Copy Rows Where Column Cell Is Not Blank

Dec 13, 2007

What I have are invoices that span an entire month that I need to convert into a format for the billing department. The columns I have right now are: "Invoice Number"Cost CenterAccountFundType of Service" Date of Completion"Unit PriceQty Total Price

I need to generate a file with the headings as: Cost CenterFund"Date of Completion"Account Total Price. Since Total Price only appears on the rows that have the final information I need, I want to have a script that grabs every line in which the Total Price column has data, generate a file of the summary lines, then throw that through another macro to reformat it into the final format, or just do it in one step. In summary I need to grab rows where Column I is not empty, whats the best way to do this?

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Delete ALL Rows That Have Cell In Column (J) That Looks Blank

Feb 11, 2010

I'm trying to delete rows which has columns that appears to be blank. Below code worked fine but it took about 15 min for the macro to work through the spreadsheet.

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Find Non-blank Cell In Column Then Copy Row

Jun 5, 2008

Basically this is what I want to do:

1. Search a specific column (Column 21/U) for non-blank values in Worksheet 1
2. Copy the entire row containing the non-blank values
3. Paste these rows into Worksheet 2.

Repeat steps 1-3 an additional 2 times, where Worksheet 1 is always searched but one more column to the right (ex. Column 22/V) is the target column for the search, then the rows are pasted into the next Worksheet (for ex. Worksheet 3)

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Copy Cell Values From X Columns To 1 Blank Column

Sep 30, 2006

I got 3 columns of cell values as follows:

Demo 1
_ 12 14 16
_ 32 12 18

Demo 2
12 12 14 16
32 32 12 18

Can data of the 3 columns be copies (by vba code) to the blank col A in the exact sequence as shown in Demo 2?

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How To Find First Blank Cell In Column Then Copy All Preceding Cells

Aug 14, 2013

I am working with arrays that extend far beyond their actual content, and so i am looking for a way, through macros, to find the first blank cell in a column and then copy all preceding cells in that column.

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Copy Cell On Each Change To Next Blank Cell In Column

Dec 10, 2006

I want to copy a changing value from a cell (A3) to the next blank cell in the column creating a list of numbers for a total.

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If Cell Blank, Copy Prior Column Cell Value

Jan 30, 2007

I need some VBA code that will allow me to copy the prior columns cell value into the current row if the cell is blank. More specifically if there is a blank cell in column D, then copy the adjacent value in column C to the cell. Hope this makes sence. I've attached a sample spreadsheet that shows my desired output.

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Copying Only Rows With Data In First Column - Skipping Rows With Blank First Column

May 12, 2014

I have 2 columns of data E and F. Column E has 11 different words that randomly repeat, Column F has 10 years of dates, about 1,000 entries (10/11/12 format). Both columns values come from formulas.

I am trying to copy cells E & F to columns K & L starting in row 2 only if there is is data in column E (one of the 11 words) and skipping all others rows. Both the E & F values of tthe row must be copied together, i.e if text is in E45, then copy E45 and F45 into column K and L starting with K2 & L2. This is a task which will be repeated multiple times as data is replaced in columns A-D.

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Copy Rows Where Cell In Column Is Filled

Dec 1, 2007

I did find information from other posts but with my mininal knowledge of VBA, I am not able to apply the macros for my need. I have an order form. Row 1 to 10 contain personal information. Column A is the "quantity" and Column E is the " total" with a formula. If cell of column E is filled (contain the $ amount), I want the whole row copied to another sheet. I also want row 1 to 10 to copy to the other sheet as well.

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Copy Rows Of Column Matching Cell Value

Jun 24, 2008

I had a quick look around and couldn't find exactly what I was after my apologies if it already exists. I have attached a sample worksheet and I would like it the entire row A from sheet 1 to sheet 3 if the cells A2 OR D2 contain what is in cell Sheet2!A1.

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Pulling Rows From Other Sheet - Skipping Over Rows If Column Is Blank

Jan 17, 2014

I am working in the attached spreadsheet. For anyone who does not wish to open the link, let's say these sheets are titled 'Sheet1' and 'Sheet2'.

Sheet2 looks like this:

Year Cat Name
2013 4 Sal
2013 4 Pat
2013 3 Pat


Now, how may I pull this data into a summary sheet (Sheet1) that skips over any instances where column A ("Year") is blank so it looks like this:

Year Cat Name
2013 4 Sal
2013 4 Pat
2013 3 Pat
2013 2 Pat
2013 5 Bob


Note: All columns are the EXACT same across each sheet(including Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3), if that extra piece of information works.

PS It is fine if, in order for a formula to work, I need to copy and paste the formula for the length of rows per each Sheet to consolidate.


So, in my industry, any summary-level data (shown on Sheet1) must have a linked reference to a particular sheet (Sheet2, Sheet3, etc.) so the user knows where the raw data came from. This is to ensure increased accuracy of data and minimize human error (like, if for example, I accidentally didn't copy and paste all the rows correctly).

