Combine And Sort Two Tables

Dec 1, 2009

I'm analyzing and charting performance data from two different boats. I am attempting find a way to combine the two charts into a single chart that is sorted by MPH as per my manually sorted example.

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Combine Two Tables Together?

Apr 1, 2013

I have:

- Table 1 has ~1,600 records (name of game, meta score, user score)
- Table 2 has ~3,000 records (name of game, genre, publisher)

I want:

- Table X has ~1,600 records (name of game, meta score, user score, genre, publisher)

Basically, I want to take the genre and publish columns from Table 2, and add it to Table 1. However, I want to ignore the extra ~1,400 games that Table 2 has.

I'm nearly a complete noob when it comes to excel. Noob to the point where I don't even know what this thing is called, so I don't even know how to search for it properly! I know something can be done since there is a common column between the two (name of game).

Edit: Also, I think it'd be easier if I were able to attach my excel spreadsheets but I don't even know how to do that

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Combine Tables From Different Worksheets In One Table

Jul 18, 2012

I have an excel workbook with 11 different worksheets. Each worksheet represents a project my company is working on. And in each worksheet there is exactly the same table, just with different data).

Now we would like to get an overview of all these different data put together in one 'summarizing' table on a new worksheet (number 12).

-Is it possible make such a table without having to copy past all the time?
-The data in the tables may change over time, so it would be good if that 'summarizing' table automatically adapts to the other ones.

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Combine Tables Deleting Duplicates

Aug 28, 2009

way to join two or more tables in excel adding new rows and columns.

In this way:

Input TABLE1
ID, Tag1, Tag2
1, alfa, big
2, delta, small

Input TABLE2
ID, Tag1, Tag3
2, delta, green
3, gamma, yellow

ID, Tag1, Tag2, Tag3
1, alfa, big, -
2, delta, small, green
3, gamma, -, yellow

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Combine Rows From Matching Certain Criteria In Two Tables

Jun 9, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that contains two input tables: Parallel and Perpendicular. Next, the user can select a group which a certain entry belongs to. Now what I want is a "summary" of these entries in a table that has no blank rows and combines both Parallel and Perpendicular entries by the Group. Please note that there is no fixed number of inputs for any one group i-e the solution has to be dynamic.The groups are numbered from 1 to 6 and number of groups is fixed i-e 6.

A sample file illustrating the inputs and required output is attached.

I also posted this on: [URL] ....


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Nest / Combine 2 Sumproduct Functions From 2 Different Tables

Aug 20, 2014

Looking to nest or combine the following 2 functions because I'm looking up the same cell content, except within 2 different tables.

=IF(B12="","",SUMPRODUCT(--($B$12:$B$17=X18),--($S$12:$S$17))) and =IF(B22="","",SUMPRODUCT(--($B$22:$B$32=X18),--($S$22:$S$32)))

Right now, these functions works well from a single table but need to combine them. Other function examples are welecomed too.

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Combine Multiple Pivot Tables On One Report?

Apr 21, 2014

I have to track how well location managers are keeping track of skill competencies.

We rate skills as...
0 – know nothing ,
1 – read training manual,
2 – check off by manager.

I need the managers to provide these ratings then I have to report what locations need more training. When an new employee is entered into the system, the manager should give them a target of 2 for each skill the employee needs to gain. If the target skill is 2 rating higher than the current skill level, I have a column named Delta that records a 2.

I have learned how to use the pivot table feature. I can make separate pivot tables using filters that show…
a) how many 2s each employee has for a target,
b) how many 2s each employee has for deltas,
a) how many 2s each employee has for a current level and I can show the date the 2s where achieved

What I need is to learn how to combine all of this information on one pivot table (or report), but the filters really seem to make a mess of it all when it is all together. adding multiple sheets to one Pivot table.

Count of Targets
Count of Deltas=2
Count of Current Skills
!What I need to produce!


