Possible To Sort Hoizontally With Multiple Columns Under One Header

Aug 6, 2008

In row 1 I want to have the names of servers, so we would have A C D E

Under each of those I want to have 4 other columns, so A would have on row 2 Start, End, Data, Time, or something like that.

Then B would have under it Start, End, Data, Time

And so on for C D ...

I would then want to sort it by the top level row, so if I had to insert B at the end I could sort it so it would be

A B C D E with all of the Start End Data and Time for the server to be moved along with it's master header.

I tried setting this up but then I went to sort it told me it could only sort if the columns were the same size, so having a merged top level A with four things under it did not work.

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Rearrange (sort) Columns Based On Number In Column Header String

Apr 3, 2014

I want to rearrange(sort asscending) columns based on numerical value in column header string through VBA macro. Please check attachment.

i.e. (Present Data)
# A B C D
1 col.1 col.4 col.3 col.2

(Output Data )
# A B C D
1 col.1 col.2 col.3 col.4


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Macro To Sort And Align Employee Data In Multiple Cols To A Header Row

Jul 9, 2014

I have an issue with an export file which is produced in CSV format and needs to be aligned. I have attached a sample of what I refer to.

My Source excel file looks like:

ABC A-101 B - 202
DEF B-203 C - 100

The destination should align with the relevant column headers and place a blank if it doesn't match. Other have queried a similar thing, however my header and data and description is actually in the same cell with a dash separating them.

The output I want is:

ABC 101 202
DEF 203 100

There are multiple row of employees with varied column headings as its dependent on what system access the user has. The headings i.e. A,B,C for example is a fixed number of headers.

In my real data set the headers represents a 3 letter system prefix e.g. ZCR,ILP etc

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Find Min Value In Multiple Columns And Match The Header

Jun 1, 2007

I am trying to find min value for a row (product price) within two columns (price lists) and return row one (company name) in third column ( see the attachmet). My first idea was to use “min” and “if” but a problem occur when there are text or zero or none values in the price list. I tried with conditional formatting, offset function, match-index and other methods without success

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Find Matches In Multiple Columns And Return Header

Oct 29, 2012

Lets see if I can put this into words.

I am trying to find matches of a specific cell in various columns. Example:

Header 1 -------Header 2----------Header 3

If I searched for the value "abc123" I want it to return Headers 1 and 2 in a seperate column. It would not matter if the same value is in one column multiple times

So the results would show me the Column Heading for anything that reads: "abc123", "ABC123", "AbC123", "aBC123"

Is this possible?

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Sort Multiple Columns, With Blanks, And Move All Columns Into One

Feb 15, 2010

I found this code on Ozgrid to sort all columns of a worksheet that were continuous with no gaps or spaces that works well:

Sub CopyToA()
Do While ActiveCell <> ""
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Cut Destination:=Range("a65535").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
End Sub

However, I've tried to manipulate the code myself to 1) find all columns that aren't empty then 2) sort each column individually (WITHOUT expanding the sort to other columns) and 3) combining all the numbers into one seperate column. There are many posts concerning sorting but not one that addressed this particular situation.

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Sort Data Over Multiple Columns

Nov 6, 2009

I'm trying to figure out a way ( excel 2000) how to sort data over a range of columns.

Attached is a sheet.

So what I am looking for is this:

Bottom 10 for target 1, target 2, target 3.

I can sort them indervidually, but is there a way to sort the all?

Or would I need a agent column for each target to sort?

Or maybe there is a way to sort the data so it would work out that if they are in the bottom 10 of lets say 2 of the targets but not all 3 they would still show in the bottom 10?

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VBA - Multiple Sort Rearranges Columns?

May 19, 2014

Why my vba sort re-arranges columns instead of just sorting them.

I have four columns of data: T = department, U = director, V = client, W = product.

The number of rows varies. The data needs to be sorted by T, U, V and then W. I tried to create a macro that would perform the sort in two steps:

Sub test()
With Sheet19
.Range("T2:W" & Cells(Sheet19.Rows.Count, 20).End(xlUp).Row).Sort _
Key1:=Range("W2"), Order1:=xlAscending, _
Header:=xlNo, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlSortRows

[Code] ........

The macro sorts the data in the correct order, but it also puts column W before columns T, U and V.

So I end up with T = product, U = department, V = director, W = client.

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Special Row Sort Of Multiple Columns

Oct 29, 2008

I have a Name in Column A

I have a Number total(using a formula) in Column B

Each week I am copying from another source Names and Numbers, let's say in Column C and D.

I want to match the names in A with the Names in C so they are in the same row. The number in Column D needs to go with name from Column C.

Right now I am having to highlight the name and number in Column C & D and then drag it down to the row with the exact name in Column A. If there is a new name it adds it at the bottom of Column A and C.