I have uploaded the actual sheet to show what the data actually look like. I am trying to pull in 2013 data into my "Summary Page" and would like to have all the data linked to the '2013' sheet but skip any blank rows.

Here is my failed formula:


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Copy Without Blank Rows

Sep 4, 2007

I have a worksheet with macros which generates data after a number of blank rows (the number of blank rows is never the same). I want to copy the data rows to another worksheet without the beginning rows being blank. I am not sure of the best way to do this and if it can be done with a macro in the new worksheet. At the moment I do a manual copy and paste.

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How To Copy Value From Column A After Blank Line And Insert Text In Column B

Mar 21, 2014

I have a workbook that usually looks something like this

Category Product No description Price

Balloons 12345 Red Disney balloon .50
Balloons 12567 Blue Princess balloon .86
Balloons 76521 Angry Birds Balloon .80

Kites 23456 A Big red Kite .27
Kites 22222 A small blue kite .06

Banners 10000 Party banner .33


I need to find a way to copy the category below an empty row from column A and paste it in the blank row in column B . If possible to bolden the text but I could probably work that bit out myself. I'm new to this but have used VBA before to run macros.

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How To Copy Ranges Between Two Blank Rows

Aug 16, 2013

I have data in column A separated by blank rows. I want to copy ranges between two blank rows, and paste it to sheet named "mega" so that each range is in its own column.This is code I'm working now.


Sub QuickSet2()
Dim rng1 As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rng1 = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).EntireRow
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
Sheets("mega").Range("A1").End(xlRight).Offset(0, 1).Paste
MsgBox "No constants found"
End If
End Sub

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Copy Down All The Possible Rows With Values Until The Row Is Blank

May 8, 2008

I have 21 (20 data sheets + 1 result sheet) excel worksheets. A5:E5 is the starting row of values. I want to copy down all the possible rows with values until the row is blank (.xlDown) and paste in Sheet21, A2 onwards.

The problem is each of these 20 sheets have different number of rows of values (say 1 has 10 rows, 2 has 23 rows etc.,). I want to copy A5:E15 in Sheet1 and paste in A2:E11 in Sheet21 and copy A5:E28 in Sheet2 and paste in A12:E35 in Sheet21 and so on.

Sheets("Sheet1","Sheet2" .......)
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats, Operation:= _
xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

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VBA To Copy Non-blank Cells From Column And Paste Into Another Column

Oct 4, 2013

In sheet "diary" I have data in certain rows in column A8:C10000 that contains values if a certain condition is met. I need a vba to copy and past only non blank cells in column D8:F10000. I first wrote a formula with index but it takes too long to caculate.

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Copy Or Create 'blank Cell' As 'blank'

Feb 4, 2009

using a formula to copy a cell A1. if A1 is blank, i need forumula result in blank instead it possible..

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Find Rows Containing Data And Copy To Next Blank Row?

Apr 21, 2013

In table 1 you will see that not all rows contain data (this is because i have removed it previously with a macro) the second table shows what i want the macro to do but without deleting rows:

Hiddenrow with formula


So basically i would like a macro to search for the first none blank value in column A and copy the row to the first available blank row , it also needs to blank out that row once done. i.e row 3 would be moved up to row 2, 5 up to 3, 7 up to 4 etc etc.

The hidden rows contain formulas which cannot be deleted or my ws goes Pete Tongue.

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Macro To Copy / Paste On Blank Rows

Apr 28, 2014

What I have are dates in Column B with a lot of blank rows in between. For example: cell B2 has a date in it and then the next date would be on cell B54. I need a macro to copy cell B2 until it finds a new date (which is in cell B54) then copy the date in cell B54 until the next date again.. so on..

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Copy Non Blank Cells In Column Up 1 Row To Another Column

Mar 20, 2008

I need a macro to copy and paste data from Col A to Col B. But I need it pasted 1 row up. In other words if A6 has data I need it pasted in B5 and Bolded. I got a start but don't know how to finish.

Dim ii As Long
For ii = lastrow To 6 Step -1
If Not IsEmpty(. Range("A" & ii).Value) Then ****.Range("A" & ii).Copy*****
Next ii

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Excel 2003 :: Copy List Without Blank Rows?

Mar 20, 2014

I have a master list of Players on one sheet B2:B72 and in E2:E72 is a column called Playing and in it is "y" or "n". I need to make a list of the Players that are Playing on another sheet without blank rows (I can do it but it leaves blank rows for the Players that have a "n" from column B. I am using 2003

Here is the formula I am using now: =IF(Players!$E3="y",Players!$B3, " ") but I get blank rows for the player that are not playing.

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Delete Rows If Corresponding Column Is Blank

Jun 15, 2007

I am trying to delete rows that do not have values in column B. This is a quote form that takes up over 1000 rows but not all are needed (ie lines that do not have any value in B "qty"). Is there a way do have excel delete these without doing it manually?

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First Blank Cell In Column & Offset To 1st Blank In Row

Jul 11, 2007

I have checked archives, some similiar but not quite what I want.

In code below I want the output instead of going offset one column to right in same row to go one column to right into the next blank cell.