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Combine Rows From Two Tables In Certain Order And Matching Certain Criteria

Jun 9, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that contains two input tables: Parallel and Perpendicular. Next, the user can select a group (from a drop down) which a certain entry belongs to. Now what I want is a "summary" of these entries in a table that has no blank rows and combines both Parallel and Perpendicular entries by the Group. There is no fixed number of inputs for any one group i-e the solution has to be dynamic.

Attached is a file illustrating the inputs and the required output. I would prefer a formula based approach but not against VBA based suggestions either.


Also posted at: [URL] ....

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Combine Data From Multiple Worksheets - Pivot Tables

Sep 20, 2009

I am trying to combine sorted data from 2 worksheets to a new work sheet to process further. I have one worksheet with order number, part number, order qty but with different delivery dates. On another worksheet, I have the order number too, part number, the qty delivered. The qty delivered is not always the same each delivery.

My aim is to find out how many are already delivered under a certain purchase order and the balance of undelivered parts.

I used pivot tables to sort out the data but I am stuck here not knowing how to extra the sorted data from the pivot tables to the 3rd worksheet. I will need to match the order number and the part number.

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Combine Two Tables Which Change In Rows Depending On Input Of User Using VBA In Excel?

Apr 13, 2014

i have a macro which takes the results generated and puts them into a table and filters the data so that zeros does not show and arranges the table from largest to smallest. Now i have a problem where i need to select the power, fuel oil consumption, weight and area from one table and the other power, fuel oil consumption, weight and area from the other table and combine them together so that i can have all possible combinations of the data, but i don't want the zeros to show in the combinations. i need the combined data to show on a separate sheet. The data of table 1 varies with rows as shown:

The Data of Table 2 varies with rows as shown:

I would like to achieve a result like this in the following columns and rows without having to input them manually:

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Sort Multiple Pivot Tables

Jul 15, 2014

with this macro?

I have a lot of pivot tables on multiple sheets in one workbook.

I want to deselect all "(blank)" from rows, and sort both rows and columns in ascending order.

I recorded a macro but it only refers to specific pivot tables, I would like it to do the same sorting for all pivot tables in the workbook.

Sub PivotBlankSort()
' PivotBlankSort Macro
Windows("Alt Assessment Y10 13-14.xlsx").Activate
Sheets("L&C Prog Sum2").Select
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable10").PivotFields("English")
.PivotItems("(blank)").Visible = False


etc as I move to each separate pivot table.

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Combine And Sort Pivot Table

Jun 4, 2013

I have a table that looks like this:

TechNum | FirstName | LastName | System | WorkDate | Values

I need the pivot table to look like this:

--> TechNum - FirstName LastName
--> WorkDate

I need the sorting to look like this:

--> TechNum
--> WorkDate

How do I show the first three fields in the same level of the pivot table and still maintain the sort cascade?

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Macro To Create Pivot Tables And Sort Out Data In Other Worksheet

May 19, 2009

The first sheet is the row data given to me, the second one is where I want my data to be analysed automatically by macros.

I managed to create a pivot table manually to give me the info I want but then I still have to copy all the results from the pivot table sheet to my analysis sheet.

How can I create a macro able to do all that by it self? I tried to record a macro using the recorder but then when I try to play it it gives me an error straight at the beginning in the definition of the pivot table I think.

An example of what I want the pivot table to do is:
in the first sheet, go in the small table in column K and L, take the value of L1, then in the row data in column A to J, in column C look for the value in L1, once found, look for the value 1 in column J then do the average on the values in column E and put the result in my second sheet in cell F5
then do the same but look for 2 in column J and put it in F8, then 3 in F11, ... until 7 found (the data is in ss.000 and so the results in the second sheet should be formated the same way)
then do the same all over again for value in L2
etc etc etc

this should be done for the 6 values in column L, each having values up to 7 in the J column.

Then I need to do the same for other columns and not only averages but minimums as well but I can adapt the code I think.

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Excel 2010 :: Creating Multiple Tables In VBA And Referring To Newly Created Tables?

