Copy Row When Cell In Column Has Value Greater Than 0

Feb 24, 2012

I'm creating a POS system for my wife's business. The workbook has three sheets.

On the first sheet are all the articles that her shop sells.
On A1 to D1 is the following text:

Quantity Discription Price Totalprice

B1 to D1 is already filled in. When a customer buys something, a employee only has to fill in A1, how many of what item the customer buys.

So it is possible that only 5 items have a number filled in, in A1.

Now, i have a vba, which has to search all the items which have filled in quantity and then copy row A to D to a sheet called Receipt. (Later I want to print this receipt)

Now this vba work when all the filled in cells are above each other. When there is a gap between the cells, it only copies the first row.

Here is the VBA:

Sub test()
Dim r As Range, c As Range
With Worksheets("Kassa")
Set r = Range(.Range("A1"), .Range("A1").End(xlDown))
For Each c In r
If WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(c) Then
Range(.Cells(c.Row, "A"), .Cells(c.Row, "D")).Copy

[Code] ........

When I change the second A1 in the fourth line to A200. I works, but is extremely slow. It's almost like if Excel is responding anymore. Also, when no quantities are filled in, it's also slow.

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Copy Cell Range If Column Cell Greater Than 0

Feb 6, 2014

I’m trying to write a macro to look down two different columns in my work sheet and if the is a value >0 then copy a set range of cells to another sheet,

I need to search column (k) and (x) range (“K2 : K147”) and (“X2 : X147”) in (sheet1) for values >0 if there is, then copy from (“f : m”) if it is found in the (k) column, or copy from (“s : z”) if it is found in the (X) column, and paste value only to the next empty cell in sheet2 . Sheet2 is empty so (A) on down is fine for paste range. There is a spin button in the copy range column (L) and I don’t want that picked up in the copy. Manually I (paste text) only but I think (values only) will do the same thing.

[Code] .........

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Copy Rows Where Date In Column Is Greater Than Today

Aug 5, 2008

I have been working on this issue for some time, searches let me down paths to tell me of the color of the cell, but can't put all the pieces together. What I am trying to do, is upon Clicking Command Button 1 it will go row by row of column D (there are 2 headers so D3 would be the first fillable data) looking for dates that is past todays date, if past, it will color the cell red then copy it to the next available row in sheet2 then continue, date past due, color red, copy entire row to sheet 2 looping until the end is reached

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Copy If Cell Greater Then Zero

Nov 24, 2009

I have one sheet where I am entering the necessary parts of the particular order. Once I have it completed I need to run a macro to copy only the elements that I have marked.

From rows 3-17, if cells in E3-E15 are greater then 0 then I need the rows
from Column "C" to Column "G" and Column "I" copied to another sheet. With rows 20 - 97 if cell in column "E" is > 0 then copy the relevant row from column "B" to column "E". I am attaching the file.

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Column Number Of Last Column In A Row Where Cell Contents Greater Than 0

Jun 24, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with rows of data. I need a formula that will return the column number of the last column in a row where there is a value >0.

Let's say that cells A1:F1 contain values. Some have values of 0 while others have values >0. I need a formula in cell G1 that will tell me the column number of the last value >0.

0 2 5 0 6 0

So the formula in G1 would return a value of 5, which corresponds to column E.

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If Cell Contains Any Value Greater Than 1 - How To Copy It / Adjacent Cells And Put Into New Sheet

Nov 14, 2013

I have a sheet that I populate with data, and I would like to create a formula (or some code) that will look down column A, and if any of the cells contain a value >1 copy the cell and the adjacent cell (column B) and paste both values into a new sheet.

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Color Cells In Column Greater Than Corresponding Cell

Dec 8, 2006

I have a list of numbers in two columns. All I want to do is that if the number in column B is larger than the number in column A I want it to be in red font. I know I need to use the Options>View - Zero Values.", "style="background: ...

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Record Greater Than 50 In A Cell So It Reads As Greater Than 50

Aug 25, 2009

I have to make a table that shows that a if someone purchases

less than 5 items they receive no discount
5-10 items they receive 2% discount
11-20 items they receive 5% discount
21-50 items they receive 8% discount
over 50 items they receive 10%

and it has to be done in a way that the discount rate can be calculated using Vlookup I am struggling to find the best way to write this table. i tried numbering 1 to 50 and writing the corresponding discount rate in the second column but this looks untidy and can't calculate greater than 50 as i am not sure how to write it in the cell so it reads as >50 and not just 50.

