Copy Cell To New Cell If Previous Cell Condition Met
Mar 25, 2013
formula to copy a cell to a new cell if the previous cell meets the condition.
i have attached an example work book.
so what im looking for is on sheet 1 there is a table and cell G9 shows Apples. on Sheet 2 is a second table where the information is in slightly different rows.
I want to be able to [When Sheet 2 Column C = Sheet 1 Column G Then Paste Sheet 2 Column D into Sheet 1 Column H (next to Apples)]
Then i would like in Cell J9 to look something like [When Sheet 2 Column C = Sheet 1 Column G Then Paste Sheet 2 Column F into Sheet 1 Column J]
and i would like Cell I9 to look something like [When Sheet1 Column J = Sheet 1 Column L Then Paste Sheet 1 Column M into Sheet 1 Column I]
G9 H9 I9 J9 L M <-- hidden C D E F
Sheet 1 |Apples| 20 | Hot |Average | Hot | Average Sheet 2 |Apples| 20 | AP | Average
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Apr 29, 2009
how to include a condition in the condition? What I mean is in this set of numbers:
1000(A) 1000(B) 1000(C) 1200(D) 500(E) 1000(F)
I want excel to point out (with a 1, True, x, whatever) if (B) is greater than (A) by 10% or more and if (C) is greater than (B) and so on. I know I cant use =if(C>B,1,0)...Im just unsure how to include the % in the function
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Mar 7, 2014
I'm trying to copy data from one excel sheet to another excel sheet. However, the data to be copied is dependent on the 'client name'.
To explain this further, in the first list I have a detailed report on our clients and the services provided to every employee of that company/client.
However, the sheet two only needs the names of the employees that belong to a specific client.
This can be done manually by setting a fliter on the name of the client/company, but I need to be automated. To ensure only that specific company/client company's employee name is copied.
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Sep 9, 2007
I want to copy formula from previous row to next cell when i enter something in perticular cell.
--Colomn A --- Colomn B -- --------Colomn C
1 01-09-07 ----- John ----------=vlookup(b2,$s$1:$t$10,2,false)
2 01-09-07 ----- Smith -------- =vlookup(b3,$s$1:$t$10,2,false)
Now if i enter date in cell A3 then cell C3 should be automatically filled/copy formula as celll C2. and so on......
then if i enter data to A4 then cell C4 should be automatically filled/copy formula from cell C3.
I have also attached example file.
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Sep 24, 2013
I have one column that contains a monetary amount (column AQ) , and another that contains text reading either "inflows" or "outflows" (column AC)
When AC says "inflows", AQ should be positive, and when AC says "Outflows", AQ should be negative.
I need the text in column AQ (the monetary amount) to become red when the the opposite is true.
i.e. When AQ is negative and AC says "Inflows", AQ should become red. And when AQ is positive and AC says "Outflows", AQ should become red.
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Jan 9, 2010
Trying to word this right. I have one cell with a date of 01/01/2010. I have other cells that I want to be equal to this cell plus 1 or more months.
For example A1=01/01/2010
I want A2 to = 02/01/2010 based on one calendar month entered into A1. So if A1 changes 03/01/2010, A2 will = 04/01/2010.
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Apr 24, 2014
Trying to get a record of who authorized spending in one of my worksheets and when they did it
I had some VBA code in one of my worksheets which added a time stamp and a user ID to two different cells after the user enters their name. Why it is no longer working, though I suspect after moving the worksheet around.
I would like my users to type their name into cell G65 (which is actually merged from G65-K65). Once the user enters their name, cell L65 (which is actually merged L65-O65) populates with the current time stamp. Also, when the user enters their name into cell G65, I would like cell P65 (which is actually merged into P65-S65) to auto populate. I would like this all of this to go down through line 70.
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Mar 10, 2014
I'm trying to set it up so that if a particular cell has any data in it, the contents of a different cell get sent to another. I want the no data/data to serve as a trigger.
As an example, if I put anything into cell A3, I want the contents of cell A1 to copy to H1. I'd also like it to be dynamic so that if I put something into cell B3, the contents of B1 get copied to H1, etc.
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Oct 13, 2012
I've schedule header date 1-oct,2-oct,3-oct.....etc and have two cells Last Date and Hours I need from those cells once i add date and hours to copy the hours and paste in schedule header in the exact date..
for example
Last date
Last Hours
but was too slow takes long time.
2nd VBA code to copy last hours to schedule date based on condition on last date cell.
