VBA To Autofilter A List And Copy And Paste Data Into Next Available Row In Another Worksheet.
May 28, 2009
I have two worksheets 1) PL dbase and 2) Waiting list. Both setup as Lists. Where Excel automatically inserts a new row as you click in the current rows...
I want to autofilter Waiting list column I for the value of "Yes"
Copy all the data autofiltered in Waiting list to the next available row(s) on worksheet PL dbase.
I've created drop-down lists in cells B3 and B4 (this is in worksheet 1), based on a column in Worksheet 2. I'd like Worksheet 2 to autofilter the data based on the drop-downs in B3 or B4, or both together.
Someone created a macro for me that creates and names worksheets based off of a list on my first worksheet "Summary". I would love to be able to then have the list of titles on Summary sheet be in cell A1 on each of the worksheets that I had created.
Here is the macro for creating all of the worksheets w/ names -
I'm having in trying to run a macro. The macro entails a simple copy and paste special over to a new worksheet. I used the auto filter as well to get rid of the non-blanks. It works fine when I copy and paste special over to the new worksheet, but as soon as I run the macro, it doesn't copy over and returns an error.
I have 2 sheets. The first sheet contains rows of data that I wish to search (Query Results) through and find matching data. The second sheet is the source of the data I want to find (Notifications). I want to take the number located in column A on sheet 2 and then use it to auto filter the rows on sheet 1. With the range that is left visible on sheet 1 I want to select the first row (can offset(1,0) to remove the headers, and paste the selected row back in to Sheet 2 ontop of the row where I sourced the original number to filter by.
Once the item is pasted I then want to pick up the next number from Sheet2 to repeat the process until all numbers have been processed in Sheet2. I have been going round the block on this for the past few days!
Sheets("Query Results").Select With ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range On Error Resume Next Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=vFroID Selection.AutoFilter Field:=15, Criteria1:=vReqData Set rng2 = .Offset(1, 0).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) On Error Goto 0 End With vDestRow = "A" & vLoopCount If rng2 Is Nothing Then MsgBox "No data to copy" Else Set rng = ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range rng.Offset(1, 0).Resize(rng.Rows.Count - 1).Copy _ Destination:=Worksheets("Proposed Notifications").Range(vDestRow) End If vLoopCount = vLoopCount + 1
I am trying to create a macro to copy a set of datas in a row , paste into another workbook (specific sheet),then save it as one of the datas that was copied over.
Ticket# Description Name
12345 Test 1 David
32145 Test 2 Steve
Workbook2 - sheet (ABC)
Copy row 2 from Workbook1, paste to row 1 in Workbook2 sheet(ABC)12345 Test 1 David
Saveas Workbook2 - ABC - "12345" - Ticket #
Copy row 3 from Workbook1, paste to row 1 in Workbook2 sheet(ABC)
And so on. I will have a set of data to trasfer to Workbook2, each row different workbook.
I have been working on a macro that compares a existing list of data to an updated list of data and then either moves any data not on the new list over to a completed tab (followed by deleting the record on the existing sheet), and then adds any items not on the existing sheet, but which appear on the new list, to the existing list.
I have come across a stumbling block, i have managed to identify on the existing list the rows of data that have been removed from the new list and therefore need to be moved over to the completed tab, but when i select the data it selects the header row aswell (which will always remain the same row). Obviously this then pastes the header row aswell, and also i can't seem to get it to paste in the new sheet to the next available row (i.e this will be used daily and i don't won't to overwrite the infor already in the completed tab). the next issue i have is then when i go back to existing sheet to delete the data i just copied across, as the header was initially select this also gets deleted.
The code below, is the complete code, including filtering, copying some forumals etc. The area i am getting stuck on is highlighted in red:
Sub Update() Dim bottomrow As Long Dim My_Range As Range bottomrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row Set My_Range = Range("A1:Y" & bottomrow)
I have a sheet that I need to routinely filter for a specific code then paste it into a different sheet in the same workbook. I would love to set up a simple macro that would do this for me, but I can't seem to figure it out.
In the results I would like the header row if at all possible, but I can always just make it part of the macro.
In between a long VBA macro, I need to copy the result of autofiltering i.e. the visible cells / rows only, to paste on an other sheet.
If I do this manualy it works but if I record this on a macro, it records the absolute cells range I pick, when in fact the result of the filtering is different every time.