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Search Range In One Sheet - If Any Cell In Range Is Greater Then 0 Copy That Row

Sep 24, 2013

Basically I have three sheets. MAIN, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2

Sheet 1 and 2 are in the same format

A3 down is a list of country names and then B3:I71 contains the data im interested in.

I've been trying to create a function that looks at B3:i71 to see if any cell in that range contains a value greater then $0.00. If it does then the row that contains the cell with a value greater then $0.00 (between col A to K) should be copied to sheet MAIN from cells B3 down. This should ultimatley produce a list of data for any row containing a value greater then $0.00. This process should then be repeated on Sheet 2 and should join the list below sheet 1.

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MINIF Function; Find The Minimum Value Of Column A If There Is Anything Greater Than Zero In Column B

Jul 29, 2006

I want to find the minimum value of column A if there is anything greater than zero in column B. I tried this formula (simplified): MINIF(B2:B6,">"&0,A2:A6) And it gives me the # NAME? error

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Highlight Dates In Column H If They Are Greater Than Column G By Certain Number

Sep 5, 2013

I need formatting to highlight the dates in Column H if they are a greater than a week or more from Column G. Tried some different ways of doing this with the conditional formatting but cannot get it to work yet

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Getting Sum Of Cells B-F To Post In Column G Unless Column J Has Number Greater Than Zero

May 9, 2014

In my spreadsheet, I have a column for credit card totals (G) and cash totals (J)

I am adding the amounts for Food (Column B), Liquor (Column C), Wine (Column D), Beer (Column E), and Taxes ( Column F) for a total in Column G.

However, Column G is only for credit card totals and I want to do the same calculations for cash totals (Column J) using the same B through F Column without those numbers being plugged back into Column G, when I have no credit card total.

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Copy Values Greater Than Zero

Jan 14, 2008

I have 2 sheets, i need to transfer every cell value criteria >0 from sheet2 to sheet1. See the code below

Sub datatransfer()
Dim rngqty As Range
Dim nextcell As Range
Set nextcell = Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
For Each rngqty In Sheets("Reqorder").Range("c4", "n57")
Do While rngqty>0
Cells(rngqty.Row, 1).Copy
nextcell.PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
Cells(1, rngqty.Column).Copy
nextcell.Offset(0, 1).PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
nextcell.Offset(0, 2).PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
Next rngqty
End Sub

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Copy Method (copy From The Selected Cell And Paste One Cell Below(next Row) In Same Column)

Oct 23, 2009

what is wrong in this code, it does not paste.

HTML Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 7).Select
ActiveCell.Copy Destination:=ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=(R[1])"

I am trying to copy from the selected cell and paste one cell below(next row) in same column.

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Copy Row If Value Greater Than 40 - Multiple Sheets

Dec 3, 2013

Basically I have 12 sheets of data, if column H (in any of these sheets & rows) has a currency value greater than 40;

I want to copy the entire row/s to Sheet16 named "Major" - which has the exact same columns and formatting. I need this to be automatic.

What code do I need, where do I put the code?

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Getting A Minimum Number Other/greater Than Zero From A Column

Aug 25, 2009

What is the formula for getting a minimum number other/greater than zero from a column of added numbers?

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Delete Row If Column Contains Date Greater Than 1/0/00

Aug 20, 2014

I have an Workbook where on Sheet one it shows a date of a sold item in Column AH. On sheet two Column AG references sheet 1 Column AH. On sheet 2 I need it to delete the row if the date is greater than 1/0/00 ( which is an empty cell in sheet 1, but for some reason shows it as "1/0/00"). I have tried this code but I keep getting errors:

[Code] .......

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How To Average A Column Of Numbers That Are Greater Than 0

Jul 20, 2006

I am trying to average a column of numbers. I want to only average the cells
that contain a number greater than 0.

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List Column Numbers Greater Than X

May 13, 2008

I have been browsing this site for some time but never posted. It looks like a great community and looking forward to learning!

I am trying to create an array in VB that searches an entire column (L) that has nothing but numbers in it. I want to search for all numbers that are >= 6. If the number is greater than six store the value in column A. At the end, I need to display a message box that has all the values in A that match the criteria where column L is greater than 6.

