Loop Checking And Moving Data If Cell Is Not Empty
Mar 12, 2007
in writing a loop that will check a number of cells to see if it is emtpy, if it is not, then run the macro. If the cells are not empty it will copy the data in that row and paste it to another sheet and delete that line. If it hits a cell that is empty, i want it to skip that row and move on to the next row.
here is the macro that moves the data.
Sub movedata()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
End Sub
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Apr 22, 2014
My code is working with respect to finding the right data, but it keeps overwriting itself on each loop through...I need it to copy/paste and then on the next loop, move down one cell...
[Code] .......
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Apr 29, 2014
I have a Rental Form that i'm working on, and to tidy things up when I print it out, I would like to move a cells data down 1 row if that cell is empty. Here's what I have:
cell b8 - First and Last Name
cell b9 - Address1
cell B10 - Address2
cell b11 - City, State, Zip
cell 12 - Phone #
Not too many people have an address2, so when that field is empty, I'd like to move Address1's data down to it's position (address2). If address2 has data in it, leave address1 where it is. Simple right? This moving would happen when the command button is hit and the form data goes to sheet 1 which works fine.
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Jun 8, 2006
Inputting a value in a cell and need to use vba to transfer it to another sheet in the same workbook. Need it to go to the first empty cell in a column upon clicking a button.....then change the value in the original sheet and repeat (upon clicking button again).
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Oct 27, 2008
I want to keep going down a column until I get to an empty cell and then paste some text. I want to write code in vba but I am really struggling with this.
A1 = Hello
A2 = Hello
A3 = Hello
A4 = *Nothing* so I want to paste some text here?
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Feb 8, 2009
I have some values in column A; i want the code to go thru all these values and do the followings:
1) i want the code to check if there is a valua in the first cell in clomn A; if there is valua - i would like to copy that value and paste it on H1
2) then i wan to copy everything on Column H and paste special in column L2
3) then i want the code to go back on column A and get the second value and paste again in column H1 and then copy everything on column H and paste again the first empty cell in column L and so on..
I want to loop this process until the first empty cell in column A. I have attached spreadsheet for just to clarify what i am trying to do. There are 2 tabs in the spreadsheet, one tab explains the current issue and the other tabs shows how the final result look like.
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Aug 14, 2008
I would like click in cell a6 and then click a button loaded with VBA code that would:
1. Offset over 2 and down 1 to c7 so that is the current cell
2. Repeat down until an empty cell is reached (our example will be c10)
3. Put the items found in c7, c8, c9 into a variable (is that right?)
Variable would then be used in a vba generated email that I have all ready to go. I would want each item placed in the email one after the other like:
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Oct 7, 2008
I have a do while loop that runs until the reference cell is empty. This has been working but now I have changed the reference cells somewhat so that the cells contain a formula that returns nothing if a function returns 0 or an error. So the cell has no value but it does have a formula in it. The do while loop keeps running because it thinks that the cell has something it it.
Do While Cells(i, 2) ""
Is there something else that i can put for "" to get the loop to stop when cell contains no value but a formula.
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Mar 11, 2009
I am trying to create a loop which stops once a cell is empty.
Assuming I have declared proper DIM, my code is
Row = Row + 1
SheetName = Cells(Row, "A")
Sheets.Add.Name = SheetName
Loop Until IsEmpty(SheetName.Offset(1, 0))
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Oct 4, 2007
I am creating an excel application and have come a bit stuck. I would like to able create a macro button for printing a blank version of the workbook...when I say blank I mean the cells that the end user is able to type into.
I think I am able to do this providing all the cells are on the same sheet as the button using this ...
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Feb 10, 2009
I am having trouble with several IF..THEN..ELSE loops in my code, all of which are pritty much the same. I need to find rows that are formatted in a certain way, in the example below this is a clear background and Black text. I know the loop works because i have tested it without colours on a test workbook, and i know the colours are correct, but it keeps skipping over the condition, regardless of the outcome. All the variables shown are declared correctly before the loop is entered.
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Nov 12, 2008
I have two tables of information. The first is a matrix with some distances. The second is a table of distribution. Ive been trying this for a long time now with limited success using a truth table but i've realised the only way to do this is in code. Ive got limited experience with this so please point me in the right direction.
Ive written some steps explaining what each table does here -
Step 1Check for lowest value B4:F4 in Table 1 (in example is 10)
Step 2Check corresponding column destination available capacity in table 2 (Example 500)
Step 3Distribute as much as possible from source in table 2 (500)
Step 4Reduce value in capacity line by value taken from source
Step 5If some source remains move back to table 1 and find next nearest column Dest
Step 6Repeat step 2 until all source is gone in row
Step 7 Check for lowest value B5:F5 in Table 1
if run out of capacity at all sites stop code
until Table 1 column B is empty
Ive posted a spreadsheet with some before and after tables in it aswell. Its very small and formatted o its easy to see whats happening.
