Consolidate Data From Many Sheets To One Sheet
Sep 30, 2006
I'am have one data file with so many sheets those need to edit and bring them to final summary sheet.
I dont know how to move between sheets and edit them automatically.
Editing will need to add the brand name next to the variance name and the sheet name in one new column. And bringing those rows with completed data only to All sheet from those sheets in workbook.
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Feb 1, 2009
I have 2 sheets which validates data using vlookup.
Table 1ABResult1121232313
=VLOOKUP(A7,B:B,1,FALSE) is the formula in result1 column.
Sheet 2
Table 2DEResult21020102040203010#N/A
=VLOOKUP(F7,G:G,1,FALSE) is the formula in result2 column.
The basic idea of these vlookup is to check whether the data present in A or D column is present in B or E. If the data is there then it will be retrieved in "Result1" or "Result2" columns. If not then the result would return the value "#N/A".
What im trying to do is to copy the resultant data(from Result1, Result2) other than "#N/A" from individual sheets to a final consolidated sheet.
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May 12, 2011
I have 20 excel files each having more that 1000 records, the format and header for all the files are same.
I need to consolidate all these 20 different files into one excel sheet, having only one header row at the top. Since I need to perform this step frequently, I am planning to automate it.
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Feb 8, 2014
* I have a workbook, with different sheets (with sheet name as Home, RawData, Data1, Data2, Data3, ...), these sheets are not fixed
* FYI... sheet (home) has a VBA code which on running creates a new sheet and pull data from some other source (So the sheet number is not fixed in the workbook, but the newly added sheet is named in a specific format as Data1, Data2, Data3, ...)
* So we can say, that the sheet number and name are not fixed (It keeps on changing)
* All these sheets have data in the same format starting from range A2:J2, except sheet(home)
Two things i am trying to do:-
- Select sheets from the workbook (to be consolidated)
- Consolidate selected sheets in a new sheet
Here is the sample file Select sheet then consolidate.xlsm
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Feb 11, 2014
I have the following macro, however I am struggling to make it work on my file:
[Code] .....
I have attached my sample. essentially i have the dec, jan etc month tabs to consolidate into the summary sheet. i would like the data to be dumped from both sheets into the summary sheets. i will be adding a feb, march, april etc tabs as the year progresses.
I would also like column A in the summary sheet to repeat the name of the sheet the data is being retrieved from.
Attached File : sample macro_issue01.xlsm
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Sep 23, 2007
I have been working on this project for some time and still haven't got anywhere with it. What I am essentially trying to do is create a master summary workbook where by you press a button to activate a chunk of VBA that will grab the same range of data from multiple workbooks but also multiple sheets in those workbooks, only problem is the number of sheets in each workbook are constantly changing so I need first find some way of accessing a closed workbooks, then I need a way of looping through a segment of code that will look into approximately 10 workbooks all with a different number of sheets and taking a fixed range of cells out of each sheet and for every workbook make a new tab and paste the information in that tab then move onto the next workbook, find the number of tabs (missing out the first 3 tabs of every workbook) and copy and paste the fixed range from each tab onto a new tab the summary workbook.
I will then have a summary workbook with a number of tabs, each one a different workbook with all the data from all the tabs in that workbook, I can then pull that information using formulas or some more VBA into a summary tab on the summary workbook, consolidating all of the information.
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Jan 25, 2010
writing a macro that could save me loads of time. In the attached file there are 2 separate sheets of data ( named "Elements Innovation" and "Dinttap") that I need copied, pasted, transposed and consolidated into one master sheet (named "Desired result"). Note that the fields that relevant cells are highlighted in yellow. In reality I'll have many (~100) of these sheets that I need the data extracted from, and the work looks like it can be automated using VBA to speed things up.
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Jan 29, 2014
I have 2 pivot table in 2 different sheet and i want to consolidate the data in one sheet.
Pivot table:1(order processed) as below
I need the data as below in separate summary sheet. 2 column in each employee(1 is processed and completed), i dont have option here to create 2columns here hence i put "/" in between.
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Jul 23, 2014
Trying to consolidate and Merge Data on a Separate Sheet
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Feb 20, 2014
I Need to write a macro for the following example.
In sheet 1.
It has data as below
HTML Code: Name Task week hoursworked
1 SAM Teaching 1 2
2SAM Teaching 1 2
3 SAM Teaching 1 3
4 SAM Teaching 1 1
5 SAM Teaching 1 5
I want to consolidate the data as like below and to paste it in sheet2.