I have found all kinds of copy to other sheet formulas and static finds.

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Compare Two Worksheets(one Acts As Template) And Copy Based On Criteria(greater Than

Jun 20, 2006

Here is what i want to do. # I have a workbook say 'Template', which has two columns: ColA -> Names , ColB -> Value, his acts as a template, i.e a budget. # Another workbook 'sample' which has similar ColA(may contain additional rows) and corresponding value in ColB.

Here is what i need::

I need to copy the contents of ColA and ColB of 'sample' wholse ColB valules are greater than ColB values of 'Template' for corresponding ColA values in both, into a new workbook. SO basically, template acts as a budget check for the sample workbook, and if any value in ColB goes above the budget in template, it will show up in the new workbook. I have attached both the workbooks. Basically the red highlighted cells in Sample are the ones i want in a new workbook.

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Show Results In Column If Greater Than 3 Characters

Dec 31, 2013

In column B I only want to show the results from Column A if the character count equals 3. In Column C I only want to show the results from Column A if the character count is greater than 3

Column A

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Return Column Header Name For First Entry On Each Row Greater Than Zero

Feb 12, 2014

I'm currently using the formula


The startmonthsp name refers to the months across the top of my pivot table. This formula works but I now need one small change. If the value in the columns are zero or less then I do not want the formula to return that column header (bypass it until it gets a positive value above zero).

Attached is a workbook that shows my formula in action.

Excel Forum Question.xlsx

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Macro To Cut And Paste Row Into New Sheet If Value In Column Is Greater Than 0

Jun 4, 2014

I have a data sheet with large macro for processing the data... the last piece of the puzzle is to cut the entire row and paste it into the next available row in another sheet within the workbook if the value in column N is >0. I have tried a few things that I have found out in various places on the net but i seem to always come up with a loop or error of some sort.

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Delete Rows Column F If Greater Than Or Equal To Zero.

May 14, 2009

Starting in cell F3, if Column F is greater than or equal to zero, delete the entire row and continue deleting rows until Column A has contents in it. Then go to Column F in that same row that had contents in Column A, if the contents in that row of Column F are greater than or equal to zero, delete the entire row and continue deleting rows until Column A has contents in it. Persist with this pattern until every row in Column F has been checked.

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Copy Color Of Column B And Put In Respective Cell In Column A

Feb 27, 2012

I need a code to copy the color of column B and put in the respective cell in Column A. I just need the color to copy from column B to Column A.

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Automatically Copy Column To Last Cell In Another Column Upon Open

Aug 21, 2008

I have this code that I have been using fine until today when it just stop working for me... It's a simple copy and paste using VBA Code. The code finds the last row in Column A and copies the cell to L1. Below you will find the code I'm using and the line in yellow is where I'm getting the error.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub

This codes runs as soon as the worksheet opens and it has worked for over a year. I'm using MS Excel 2007. Please let me know what you guys think I have tried pretty much everything I can think of but i dont really know what i'm doing when it comes to VBA.

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Copy Cell From Column And Paste It To Next Column And Up One Row?

Nov 15, 2013

I want to copy a cell from a column and paste it to next column and up one row. My current data looks like this:


I want to make it look like: DATA 1234

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Search Column E For Value - Copy Value In Corresponding Column A Cell To Another Cell

Aug 30, 2013

search column "E" for a specific text value (let's say "it"). When found, copy the value in column "A" for the corresponding row where "it" was found to another cell "F2". When copying to cell "F2", if a value already exists in cell "F2", then no nothing else copy the value. If no "it" was found in the column, do nothing. I will continue to search, but since I am new to VBA it takes me a bit to find what I specifically need.

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Copy A Column Cell If V Column Cell = YES Then Repeat

Jan 26, 2010

Sub Printstuff()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each cell In Range("V168:V246")
If cell.Value = "YES" Then

'enter the name that is in The A (of the row with Yes) column in A2
'Run Sub Individual
'Run Sub View All

End If

'Next "Yes"

End Sub

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Cells In Column To Be Filled With Yellow Fill If Value Is Any Date Greater Than Or Equal To Today

Jan 17, 2013

I'd like all Cells in column AC (e.g. AC$3$:AC$517$) to be filled with yellow fill if the cell value is any date greater than or equal to today. Any past dates can be left blank (for now)


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