Copy Data From A List Then Paste Into Another Workbook And Save As One Of Data Copied

Jun 15, 2014

I am trying to create a macro to copy a set of datas in a row , paste into another workbook (specific sheet),then save it as one of the datas that was copied over.



Test 1

Test 2

Workbook2 - sheet (ABC)

Copy row 2 from Workbook1, paste to row 1 in Workbook2 sheet(ABC)12345
Test 1

Saveas Workbook2 - ABC - "12345" - Ticket #

Copy row 3 from Workbook1, paste to row 1 in Workbook2 sheet(ABC)

And so on. I will have a set of data to trasfer to Workbook2, each row different workbook.

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Copy/Special Paste Data Within A Range To Next Empty Cell Then Mark The Copied Area

Aug 29, 2008

I'm trying to find a macro that will copy data from the areas of B120:E179 and I120:K179 for example (linked to another worksheet within the workbook) and special paste (Values Only and skipping blank cells) it to the next available open cell up top where basic data entry will be taking place B10:E29 and I10:K29. I need it to only copy/paste the rows with data (skipping all cells/rows with no data) and once it is finished coping I will need it to place an "X" in column M next to the row that it copied data from. I would also need it to reference the data in each row from B to E and if there is an entry say on B14 to E14 that matches it but if I10 to E29 are blank then paste that information on row 14. If it does not match or if those columns are full then paste on next available line.

I hope I'm making sense here. This is for a vehicle tracking log between checkpoints. Each driver and info will be listed on each row. Columns B through E will contain information for each driver: name, badge, #passengers, and vehicle #. The log lists location, time, and destination for outgoing travelers in columns F to H. Incoming info is listed on Columns I to K............

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Formula Copy & Paste: Reference Other Worksheets Within The Workbook, Are Copied Over As Links

Apr 28, 2007

I'm trying to perform a copy & paste operation by hand which to me should be easy in theory. I have a worksheet whose formulas have been corrupted. I have a backup of this sheet- I'd like to copy the backup sheet into the workbook. The problem is that the formulas, which reference other worksheets within the workbook, are copied over as links to the backup workbook instead of the new workbook they are being copied too. This seems simple, but how do I copy the worksheet and the references without having to go through all of the references by hand to only apply to the local book.

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How To Copy Row To Last Row And Paste Copied Rows Directly Below Copied Contents

Oct 20, 2013

with a macro. I am looking to copy row 2 to the last row and past the copied rows directly below the copied contents.

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Copy Data From Another Workbook And Paste The Data From According To The Column Title

Dec 9, 2008

I have a time card report which will record the time spent on work for each employee. Each month, i have to generate the time card report and copy the data to my master file. Is there any code that can auto copy the time card entry directly to the master file? I only need some of the entry on the time card report, some of the column can be ignored.

I was thinking of creating a macro that will prompt me to choose the file to import as there are different file for different individual. Attach here with the master list (Demo.xls) & the time card for one individual (Nov-KTTHAM.xls) for reference.

I want to copy the data on column B of the time card to the column A of the master list, column C to column B, column D to column C, column E to column D, column F to column E and column G to column G.

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Create / Edit And Save Workbook From List Of Data?

Dec 21, 2012

I have a workbook which contains a list of data on the first worksheet. I need for a macro to copy the name in each row,along with its data in that row and paste it into the corresponding locations on a template located on another worksheet. It would then save the file using the date (col. a) , then the words " Scorecard for" and then the name (col. b), then loop for each row until it reaches the end of the list.

I located this code here here.However I dont know how to modify it to fit my needs. I dont have 2 separate categories for two score cards in column b. It would all run off one scorecard and each row of data.

[Code] .....

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Copy Data From Workbook / Open Existing Workbook - Select Range And Paste

Mar 26, 2012

Copy data from workbook, open existing workbook, select range and paste. But my copied data is lost.

Sub Select_Copy_Paste()

[Code] .........

' Here i need to do something to paste data into r.address?

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Copy & Paste Data To Other Workbook

Feb 14, 2007

By referring to the attached file, I have to copy all the datas which have a value only ( total=0 is ignored) in the Bin_Trip worksheet(highlight in image1 below), then all this data will be paste to other new workbook. All this job is done by clicking the start button and after user enter the directory(image2 below).
The last result consist of the workbook with the pasted datas from Bin_Trip worksheet.

