Combining Rows With Duplicate Data

Jan 27, 2010

I need to combine rows with that have the same column A value into one row. The duplication will be no more than 3 (ie 3 As, 2 Bs, 3 Cs, 1 D etc). I am looking for one of two options. 1) Ideally I'd like to be able to take 2 columns and turn them into up to 4 columns total. 2)Alternately, I can format the data to be in the correct columns to start, but will still need to merge the duplicate rows. The data can have any number of rows to start.

I've found something close, but it puts the new column data into ascending number order, which won't work for me because I need it to be in the specific order I input.(It also put all the data into one column, which I don't mind because I can do text to columns, but the order was the bugger.)

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Excel 2007 :: Combining Data In Duplicate Rows

Aug 15, 2008

I have a long (about 180 000 rows) list of part numbers, descriptions, prices and quantities. There are many duplicate part numbers. I need to go through and find the duplicates, add all their quantities into one cell and delete the remaining duplicates. I have used conditional formatting to find the duplicates easier but cannot use the remove duplicates button as it will delete the whole row and I need the quantity information in each row.

Any formula or macro I can set up to search the part number column (F) for duplicates and add the figures in the quantity column (J) and THEN delete the duplicate part number rows?

Maybe I need to put the new combined information in another sheet?

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Combining Multiple Rows With Duplicate Information

Nov 24, 2009

I have a sheet with over 1000 rows showing me every employee's benefit choices. It has multiple rows for each employee - one that indicates their health option, one that indicates their dental option and so on.

I'd like to combine them so I have one row that has columns for health, dental, etc...and then their options would be listed all in the same row. I've attached the original with the solution I'd like pasted below. I'm sure this isn't difficult but I'm having trouble figuring it out.

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Combining Duplicate Records Data

Sep 21, 2006

In my sheet I have it search for duplicate records and give those records the same id. Is there anyway to combine data into one record. For example, I have a person with a value in column Points1, on another row a value in column Points2, and another row a value in column Points3. I want take those values from the duplicate records and put them all in one record. I've attached a sample.

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Combining Column Data When There Are Duplicate Row Headers?

Apr 10, 2014

I currently have a worksheet filled with data from other worksheets. I want to combine data from different columns when they share an identical row header and don't know how. For example:


Would go to:


Another specific issue is that some row headers are bold and need to be considered a separate header from the non-bold alternative.

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Duplicate Names, Combining Data Across Columns

Sep 28, 2009

I am waaaaay in over my head here. I've not done any scripting/macro/vb/whatnot work in Excel, but I'm staring down a potential all-night project manually merging data.

Here's what I have:

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Combining Unique Data Into One Row With Columns While Merging / Deleting Duplicate Information

Jun 13, 2014

I have data in excel that has some information the same with a unique field. See below:

Last Name
First Name
Apt #
Acct #
Code 1


I want it to consolidate all of the like information but add on the codes in separate columns like this:

Last Name
First Name
Apt #
Acct #
Code 1
Code 2
Code 3
Code 4


Also, sometimes the same code is used multiple times but i want any duplicate codes to show as separate codes.

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Combining Rows And Keeping Data From Both Rows

Mar 9, 2013

I have a game where people are scored on the spreadsheet, but they can join anytime, so everyday, I get a combined list of points. The list consists of people who joined previously, and the new players. How should I combine the points?

[URL] ..........

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How To Dynamically Insert Rows With Duplicate Data Of Previous Rows

Oct 30, 2013

I have a spread sheet with values in the area of A1:H834

In column H, I have number values from 1-7.

Essentially that number value means that the values in the row are duplicate.

So, for example, if H2 has a value of 4, that means that $A$2:$G$2, really should have an additional 3 rows underneath with the EXACT same data in each cell, however, the way the sheet was created, was to remove the duplicate values and just indicate in column H, the number value of how many duplicates $A$2:$G$2 really is.