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Sep 21, 2007
I am trying to do the following....I have data in three column in the "historydata" sheet, A, B, C. A lists the dates, B lists categories, and C lists some data. The data in column C is defined by the date and category in column A and B. What I want to do is...I want to copy data in C to the next empty cell in another spreadsheet if it meets the date and category condition. (for instance, if (y,A)=9/17/2007 and (y, B) = bond A, then I want to copy (y,c) to the next empty cell in sheet "marginreq" based on the first column. Here is my code...but it doesn't work.
Sub OJOM()
Dim A As Integer
A = 2
Do While Worksheets("Historydata").Cells(A, 1) <> ""
If Worksheets("Historydata").Cells(A, 2).Value = Worksheets("MarginReq").Range("B5") And Worksheets("Historydata").Cells(A, 3).Value = Worksheets("MarginReq").Range("B7") Then
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Worksheets("Historydata").Cells(A, 3). CurrentRegion.copy Sheets("MarginReq").cells(rows,count,1).End(xlUp).Offset(1,0)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
End Sub
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Sep 28, 2007
I'm setting up a spreadsheet for work and i have a question. I'm not familiar with the formulas. If i want to set up a formula to where if i type "complete" in the cell it will move the entire row over to the next sheet.
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Jul 31, 2008
I have 2 sheets, sheet1 and sheet2. On sheet1 I have a cell (w,3) which displays either "OK" or "Needed". It will be like this for every row on the sheet. On sheet2 I have more information. I have been trying to create a macro or VB function that everytime the workbook is opened will scan the entire column W for any that say "needed" and if/when one is found copy the data in the cell in column A of the same row from sheet1 to column A of the first blank row in sheet2.
So say cell w,6 displays "needed", I then want to have cell a,6 copied from sheet1 to sheet2 into the first column A that is blank. I don't really care if when w,6 changes to "OK" it removes the entry on sheet2 or not, in fact if it does that would be great.
Here is the code that seems to be not so complicated and has copied information from one sheet to another, can't get it to work consistantly. I copied it off a similar post on this site and am not sure what the last value = "1" is doing but I doubt its helping my cause. The cell I need to trigger the action is in the 23 column, the cell I need copied is always in the first and the cell I need it to be copied into on the 2nd sheet is always in the first column as well. I'm pretty good with regular logical statements but I feel that a lack of knowledge about all the available commands is really whats hurting me on this....
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Sep 7, 2009
I need to copy the data form Cell "C" to Cell "D" only if Cell "D" is empty
i have been using the following code but it will overwrite cell "D" regardless if data is present or not.
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May 3, 2014
I have been struggling with a way to use an IF statement that determines if a cell in column B = 1 then copy that cell and the two cells next to it to a cell starting in range B50. Once the condition is true would want it to copy another below and so on.
1 E10 Rear door failed BL OK
2 B4 Clearance light inop. KL OK
2 C1 Fire extinguisher date expired KL Ok
1 E1 Bumper falling off BL NO
The first and fourth row have a "1" in column B. So as a result these two rows meet the condition and want to copy just the cell in B thru D. Results would look like below
First entry copied to cell B50
1 E10 Rear door failed
1 E1 Bumper falling off
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Dec 4, 2013
I am using the following code to update an invoice summary sheet from an invoice sheet but when a Credit Note is issued I would like the Nett� value copied across to be a negative figure. When a credit note is issued the value of Service Invoice Cell L2 = 2 and an invoice L2 =1.
Sub UpdateSummary()
' Updates Summary Sheet with Invoice Details
Dim InvoiceDate As Date, InvNo As Integer, JobNo As Integer, Company As String, Location As String, Nett� As Currency
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Jan 26, 2007
how can we disable/enable a cell based on a condition which is dependent on other cell data
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Feb 9, 2007
Is it possible to use a formula to shade a cell dependent on a condition? I have tried an if formula (see below) but it is incorrect. =if('November 2006 SVOC'!B6>'March 2006 SVOC'!C6,'November 2006 SVOC'!B6 [red],if('November 2006 SVOC'!B6<'March 2006 SVOC'!C6,'November 2006 SVOC'!B6 [blue],))
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Jan 31, 2013
trying to get number value to increase by 1 in the cell previous descending down a column.
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Aug 27, 2008
I have 2 workbooks, A (source) and B (destination).