HTML Code: Name Task week hoursworked
1 SAM Teaching 1 13
If the Name, Task and Week columns are same then macro should do sum the hours and make it into a single line as mentioned above.
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Oct 17, 2008
I have a workbook that has multiple tabs and need help trying to figure out how to consolidate all the data. I find myself spending hours doing this manually each day.
Here is what I have:
Workbook has tabs labeled....Wk1_Mon, Wk1_Tues, Wk1_Wed, Wk1_Thurs, Wk1_Friday, Wk1_Summary......and repeats all the tabs through Wk5....then I have a Month_Summary tab.
I have 25 users with 25 seperate workbooks each with individual information on each workbook.
I am trying to get a sum of all the data on the Month_Summary tab for each month for each user and as well as a sum of the Month_Summary tab for all 25 users.
The end result I am looking for is to get a Yearly Sum of all the Month_Summary Tabs for all 25 users as well as individual yearly summaries for each users.
I have one main Folder which contains 25 folders (one for each user). Under each user folder there is a seperate Workbook for each month.
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Jun 26, 2009
can i consolidated all my sheet into 1 Consolidated Sheet by one sheet information below another. To make it clear i am showing the result how it should appear and what if the sheet is another workbook how would i write the path.
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Apr 26, 2014
i have a workbook with multiple spreadsheets A1, A2, A3, A4, ...... and I have information in each table, i need a macro to select the range of information and consolidate them into another file, ie the macro would say:
Enter the desired range of sheets:
I would input: from A31 to A34
and create a new new workbook called CONSOLIDATED
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Jun 4, 2014
I have three sheets viz AR , AP, TR where I am capturing the monthly maturities for AP and TR and monthly collections in AR sheet.
All the sheets have same number of columns , the common factor between this three sheets are
1) the status column which contains two status cleared and Not cleared and
2) bank where I have different banks
I need to apply two conditions in the first sheet (named consolidate sheet ) where in the user will select first condition as criteria and the second condition as bank , based on this two criteria all the related information should get consolidated from (AR,AP,TR) sheets to the consolidated sheets
I may add more sheets in the future , it should take that also into account
I was able to apply the first condition that of criteria but need setting up the second condition of Bank .
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Jan 5, 2012
I have an excel sheet which has 70 sheets in it...All of them are numbered but not in a sequential manner (eg : 210,211,201,202,215 etc..).The numbering is nothing but the sales order number....
All the sheets have same data (i.e Column A contains Product Sold, Column B contains Sale Value)...The thing is i want to consolidate all the data in sales order number wise. i.e.
Column A Column B
201 $200
202 $300
203 $450
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Jun 30, 2014
I came across the following code, which does exactly what i want. It opens up all workbooks in a specified folder, and consolidates these into one. Each worksheet data is added below that of the previous workbook.
I have changed this to suit my workbook which has the header rows starting in row 6, but is now giving an error due ot the copy area not being the same size as the past area. It appears to be copying columns A:M and trying to paste this into the main workbook in columns A:N.
[Code] .....
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Jan 25, 2009
On about 30 worksheets I have lists of names. These names are changed and added to now and then. I would like them to automatically populate a worksheet called "list". Preferably the names of every sheet with a blank cell at the bottom.
The whole work book is about 60 worksheets.
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Aug 29, 2007
I have same kind of file stored in a folder every day. For example an expense statement that is being pulled every day has sheet tabs Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. Every day it gets stored in a particular folder. I need to consolidate for say 4 weeks. All sheet tabs look alike. I need to consolidate all mondays, all tuesday sheets ... in a master work book.
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Jan 25, 2014
[URL] ....
I want to sort the Inventory Checklist sheet based on Column D but it gives me nothing but references errors.
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Feb 9, 2014
I have attached an example of a Trail Balance workbook that shows monthly tabs and a summary tab. Column A&B is just a small sample of the Account #'s and Account description for each month. Obviously i can just Sum the different sheets on the summary page. However, the issue i have is that on the complete detailed sheet (over 200 rows/accounts down) that i have to complete columns A&B don't match up exactly and have added accounts in them or removed. So i need a way to consolidate all sheets in to a summary page making sure all accounts are listed on the summary page along with values summed into the various columns.
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Jun 30, 2014
my macro comes up with an error on the Consolidate line that says 'Cannot add duplicate source reference'. I have a workbook with a variable number of tabs and I want to consolidate-sum (not copy and paste) the data from the various sheets onto a summary sheet within the same workbook. I'm at the point where it all works fine until it hits Consolidate.