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Copy Paste Special Macro And Skip Blank Rows

Jan 10, 2012

Can a macro make a workbook everytime you copy, it will paste special formulas only and skip blank rows? And can I still let me select the range manually? I would like to use this to link workbooks.

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Macro To Copy Rows Containing Specific Blank Cells To Another Workbook

Jan 30, 2013

I have spreadsheet of data, I need to extract any rows that have blanks cells in columns F or P or T.

If possible I would like a macro I could run that would cut all of the rows that meet the above criteria and paste them in to a separate sheet.

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Delete Rows :: Where The Corresponding Entry In Column Is Blank

Oct 7, 2008

I have data input in a particular column, say Column C.

I would like to have a macro that deletes the rows where the corresponding entry in Column C are blank.

In addition, there are multiple worksheets with the same data format in the same spreadsheet, but the number of row varies. It would be great if the macro can delete the row with blank cell in that column across all worksheet.

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Insert Blank Rows Where Date In Column D Changes

Mar 21, 2007

I have a spreadsheet containing hours logged against a specific project, all of which have a 'Week Beginning' date.

I would like a macro to insert two rows above a change of date (in the D column). How best should this be done?

It's basically a formatting macro I'm after, to group records by 'Week Beginning' date.

I've spotted a few similar requests, but none of them appeared to include the function to check for a change in date, from the cell above.

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Hide Blank Rows Based On Value In Column

Jan 13, 2008

What I have is a sheet where the cells in range A9:A3508 have a formula that evaluates to blank if any of a variety of conditions are not met (date falls outside desired range, does not meet filter criteria, etc.) and a number if these conditions are met. What I am looking for is for all rows in that range where A is blank to be hidden (not deleted), and for this to automatically update every time A changes (meaning that if A goes from blank to a number, that I will need that row to become unhidden again). I have considered just recording the macro and calling the function with a button, but as this is for external users, some of whom may be unfamiliar with Excel, I would rather keep it as clean, simple, and automatic as possible.

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Select / Activate Specific Row Then Copy Format / Formula To All Blank Rows

Jan 21, 2012

I need a code that will copy the format AND formulas of the entire row that I have selected (or activatedwith my cursor) to each and every blank row - until it gets to the last row of data on this spreadsheet.Since any employee could have more than 1 row of data - I am using a code that inserts1 blank row after each NEW employee name.

NOTE: This report is initially sorted by employee name so that each occurrence is grouped together.REPORT SPECIFICS:1) This report reflects typical paryoll information.2) Certain columns have data that is either in text, general, or number ($) format3) The number of columns may vary depending on which PR report is being worked4) For the sake of simplicity - we can assume that the column titles will always be across row 15) Each employee name on this report may repeat several times depending on how many weeks they worked,so the SUM() formula should adjust automatically to capture all the rows of data to add up for each employee

texttexttexttexttextformulaformulaformulaDeptDivEmployee NameEE#Period EndHrs WorkedPTOAccrd LiabilityCSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/7/1280.5$ 100.00 CSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/16/12121$ 200.00 CSDINNECage Nick2581/7/1281$ 600.00 CSDINNECage Nick2581/16/12245$ 25.00 CSDINNECage Nick2581/23/12323$ 25.00 CSDINWPolly Cracker1781/7/12856$ 60.00 CSDINWPolly Cracker1781/16/12242$ 654.00 ARVIPWPolly Cracker1781/23/12322$ 2.00 ARVIPWPolly Cracker1781/28/12161$ 5.00 ARVIPWPolly Cracker1782/6/1284$ 3.00 CSDINSEDim Sum6871/7/1284$ 65.00 CSDINSEDim Sum6871/16/12126$ 5.00

Sub InsertRowAtNewNameONE()Dim LR As Long, i As LongLR = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).RowFor i = LR To 2 Step -1If Range("C" & i).Value Range("C" & i - 1).Value Then Rows(i).InsertNext iEnd Sub

NOTE: See below: I will format and add formulas where I need on the 1st blank row that was createdand I need a code that will copy this particular row to all blank rows to the last.

recordtexttexttexttextcountformulaformulaformulaDeptDivEmployee NameEE#Period EndHrs WorkedPTOAccrd LiabilityCSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/7/1280.5$ 100.00 CSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/16/12121$ 200.00 2201.5$ 300.00

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Advanced Filter To Return Rows W/blank Column

Mar 25, 2009

I have a worksheet which shows multiple tests and whether they are completed or not[code]Test 1 Person1 Test 2 Person2 Test 3...Person12. I want to search for a specific test, e.g. pH which could be in any of the "Test" columns but only return it if it is not completed. The "Person" columns will be blank if no one completed the test.

I set up the Advanced Filter criteria with all the appropriately labeled columns and for the Person columns, I put ="" but it is returning all rows which have pH in them whether they are completed or not. What should I be putting in the Person columns of the criteria to only return those rows which have the pH test but it is not completed. I attached an example of the criteria range and the filter window to help clarify (the full spreadsheet is huge)

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