Conditional Format Using LEN If Cell Is >3, But <10 Characters.
Nov 7, 2009
I'm working on a report right now that I would like to identify incorrect phone numbers. So I'm looking to use the LEN function to identify and highlight any phone number that is incomplete (like missing area code). But I also don't want it to highlight if there is an "N/A" in the cell.
So I was using =LEN(A1:A100)<10 since 10 digits would be a complete phone number). But I don't know how to manipulate it to be if the cell is greater than 3, but less than 10.
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Mar 29, 2009
I have the following code which formats the cell values in column A to 10 characters on entry:
Sub FormatToTenCharacters()
Dim Cell As Range, LR As Long
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For Each Cell In Range("A1:A" & LR)
If Len(Cell.Value) < 10 Then Cell.Value = "'" & Application.Rept("0", 10 - Len(Cell.Value)) & UCase(Cell.Value)
Next Cell
End Sub
For example:
Enter excel in A1 and it changes to '00000EXCEL
Enter 123456 in A2 and it changes to '0000123456
Enter abc456 in A3 and it changes to '0000ABC456
I want to format it as text so that it does not have the apostrophe (').
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May 14, 2014
I need a formula that I can put into a cell, I assume via data validation, and will prevent the use of any symbols other than a hyphen "-". Spaces are fine. The cell is being used to enter the 1st line of an address.
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Feb 16, 2010
I thought I had this solved but an inconsistency has shown up. I have a long list of chemical formulas that I want to format (partially) as subscript.
Basically what I need the macro to do is look at each character within a cell and check to see if it is numeric. If it is AND it follows a non-numeric character it should be formatted as subscript.
H2O the 2 should be subscript
H2SO4 the 2 and the 4 should be subscript
2CCl4 only the 4 should be subscript
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Feb 16, 2010
I have a long list of chemical formulas that I want to format (partially) as subscript.
Basically what I need the macro to do is look at each character within a cell and check to see if it is numeric. If it is AND it follows a non-numeric character it should be formatted as subscript.
H2O the 2 should be subscript
H2SO4 the 2 and the 4 should be subscript
2CCl4 only the 4 should be subscript
CuSO4 - 5H2O
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Mar 20, 2013
Is it possible to change the format of cell AI3 based on the format of cell C3 and D3? I have C3 and D3 set to turn red based on what is in cell C2 and D2. I would like the following done:
If AI3=C3 & C3 is red, format AI3 blue
If AI3=D3 & D3 is red, format AI3 blue
Otherwise, leave AI3 unformatted.
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May 13, 2009
I'm trying to use conditional formatting to highlight cells in a column that have less than 8 characters.
I know the LAN function, but I don't know how to make it work for the conditional formatting.
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Mar 29, 2014
I would like to ask if there's a way to generate a random 4 characters in one cell and the specific random 4 characters that has been generated will be copied until the last cell of my preferred choice?
The format that I want is that:
yymmdd / random 4 characters that has been generated / 4 numbers that will increment sequentially
For example:
in A1: 140330QWER0001
in A2: 140330QWER0002
in A3: 140330QWER0003
But here's the catch, the file that I am using when closed then opened again will generate another random 4 characters with the same format. If i opened this file tomorrow:
for example the date for tomorrow is March 31, 2014, the file will do:
in A1: 140331TYUI0001
in A2: 140331TYUI0002
in A3: 140331TYUI0003
I tried to record it, the Rand() function when copied will generate another 4 characters.
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Feb 9, 2009
I have certain cells in column ‘D’ with a ‘nine digit code’ then a ‘space’ and the word ‘sum’ e.g. ‘123456789 sum’.
What I require is the formula to enter in ‘formula is’ when you select Conditional Formatting so the cells in column ‘E’ changes to a green background if the corresponding cell in column ‘D’ has text in it and the last three characters are the word ‘sum’
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Apr 2, 2009
I've used Conditional format before and up to now never had a problem with it. I would like that if a cell ends with a number it turns (eg) yellow. So Hallo1 remains colourless, but in the case of Hallo2 the cell turns yellow. I have tried (in the active cell A20) Right(a20,1)>1 (with the setting hasFormula) and =Right(a20,1)>1, both without the desired result.
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May 10, 2013
I have a column in a sheet referencing data from a column in another sheet in my workbook. I want to apply conditional formatting on these numeric values, from red for lowest vals to green for highest. However the fact that my column is referencing cells that will not yet have data means that they are being pulled over as 0. I am not displaying zero values in cells but the zero vals are still being included in the conditional format. Is there any way to discount these zero vals?
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Oct 28, 2008
Cell D8 contains many different account codes. When entering into this sheet, if D8 is filled using account code 4010.12, 4010.17, or 1190.1000, then I want Cell J8 to turn a different color, flagging that cell so they know they have to fill that cell in J8, otherwise that cell will remain blank.
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Mar 11, 2009
I am trying to conditionally format columns B:I so that when either "Closed" "Complete" are entered in G they all go grey
Also I want the cell in column I to go red when the date in there is equal to today or has gone past
I have got it to work using:
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Jan 17, 2014
With the click of a toolbar button, I've got my vba inserting a new tab, renaming it, inserting headers and now working on the code to insert all the formulas needed in 12 columns to copy down as far as there is data.
The 4th column D is the hardest. Currently, I'm using manual "Conditional Formatting" to colorize the cells in Col D but need the VBA to place that "Conditional Formatting" code into the sheet so that when the sheet is created, it will hold the conditional formatting feature.