I need to unpackage this and create what it was originally. What type of formula can I use, to look at the value in H2, and then insert underneath that number of rowes with the exact same data as A2:G2 and do the same for the remainder of the table all the way down to A834:G834

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Handling Duplicate Zips - Combining Non-numeric Columns Into One Column And One Row

Jun 27, 2012

Is there a function in Excel that allows you to combine non-numeric columns as a list?

For example, 91401 is a zip shared by three cities: Van Nuys, Sherman Oaks and Valley Glen.

The data is in a workbook as three rows (each with 91401 as the first column, and cities listed individually:

91401 Van Nuys
91401 Sherman Oaks
91401 Valley Glen

I am eventually wanting to do a v-lookup with the zip, but the duplication is causing problems. I want the associated cities listed, but only want one row. The cities could be listed, separated by commas (preferably), like below:

91401 Van Nuys, Sherman Oaks, Valley Glen

The list of zips I have is several thousand long, so it's not practical for me to do it manually. Is there a "pivot table" of text that I could use?

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Combine Duplicate Data From Different Rows?

Jul 25, 2012

I have a table (is populated in a macro already) that has two header rows (1 & 2), inputs a blank row on row 3, then starts data input on row 4. The data can potentially run to row 1000. The columns that are used are B through M. The part name is in column B and the quantity is in column C. The part name can repeat with a different quantity and be put in a different row than a previously entered value. I need to combine those x number of rows based on the match of the part name and sum the quantities then delete the remaining matches. Columns D-M are not unique.

I have attached a sample. The sample is very simple with just two matches but the matches can more than two. The matching rows are highlighted. duplicate rows.xls

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Merging Duplicate Rows With Unique Data?

Jun 5, 2013

I have attached a before and after image of what I am looking to accomplish.

In the before image, you can see that there are 3 rows of data
- a header
- a repeating model number (in column F) with accompanying data (values in columns G - J are the items of interest)

In the after image, you can see that I took the 3 rows of data and turned it into simply two rows of data
- a header
- the repeating model number

What I did however in the after image, as can be seen, is I took certain data values that appeared on the repeating row (columns G - J), and included them as PRICE, COST, BEGIN, and END values in new columns on row 2.

Is there a way to accomplish this via some functions or maybe even a VBA script?

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Delete Duplicate Rows Data In Only One Column

Jul 28, 2013

with deleting duplicate entries in a spreadsheet that contains two names, a code number and a date. All rows with a duplicate number in column “B” should be deleted. Write a micro code? I have a few thousand of entries that need to be knocked out.

A sample file is attached : Example.xls

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Show No Duplicate Data In A Specific Rows

Mar 5, 2009

I require a formula that will show unique data in a specific rows or cells. Here are the data:

Raw Data
Row 1 A
Row 2 A
Row 3 B
Row 4 C
Row 5 C

The result should look like this (Note that the unique data are displayed in rows 6 to 8:

Row 6 A
Row 7 B
Row 8 C

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Delete Duplicate Rows Using Data In Column A As Criteria

Jan 13, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that has thousands of rows of data with maybe 6 columns.

I would like to remove the duplicate rows but the problem I am facing is that I would like to use column A as the criteria.

There are some duplicates in column A but the issue is that the data in column B, C, D, etc may not be the same for each duplicate.

Easier to see in this image:

So A1 is the same as A6
A1 has data in B1 and C1, no data in D1
A6 has data in B1, C1 and D1

I need to delete either row A1 or row A6, it is irrelevant which row it is but one of them has to go.

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Duplicate Entries In Rows - Add Accompanying Data To New Columns?

Jun 4, 2013

I have attached a before and after image of what I am looking to accomplish.

In the before image, you can see that there are 3 rows of data

- a header

- a repeating model number (in column F) with accompanying data (values in columns G - J are the items of interest)

In the after image, you can see that I took the 3 rows of data and turned it into simply two rows of data

- a header

- the repeating model number

What I did however in the after image, as can be seen, is I took the data that appeared on the repeating row (Row 3 from the Before image), and included the PRICE, COST, BEGIN, and END values in new columns on row 2.

The model number is the same of course, which is why I did it that way.

If the model numbers were different, I would have simply left it alone, as-is.