Option Explicit
Sub ConsolidateExport()
' ConsolidateExport Macro
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May 19, 2009
I have a file that will have a maximum of about 25 tabs in it. They are all the same format - Column A have account codes, Column B have the account name and Column C through to Column AD have figures. Column B has a drop down menu, so not all tabs will have the same account code on the same row.
I thought that I would create another spreadsheet in the file and call it a master sheet with the same formats as all the other tabs but this master file will have all of the account codes available and will not have a drop down menu in column B. What I wanted to do was consolidate all of the 25 tabs in the master sheet.
Example Worksheets
Acc Code Desc Amount
Acc Code Desc Amount
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Jan 29, 2008
I am trying to consolidate a specific range on 8 similar worksheets into a master list through the use of a macro, and the workbook has a total of 26 worksheets. Details:
The worksheets to be consolidated are named: AR, CM, JR, Trader1, Trader2, Trader3, Trader4, and Trader5. The range to be consolidated are: A6:F26, of each of the above worksheets. Currently, A6:D21 are linked through an array from the worksheet "Index". This is because there are often changes to the names listed under "Trader/Backup Trader", or there may be additions/deletions of a row.
Right now, I have set up a sheet called "Traders List", using arrays to link the data on the 8 different sheets. The only problem is, if there were a change in the "Index" worksheet, I would have to manually drag out each array, for these 8 different worksheets in the "Traders List" sheet. Is there a way a macro can be written such that it is automatically linked to each range (A6:F26) on those 8 worksheets? Is it possible to only show rows that are non-zero?
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Jul 7, 2012
Every month I need to consolidate the individual report in a single sheet for that I was doing with copy paste options but I need this to happen through macro or some other short way.
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Jul 22, 2008
l need to consolidate up to 3 columns of data from a varied number of worksheets within the same workbook. The sheets are (format/layout) structured in the same way. The columns need to get added next to each other in the consolidation sheet.
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Dec 17, 2013
- I have total of 13 sheets in a workbook - 12 sheets represent 12 months with data; 13th sheet is single sheet in which i would like to get complete overview of 12 months
- each of 12 sheets has actually sales results for multiple products with following data: internal code, manufacturer part number, name, and qty sold in that month
- situation is that some products have been phased out during the year and some were introduced so each sheet is slightly different in terms of in which row certain product is located
What i would like to achive is to make 13th sheet (whole year overview) do the following:
- there is a list of all the products in it, each product has unique internal code - this code (from each line) should be used to find that code in each monthly sheet, then find its monthly sales value (copy it) and paste it in sheet 13 in cell that represents this product and particular month.
In other words i would like to see for each product what was monthly sales throughout this year, but avoid manually filling in qty for each product per month.
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Jul 4, 2012
I have a workbook that includes 4 seperate sheets that are used to record time and expenses for 4 members of staff. I want to write a macro to select the data I need from each sheet and colaberate together in a 'data' sheet so I can combine all the info to run time and expense reports per client showing combination of all time and expense incurred from all 4 staff.
I have named cell ranges in each of the 4 time-sheets. I proceed to record a macro, select the first named range, copy and paste into my data sheet, do a control home then control down arrow, then one more down arrow to get to the first blank cell and repeat the process for all four time-sheets.
This works until I add a new line and then the data will only appear for the last time-sheet (last row of data).
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Dec 8, 2013
I'm looking for a way of keeping case sensitive data in a range of cells, before using Data Consolidate, which when merged afterwards, Consolidate removes the case sensitivity and combines the quantities into one.
Check out this simple table as an example >
[Code] .........
Cells A1-B7 and C1-D7 are two sets of original data, before consolidation.
Cells E1-F4 are the result of applying a Data Consolidate operation to the A1-B7 and C1-D7 ranges - note how the merged result ignores the case sensitive condition in the original ranges.
Cells G1-H7 is the post-consolidation result that I'm looking for, where the original text case is maintained.
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Jun 23, 2009
I am trying to get data from one sheet to another. For example:
You'll notice on my attached workbook I have serveral sheets that I would like to show on the one sheet labeled Rollup. Now i know all i have to do is copy and paste, but I would rather for the data to automatically update on the Rollup sheet.
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May 28, 2014
I have this file attached,where I want a macro to concatenate 2 sheets data into one sheet,one after the other.
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