Specifically, the formulas I'm using in the Conditional format wizard are:
Formula: =$B2$D2 then turn the cell red Applies to: =$D$2:D
Copy down (in other words, the colorizing should work all the way down Column D as long as there is data in Col D.
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Jul 23, 2014
How to write a VBA that will, if the value of a cell in column "U" is TRUE, that row's FONT (for the row the TRUE cell is in) will turn red.
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Jul 25, 2002
I wonder how to copy a conditional format from one cell to its current row.
I've attached an example (if B3 is green then I'd like its whole row turns green too).
I think there should be an "easy" way to turn the whole rows green, red or whatever color based on the B column formats (or colors)..........
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Feb 19, 2007
I'm afraid as its a multiple conditional format and thus needs coding. At the moment I'm using the following
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' Conditional Formatting for more than 3 conditions
Dim rng As Range
' Target is a range::therefore,it can be more than one cell
' For example,,someone could delete the contents of a range,
' or someone could enter an array..
Set rng = Intersect(Target, Range("E27:E34,G27:G34,I27:I34,K27:K34,M27:M34,O27:O34,Q27:Q34,S27:S34,U27:U34,W27:W34,Y27:Y34,AA27:AA34"))
If rng Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
This works very nicely, so that for example if I type the number 10 into cell M33, that cells fill colour becomes black (and the text turns white). Alas I would now also like to extend the fill and text colour to the cell one to the left too. To take this example I would type 10 into cell M33 and cells L33 and M33 would both be filled black and their text would be white. I'm not sure if this requires a change to the code, or if its possible to just have a formula or something which copies the fomatting of one cell into another
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Mar 28, 2007
If I wanted to highlight a cell if any cell in the range to the right was greater than zero, what formula would i use. I have tried =IF(L1:AD1>0,1) with the result returning for only the cells in column L. Row 3 has no value in column L but a value in column N with no result to highlight the cell.
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Jul 24, 2013
Looking to use conditional formatting to highlight a cell based on the value of another.
I.E. Highlight Cell B2 if Cell A3 is 4 or greater.
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Feb 25, 2009
This has been kicking my can all morning! Should be simple. I'm trying to conditionally format an array from the value of a single cell.
=IF(A1<80, A3:A24,RED,0)
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Mar 25, 2010
Is it possible to format a cell based upon the format of another cell? For instance, if the cell to the left of a target cell is bold, is there a conditional formatting cell that can be used so that the target cell is bold as well?
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Jan 25, 2012
I have a large spreadsheet with a number of columns that are set up for conditional formatting. For example a column of "BUY"'s and "SELL"'s where the "BUY"s are formatted with the default "light green fill, dark green text". I have other columns that are conditionally formatted using a formula. When I base the result on a formula I don't seem to have the option to use the default formats. Is it possible to use the defaults or maybe even how to customize my format to look like the default? It would look a lot better if I had a uniform red/green style throughout the sheet.
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Jan 18, 2013
I have two cells. both formatted to contain dates.
cell a1 will have a date in it. cell a2 will have a date calculated to be cell a1 + 42 days.
now, when cell a2 reaches a date that is greater than cell a1 + 42 i want cell a2 to be formatted as fill red.
so, i have tried a conditional format as =a1+42 >=TODAY() but it always highlights as red even if the value in cell a2 is less than cell a1+42.
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Mar 13, 2013
I want to highlight an entire row based on the contents of of a particular cell. For instance, if c4 contains data, highlight the entire row 4. If c5 is blank, do not highlight the entire row 5...and on and on...
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Jun 13, 2007
is there any way to set the conditional format to the colour of a particular cell if the condition is met?
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Apr 19, 2008
I have set 3 conditional formatting rules where the row from column A to K will change depending on the value on column L.
Selection is equal to A3:K100, conditions are similar to:
- Formula is =$K3="PIP"
Then for formatting I chose WHITE BOLD FONT & BLUE SOLID PATTERN, for example.
Conditional formatting only allows 3 conditions. If this can be replicated
using VBA, then you can set "n" conditions, correct?
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Feb 8, 2008
i m trying to format a cell so that it colours in red when a specific text is chosen in another cell, ive tried conditional formatting but I cannot get it to work. e.g column A has a drop down list, if GB or IEN is chosen in that cell then cell in column K will become red. (as if these two are chosen then they have to input a number into column K). Once they have inputted the number into column K i want it to go back to its original format. Or if they dont select GB or IEN then it would stay in its original format aswell.
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Nov 11, 2012
Can I conditions format a cell based on data from another cell?
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Oct 31, 2008
As a pert of a spreadsheet I have 2 columns (M5:N400) of 400 cells deep. Each cell in these columns contains a formula that counts days, when appropriate. They can end up showing a value of blank, a number between 0 and 5, or any number greater than 5. (But very rarely greater than 30)
If the number is greater than 5 then it means that it has exceeded it's target time and I wish to highlight this with conditional formatting (CF). I have a CF on all cells in both columns that says.
If "The cell value" is "Greater than" "5"... then
format the background colour to a pale yellow.
It works, but doesn't work.
If the cell value is 0 to 5 it's unchanged. Good.
If the cell value is >5 it changes. Good.
BUT, if the cell is blank it also changes. Bad!!!
I assume it is because it is looking at the fact that there is a formula in the cell, even though the displayed value is "". So I tried a second level saying that if the cell is equal to "" then no format, but it still changes.
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Jul 24, 2013
Not very good at this but I have the basic sheet attached. All I want is a way to highlight the first cell when the date is within 30 days of the "Due date".
Calibration Record-example.xls
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