Copy Down All The Possible Rows With Values Until The Row Is Blank
May 8, 2008
I have 21 (20 data sheets + 1 result sheet) excel worksheets. A5:E5 is the starting row of values. I want to copy down all the possible rows with values until the row is blank (.xlDown) and paste in Sheet21, A2 onwards.
The problem is each of these 20 sheets have different number of rows of values (say 1 has 10 rows, 2 has 23 rows etc.,). I want to copy A5:E15 in Sheet1 and paste in A2:E11 in Sheet21 and copy A5:E28 in Sheet2 and paste in A12:E35 in Sheet21 and so on.
Sheets("Sheet1","Sheet2" .......)
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats, Operation:= _
xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
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Nov 3, 2006
I have a worksheet used for inventory. In Column A is the quantity (to be entered manually). In Column B is the product description. In Column C is the price of the product, and Column D the total price (column C price x the quantity entered in Column A). At the bottom of the worksheet is a grand total. Also, Column B (products) is grouped into subheadings by the supplier each product came from (for example, row 6 has the title PPG, and then rows 7-137 list every product from PPG).
The calculations in this worksheet work fine. What I am trying to do is, using a macro once all of the appropriate quantities are entered in column A, automatically hide every row of product that does not have a quantity. The tricky part is, if no products under a given supplier subheader are entered, the subheader also hides, and if a quantity is entered, that subheader shows. For example, if I have no quantities under any products for PPG, then the PPG subheader hides, but if just one quantity is added, PPG shows. Also, this list will be constantly updated, new products will be put in and taken out all of the time, so I cannot base the macro on a specific number of rows.
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Sep 4, 2007
I have a worksheet with macros which generates data after a number of blank rows (the number of blank rows is never the same). I want to copy the data rows to another worksheet without the beginning rows being blank. I am not sure of the best way to do this and if it can be done with a macro in the new worksheet. At the moment I do a manual copy and paste.
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Nov 13, 2006
I am trying to write a macro which will delete all rows where cells in column B are blank. I am new to macros and since I have only been able to record them, I am having a tough time hand-writing this one.
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Aug 16, 2013
I have data in column A separated by blank rows. I want to copy ranges between two blank rows, and paste it to sheet named "mega" so that each range is in its own column.This is code I'm working now.
Sub QuickSet2()
Dim rng1 As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rng1 = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).EntireRow
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
Sheets("mega").Range("A1").End(xlRight).Offset(0, 1).Paste
MsgBox "No constants found"
End If
End Sub
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Jul 16, 2009
I want my macro to consider the # of rows of data on a spreadsheet and insert values into columns for those rows but then stop when it hits a blank one. For simplified example below, I have 3 columns in my spreadsheet. Row 1 has headers of Location, Status, and Effective Date. The first 5 rows of data under the headers have a value in the Location column (San Jose, Oakland, etc). When I run the macro, I want it to insert a value of "ACTIVE" in the Status column for each row that has a value in the Location column. Also, a single Effective Date value is stored in a cell elsewere in the spreadsheet, and I want the macro to insert that value in the Effective Date column for each row that has a value in the Location column. When it hits a blank row - row 7 in this spreadsheet - I want it to stop.
Location| Status | Effective Date
San Jose
I currently am using an IF statement in the Status column fields to say if Location = blank, then blank, else "ACTIVE". That works, except that the # of rows populated in Location column could be 5 or 1,000, and inserting the formula that many times seems to quickly increase the file size.
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Apr 21, 2013
In table 1 you will see that not all rows contain data (this is because i have removed it previously with a macro) the second table shows what i want the macro to do but without deleting rows:
Hiddenrow with formula
So basically i would like a macro to search for the first none blank value in column A and copy the row to the first available blank row , it also needs to blank out that row once done. i.e row 3 would be moved up to row 2, 5 up to 3, 7 up to 4 etc etc.
The hidden rows contain formulas which cannot be deleted or my ws goes Pete Tongue.
