, 2012

I am creating a macro to automate data analysis for work, but I've become stuck.

I need to find the coordinate of the first cell in a column with word "reserved" or "extended" contained in the cell, and then assign the row number of that coordinate as a variable to use for moving data around. Basically, I want something like VLOOKUP, but instead of returning a value, I want it to return the coordinate.

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Center Image In The Middle Of Cell Where Cell Size Is Variable

Apr 12, 2013

The idea is to center an image in the middle of a cell where the cell's size is variable. This shall be done for a column of images if a certain cell in the same row contains content different from 0. If not the image shall be invisible.

Sub Center()Dim Position As Integer
Dim Picture As Integer
Picture = 6
For Position = 7 To 320If Sheets("List of Measures").Cells(Position, 2).Value

[Code] ......

Run-time error 1004: Application-defined or object-defined error?

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May 25, 2009

what will be the code if commandbutton1 is clicked, it will check if the text in the combobox is in the range A2:A10 in the worksheet, if not in the range it will display a message box that the text is not in the range :D

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Odd Or Even Checking

May 13, 2006

Did Microsoft do this for a reason. But it seems to me there is no built in formula to check weather a number is odd or even.

=isodd(A1) or =iseven(a1) would be nice.

curent if I have to do something like, which works but is a lot of effort.


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Possible To Control Cell Range With Another Cell As Variable - Then Use Solver?

Dec 17, 2013

I have a HUGE dataset (more than 1 million rows). I'm trying to find the optimum cell range size - 10 rows, 100 rows, 682 rows, whatever - for a SUM formula. (The formula would be in every row, looking down at the next n rows).

Is it possible to control the SUM cell range specified in a formula in cell (X) with a value in cell (Y)? In other words, the SUM formula in cell (X) would somehow refer to cell (Y) to determine the SUM cell range.

Ideally, I would like to then use Solver to find the optimal value for cell (Y).

Is this possible with just formulas? Or is VBA required?

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Access A Cell's Contents Via A Variable Containing Cell Address??

Mar 16, 2009

How can you access a cell's value via a vb variable that contains the cell's address. I have a vb variable named cellAddress (string) that contains "$A$1" and I want to assign the contents of what cellAddress points to another VB variable - how do i Do this?

e.g. if cellAddress = "$a$1" and A1 contains "xyz", I would like to assigne "xyz" to a new vaiable by referencing just cellAddress??? Also - Can anyone reccomend a good Excel VB book? A book that maybe stresses the VB language rather then a cook-book approach.

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