I have a command button that I want to automatically copy and paste certain data to another worksheet when clicked. I keep getting a "runtime error 1004; application-defined or object-defined error". The code I have so far is:
I need to copy and paste data with imposing a condition from one worksheet to the other. I also need a code to update an existing condition.
Sub COPYPASTEDATA() Dim rcnt As Variant, i As Long, j As Long rcnt = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row j = 4 For i = 2 To rcnt
[Code] ........
The procedure does not update the changed condition ( I have pass/fail as condition). Once you run this macro, the data will be pasted but when you change a condition from "fai" to "pass". The pasted data in sheet 3 is not updated. I either need worksheetchange procedure or maybe a code to delete (refresh) sheet 3 data before running the existing macro.
I have Name, location, status (pass/fail) and comment in columns A, B, C, D in sheet 1.
I am looking to create a macro to be assigned to a button that copies the last row of data entered and then pastes it to the last empty row on a different worksheet. This is a dummy spreadsheet to work with (I have more data, but the concept is one in the same). Sheet1 ("Branch1"), Sheet2 ("Branch2"), and Sheet3 ("All"), the names in brackets are names of the sheets, but for ease I'll refer to them as Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3. I have columns beginning in B as follows: Date, Branch, Currency, Coin, and Total (the branch and Total are tied to formulas, however I just need to the text values and formats to come over to the other worksheet). have the portion regarding the copy of the last row in Sheet1, however it won't PasteSpecial.Selection in Sheet3 as it says the cells are not sized or formatted correctly.
VB: Sub CopyB2() lr2 = Sheets("Branch2").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row lr3 = Sheets("All").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 Sheets("Branch2").Range("B" & lr2).EntireRow.Copy Sheets("All").Range("B" & lr3) End Sub
I am looking to see if is possible to copy and paste a worksheet and then remove data( only values not Text) and also not removing formatting and formulas
i need a macro which copy and paste from multiple worksheets (except for 3 worksheets which is named after Jan, Feb and Mar) into one worksheets (named as OVERALL). The data to copy will cover from cell A1:D1 and below where there is data available.
I have a copy and paste macro below, that copies the selected rows and pastes them into a different sheet called Blank BOM. Each time they are pasted, it just writes over the previous items at the top of the list. I would like it to paste in the next open row, so I can go back and forth between the sheets and add things. Here is the code:
VB: Sub CopyRow() Selection.Copy Sheets("Blank BOM").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) End Sub
I have a grade book with 17 worksheets 1 for each subject = each of the sheets are identical with the students names in col B and the data is entered manually in the corresponding cols along side the names.
What I would like is a vba solution to enter the data in a worksheet called 'datainput' = which would be identical in layout as the above subject sheets= and by the use of a drop down list with the names of the 17 subject sheets = copy the data in the 'datatinput' worksheet into the next available blank col in the worksheet selected from the drop down list=and with a command button erase the data in the 'datainput' worksheet ready to enter new data.
I got the following code from Use AutoFilter to filter and copy the results to a existing worksheet and would like to incorporate this into my VBA project. The problem however is that this code were written to perform on one workbook and this is where my problem is. My project is between two different workbooks and cannot seem to get this code modified to do what it is supposed to do between these two workbooks. Everything I have tried so far failed. In short what this code would do is to check the existing data on the one sheet (the source) and extract only the data which is meeting my set criteria, and copy this data to the destination sheet. This is what I would like to do between two workbooks. With this the sample code as provided by Ron de Bruin. The sample workbook could be accessed trough the following link [URL]..... With this the code for matching and copying on one workbook.
Code: Option Explicit '>> 'This example will copy the filter results below the existing data on the destination sheet. 'Note the sheet "RecordsOfTheNetherlands" must exist in your workbook. 'This example will not copy the header row each time so when you manual add the worksheet '"RecordsOfTheNetherlands" to your workbook you must add the headers yourself on the first row.
The table, which works correctly, looks in another worksheet 'Report' for 'Example 1' within the date range of August. This uses COUNTIFS.
Ideally, what I'm wanting to do is have an auto-filter on each of the cells - 'Example 1', 'Example 2', so if a user wants to see what rows on the 'Report' sheet, falls into this criteria, it auto filters the other worksheet, and takes them too it.