Jul 1, 2013

Using Excel 2010. I'm writing a macro that sets up a workbook to be used for estimating at the beginning of a project. In the code I need to create multiple tables (formerly known as "lists") in the workbook. Then later in the code I need to refer back to those newly created tables. Currently, the code that creates the table is part of a loop that creates the table on many different worksheets. The problem of course, is that I have to name the Table, and then it won't create a table of the same name on the next sheet. Then, later in the code, I need to make adjustments to the table that was just created before looping to the next sheet.

Is there a way to create a table without giving it a constant name? Or by giving it a name that builds off of other info in the sheet? For example, I would be good with the naming the table after the sheet name: "Sheet1_Table" or such.

Sub Auto_Open()
Dim sht As Worksheet
If Range("A1") = 1 Then


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Rank & Sort Table: Unique Numbers Sort Ascending, But The Non-unique Numbers Sort Descending

Oct 5, 2007

I have a list in rows where I have a ranking formula =COUNT($G$5:$G$81)-(RANK(G5,$G$5:$G$81)+ COUNTIF($G$5:G5,G5)-1)+1 When I sort the rank, ascending. All of the unique numbers sort ascending, but the non-unique numbers sort descending

ex) 1.751

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Move And Sort With One Column But Insert Extra Columns As Needed For Proper Sort?

Jan 13, 2014

Using DataEntry sheet for data.
Trying to rearrange the data to DataFormatedProperly sheet.
So far all I can accomplish is DataFormatedWrong sheet.

Edit: Not sure what happened but file was NOT understandable before. It should be correct now.

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Sort Command - Custom Order Or Sort Ascending Or Descending

Oct 8, 2006

Is it possible to make excel sort ascending or descending but from mid way through alphabet and then loop through the alphabet again. for example. If Cell A1 had "A" in, it would sort as normal.

Cell A1 = A
Cell A2 = B
Cell A3 = C
Cell A4 = D
Cell A5 = E

If Cell A1 had "C" in, it would sort from "C" through the alphabet and then loop to the start of the alphabet as shown below.

Cell A1 = C
Cell A2 = D
Cell A3 = E
Cell A4 = A
Cell A5 = B

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Sort Worksheets Using Custom Sort To Choose Certain Word?

May 30, 2012

As of right now these are the steps i do to sort...i click custom sort choose My data has headers and then i select from the drop down list the word FRNAME.

is there any way i can setup a macro to do this for me? i tried recording the macro but it just is recording me choosing the column FRNAME is in. This does not work for me since FRNAME end up being in different columns all the time but will always be in row 1.

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Sort / Filter Rows: Sort A Range Of Row

Nov 26, 2008

I would like to ask if it is possible to sort a range of row? What I mean is, if I sort like Row 1, the entire block of row 1 will move as well? Like if i have column A to F, then row 1 of column A to F will move together at the same time.

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Macro To Sort Colums And Protect After Sort

Nov 5, 2009

I am looking for a macro to sort my colums in ascending order the range i need sorted is from A7:F107, it will be sorted with the numbers in the A column ie 1 - 107. sometimes different numbers get added and it has to be sorted in number sequence.

If possible i would also like a macro to protect this range after the sort,

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Sort - Defined Sort Criteria

Sep 20, 2006

I have an Overview sheet within my workbook that contains info from all other sheets.

What I want to do is when you click on the Sort button in the General sheet it will activate the Overview Sheet and

- first off sort all sheets starting with AJ together, then all sheets starting with CJ together and then all sheets starting with PJ

- then the next thing i want it to do is sort all Ajs by their start dates, sort all CJs by their start dates and the same for all PJs.

Now up until now I was keeping all sheets that began with AJs together in the workbook and so on so I was able to use the following sort function

Sub Overview_sorting() ...

