Sum Range Of Cells Depending On Changeable Values In Other Cells
Aug 2, 2012
Assuming I have a data set like this :
column a column b
916 12,5
916 23,4
923 34,5
923 23,9
932 98,6
934 67,7
How can I get a sum of all cells in column b when values in column a are equal?
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Feb 25, 2009
I would like to distribute values in cells depending on the input value (excel file attached). This file is a test and basically i've been entering the data manualy. The format is flexible, so it can be reorganisaed.
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Jul 24, 2008
I'd like help writing a single formula that assigns either a numerical 1 or 0 to a cell based on values from two other cells.
By way of background, I'm working with three columns. Cells in column F contains values from 1 to 4. Cells in column G contain values from 5 to 11. Cells in column H are currently blank.
I need a single formula that will insert either a numerical 1 or a 0 into column H according to the following conditions.If F3 = 1 and G3 = 5 or 6 or 7 then let H3=1 otherwise let H3=0
If F3 = 2 and G3 = 7 or 8 or 9 then let H3=1 otherwise let H3=0
If F3 = 3 and G3 = 9 or 10 or 11 then let H3=1 otherwise let H3=0
If F3 = 4 and G3 = 9 or 10 or 11 then let H3=1 otherwise let H3=0
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Aug 2, 2007
In what would be Cell E2 I want to post the Total posted set Assuming that the Order Numbers and the OP Numbers are the Same, but only if there is a value in the allowed set, So I'd expect E2 in the case below to read 1.83,
Order No OP Posted Set Allowed Set
30761157 00100.731.500
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Feb 1, 2010
I'm working on a project for my company. We make plastic tanks and for quality control we want to start recording the thickness of the tanks in different areas/zones of each tank.
Attached to this message is an Excel sheet that I've been working on. From "Sheet 1", it records inputted thicknesses into WorkSheet "1098". On the top of "1098", it shows all of the recordings, and just below that are the "10 Most Recent Entries".
Right below the "10 Most Recent Entries", there are formulas to calculate the Min and Max Values. Whenever a new entry is recorded, the selected cells for the Min and Max formulas change. Is there a way to force the cells to always stay the same?
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May 13, 2013
I'm trying to develop a new daily timesheet for my production workers, where non-production items are recorded in 15 minute intervals. The user would put in "Clock in" by the corresponding time, and the same for "Clock out" at the end of the day. Any non-production items will be type in next to their appropriate time. Since clock in and clock out times will vary, I need to set up a formula that searches the array of cells for the day, finds the "Clock in" and "Clock out" values, and counts any blank cells in between them. Basically the blank cells will equal production time, and the result of the Count function will be multiplied by 0.25 to get the hours.
I am having a very difficult time finding a way to set the "Clock in" and "Clock out" cells as the range for the Count function, because it won't always be the same cells. What would be the best way to automatically have excel find the cells containing these values and set them as the range criteria for a Count function?
The formula at the bottom was one of my initial attempts, but it didn't work. I took out the '=' for the screenshot, so that wasn't the problem.
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Aug 13, 2012
Using macro's on Excel 2010. What I'm trying to do is create a macro that will copy a range of cells from one sheet to another depending on a option being selected from a drop down box. I've tried to use formulas but without success.
sheet 1 contains a list of approx 20 people with rows containing sales figures per week.
Is it possible to have a macro that will copy the rows to sheet2 depending on the dropdown? The drop down has already been setup with people's names
if sheet 1, cell a1 (with data validation setup) dropdown contains "mr smith", copy sheet2 row A1:A9 to sheet 1 cell a2
if sheet 1, cell a1 dropdown contains "mr cooper", copy sheet2 row B1:B9 to sheet1 cell a2
etc... for each name in the dropdown
The idea is so that i select a dropdown and it copies the sales figures that match the dropdown name, if i then select another dropdown, the corresponding figures are copied to the same place.
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Jan 27, 2014
In a macro I want to automatically insert a formula in several cells. The formula depends on other cells, and I want to be able to manipulate these cells with variables. Here is my code:
[Code] .....
All my variables are declared:
Sheets("DATOS YTD 2014").Cells(I, Semana + 1) is the cell I want to be able to chose due to the variables
Sheets("DATOS YTD 2014").Cells(I, 3) is the reference cell for the VLOOKUP formula, that will vary with I
SheetMonth.Range("B3:W172") is a range in the sheet SheetMonth which is fixed
The error message I receive is the following: "Run-time error 13, Type mismatch"
I precise that the next step is to make the ",6," part in the vlookup formula also variable... but I guess once my current issue is solved this one will be a piece of cake.
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Aug 21, 2013
I am trying to determine Long Term Gain (LTG,) Long Term Loss (LTL,) Short Term Gain (STG,) Short term Loss (STL,) or No Loss nor Gain (NGL)testing two cells (A1 and B1)and setting a third cell (C1) to the text LTG, LTL, STG, STL, or NGL depending on the results of testing cells A1 and B1.
