Save Data To New Workbook Without Formulas Or Macros
Dec 2, 2009
if there was a way to disable mcros but I think now I should have pursued the option of saving data to new workbook without transfering the existing formulas or macros. I really think I should attach the sheet I have thus far so I can convey what I am trying to accomplish. Anyone interested, please let me know and I will forward the sheet. I am unsure how to do this any other way. I found some code that would claim to do this but I have so many things going on already in this sheet I can't figure out how to incorporate the new code to work properly. Here is the original thread for reference [url]
I have a "template" that runs a few processes and then saves the results in a new there any way that I can have my vba code save the workbook without saving any of the vba code in the new workbook?
I would also like to exclude one of the worksheets from the new workbook if possible (but the first part is more important).
I have several workbooks that use macros from my personal macro library (MyExcelAddIns.xlam).
Some of these, especially new ones, get an error message every time I save them: "Privacy warning: This document contains macros, ActiveX controls, ... These may contain information that cannot be removed by the Document Inspector."
Then after I save it once or twice, the message goes away. Why am I getting this message? Why only sometimes? What can I do to get rid of it entirely?
I want to delete names, formulas, macros of another workbook. For example, A.xls is my codes workbook. From this file, I want to delete the names, formulas, macros (but to keep the values & formatting in tact) of another workbook (there must be a prompt for which .xls file, the names etc. to be deleted). All files are in a same folder.
I need to save my workbook to another drive every Friday for archive purposes. My workbook contains time sheets for each employee. Currently I use a command button to copy and save the workbook to the correct place and it works perfect. However, the formulas are copying with it and when I open the saved workbook in the future the dates have changed in the Mon-Fri cells. The reason for this is because I have a formula in the week starting cell that changes the date automatically every Sunday. Then, the dates in the Mon-Fri cells change with it.
What code can I insert, and where, to keep the formulas from copying over with the workbook? The code I am using is below:
Is it possible to use VBA code to save a copy of your workbook while removing all formulas and replaceing them with values and formats only? I know how to save and rename, but can;t find the command for a "Static Copy".
I have a spreadsheet that data gets exported to from a software program. There is information such as customer name, part number, inquiry number, etc that I'd like to use to develop a log of all my estimates I create for parts. I'd like excel to take the cells I select and insert them into certain cells in the other workbook and automatically save that workbook. This will create a log of all my estimates where I can then link the full estimate to the log. The information will have to go in the next available row. Is there any way I can accomplish this without having to open the other workbook and save the work book each time?
I am trying to create a macro to copy a set of datas in a row , paste into another workbook (specific sheet),then save it as one of the datas that was copied over.
Ticket# Description Name
12345 Test 1 David
32145 Test 2 Steve
Workbook2 - sheet (ABC)
Copy row 2 from Workbook1, paste to row 1 in Workbook2 sheet(ABC)12345 Test 1 David
Saveas Workbook2 - ABC - "12345" - Ticket #
Copy row 3 from Workbook1, paste to row 1 in Workbook2 sheet(ABC)
And so on. I will have a set of data to trasfer to Workbook2, each row different workbook.
I am working on a resource management type workbook. In the first sheet,(Project Assignment) managers can enter staff, staff type and hours needed for the next three weeks. In a separate sheet,(Total Hrs per week) I have formulas set to total the hours entered from the first sheet for each resource - using the formula =SUMPRODUCT(--(staffassignments=$B4),--(Week1)) for each week, for each resource. That woks fine.
What I would like to do, if possible, is to present a type of data validation, dialog or popup when the resource's "total hrs per week" total = 40 hours. Different managers use the same resources, so one person may have time entered in multiple times for different projects in the Project Assignment sheet.
Is it possible to use the totaling formula (=SUMPRODUCT(--(staffassignments=$B4),--(Week1))) and an if statement in the data validation or conditional formatting to let managers know that the resource is fully utilized?
I am in the process of transferring data from one workbook to another.
I am doing this simply by clicking on the cell where I want the data to be, typing "=", then clicking on the cell in the other workbook I want it to match. While there might be easier ways to do this, it isn't too terrible and my columns are not in the same order in the two workbooks.
The problem I'm running into, is when I click on the cell I want to copy over, the formula defaults to the fixed formula (puts $ around the cell name) and I want to be able to copy down the formula over multiple cells.
I can click on the cells and press F2 once then F4 three times to get the formula over to the desired non-fixed format, however, I have to do this for 12 different workbooks and on roughly 40 columns for each.
Is there a way to expedite the process or turn off this fixed-formula default?
I have a form which creates a budget based on user input. I want to save that user input in a separate workbook. My goal is to reduce the file size. I have several modules which perform evaluations/ calculations, and then format the output in a worksheet, but the size is pretty large 450KB.