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Sort Columns With Multiple Values In Cells

Oct 23, 2009

My columns are labeled A B C D etc... If the product I am creating the table for falls into one of those categories I place a 1 in the cell. For instance, ProductA falls into the A and B categories, so column A will get a 1 and column B will get a 1. This is so I can sort all of category A's Products etc...

I am looking for a formula to put in a column that would Say what categories ProductA falls into. ie Since ProductA falls into the A and B catergories but not the C and D catergories, This final column would say something like AB, or A,B or something.

Alternatively, I could make a single column entiltled 'categories' and put something like 'A B' in ProductA's column. In this case I would need a way to sort all A's or sort all B's and not just sort all 'A B'

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Sort Multiple Columns - Use Pivot Table?

May 14, 2012

I need to put a worksheet together that has multiple columns that I can then sort in order (on any one columns that affects each row together) in "vehicle type".

I want to set it up so the full listing can be sorted top to bottom in colour or then click sort to sort in MAX SIZE and or again sort in SPEED. (So sort in Alpabetical order or by value).

I havent used pivot tables before and assume its the best way. I dont want to use the filter system to sort as its too clumsy for the end user.

sort>sort>sort>sort>VEHICLECOLOURSMAX SIZESPEEDA9brown50100PRONTObrown100110VELICITOgreen200120

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Using Array Formula To Sort Alphabetically Over Multiple Columns

Feb 14, 2014

In the attached example file, I have two tabs: options and sets. The options tab is to be populated from a form. The sets tab is to draw data from the options tab to create teaching sets. I have managed to create an array formula that does this for me, but what I would like it to do is sort my resulting list alphabetically. For reasons that I won't go into, I need the data on the sets tab to remain in three columns: First Name, Surname and Form.

This is the array formula I am using at the moment: AliGW - Example.xlsx

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Adding Sort Filters To Multiple Selected Columns

Nov 14, 2009

I have a row of sub-headings at row 12 that require Sort Filters. My problem is that I need the filters on selected columns only. It seems that with the standard filter button I get all or nothing.

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Excel 2010 :: Sort Multiple Columns Simultaneously?

Jan 3, 2012

I am trying to sort each "Pct" column in descending order. Of course, I can do this manually, but I have over 100 to do, so I'd like to know how I can automate this (of course, the two columns to the left of "Pct" must move along with it).



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Filter & Sort Multiple Columns With Single Criteria

Sep 27, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with multiple columns. The first column defines a "route", and the next two list "start" and "end" cities for that route. The fourth column lists the length of each route. There are only a limited number of cities, so the same entries appear in both "start" and "end" several times. I would like to use Autofilter to sort the list for every appearance of a given entry in either "start" or "end". Is there a way to make Autofilter sort mutiple columns simultaneously?

I could achieve the desired end result with Advanced Filter, but I want something with the ease-of-use and immediate update/response of Autofilter. Advanced Filter requires explanation (as well as lots of clicking and typing) whereas Autofilter is self-evident. I also want to avoid VBA Macros as they are not well-understood by the users who will use this spreadsheet (and any VBA Macro will require very specific input to work properly.) Is it possible to do what I want? Or is Advanced Filter / VBA the only way to do it?

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Sort From Onclick Of Header

Jan 17, 2010

Attached is an example page. My goal is to be able to click on one of the header cells, and have it sort that column from high to low, and if I click that same cell have it sort from low to high. I know how to do this by making a command button, but, I want to do it by clicking on the cell itself. I just dont know how to do the onclick to execute the code.

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Data Sort By Header

Jul 19, 2007

what is the code to sort a spreadsheet in VBA code by HEADER rows?

i have 2 rows i want to sort by: first by Column D row 1, then by column C row 1.

Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("D2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range("C2") _
, Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:= _
False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, DataOption2 _

selects all cells, sorts, then de-selects.

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Column Header As Sort Tool

Apr 14, 2008

Came across a spreadsheet that my firm created, where you can click on the column header and it automatically sorts ascending order for the column without messing up the other columns. Then if you double click it again, it will sort in reverse order.

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Select And Sort In List By Header

Jul 25, 2007

I have a spreadsheet which contains a list of chemicals in Column A, and a list of numbers in Column B. The chemicals are separated into groups. I am trying to create a macro which sorts the chemicals in their groups by column B, so that the lowest number is at the top. I have 8 groups, and the number of lines in each group may vary, so I need to make the code dynamic.

I have attempted it. The way I thought it could be done was to search for the first group header, then save the address. Do the same for the next group header, then offset that by -1 row and 1 column, then sort using these two addresses as the range. The first part of the code works, where I find the address for both group headers, but everything after that doesn't work.