A1 represent a number of years and B1 represent gains or losses (negative)in dolars.
The way I see the logic is as follows:
If cell A1 or cell B1 are either one of them equal to 0, then it is neither a Gain nor a Loss (NGL.)
If cell A1 is greater than or equal to 1, then it is Long Term; else, if A1 is greater than 0 and less than 1, then it is Short Term.
On the other hand, if cell B1 is greater than 0, then it is a Gain; if B1 is less than 0 (a negative number,) then, it is a Loss.
I need to find (if it is posible in Excel) one formula to test the two cells for posible outcomes:
If A1 = 0 then C1 = NGL
If B1 = 0 then C1 = NGL
If A1 >= 1 and B1 > 0 the C1 = LTG.
If A1 >= 1 and B1 < 0 the C1 = LTL.
If A1 < 1 and B1 > 0 then C1 = STG
If A1 < 1 and B1 < 0 then C1 = STL
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Mar 14, 2013
I am trying to replace a range of cells with certain values but I can not figure it out. I'm almost there I think but don't know how to get the varying values I'm looking for. So I have a column (AJ in this instance) that has a bunch of "xx" values at different spots within the column. I want to replace those xx values with numbers 01 through 36. What I have below gets me just about there but it replaces every xx value with 01. How do I get it to go 01 on the first one, 02 on the second one, etc?
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("AJ1", Cells(Rows.Count, "AJ").End(xlUp))
If cell.Value = "xx" Then _
cell.Value = "01"
Next cell
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Dec 9, 2008
I did my search, but cant find and knows what key search to look/type for...
If i have data A1 through A10, such as 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
How can i get column B1 through B3 as 1 2 3 ?
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Nov 22, 2007
I want to change the colour of a cell depending on its value, when compared to another row of data identiified by a value in another cell. To try an clarify:
b3 = 1 b5=4 Because b3 = 1 then compare cell b5 with the row g1 as b3=g1 then depending on its postion set a colour
g1= 1 g2:g5 = 2,3,4,5,6
h2= 2 h2:h5 = 7,8,9,10
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May 28, 2009
I'm trying to do is search a range of cells for a range of values AND then see if it matches one other value in another range of cells. In this case,
T3:T49 can equal P6 or P5 or P4 or P3 but the cells can only be counted if U3:U49 is 'w' as well
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Mar 19, 2008
1. I have two workbooks (eg. workbook1 and workbook2)
2. I compare the cell values in workbook1.sheet1.cell range (d6:d20) and workbook1.sheet2.cell range (d6:d20).
3. If the values in the range of cells are same, I want to take the value in workbook1.sheet2.cell range (d6:d20) and copy to workbook2.sheet1.cell range (d6:d20).
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Jun 8, 2009
I have a column, we'll say E18:E2500. In the cells in that column are four digit numbers. Some of these cells may have multiple four digit numbers separated by a comma and a space. (example: 2020, 2100, 3120) Some other cells in the column may also share the four digit numbers (I mean duplicates).
So I'm trying to write a formula to sum and count all the unique values in the cells and in the range. This is what i've been trying to use but it counts all the values with no regard to duplicate values:
=SUM(IF(LEN(TRIM($E$18:$E$2500))=0,0,LEN(TRIM($E$18:$E$2500))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE($E$18:$E$2500," ",""))+1))
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Feb 7, 2012
I am trying to count different values in a range of cells. I tried a countif function and it worked kind of. Here's what i have.
Column B2 has values j3265,j4463,k5532,y2235,k2334....
I want to count all the J's, K's, and Y's separately.... >=4000 and how many
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Jun 24, 2006
I seem to have trouble with this type of problem:
Worksheets("distribution"). Range(Worksheets("values").Cells(x, 14).value).value = ""
This is only a portion of the code, but the part that I am having problems with. It is within a for loop, hence the x. The Cells(x,14) is a list of cells, e.g. "u22", "u23, "u37", and I want to use those values as the input to the range object, but I keep getting object-defined error. It worked fine like this when I was using the names of checkboxes in Me.Controls().value . is there some property of the range object that doesn't allow this? As far as I can tell it should work; I'm grabbing the value, which is "u22", which is the type of data the range object needs.
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Dec 6, 2013
I am attempting to create a formula that is including numeric values in multiple cells but I want to exclude cells that have an "N/A" value. I am calculating the blended average price using the volume and price from multiple cells but some cells don't have volume or price but an "N/A" instead. The blended average price should be $68 but how do I calculate that including all the cells...even the cells including the "N/A"
Attachment example included.
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Jun 12, 2014
I am trying to learn more about functions like IF(), AND() MATCH() and LOOKUP()... but so far I cant seem to get it right. I am actually trying to get a simple working formula that can take a value from the first tab and cross reference it with a table in the second tab to return another value in the first tab.
For example....