The action would be - Click on the cell of 'Example 1', the macro auto-filters based on the cells value in column F of the 'Report' sheet, and takes the user there. The macro would have to take into account the date filter as well, which uses cells A1,B1 for August, and C1,D1, for September.
I've been tackling this data capture/paste issue for a week or so. I found the string below which does provide a good foundation for my challenge. But, my basic level of understanding macros limits my modifications to meet my needs.
[URL] ......
I have 20 worksheets in my master file corresponding to Excel files individual associates will update weekly. After the associates have updated their individual files for the week, I want to capture the data entered and paste values into a master file containing a worksheet for each associate (sharing the same name as the individual associate file). All of these files are housed on team SharePoint sites.
I need a macro to perform several steps after clicking a "Run Update" macro button in the master file: Open individual associate fileIn master file, search for each Initiative listed in column B (starting cell B3) in the individual associate file (in column B starting at cell B11)If Initiative is found in individual associate file, copy adjacent data in columns D:J for the respective rowIn master file, paste values to the corresponding Initiative row for the corresponding week's worth of dataIf Initiative is not found in the individual associate file, move to the next Initiative listed in the master fileRepeat these steps for each individual associate file
Linking would be the easiest way to accomplish this if I wanted to have a multitude of weekly individual files for the associates. However, I'd rather each associate have one file for them to update (basically overwriting their previous week's entries).
I need to ensure the paste values corresponds to the appropriate day of the week. In simpler terms, if the date in the individual associate file in cell D9 reads Oct 1, 2012, the data captured from that row needs to be pasted to the corresponding row/column in the master file that reads the same date.
I applied an autofilter to a list of data that does not exceed the 1000 items limit, and attempted to filter the data to get a particular item. The filter did bring up all the items needed, but it also had at the bottom of the filtered list, another item that was not part of the items to be filtered, which unfortunately affected my subtotal calculation.
I am trying to put togther a VBA form button click to do the following: I have several customer names all in master sheet A1 - A300. I want the code to notice that there is a new customer and generate a new sheet, naming the sheet the customers name and copying and paste the entire sheet named 'worksheet' to this newly generated sheet.
I have the following code in another workbook that is used to populate a cell on the same sheet based on input to cells in column 'A'.
Is it possible to modify this for the attached workbook to select a cell with data (numbers) on the Input Data sheet in column 'E', add text to the beginning, ('CG' in this case), and paste the result to the Import Template in the corresponding cell of column 'A'? I currently have a formula copied to dozens of cells in 'A' but since the number of rows for the Input Template is variable, there are usually cells in 'A' that contain CG but no corresponding data in the rest of the row.
I have data in some of the cells within range A26:A39
These cells are populated via an IF function on another worksheet. Even though the cells appear blank (as in the value returned is ""), there is a formula in these cells. I think it's called formula blank?
I am looking for a way to copy the data from the cells within the range which are not blank (ie: not = "") and paste this data elsewhere on the sheet in a list with no blank spaces in between.
I anticipate that there will be 4 non blank cells within this range.
Ideally I would have data from the nonblank cells copied and pasted to cells A40 A41 A42 A43
I am going bonkers with the worksheet autofiltered result. On userform "Find" when I use one of two comboboxes to filter the results no data is displayed. Using the textbox on that form the filtered data is displayed.
In 2003 when you use autofilter and then tried to copy the resultant information, you would only get the visible items that remain as a result of the filter. For example if you have a list of employees in alpabetical order in Column A and then in Column B you have the State in which they are employeed. Now if I use auto filter and filter on Column B to get all employees in the state of Ohio, that is all that will be visible on the screen. Perfect that is what I want. Now I want to copy all of these employees and paste them into another document or spreadsheet. (don't forget that because the list is sorted by employee all employees in Ohio are not next to eachother in the list so there are a bunch of rows that have been filtered out. and for the sake of explaining the dilema here we will not resort the list as this is a very basic example of the problem that I am having and resorting the list may not work in every case.)
In 2003 I would simply select the top left cell in the list and hit Control+Shift+End to select the all of the results and then simply copy this over to another spread sheet and I will get exactly what I was looking for. In 2007 if I go through this same process, and paste the data to another location, all of the data, even the rows that were filtered out, will come through. The whole purpose of the autofilter is to weed out what you don't want. However in 2007 this does not work in 2007.