Sub Sort()
Dim CNMT(8) As String
Dim j As Integer
Dim fromRow As String
Dim toRow As String
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
CNMT(1) = "TPH Fractions"
CNMT(3) = "PAHs"
CNMT(4) = "VOCs"
CNMT(5) = "SVOCs"
CNMT(6) = "Metals"
CNMT(7) = "Inorganics"
CNMT(8) = "Pesticides"
For j = 1 To 8..................

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Sort Data With Two Header Rows

Apr 30, 2008

I have two header rows on a sheet that I need to sort starting on Row 3, Column A.

The sheet is A-K and rows 1 and 2 are headers

Row 1 has merged cells of A-F which says "Information" and then G-K " Tracking Section"
Row 2 is broken up into individual sub-headers in columns, A-K each one having a bit more info for instance:

Under the "Information" merged header in row 1 there is
A2 Name
B2 Work Center
C2 C/O date
D2 Due CC
E2 Due MX
F2 Date Received

and G-K in row 2 has different sub-headings.

I have tried to use my normal code, which is great for one header, but it ends up sorting the sub-header as I call it...

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Create List With 2 Or More Same Subject/Header For Sort

Feb 25, 2009

I would like to create a list covering multiple columns.
I would like to have 5 columns which will contain the same value/ (word).
If I select,that value from the list, I would like to have each row the word is
found be displayed regardless of which row it is found.

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Sort Data By Clicking On Header Row Cells

Oct 7, 2009

In the worksheet "Batting and Pitching Register", I'd like to be able to sort the data in the two charts (APBA Batting Register and APBA Pitching Register) by simply clicking on the cells in the respective header rows.

I've set up ranges (Batting and Pitching), but have had no luck moving beyond that.

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Excel 2010 :: Sort Growing Column Starting Under Header Row At Cell C5

May 7, 2014

find macros to sort fixed ranges but not an entire column with existing header rows from 1 to 4.

Added to that is the need to keep the code compatible with Excel 2003 even though I have Excel 2010 at office (it's a file that needs to be "openable" in both versions so the vb code needs to be in XL 03.

Column currently starts at C5 but goes down to C47, at this point. But it's a growing list. Some of the rows are blank at the bottom, too.

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Move And Sort With One Column But Insert Extra Columns As Needed For Proper Sort?

Jan 13, 2014

Using DataEntry sheet for data.
Trying to rearrange the data to DataFormatedProperly sheet.
So far all I can accomplish is DataFormatedWrong sheet.

Edit: Not sure what happened but file was NOT understandable before. It should be correct now.

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Vba Working With Columns By Header Name

Jul 2, 2008

I am looking for a better solution working with columns in VBA.

Currently, I refer to columns by their letter or # in my VBA code.

For example:

Columns("AW:AW").FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-8]"
I have a scenario where I have to work with a dynamic data source that scrambles columns around (column is not always in the same position on the spreadsheet). Currenct...Also, there may be missing columns or new columns that need to be recognized.

What I would like to do is refer to my columns by header name.

For example (PSUEDO CODE):

If column ("MTD BUD") or ("MTD REV") do not exist Then
Goto ErrorHandler
Columns("MTD REV").FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[MTD BUD]"
End if
Would the best way to go about something like this be to create an array with column header names that I can run things against? How would this look?

(column headers are always in row 2)

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Sort Horizontally. Sort Across Columns

Dec 30, 2006

I am trying to sort a long range of text that is placed horizontally in a spreadsheet. I can do it vertically with the sort function in Excel but it does not seem to work for text that is placed horizontally. Example is as below:

Inventory Accounts Human Resources

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How To Delete Columns And Then Add Column Header To Remaining Ones

May 15, 2014

So I want to add some VBA Code that deletes specified columns and then insert Bolded Column headers to the remaining columns. The columns I want deleted are D,F,I,J,K. For simplicity purposes, the column headers would be A,B,C,D,E,F,G.

I tried using Columns("D,F,I,J,K").delete but I kept on getting 13 error.

[Code] ......

Attached File : Test VBA File.xlsx‎

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Export Specific Columns In Different Order Without Header To CSV

Jun 24, 2014

I want to export some columns of my worksheet to a csv-file. But i don't want to export all of them, i just need for example: Columns B, D and G and inside the csv-file they should be in an different order like G, B, D .

I already thought about using "union" to select the specific columns, but i can't get this to work.

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Columns Sorting Alphabetically Seperately And Each Has A Header Row

Oct 14, 2008

I have the following code that sorts each column sperately and it works, but believe this is a long way round and not the best way. I need the columns sorting alphabetically seperately and each has a header row.

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Copy Columns With Specific Text In Header Row

Apr 16, 2008

The column header row for a string; if the header contains one of two possible strings then copy the entire column. I've tried the following code but it's not working.

Select Case oColHeader
Case InStr(oColHeader, "how much", 1) > 0
Case InStr(oColHeader, "level of sat", 1) > 0
End Select

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