Is there a way to accomplish this via some functions or maybe even a VBA script?

By the way, if we have to dump all of this onto a new sheet, then so be it.

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Merging Duplicate Rows And Keeping Original Data

Feb 18, 2014

I need to merge rows with duplicate values in column A (Patient Name being the most important one), with columns B, C, & D usually having different isolated values as well. Columns E, F, G, H, & I are date columns, but the data is always going to be the number 1, meaning a patient was seen once that day (if they were seen two times that day for different reasons, information would be in an unmerged second row [same patient name listed in two separate rows], where columns B & C would be different). Column J is an autosum of columns E through I if that makes a difference. Column K is a notes column. The data that needs to be merged is always added to the bottom of the spreadsheet in order to show that a patient was seen on any given day, with columns B through K almost always being blank. Example:

Column A---------Column B---Col C----Col D--Col E--Col F--Col G--Col H--Col I--Col J---------Col K
Patient Name-----Therapist---Shared--%P----2/3----2/4----2/5-----2/6----2/7---Total Visits--Notes

Alice Alpha--------AB----------PT-------1---------------------------------------------0-------------blah
Boris Beta---------BC----------SELF----2----------------------------------------------0------------blahblah
Carl Carlisle-------CD---------PTA------3----------------------------------------------0
Carl Carlisle-------AB---------SELF-----2----------------------------------------------0
Donny Delta-------DE---------PT--------1---------------------------------------------0
Ernie Elephant-----EF---------PTA-------2---------------------------------------------0
Alice Alpha-----------------------------------------------1
Carl Carlisle--------------------------------------1--------------1---------------1
Ernie Elephant-------------------------------------------1---------------1

This is what I'm hoping it can look like:

Column A---------Column B---Col C----Col D--Col E--Col F--Col G--Col H--Col I--Col J---------Col K
Patient Name-----Therapist---Shared--%P----2/3----2/4----2/5-----2/6----2/7---Total Visits--Notes

Alice Alpha--------AB----------PT-------1---------------1-----------------------------1-------------blah
Boris Beta---------BC----------SELF----2----------------------------------------------0------------blahblah
Carl Carlisle-------CD---------PTA------3-------1--------------1---------------1------3
Carl Carlisle-------AB---------SELF-----2----------------------------------------------0
Donny Delta-------DE---------PT--------1---------------------------------------------0
Ernie Elephant-----EF---------PTA-------2--------------1---------------1-------------2

In this example Carl Carlisle is being seen for two different things, however how would it be written so the macro would know which Carl Carlisle row to merge with? I'm thinking that before running the macro I could manually enter the information into column B so it knows which Carl Carlisle row above to merge with.

Data always starts at row 14 (row 13 is frozen pane header column), and extends to a row that is different every week depending on how many people happen to be in the list.

I found something from this link that looks very similar to what I need, but with no knowledge of coding, I have no idea how it should be tweaked: Merge Duplicate Rows Keeping Data In Same Columns

I know I'm asking a lot, but the amount of time this takes to manually go through hundreds of rows of patient names every week is incredibly time consuming, and I have too many other things to stay on top of at work for this to drag me down day in and day out.

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Concat Rows Based On Duplicate Data & Delete

Jun 18, 2009

I need to concatenate and de-dupe. I want to find dupes, concatenate a column, and the delete the duplicate columns--all while maintaining data from other populated columns.

Here is the some example data:

#| Type | Name
1 | A | Bob
1 | B | Bob
1 | C | Bob
2 | B | Sally
2 | E | Sally
3 | A | Bill
3 | C | Bill
4 | E | Nancy

The result should look like:

# | Type | Name
1 | A, B, C | Bob
2 | B, E | Sally
3 | A, C | Bill
4 | E | Nancy

I am using Excel 2003.

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Merge Duplicate Cells Or Keep Duplicates In One Column If One Of Rows Has Data

Apr 7, 2014

I have a huge document that looks like this

Column A______Column B_____Column C

I want to keep in ColumnA all three rows of 100/12, because it has a value in Column B in one cell-which is the criteria, and remove the 250/13 because it has no value in cell B.