On the first tab/sheet named "Details", i have a list of people, an area of work they fall in and then a column named region that categorizes their areas of work into groups
Area of Work
Mr A
Mr B
Mr D
Mr E
Then on the next tab/sheet named "Category", I have a table which lists the areas that belong to a region;
A-J. 1-6
K-P, 7-15
I have tried formulas like IF(AND(B2=Category.B2),"1","ERROR") but it keeps returning me "ERROR" when it should return "1"
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Oct 2, 2008
I want to run a macro when a cell is changed and populate Cell A12 With
the value in a named range.
The Name of that range is in cell A3
so i assumed i could do the following:
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May 8, 2008
I would like to be able to replace all cell values in a range of 20c by 20r (i.e. 400 cells). In all cases the condition would be the same (find all cells with a value greater than than zero), but then replace with different values.
e.g. Cells with value >0 in range CX119:DQ138 replace with "NT", then cells with value of >0 in range DR119:EK138 replace with "NU"
I thought you could do it with find and replace by just selecting that range of cells but can't see how to set the conditional >0 bit.
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Nov 20, 2009
I need a macro to leave the values in a range of cells.
The macro needs to work on which ever cell is high lighted
For example if I high light cell G8 it needs to leave the value
in cell G8 to G24 then
in cell G29 to G45 then
in cell G50 to G66 etc
all the way down to the last cell range G1142 to G1158
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Jul 10, 2014
I have an issue with this for a couple of days actually..
I have to find in a certain date "column C" if User "column D" changes from the initial user's number to another one to gave me the first half sales of the day and then obtain the other sales of the other part, this must reestart again when the date changes.
I have to know what was the sales on the two parts of the day and then in column Q assign "Manana", S1 Cell or R1 Cell for second part of day
The User "column D", can be diferent each day.
I attach the excel data to get a better explanation on this.
Mov may-jul FARMAX.xlsx
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Feb 27, 2014
I would like to know if there is any formula to calculate the sum of the cell in coumn B where in coulmn A there is a "world".
for example: Having a tab like this
I would like to be able to make the sum of cells values in the second row when in the first row there is "a"
SUM = 35
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Aug 1, 2013
I need to find average of the values , the count of the cells will be dynamic (may be 5 or even 200).
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Jan 8, 2009
I am looking for a macro that will check 2 things....then do something.
The first is if a range of cell values in are blank. lets say
Next is if a particular cell contains a given value ,
Sheets("sheet1").Range("E5") should equal "Year 1" if true.
If both these are true then I want the macro to copy a range of cells from
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("H6:H48") to Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D6:D48").
I tried to use IsEmpty but it seems to return a "False" if a range of cells
are being tested.
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Jun 6, 2012
I have two rows of numbers, say D1 to F1 and D2 to F2. Row D2 to F2 will always have lower values.
The range below it is D3 to F100. I want the range to clear the contents of the cells in the range where:
a) the cell is > the x1 cell above it
OR b) the cell is < the x2 cell above it
If it is = or between the two cells, the value stays.
If D1 thru F1 is 4, 5, 7 and D2 thru F2 is 2, 4, 3, then:
D3 is 5, it is cleared
E3 is 4, it stays
F3 is 5, it stays
D4 is 2, it stays
E4 is 1, it is cleared
F4 is 9, it is cleared
Basically, the cell in the range looks up its own column, compares itself to x1 and x2 in that column. If it's greater than or less than, then it clears the contents, if not, the value in the cell stays.
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Apr 16, 2007
I want to compare cells and use a range of values to calculate totals (i.e. count if cell A1=boy and cell A2 equals either "fat" or "skinny")? Also, I tried using wildcard character "*" in the SUMPRODUCT formula, which didn't work (i.e. if cell A1="boy*" would return at TRUE if the cell contained "boy", "boys", "boy and girl", etc.). Is there a way to include wild card characters in a SUMPRODUCT formula like the ones described above?
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Aug 21, 2009
I have a blank sheet and need to total values in cells to the right of certain information from a range in 90 sheets in other workbooks contained within the same folder.
for example the range is O13:AX500
the first text to search would be "P1", that could be found several times within the range in each workbook with the sheet named "plant"
The value to total would be found in the 2nd cell to its right, ie "P1" in cell O13 then value "£290" in Q13 ::: "P1" in cell X365 then value "£100" in Z365 and so on throughout all 90 workbooks.
The total of the referenced values would then be placed in say B1....
I have around 500 reference codes to total throughout the 90 workbooks so maybe having a list of the text reference down column A may help the process.
Is it possible and can anyone please help with the code to look at a piece of text in new sheet with cell A1 to A500 containing "P1 to P500" and then total all values in the cell 2 to the right in every workbook and place the total in new sheet cell B1 to B500
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Aug 22, 2008
In Worksheet 1, Cell B63 I would like to create a drop down menu, with two options for the user to select - 0.05 and 0.01. I would like each selection to then control the formula in the cells C63:L63, for example;
Where 0.05 selected it computes for cell C63:
then cell D63
and so on
Then if 0.01 selected it would compute for Cell C63
then cell D63
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