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Apr 28, 2014
What I have are dates in Column B with a lot of blank rows in between. For example: cell B2 has a date in it and then the next date would be on cell B54. I need a macro to copy cell B2 until it finds a new date (which is in cell B54) then copy the date in cell B54 until the next date again.. so on..
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Dec 13, 2007
What I have are invoices that span an entire month that I need to convert into a format for the billing department. The columns I have right now are: "Invoice Number"Cost CenterAccountFundType of Service" Date of Completion"Unit PriceQty Total Price
I need to generate a file with the headings as: Cost CenterFund"Date of Completion"Account Total Price. Since Total Price only appears on the rows that have the final information I need, I want to have a script that grabs every line in which the Total Price column has data, generate a file of the summary lines, then throw that through another macro to reformat it into the final format, or just do it in one step. In summary I need to grab rows where Column I is not empty, whats the best way to do this?
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Jun 11, 2014
So I have two cells D15 and C15.
I simple want to copy there values (There paste links)
And paste them into the next blank row between D/E17/ and D/E26.
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Feb 19, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with columns and columns of data. What I'd like to do is identify which rows have blank/no data in all specified columns (H, K, O, S, U, W, and Y).
To clarify, I need to identify each row where all of these columns are blank (as opposed to each row where at least 1 column is blank).
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Mar 20, 2014
I have a master list of Players on one sheet B2:B72 and in E2:E72 is a column called Playing and in it is "y" or "n". I need to make a list of the Players that are Playing on another sheet without blank rows (I can do it but it leaves blank rows for the Players that have a "n" from column B. I am using 2003
Here is the formula I am using now: =IF(Players!$E3="y",Players!$B3, " ") but I get blank rows for the player that are not playing.
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Apr 20, 2009
I'd like to have done is to have a blank column inserted between columns W and X(these values change so the VBA statement should reference the end of the columns) and the values that are now in column Y(April 17th values) pasted as values into the now empty column X. I would like to do this for tabs Ann-Sheet 2. I'm having a bit of trouble with setting up the loop that would go through the desired sheets.
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Aug 30, 2008
I'm trying to copy the non blank cells in an area ("B120:K239"). and special paste (values only) to the next blank row of the actual work area (3 pages) within the worksheet. The area that this needs to paste to is between("B10:K29, B44:K63, B78:K97"). Problem is that if there are more rows to be copied and pasted then there are open rows on the first sheet it gives an error due to the rows outside those areas having different formats (merged cells and that)
Question: Is there anyway to special paste between ranges? I've tried to hide the inbetween rows and that still doesn't work. Could it be possible to add something to this code to ignore hidden rows or to only paste to visible rows?
Sub Special_Paste ()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
With Range("B119")
. AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="<>"
With Range("B120:K239")
Application.CutCopyMode = False
With Range("30:43")
.EntireRow.Hidden = True
With Range("64:77")
.EntireRow.Hidden = True
Dim NextRow As Range
Set NextRow = Range("B97").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)...............
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Sep 30, 2006
I got 3 columns of cell values as follows:
Demo 1
_ 12 14 16
_ 32 12 18
Demo 2
12 12 14 16
32 32 12 18
Can data of the 3 columns be copies (by vba code) to the blank col A in the exact sequence as shown in Demo 2?
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Oct 13, 2006
I am working on formatting a spreadsheet report where the values will change in column A. Here is what I would like to do via a Macro. Compare the cells in column A (e.g., compare A2 to A3, compare A3 to A4, and so on). If the values between the two cells in column A are different, insert three blank rows and set the active cell to the next cell following the blank lines. Example:
if cell A5 is different from A6, insert three blank rows below row 5 and new active cell is now A9 and the comparison would start again. I have been trying to code the macro for this but with no success. Here is the macro I have been working on.
Sub Macro1()
Const NumRow As Integer = 3
Dim StartCell As Range
Dim RowNR, NewCnt As Long
Dim RowCount As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim bFmtComplete As Boolean
RowCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA _
(Range("A1", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)))
bFmtComplete = False
RowNR = 2
' Rows("1:1").Select
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Jan 10, 2012
Can a macro make a workbook everytime you copy, it will paste special formulas only and skip blank rows? And can I still let me select the range manually? I would like to use this to link workbooks.