I was assuming that merging duplicates in column A, and than remove empty from ColumnB.

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Formula To Link A Column Of Data Between 2 Worksheets And Duplicate Rows

Jan 27, 2010

I'm in need of a formula, or another automated technique, to link a column of data from one worksheet to another. I have an input worksheet that I copy the raw data into that is formatted as follows:

Row 1 12001
Row 2 12004
Row 3 12011
Row 4 12020
Row 5 13050

I need this import sheet to link to an output worksheet that would be updated automatically as new data is entered into the input sheet. However, I need the output sheet to copy the input values a specified # of the times and list them. For example, if the specified # was 3, it would be formatted as follows:

Row 1 12001
Row 2 12001
Row 3 12001
Row 4 12004
Row 5 12004
Row 6 12004
Row 7 12011

I need the formula, or method, to be one that I don't have to continually re-enter as the data changes, as I have thousands of records to do this with. I've tried filling down, but autofill doesn't recognize an accurate trend. Is this something that I can accomplish by combining several fomulas, creating macros, or a combination of the both?

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Merge Duplicate/Similiar Rows Keeping Data In Same Columns

Sep 1, 2008

After sorting and filtering rows with in a set range I will have several rows that are almost duplicates. This is normal and expected due to how the workbook is used. Among these rows also will be several single rows that are not duplicates. It is important that I combine any two duplicates into one row. Example:


1 NameA 0XX15930777PS101300PS9

2 NameA0XX15930777PS91200PS10

3 NameX1159XXP555FBX1545PS9

4 NameB0A1234P123PS101263PS9

5 NameB1A1234P123PS90512PS10

What I need is this end result:


1 NameA 0XX15930777PS91200PS10PS101300PS9

2 NameX1159XXP555FBX1545PS9

3 NameB1A1234P123PS90512PS10PS101263PS9

Its important that the data in each column stay with in that same column. Also of course it needs to be on the same row with the same person (NameA and NameB). The Columns that would determine if its a duplicate are D and E . I would need this to be preformed via macro or some easy way so that others will not have a hard time. It will be on a protected Shared Workbook with Excel 2003. I've enclosed a Sample. How can I sort these or accomplish this and maintain the data where it needs to be?

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Delete Duplicate Rows :: Duplicate Company Names

Dec 11, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with 3300 rows. In column A there is a list of company names and in column H there is a corresponding Sales Rep name.Column A has many duplicate company names. I would like to run a macro that will find the a company name and then delete all the rest of the rows that contain that same company name.

Attached is a sample of that spreadsheet.

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Delete Duplicate Cells Or Rows With A Duplicate Cell

Nov 1, 2007

I feel as though I have spent enough time searching the previous posts to ask this question.

I have a 4 column sheet, column B has many cells with identical data. I want to delete all the rows that that have duplicate data in column B.

COLUMN A= Car Makers
COLUMN B= Models of cars
COLUMN C= color
COLUMN D= owner

I want to end up with rows that each contain unique info in COLUMN B.

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Sum Duplicate Values Then Delete Duplicate Rows

Jan 5, 2004

I have 4 columns in my spreadsheet. I am trying to find any duplicates that may exist in Col A, sum values in Col D, then delete the entire row. So far my sheet before I run my vba code is this.

Col A

Col D

After my code is run, I need for my spreadsheet to look like this

Col A

Col D

I have some code but I still need to do a considerable amount of tweaking to it. Currently my code is only deleting the duplicate values in Col A. I am having difficulty summing the values in Col D as well as deleting the entire row.

Here is my code thus far....

Public Sub FindDuplicates()
For RwCnt = 1 To (Worksheets(1).Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
SrchValue = Worksheets(1).Cells(RwCnt, 1).Value
If Len(Trim(SrchValue)) > 0 Then
With Worksheets(1).Range("a1:a" & Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row)


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Sum Duplicate Values Then Delete Duplicate Rows

Jan 5, 2004

I have 4 columns in my spreadsheet. I am trying to find any duplicates that may exist in Col A, sum values in Col D, then delete the entire row. So far my sheet before I run my vba code is this.