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Sort Horizontally. Sort Across Columns

Dec 30, 2006

I am trying to sort a long range of text that is placed horizontally in a spreadsheet. I can do it vertically with the sort function in Excel but it does not seem to work for text that is placed horizontally. Example is as below:

Inventory Accounts Human Resources

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Sort And Group Names Then Sum Associated Numerical Values For Each Group - Sort Total

Apr 18, 2014

I have this massive spreadsheet, with the maximum rows excel will fit on one sheet. In the interest of simplicity, this is what the raw data looks like:

Last First Amount

Jones Jim $1000
Jung Joe $700
White Jon $100
Jones Jim $200
Jones Jan $300
Jung Joe $800
White Jon $200

What I want to do is automatically get excel to group all the same names together. Then I want it to sum all the values for each name, then order by largest total value for each person, then order that by name alphabetically. In other words, the above would look like this after the sort:

Last First Amount
Jung Joe $800
Jung Joe $700
Jones Jim $1000
Jones Jim $200
Jones Jan $300
White Jon $200
White Jon $100

Or, if necessary, there could be sum total rows under each name...although I don't have spare rows, so IDK. I could delete some rows if I had to, but would rather not.

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Sort Tabs By Color And Sort Color Groups Alphabetically

Oct 14, 2012

I've located the following color sort VBA that sorts worksheets by color and it is working well. I'm trying to modify the code to sort each of the "color grouped" sheets alphabetically. That is, sort by color and then each color group sorted alphabetically.

Sub SortWorksheetsByColor(Optional ByVal SortByAsc As Boolean = True)

Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim ShtC() As Long
Dim ShtN() As String
Dim t, n As Long
Dim lngSU As Long

[Code] .....

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VBA Code To Sort Data - Run-time Error When No Data To Sort

Mar 4, 2010

I havet he following code which sorts data. If there is no data to sort I keep on getting a run time error. Could I add something to my code to prevent the run-time error, as sometime there won't be any data to sort. The code runs when I switch to the worksheet in question.

Sub SortMeetings()
Dim iCTR As Integer
Dim yCTR As Integer
Dim zCTR As Integer

zCTR = 11
For iCTR = 12 To 23
For yCTR = 1 To 10
If Len(Range("D" & iCTR).Offset(0, yCTR)) 0 Then
Range("AA" & zCTR).Value = Format(Range("D" & iCTR).Offset(0, yCTR), "HH:MM") & " " & Range("D" & iCTR).Value
zCTR = zCTR + 1
End If
Next yCTR
Next iCTR
Range("AA11:AA" & zCTR).Select
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("AA11"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub

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(Match & Sort) Sort Columns B And C So That A And B Match Up Numerically

Feb 26, 2009

I would like to sort columns B and C (keeping the two lined up together) so that A and B match up numerically.

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Looking Up 2 Different Tables To Merge?

Feb 19, 2014

I am trying to merge two different databases in the next week. The problem I am running into is the name from 1 database isn't always the same on the other database.

I want to merge Database 1 with Database 2 and create a relationship with them both by using the database 2 internal #. As you can see in my table database 1 has similar names to database 2 but they are not exact. I want to match these names and have the formula on match tell me what the database 2 internal # is. I have also uploaded a sample excel doc with a note in B2.

Herb Chambers Ford of Braintree
Herb Chambers Honda of Seekonk
Dimmitt St. Petersburg
Database 2 matched internal #
Database 2
Herb Chambers Ford of Braintree (Dave Dinger Ford)
Herb Chambers Honda Of Seekonk (7-FI)
Dew Cadillac (Dimmitt of St. Petersburg)
Database 2 internal #

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Comparing Two Tables

Jun 10, 2008

I have one .xls file that contains an inventory list of all the products that I want.

Unfortunately this .xls file does not contain the prices for these items. I have another .xls file that contains SKU numbers and the prices related to those SKU numbers.

Is there a way to run every single SKU in the first file against the second file and, when a match is found, take the entry in the price column of the second file and place it in the first file so that my first .xls file contains all my products with prices?

I included sample data.

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Sumproduct Across Tables

Feb 22, 2010

I think this requires SUMPRODUCT, but can't work it out.

The attached spreadsheet should explain clearly.

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Lookup In Sub-tables

Aug 7, 2008

I have a table with dates that have bonuses associated with them, some times the bonues change, so i have another table with the date the bonus is effective and then the range of bonuses based on the sales of the month....

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