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Aug 1, 2012
I am writing a macro that will allow me to copy all the data in a set range (A2 and below) after checking that B1 contains the text "Year_id".
Right now, I am able to copy all the information, and paste it onto "Sheet 4". I am unable to code for the part where the macro would check for the text. The code that I have (for copying-pasting the date) is below.
Any code that would check the information in B1 into this macro code below:
Sub Copy_Allinfo()
Dim Sht As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range
For Each Sht In Sheets
If Sht.Name = "Sheet4" Then
[Code] ........
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Feb 20, 2012
I have a workbook which serves as a master database at work. it contains two sheets: current residents of our facility (let's call this Sheet1), and those that have left/been discharged (Sheet2). It contains 87 rows and 34 columns of info.
I'm looking for a macro that will do the following:
When I click on a cell in any row (i.e. I need relative references) on Sheet1, the macro will (once activated):
1. Select the info between column D and column AH (inclusive) on the row where the selected cell is... i.e if I click on cell F4 before the macro is started, it will select the info from D4:AH4.
2. It will COPY this info
3. It will paste the info into the first empty row on Sheet2, starting from column C (i.e if the first empty row is 200, it will paste the info from C200:AG200)
4. It will then have a popup asking for: a. 'Date Left' and b. 'Reason', with two empty fields to input the info into. 'Date Left' is (obviously) a date value and 'Reason' is a text string. Once OK is hit on this popup, the Date Left will be pasted in column A of the same row (in our example, A200), and 'Reason' will be pasted into column B (again, in our example B200).
5. The macro will then go back to Sheet1 and delete the info that was selected between Columns D and AH inclusive (in our example, D4:AH4)
6. The macro will then save the workbook.
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Jan 30, 2013
I was wondering if i can cut & paste rows to a different worksheet ("sheet2") based on a criteria my current loop is as follow need filling in the code below for if then ..
Sub moving()
Dim x As Integer
x = 0
Do While x < 12
x = x + 1
Cells(x, 4) = ""
Do While Cells(x, 4) = "absent"
If Cells(x, 4) = "absent" Then .....
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Aug 10, 2012
I have data in Row 53 that spans 7 columns, but stays in the same row. I want to design a loop to select every 7th cell in that row and check if it is empty. If not, add onto a "counter" then display the final number of occupied cells (the value of the counter) at the end. This is what I have so far, but I get all sorts of errors.
Sub Tester()
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim WS As Worksheets
Dim modCounter As Long
Dim Cell As Range
Set WB = Workbook("Transverse Series.xlsm")
Set WS = WB.Sheets(BM18)
[Code] ......
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Dec 11, 2009
I have 3 columns Z, AA, AB. The heading for Z1 is “A”, AA1 is “B” and AB1 is “C”
In column Z2:Z2000, there is a mix of A, B’s and C’s. I want A to stay in Z1 column, B’s to goto AA1 and C’s to goto AB1, also I want this added to a macro that I previously created, so everything happens with one push of a button
Now for save, not sure if this is possible or not, if I can have this added to the macro as well that would be great. When I push my macro button, the file saves to “Dec (today’s date) DB (81).xls” The number 81 is the total count of A, B’s C’s, this # will change depending on how may A, B’s and C’s there are. I really hope there is a way of doing all this
----- B.....
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Dec 13, 2012
Essentially, there are two columns I am dealing with. One is "Sales Rep" and it lists all of the sales reps employed by the company. The other is "Zip Code" and that will list all of the zip codes that sales rep is responsible for.
Now, I have a row of data, all of those zip codes listed out, that each rep is responsible for, but my supervisor wants all of the zip codes listed in one cell, in that second column. Example: (02018, 34098, 16711).
The commas are not necessary, but is there any way to get this done other than manually entering them?
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Apr 12, 2007
I have cut and pasted a large amount of data onto a spreadsheet. The problem is that I have two rows of data that is associated with one another, so lets say A1 has a name and A2 contains that person's age. This process repeats in the same way in A3 and A4 and so on.
I need to move the data from A2 to B1 without using a simple function like =A2 in B1. The reason is that I will need to sort just the Names in column A once I get the the data moved. I am not sure how to do this.
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Apr 17, 2014
The attachment below is a basic example of what I am trying to accomplish. I am looking for VBA code to take data from E3 in "Historical1" sheets and move it to down into the table in column E that corresponds to the date in D3. The other "Historical" sheets will work the same way. Cells D3 and E3 in each of the "Historical" sheets equal back to cell on the "Entry" sheet. This is a very basic example of the ultimately bigger data base I am building. why I am utilizing a entry sheet to elevate the need to go to each sheet and enter data.