Workbook A has 1 sheet named 'master' and has 10 columns a:j
I would like to copy a range of data in worksheet 'master' for entire 10 columns while the cell value (moving down worksheet) of the next cell in column A is greeater than the current cell. eg. if cell values of range a1:a6 = 1 then cell value a7 =2, then copy range a1:j6 to workbook B in sheet 'r1'.
Then I would like to go back to Workbook A sheet 'master' and begin process again starting from where it left off at a7.
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Sep 12, 2007
I am currently doing a spreadsheet and require cells in column f (which have monetry values entered) to colour in different colours depending on whether there is a yes or no value in column e.
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Mar 24, 2014
I am trying to perform a calculation in a cell that leaves the value 0 if before Feb 2014, changes to the value of another cell in Feb 2014 and leaves the value unchanged if after Feb 2014. I can get to the Feb 2014 value but after that month the value changes to 0.
The Cell formula that I am trying to use is as follows:
A3 contains TODAY()
H114 is the cell being calculated
AA118 is the cell containing the calculated value for the current month.
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Jan 2, 2010
Is it possible to effect one cell by the condition of another cell. For example cell A1 turns blue when cell C4 meets a certain condition.
The 1st sheet my users see after install requires a little patience. he/she has to put mandatory information into certain cells. I would like to blank out the rest of the sheet (formatting and all) until this information is supplied. So that the necessary initial requirements stand out alone.
This is a budget package. The user has to initially supply - weekly wage - start date, Account names, estimate amounts that will be spent on each account per week, before the program can work
I do supply instructions - but hey! who reads them? They get refered to perhaps after the 1st stuff up.
A form may work - but the sheets are already laid out with spaces in the wrong places for forms (so the Form Wizard seems to indicate) - beside the fact that I wouldn't have a clue how to make a form
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Aug 1, 2007
i am trying to find a cell in column C (if cell =140) and copy that cell and the adjacent cell in column "D" to worksheets called" upload" then repeat through multiple tabs- repeating process and dumping values in columns on the "upoload" worksheet
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Sep 25, 2008
With "edit directly in cell" turned off, if you double click through in a cell containing a formula to the cell being refferenced, is there a quick way of getting back to the original cell you clicked on?
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Feb 23, 2003
I have a DDE-based worksheet, that is obtaining data from Townsend Analytics' RealTick Server software. One of my cells is a DDE formula that retrieves the current BID ask price, for a given stock.
When a new BID price comes in to my designated cell, I need to somehow capture the existing BID price, before this new one updates in the requisite cell. I want to be able to store this "old" value in another cell.
Unfortunately, there is no "pre-cell" event trapping. I've tried to work with the worksheet_change event, which passes an argument of the effected cells, but the cell value has already changed, by the time this event has been called.
This problem sounds simple, but I am at a loss for a solution. Does anybody out there in EXCEL-land have a solution ?
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Oct 23, 2009
what is wrong in this code, it does not paste.
HTML Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 7).Select
ActiveCell.Copy Destination:=ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=(R[1])"
I am trying to copy from the selected cell and paste one cell below(next row) in same column.
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Nov 10, 2008
If I want to create a column of numbers, say 1 2 3 4 5, I can simply add +1 to the previous cell and then use "fill down" to generate my number sequence. How would one generate a column of numbers that repeat once? e.g.: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5, etc
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Mar 2, 2009
How could i change this formula so
If the previous cell "filled with a number" in column D is equal to C17 Then C18 otherwise c17
This is the formula
This formula is in D38
This formula is in D65
I also need to apply the same to this formula
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Jan 13, 2011
We have a sizeable Excel workbook that contains many worksheets for various things, everything works smoothly except for one minor niggle.
I am looking for a formula that references to a cell on a previous worksheet, the worksheet could be named anything (eg A1, B, 2, 3.4, etc). Then to add 1, ideally the first worksheet inserted must equal, say, 0 BUT can reference the sheet previous as this is a constant; so something along the lines of...
Cell A1 =magic formula
Cell A2 =A1+1
This is to get a vlookup to work consistently.
OR another option is, for the worksheet to reference an already populated worksheet and read down a table by adding one to reference the cells. Eg first sheet reads ='schedule'!A13, the next sheet added would read A14 then A15 etc...
OR a worksheet (like page numbers) count into a cell onto each worksheet inserted, eg on worksheet 6 in cell A1 the number 6 would be inserted then worksheet 7 would have 7 inserted into A1 etc..
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Aug 5, 2014
[Code] ......
What is wrong with above code? I am not able to select previous A15 cell, when macro is selected from C1 cell ( B row is filtered to hide ).
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