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VBA Paste Only Displays One Cell Of Copied Data

Nov 15, 2012

I am trying to pull 4 cells (Q3:T3) from multiple workbooks into a master workbook. When I run the below macro, I only have the first column of the copied data returned, and can't figure out how to have it paste all four cells.

Sub ExtractData()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim TheFile As String
Dim MyPath As String
Static CopyCell

[Code] ....

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Copy A Range Of Data And Paste To The Last Row Of Another Workbook

Dec 18, 2008

I need a macro that will copy a selected range from an existing worksheet in a workbook and paste the data to the last row in another workbook on a particular worksheet.

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Copy Paste A Set Of Data From A Workbook To Another Workbook

Jan 27, 2009

How can i copy paste a set of data from a workbook to another workbook. for example i will copy cell D10:I10 of workbook1 to cell B2:F2 of workbook2.

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Copy And Paste Cell Data To Another Sheet In Workbook

Apr 10, 2014

I use an excel time sheet for my employees and I am wanting to use a command button to copy data in a cell from worksheet1 to worksheet2. The cell that will be copied from worksheet1 will always be "S14". I want to copy that data to another worksheet and have it paste the data in the correct cell. The code needs to find the employees name in worksheet2 and paste the data in the next blank cell. Currently the command button I have works perfectly but I have to use the specific range, I would rather have the code seek out the employees name on worksheet2 so that I don't have to worry about specific row/column ranges. Is it possible? I'm sure it is. I have attached what worksheet2 looks like.

Rather than having to use .Range("A4:AA4") I would prefer to have the code find the employees name.

Attached file: Book1.xlsx‎

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Autofilter First Row - Select Data / Copy And Paste In Other Workbook

Aug 7, 2013

I need a vb code which would open different workbook automatically, autofilter the first row and select data and copy and paste in the other workbook.

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VBA To Autofilter A List And Copy And Paste Data Into Next Available Row In Another Worksheet.

May 28, 2009

I have two worksheets 1) PL dbase and 2) Waiting list. Both setup as Lists. Where Excel automatically inserts a new row as you click in the current rows...
I want to autofilter Waiting list column I for the value of "Yes"
Copy all the data autofiltered in Waiting list to the next available row(s) on worksheet PL dbase.

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Multiple Sheets Copy And Paste Into New Workbook And Save As With VBA Excel

May 23, 2013

I want to copy 4 sheets and paste it in a new workbook and save it.

I have this code recorded

Sheets(Array("PIV", "Report")).Select
Sheets(Array("PIV", "Report")).Copy

But it don't work?

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Copy Data From Child Workbooks And Paste In Master Workbook

May 25, 2009

I had to copy data from child woekbooks (*.xls) and paste it to the master workbook with same page to page every time when a macro is executed i had done the copy and paste part

But I'm Facing the problem in which i had to deal with

Validations as on both master and child sheet validation (column based combo box is activated )
one is worktype
2ns is time type

i jst had to copy data to the master macro works perfectly fine but the problem is that a msg box appears which signifies that i had to change the name (version ) for both types when i click yes 2 times it pastes the data

I'm attaching my macro as well as pic of that msg box with this attachment

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Copy Data From Different Workbooks / Worksheets And Paste In Master Workbook?

Apr 29, 2014

I get 'x' number of workbooks(with one sheet only) everyweek from which I need to copy data and paste to a master worksheet. (SCREEN CAPTURE BELOW)

I am unable to write the code myself as I have never worked on VBA and am only a beginner.

Part I:

The data I need to copy starts from the 19th row (A19:H19). The end point is determined by the row just before the row that has the words "Calibration Request" in it.

Part II:
Just below the data that was pasted from Part I, the data from 2 rows below the words "Calibration Request" needs to be pasted. The end point for this would be a blank row encounter.

Also some of the rows and columns are merged.

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Macro To Copy Over And Paste Data In To A Work Sheet From A Closed Workbook

Nov 23, 2009

I have a macro code which gets the file list from a folder i specify and puts it in to an excel sheet as a column. I have then made a drop down list from this so the user can select the file they want.

From this file i wish to copy the data on a sheet that i specify. For example the sheet "dump" from file FR7_19.11.2009.xls (which will be a closed workbook) and paste its content in to the sheet "dump" in Summary.xls

I have a macro which opens up the closed workbook FR7_19.11.2009.xls and copies the sheet "dump" and then creates a new sheet of the same name and content in my current workbook (Summary.xls). However when i wish to select a different file to load in to Summary.xls "dump" the formulas i have been calculating information from this sheet all come up with #!Ref errors. I know this is because the macro i use deletes the old dump sheet before re adding a new one containing new data.