Col A

Col D

After my code is run, I need for my spreadsheet to look like this
Col A

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Combining Several Rows In One

Jan 16, 2014

I have a big amount of data and want to consolidate it.

I have identical text in Columns 1,3 and 4, but the text in Column 2 is different for all.

How do I make 1 row instead of 3 with Column 2 consolidated?

See the attachment : Excel_list.xlsx‎

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Combining The Rows

Jan 19, 2007

I've attached a spreadsheet with a simplified example of my situation. Notes appear at the far right to explain my desired result. I've read through lots of posts on the forum but haven't yet found anything to mimic.

I'm building a calendar to display promotion activity by week for multiple customers and multiple products. The source data only lists one event per row, so the current result is not as concise I know it could be. I end up with twleve different rows for customers with activity each month on the same product, where I'd like to see just one row with all activity for the year.

Can anyone assist with either VBA or a formulaic solution? I've tried a few things with if/and statements followed by a concatenation of previous rows, but this seems like it will not have the intelligence to calculate only rows that match, I keep coming up short. Can OFFEST be used in some way?

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Combining Rows Containing Text

Mar 26, 2008

I have 2 spreadsheets with a total of 100,000 rows of item descriptions. The problem is that I have to combine the text in the rows to create a complete item description into one cell. The number of rows for each description varies from 1 row to 7 rows. Excel experts here are using the term "concatinate."

There is one common element to the item description. There is a unique 11 digit code (in its own separate column) in the appropriate number of rows for each description. Note that the unique # I identified below doesn't look right since this document does not allow me to show the numbers in a column.

The spreadsheet looks like the following (I have created 2 item descriptions). I have at least 40,000 more.

PAD, EASEL, 27" X 34", ERASABLE, STATIC 61562030632
IMAGES, 34 SHEETS/PAD 61562030632
AVERY #24-391 OR EQUAL 61562030632
PAD, WRITING, 8.5 X 11.75, LEGAL RULE, 61562030940
PERFORATED 61562030940
AMPAD 20-___ 61562030940
NUMBER 61562030940

I could use a formula or a macro that would combine the descriptions into one cell. One other problem was identified as I tried to combine the text. There has to be a space created after the last letter of each row, otherwise, the last word in the row combines with the first word of the next row.

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Combining Multiple Rows Into One Row

Dec 28, 2012

I have a list of data elements listed row by row with headers

last 4 of SSNFull Nameschool_codeterm_beginterm_endSchool Rep NameEmail
1111 Jim smith 00104600082012 082016 school
2222 Jane Doe 00104600082012 082016 school
3333 justin justin00104600082012 082014 school
4444 Joe Joe 00104600082012 082016 school
5555 Jake Jake 00104600082012 082016 school

What I need to do is to get all 5 rows into one row and duplicate the headers so row 1 has all fire rows of information one column after the next comlumn. If I can't duplicate the headers easily and can just aggregate the data into one row in cell by cell that fine.

Sample document attached for review

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Combining Specific Rows

Nov 30, 2008

I have received a 'data dump' from a local county assessor. It is formatted for their use in displaying on their website. This particular file associates a parcel number with the legal description. However, with longer legal descriptions, they have replicated the parcel number and continued the description. The fields in the sample I have attached include (A) as the parcel number (which is common through all the files), (B) a county id, (C) the order that this specific portion of the legal description shoud be, and (D) the legal description, itself. In the sample you will see one specific parcel number that repeats itself more than 20 times, while other parcel numbers only appear once. What I hope to do is have one row for each parcel number with no replications. I hope for (A) be the parcel number, (B) be the county id, and (C) be the combined legal description. There should be approximately 275,000 unique parcel numbers.

A second option would be to move the lower continuations up, into the same row. For the example above refering to the 20 rows of legal description, I can work with 1 row and 20 columns(E through Z).

The provided coding was perfect, my problems were found to be the environment I was working. Once the data was prepared properly, the coding worked very well.

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