I was thinking that I could set the control source, to different cells on the worksheet, and then just copy the worksheet to a new workbook, and save the data by itself. Then if I wanted to change the data for a given budget, I would copy the sheet back into the workbook that contains the modules, and load the form again. Is this a good solution? Is there a better way? Please let me know if I can provide more information.
I have a workbook which contains a list of data on the first worksheet. I need for a macro to copy the name in each row,along with its data in that row and paste it into the corresponding locations on a template located on another worksheet. It would then save the file using the date (col. a) , then the words " Scorecard for" and then the name (col. b), then loop for each row until it reaches the end of the list.
I located this code here here.However I dont know how to modify it to fit my needs. I dont have 2 separate categories for two score cards in column b. It would all run off one scorecard and each row of data.
I currently have a macro to import user selected .Dat files into a new workbook, each on its own worksheet. My problem comes in trying to save this new workbook in the same folder as the imported .Dat files. I was thinking there should be a way to gather the file path from the imported files and use that in the Save As command.
I'm trying to use vba to create an offline backup file for a sheet that is linked to an access database. the code I have is simple and worked for a file that is not linked to any database.
Now that I insert it into the actual file, which is linked to the database I get an error. I also tried to move the display alert up, before the select instructions, but also this does not work. this is not what I wanted since I want this file not to possibly connect to any database.
I have a spreadsheet that has 3 columns, date, id and amount for the whole year.
what I need to do is have a macro on another sheet or workbook that has an entry for month. when i enter the month, i need to get all the data for that particular month and then save it with the month name. i am not very sure how i can do this. pivot table does not work as i need to save a file each month.
I have an expense report, which was originally done in Excel 2003. It still prompts users to open as read only however if they select no, they are not prompted for the password, and it has allowed them to save, so when the next person opens it, they have the previous person's report instead of the clean workbook. I have tried everything to put a password onto it. I know this is really basic stuff, but maybe I am missing a step? I want the end user to be able to make all the changes they want in read only mode and then do a save as, but if the select No when prompted "Open as Read-only?" they should have to put a password in.
I have a formula which i need to paste into a worksheet, doing this is tedious and boring to say the least, problem is i am not sure how to get the macro to skip blank lines and only insert the formula where there are prices. Each week the worksheet changes so there is no consistent layout.
why I must update all cells, with formulas, manually after I do something with the workbook. I'll try to make an example.
If I make a macro that enters =sum("F1:F10") it says #NAME? when its done, but if I dubbleclick it and press enter it calculates the cell like its supposed to. I've tried to press alt + ctrl + F9, but that doesnt work.
Is there a command to dubbelclick the entire workbook and then press enter if you know what I mean?
Everytime I open Excel, the personal.xls file opens. What does one need to do to have the personal.xls file available as an option to save macros to, and have it open in the background only - not as an active file you can see?
would like to save a spreadsheet with the contents of a cell as the name. My problem is that I have several macros in the workbook and if I change the name of the file when I save, it won't run the macros when I reopen because the filename has changed. It presents me with an error saying it can't find the macro.
I have a complex sorting macro with userforms & Modules. Works great! Now I need to save the final Worksheet without the macros. The final step to my project is a Application SaveAs. Can I add a delete-all-macros step when the user clicks the Save As button which would create a new workbook with the finished worksheet and NO macros?
I need to copy several macros from the Personal Macro workbook to a new workbook that I need to take to another computer. I need to be able to run the macros on that computer. I can only record macros and make minor changes in the VB editor. I do not know VB code.
How is code or functions kept unique to a workbook? for instance i create a few toolbars that are relevant to "work book 1", however when i open another workbook "2" the toolbars do not function properly or are removed by the opening/closing of the work book, similarly other macros seem to struggle with more than one workbbok open at a time.
I have figured out how to save the workbook using a variable to saveas but I would like to create a new folder to place the new workbook into. I have tried a few things a am not having any luck. I recorded a macro and the code it produced is as follows.
I have a macros ( code inserted ) as you can see in my code the macros save the workbook in any file name you chose just by changing the any filename option.
I would like this to be changed so that it saves based on a cell reference, say i has a name in lets say B10 i would like it to save as the name in B10.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.DisplayAlerts = False Dim bk1 As Workbook Dim bk As Workbook Dim myfilename As String
I created a financial model in sheet with a macro. The model works as designed. And the workbook can be saved with smaller steps. But with big steps that contains about 250,000 formulas, it seemed to take forever to have the work book saved, I have to canceled it after about 45 minutes. I tried it on different machines and all have the same problems.