I am therefore looking for a macro which will simply just copy and paste the data from any file i select in to a sheet named "dump" as the data is always set out the same in every file but the values are different. I assume this will then mean that any formulas i use relating to this "dump" sheet in Summary.xls will work because the sheet is no longer being deleted and re-added the data within it has just simply been copied over.

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Counting Filtered Data Cells Copy And Paste Values From Another Workbook?

Apr 10, 2014

I have a filtered worksheet -WB1 (filtered by Column "B"). I want to count the number of cells or rows in column "B"(Only the filtered ones) of WB1. Copy out that exact number of cells from another workbook(WB2) from the bottom moving up(Column "A") and paste it into WB1 column "I".

WB1 - Count Filtered Cell/Row with reference to Column "B"
WB2 - copy Cell count bottom to top of Column "A"
WB1 - Paste into Column "I"

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Closing Workbook By VBA Because Of Copied Data In Clipboard

Oct 5, 2013

I have a workbook from which i copy data and paste in another sheet, then close first excel. But copied data which is stored in memory gives a warning before closing the excel file.

The code i use is:

Sub Macro1()
ChDir (Range("D3").Text)
Workbooks.Open Filename:=(Range("J4").Text)
Sheets("Final output").Select


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Excel 2007 :: Copy / Paste All Rows For Each Unique Name And Save In Separate Workbook

Dec 11, 2011

I am using Excel 2007

I have a spreadsheet with 1,000 rows in multiple columns

In column "B" i have 8 unique names.

What I am trying to work out is to copy and paste all the rows for each unique name and save in a separate workbook named as the unique name.

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Copy Filter Data And Paste It On Another Workbook With Special Cells (Only Visible Cells)

Apr 12, 2014

I am using code to filter my 4 sheets Greater then 0 (zero)

After apply above filter now i need to copy multiple rows and paste on another specific workbook for paste i m using below code:

for 1st sheet with the name ("V2")

for 2nd sheet with the name("LV")

For 3rd sheet with the name ("F2")

and 4th sheet with the name("L2")

If I play above code one by one all is going very well,,,,,,or if use in this way all is going very well

But here is a big problem..........if any sheet have no value greater then 0(zero)....then code paste all data... e.g shssts("LV") .Range("C5:C54").Copy but C5:C54 have no data greater then 0(zero) and it will paste on another sheet c5:c54 and again new sheets data will paste below the c54 while c5:c54 have no data.

So I want if any sheet have no data with range is greater then 0(Zero) then skip the copy paste code or use like SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) .

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Macro To Save As Workbook 2 From Data In A Cell From Workbook 1

Sep 28, 2012

I have two workbooks open. I need to "Save As" and close workbook 2 with a file name from a cell in Workbook 1. The macro is running from workbook 1.

I'm guessing a change in the last line. I don't know what Dim means either.

Dim FName As String
Dim FPath As String

FPath = "G:"
FName = Sheets("sheet 1").Range("A1").Text
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FPath & "" & FName

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Copy / Paste Frequently Changing Data From 4 Sheets Into One Master Data Sheet

Jul 4, 2012

I have a workbook that includes 4 seperate sheets that are used to record time and expenses for 4 members of staff. I want to write a macro to select the data I need from each sheet and colaberate together in a 'data' sheet so I can combine all the info to run time and expense reports per client showing combination of all time and expense incurred from all 4 staff.

I have named cell ranges in each of the 4 time-sheets. I proceed to record a macro, select the first named range, copy and paste into my data sheet, do a control home then control down arrow, then one more down arrow to get to the first blank cell and repeat the process for all four time-sheets.

This works until I add a new line and then the data will only appear for the last time-sheet (last row of data).

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Macro To Copy And Paste Auto Filtered Data To Existing Worksheet Below Previous Data

Oct 18, 2013

I have been working on a macro that compares a existing list of data to an updated list of data and then either moves any data not on the new list over to a completed tab (followed by deleting the record on the existing sheet), and then adds any items not on the existing sheet, but which appear on the new list, to the existing list.

I have come across a stumbling block, i have managed to identify on the existing list the rows of data that have been removed from the new list and therefore need to be moved over to the completed tab, but when i select the data it selects the header row aswell (which will always remain the same row). Obviously this then pastes the header row aswell, and also i can't seem to get it to paste in the new sheet to the next available row (i.e this will be used daily and i don't won't to overwrite the infor already in the completed tab). the next issue i have is then when i go back to existing sheet to delete the data i just copied across, as the header was initially select this also gets deleted.