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Feb 10, 2010
This is the last task in a project I inherited. I have included a sample sheet with 50 rows of data which represents a real sheet with 185,000 rows. This sheet has seven columns, but only two of which apply to this task, columns A and B. Column A is a list of parcel numbers which can, and in many times does, repeat multiple times. Column B is a list of the 'sellers' name for the respective parcel number. This sheet has been sorted by parcel number, then date.
As the current 'seller' was the previous 'buyer', I need to move the 'sellers' name down one row, if the parcel number (Column A) is repeated. If the parcel number is not repeated, the name (Column B) will need to be deleted. This will leave the 'top' line for each unique parcel number blank, which I can work with. As far as the bottom name for each unique parcel number, it will need to also be deleted as there is no where for it to be transferred to. Only the name will be deleted from the 'bottom' row, not the rest of the data. The end result should not change the amount of rows of data.
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Nov 13, 2008
I have a For loop that depends on the number of cells that have a numerical value. I can step through the code and verify that it's not exiting the For loop when the cell value is "Empty".
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Oct 29, 2009
I need to move data from columns B & C into A without losing current data in column A (see attachment). I'm sure I know how to do this but cannot for the life of me remember how.
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Apr 30, 2009
I have a sheet with alternating colors (gray,white) for the rows. This makes it easier to read each individual rows data, just like some printer papers. The problem i have is when i sort the data it takes the background color with it and i end up with a mess. does anyone know how to get around this.
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May 12, 2006
How do I make a loop to delete a row if the cell A is empty. Example: If cell A3 was empty I want it to delete the row. If cell A4 had data I would like it to skip that row and go on to cell A5.
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Feb 26, 2009
I have a workbook with over 900 worksheets.
The macro I have is looping all sheets looking for empty cells in a specific column, and when it founds an empty cell the value for one cell is copied to the empty cell.
But in one worksheet it stops with the error:
Run-time error '1004'
Application-defined or object-defined error
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Nov 13, 2013
how do I write a Do Loop so it will repeat the below until row A is empty? I want the sheets to be added and named based on what someone enters on a data input sheet. i.e. if there are 5 rows with data, then it will create 5 sheets named accordinlgy.
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets("Tab Organization").Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "ABC DEF"
Sheets("Sheet3").Name = "ABC DEF"
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Apr 15, 2012
I'm using a variable to loop down a column of data. Each time it loops the variable may or may not perform an operation - it will if there is something in the cell but won't if the cell is empty. It writes the answer of the operation to an ajoining cell, before looping again.
The issue is that if the row cell is empty, what's written to the ajoining cell is the pre-existing value of the variable, because its value hasn't changed.
how best to 'empty' the variable each loop to ensure either that the correct value or nothing at all is written to the ajoining cell?
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Jun 27, 2014
Column 'N' and 'O' will be used for inputting information and will never be hidden
Column 'E' through 'F' hold information, however the user will have hidden all but one of columns 'E' through 'F' before running macro
Once the user initiates the macro, the program will detect which column in 'E' through 'F' is not hidden
The macro will then start at row one of the unhidden column and loop down looking for the text 'Req' (not including ' )
If the loop finds 'Req' it will search in column 'N' of the same row for any data at all
If it finds data in column 'N' for that particular row, it will check column 'O' of that same row for any data at all
If it finds data in column 'O' also, then all 3 parameters have been met
The loop should continue checking for these 3 items through row 500
If the loop determines that for every 'Req' found in the unhidden row there is data in the corresponding column 'N' and 'O' a message will appear that says 'Checklist Complete"
Upon closing the message box, the file should save and then exit
If the loop determines that for every 'Req' found in the unhidden row, there is not always data present in column 'N' and 'O' the message box should appear and say 'Checklist Incomplete'
In the same message box, it should provide a list under 'Checklist Incomplete' that provides the text found in column 'D' for each row where it failed the test of having 'Req' in the unhidden row and data at all in column 'N' and 'O'
That last part will give the user a tool to see where they might have forgotton to enter data.
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Jun 20, 2009
I am using DSUM functions which result in having to have an extra row beneath each of the DSUM formula rows (for the criteria arguments)
The code below checks for color coding and then populates 1 or a 0 in the database for the DSUM formulas
Im trying to optimize the code so that it runs faster. how can i code to skip the rows that do not contain data?
other optimization / best practices that you recommend are appreciated!
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Goto errorout:
If Not Intersect(Target(1, 1), Range("j3")) Is Nothing Then
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
For Each rcell In Range("j11:n731")
If rcell.Value = 1 Then
rcell.Interior.ColorIndex = 37
rcell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
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