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Jan 30, 2013
I have spreadsheet of data, I need to extract any rows that have blanks cells in columns F or P or T.
If possible I would like a macro I could run that would cut all of the rows that meet the above criteria and paste them in to a separate sheet.
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Jan 21, 2012
I need a code that will copy the format AND formulas of the entire row that I have selected (or activatedwith my cursor) to each and every blank row - until it gets to the last row of data on this spreadsheet.Since any employee could have more than 1 row of data - I am using a code that inserts1 blank row after each NEW employee name.
NOTE: This report is initially sorted by employee name so that each occurrence is grouped together.REPORT SPECIFICS:1) This report reflects typical paryoll information.2) Certain columns have data that is either in text, general, or number ($) format3) The number of columns may vary depending on which PR report is being worked4) For the sake of simplicity - we can assume that the column titles will always be across row 15) Each employee name on this report may repeat several times depending on how many weeks they worked,so the SUM() formula should adjust automatically to capture all the rows of data to add up for each employee
texttexttexttexttextformulaformulaformulaDeptDivEmployee NameEE#Period EndHrs WorkedPTOAccrd LiabilityCSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/7/1280.5$ 100.00 CSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/16/12121$ 200.00 CSDINNECage Nick2581/7/1281$ 600.00 CSDINNECage Nick2581/16/12245$ 25.00 CSDINNECage Nick2581/23/12323$ 25.00 CSDINWPolly Cracker1781/7/12856$ 60.00 CSDINWPolly Cracker1781/16/12242$ 654.00 ARVIPWPolly Cracker1781/23/12322$ 2.00 ARVIPWPolly Cracker1781/28/12161$ 5.00 ARVIPWPolly Cracker1782/6/1284$ 3.00 CSDINSEDim Sum6871/7/1284$ 65.00 CSDINSEDim Sum6871/16/12126$ 5.00
Sub InsertRowAtNewNameONE()Dim LR As Long, i As LongLR = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).RowFor i = LR To 2 Step -1If Range("C" & i).Value Range("C" & i - 1).Value Then Rows(i).InsertNext iEnd Sub
NOTE: See below: I will format and add formulas where I need on the 1st blank row that was createdand I need a code that will copy this particular row to all blank rows to the last.
recordtexttexttexttextcountformulaformulaformulaDeptDivEmployee NameEE#Period EndHrs WorkedPTOAccrd LiabilityCSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/7/1280.5$ 100.00 CSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/16/12121$ 200.00 2201.5$ 300.00
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Jul 7, 2014
I have a workbook with data in columns A:HN.
What I'm trying to do is copy any rows where the range O:HN contains a 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 to a new sheet.
I have been using the following code:
[Code] ....
And running it 5 times (with 3 as string, then 4, then 5 etc...)
However, I'm getting duplicates. I imagine where rows contain for example a 5 and 6? Is there a more accurate way to do this?
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Nov 13, 2012
I've tried to write a VBA code that copies a value down and deletes empty rows. The macro needs to copy down the value in column A from the above row if the current column is empty but delete a row if column B is empty. The following code will copy down the value but will trigger a 400 error and won't delete any rows. The desired effect is to have column A completely filled and the empty row (Row 5) and the row containing "Page 1" (Row 6) deleted.
Public Sub fillType()
Dim LastRow As Integer
Dim Count As Long
LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Count = 0 To LastRow - 1
'If A column is empty, copy value from column above
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Jun 21, 2014
copying all Rows(including blanks) between 2 identical rows
for example
Copy from 2nd row to 7th row (I.E 4554 - 4554) 4554 is on sheet 2 with other rep ID's - Loop with other ID's would be great
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May 2, 2006
I've tried (and failed miserably!) to copy and then paste values from a COLUMN to a ROW using all sorts of code I'd picked up in the forum but all the code only works when copying and pasting values from ROWS to ROWS.
I have data in cell A1, A3, A5 to A13 on Sheet1 (notice blank cells inbetween) that I'd like to copy to to Cells A2 to M2 (A1 to M1 have headings) on Sheet2, then A3-M3 etc.