The code below, is the complete code, including filtering, copying some forumals etc. The area i am getting stuck on is highlighted in red:

Sub Update()
Dim bottomrow As Long
Dim My_Range As Range
bottomrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
Set My_Range = Range("A1:Y" & bottomrow)

[Code] .....

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Save Data From One Workbook To Another Without Opening Workbook

Mar 1, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that data gets exported to from a software program. There is information such as customer name, part number, inquiry number, etc that I'd like to use to develop a log of all my estimates I create for parts. I'd like excel to take the cells I select and insert them into certain cells in the other workbook and automatically save that workbook. This will create a log of all my estimates where I can then link the full estimate to the log. The information will have to go in the next available row. Is there any way I can accomplish this without having to open the other workbook and save the work book each time?

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Excel Macro To Copy Data From Array And Paste To Separate Sheet Paste Special Transpose

Jan 29, 2014

I would like to implement specific cell ranges from two specific worksheets each within 33 workbooks (which all have several tabs) into a summary page in a separate workbook.

The cell ranges are going across my spreadsheet in rows and I would like for them to transpose into a columns depending on the data which I have separated by catergory on the summary page. They are all on the same location in each workbook which is separated by country. The cell ranges are E26:P37 and I would like to transpose them and have them put below eachother without overwriting for my format on the summary page, how I can put this together in a macro?

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Copy And Paste Without Disturbing Existing Data In Paste Area

Nov 25, 2012

HTML Code:

Range Apple
1 2 2 4 3
2 1 3 5
3 4 6 9
4 5 3 1 3
5 7 7 7 6

Range Pear
4 1 3 5
5 1 1 1
6 2
7 2 2
8 5 7

Range Apple
1 2 2 4 3
2 1 3 5
3 4 6 9
4 5 3 1 3
5 7 7 7 6

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Copy Data From Different Sheets Weekly Into Master List With Data Of Whole Year

Mar 8, 2014

We have folders of daily cash collections stored in such a manner, yearmonth. In every month, we will have worksheets sent by the end user to the finance dept, naming it using mmdd. (The folder in the drive will reads: C:Daily Cash Collection2013), (C:Daily Cash Collection2013 0104.xlxs), (C:Daily Cash Collection2013 0115.xlxs). I intend to put the master list outside the year folder, meaning, in the Daily Cash Collection folder (C:Daily Cash CollectionDCC_2013.xlsm). When I have a new folder for year 2014, my master list will be here (C:Daily Cash CollectionDCC_2014.xlsm)

I am looking to automate this opening of all the daily worksheets, select all data except the header row, and copy it into a master list (which will be data for the whole year, with 3 months of the previous year data).

The data in the daily sheets, it will have collections of the same Debit Note number from the file sent earlier. Meaning, if the file was sent on 0104, there is a DN0114-0002, collection of $50. In another daily sheets 0115, it will also have a collection of DN0114-0002 of $20. This 2nd information of $20 will also need to be captured as the payment in 0301 is partial and incomplete.

I will need to copy the daily sheets into the master list every now and then. Is there a way to check and copy the daily sheets and not repeating it and missed out one?

In another words, if I had already copied Jan sheets into the master list, will it look for the next worksheet that I had not copy and copy according the DN number? (it will be in running number but sometimes will have DN of the previous month due to the partial payment ealier).

Alternatively, if this is too complicated, how to insert a macro to copy all cells except the header (will be in fixed column and the first row will be fixed) from an open daily sheet, find the last row in the master list and copy it to the master list, and after copying, unclear the selection of the daily sheet and close the daily? Where can I put this macro as the daily sheet is from the end user. I can only put it into my master list, but my problem is, the file name of the daily sheet is not fixed, it depends on the day the end user saved and email the data to Finance Dept.

DCC foler.jpg

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Save Data To New Workbook Without Formulas Or Macros

Dec 2, 2009

if there was a way to disable mcros but I think now I should have pursued the option of saving data to new workbook without transfering the existing formulas or macros. I really think I should attach the sheet I have thus far so I can convey what I am trying to accomplish. Anyone interested, please let me know and I will forward the sheet. I am unsure how to do this any other way. I found some code that would claim to do this but I have so many things going on already in this sheet I can't figure out how to incorporate the new code to work properly. Here is the original thread for reference [url]

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