The cells on Sheet1 will always be the same, BUT each time I click the "Transfer Data" button, those values must be transferred to Sheet2 IN THE NEXT EMPTY ROW, please.
It is not necessary to skip the blank cells in the COLUMN Sheet1 - simply copy / paste them as empty on Sheet 2 and I'll hide the empty columns, i.e. B, D, etc. If it is easy to code this "skipping of blank cells" (thereby limiting the copying / pasting data in order to speed up the process), then that code would be great - I simply do not know what effect it would have.
The values thus copied will become my data sheet.
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Jun 4, 2009
How would you copy a row's formatting and formulas but not value. for example: A1 1 B1 =a1+2
I would like the copied row to be: A2 (blank) B2 =A2+2
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Nov 15, 2009
Column A lists an account code on the summary line of each invoice. I'd like to copy this account code upwards for each individual line of the invoice so that I can summarise each type of charge by account code in a pivot table.
I'm a bit stumped as to how to do it. If possible I don't want to have to modify the data itself in any way so that I can paste new data in the each day without altering it.
I've started on the right with a CountA function for each row, which I was intending as a means to identifying the blanks rows and discount them, but it also showed up that each line requiring an account code to be copied returns a 4 and each invoice summary line returns a 9. I'm just not sure how to reflect this in a function.
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Sep 4, 2006
I have workbook "Sheet1" that has many rows and columns with values. Could I have code to find the cells value "plant2300" in column A and copy all the rows in column A that has the cell value "2300" into workbook Sheet2 (also copy with headers from Sheet1 to Sheet2 row 1).
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Feb 25, 2009
I have used the following long but simple formula.
=SUM((B17*B14)+(C17*C14)+(D17*D14)+(E17*E14)+(F17*F14)+(G17*G14)+(H17*H14)+(I17*I14)+(J17*J14)+(K17* K14)+(L17*L14)+(M17*M14)+(N17*N14)+(O17*O14))
I need to copy it to numerous other cells. However I need the row fourteen values to remain the same while the other values change according to which row I'm copying it to e.g
=SUM((B20*B14)+(C20*C14)+(D20*D14)+(E20*E14)+(F20*F14)+(G20*G14)+(H20*H14)+(I20*I14)+(J20*J14)+(K20* K14)+(L20*L14)+(M20*M14)+(N20*N14)+(O20*O14))
Is there any way of doing this without changing the formula manually every time?
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Nov 26, 2012
I'm new to macros and VBA so I am wondering if it is possible for a macro to compare values in column B of sheet2 and column B of sheet3 and for the values that DON'T match i.e. unique values to column B of sheet2, copy row from sheet2 to sheet4? This will aid my processing time drastically if I can copy all the rows from sheet 2 to sheet 4 where the model number in column B of sheet 2 doesn't appear in column B of sheet 3!!
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Feb 7, 2007
I’ve done a search of the forum for a macro and found some post that seems to be about what I want to do, but unfortunately my minimal vb experience prevents me from adapting them to my requirements.
I‘ve got a workbook with three sheets; say Sheet A, Sheet B and Sheet C. I want the info in Sheet C copied to either Sheet A or B depending on the info in cells in Column A of Sheet C.
Sheet C contains customer info, there are about 9 column headings and up to 30 000 rows (Individual customers).
The cells in Column A will contain a number between 0 - 23. What I want the macro to do is, if a cell in Column A contains any of these numbers, 0, 1, 2, 6,7,8,9,10,17,19,20,21,22,23, I want that whole row copied to Sheet A and if it contains 3,4,5,11,12,13,14,15,16,18, I want it copied to Sheet B. The cells will only contain one number, never a combination.
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Sep 3, 2007
I am trying to find a way of copying values from cells that are linked to another workbook and paste them to another sheet in same workbook to the end of last row entry. This needs to be done via VBA from a button. There are 35 rows and 9 columns linked to another workbook and they don't always have values (depending on source workbook). To cycle thru each row and copy if they have values and paste them to end of last used row on another sheet.
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