Delete Rows Column F If Greater Than Or Equal To Zero.
May 14, 2009
Starting in cell F3, if Column F is greater than or equal to zero, delete the entire row and continue deleting rows until Column A has contents in it. Then go to Column F in that same row that had contents in Column A, if the contents in that row of Column F are greater than or equal to zero, delete the entire row and continue deleting rows until Column A has contents in it. Persist with this pattern until every row in Column F has been checked.
I have a sheet where i want to delete duplicate rows where column A and column B combined are equal, i.e. range(Ax:Bx) where x is the current row. I am using the macro below but cant seem to get it working as I keep getting a type mismatch error and Im not sure why.
I'd like all Cells in column AC (e.g. AC$3$:AC$517$) to be filled with yellow fill if the cell value is any date greater than or equal to today. Any past dates can be left blank (for now)
Located in column W are amounts. if this amount is les than or equal to zero, I want to look at column A to see what account number is associated with that amount. then delete any row with that account number and also any empty row that may be directly above it.
I am currently working on a project that adds shoes to a re-order list, and a receipt automatically when they are 'purchased'. The re-order list is great as the shoes 'purchased' are supposed to be added one after another, my problem being that the receipt is for a customer.
Once the shoes 'purchased' are added to the receipt it can be printed. I then need to be able to clear the rows with values greater than 0 so that I can start with a new customer, on a clean receipt. I need it to check starting from row "A3" so that my receipt format is not messed up, and for it to finish leaving 2 blank rows so that my other macros still work.
I would like to use a macro to clear the rows to make it easier for the user.
If anyone has any suggestions I would be very greatfull and if you require the document I can arrange for it to be sent via e-mail.
I have an Workbook where on Sheet one it shows a date of a sold item in Column AH. On sheet two Column AG references sheet 1 Column AH. On sheet 2 I need it to delete the row if the date is greater than 1/0/00 ( which is an empty cell in sheet 1, but for some reason shows it as "1/0/00"). I have tried this code but I keep getting errors:
I need an easy code that searches all of column A and deletes the entire row if the cell has the value "-". It needs to find the last row of data using something like LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
I have a cell, M87. The score in M87 can be less than 13 or greater than 25. I need a formula within M94 which refers to M87, and outputs depending on the the following criteria. If M87 is less than 13 then output as D. If M87 is 14, 15, 16, or 17 then output as C. If M87 is 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24 then output as B. If M87 is greater than 24 then output as A.
I am looking for a function like MATCH if the match type were set to -1. However my data is sorted in ascending order. I am mining data from a Pivot Table, and it has dates across the top. Of course the pivot table will have the data sorted in ascending order from left to right. I want to find the first date that is greater than today. With weekends and holidays I can't just use TODAY()+1. Is there a function that can do what I am asking? Also I do not want to change the pivot table itself.
I need a formula that looks at the total in H40 and if the number is between 32 and 40 I need it to return the number then if the number exceds forty I need to multiply the overage by 1.5 and add it to the 8 for a total of 11.
I am creating my first Userform and having some problems. I take the data supplied by the userform and try to match it as closely as possible to a row of information. Currently I am using four cells to autofilter my spreadsheet data. Two of the cells I am looking for a exact match. The other two cells I am looking for the number that has been input or anything greater than it. Here is the code I have come up with...
You take a childs actual age in months and years (ie 9.8 for 9years and 8months). They then, in theory, should be at that age level for reading and spelling.
I have the age in B4, the reading in C4 and the spelling in D4. If i use CF to say i want C4 to be red if it's less than B4, Amber if it's the same and green if it's over, as soon as i okay it, C4 goes amber, because it's equal to B4, which is blank. I can get the colours to work, i just can't figure out what to put to turn the amber off when cell B4 is empty.
I've tried as many combinations as my little amount of excel knowledge can cope with.
I have start date(Column A) and an end date(Column B) in two columns and I have found out the difference between them in column C in hh:mm:ss format. I want to find out how many cases are greater than 2 Hrs but less than or equal to 4 Hrs.
I am revising a spreadsheet to automate some cells and size cable for my job. I am currently using the VLOOKUP command to search a table for the proper ampacity and return a cable size based on the minimum circuit amps. The problem however is the VLOOKUP command searches for a number equal to or less than my circuit amps and returns this cable size. I need it to return a size equal to or greater than the minimum circuit amps. How do I get it to lookup something equal to or greater than the minimum amount?
I have been working on this issue for some time, searches let me down paths to tell me of the color of the cell, but can't put all the pieces together. What I am trying to do, is upon Clicking Command Button 1 it will go row by row of column D (there are 2 headers so D3 would be the first fillable data) looking for dates that is past todays date, if past, it will color the cell red then copy it to the next available row in sheet2 then continue, date past due, color red, copy entire row to sheet 2 looping until the end is reached
I am using cell V7 to input the formula but I want cell V7 to tell me if the number in U7 is greater than or equal to the individual #'s in cells U7-U40 and I would like it to put a 1,2,3 in the cells of V7-V40 for the three highest numbers in order of largest to smallest if is this possible?
In my Excel spreadsheet I enter todays date in a single cell (A2), then I list various dates that jobs come into shop in other cells (A8:A108). I have cells ( F8:F108) where I have been manually entering an asterik (*) for those jobs equal to or greater than five days old in cell (A2). Is there a formula that can do the math for me? I've tried Excel help but to no avail.
I have a sheet in Excel 2004 for Mac that is a patient list with over 2000 patients. I need a rule that will compare values (patient IDs and responsible party ID) in two adjacent cells, if the values are different, to delete the entire row. The goal is to get rid of patients (rows) that are not the responsible party (responsible party ID).
I have what may be a math question as much as an Excel question. See my attached spreadsheet example in which I grow the denominator of a ratio by a fixed percentage until it equals or exceeds the numerator. This results in the denominator being grown X number of times.
I would like to create a VBA code where it will delete the entire column if the cell value is equal to value in D2
For example:
Sub Delete_Columns() Dim rng As Range, cell As Range, del As Range Set rng = Intersect(Range("G2:S43"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
For Each cell In rng If (cell.Value) = D2 _ Then If del Is Nothing Then Set del = cell Else: Set del = Union(del, cell) End If End If Next cell On Error Resume Next del.EntireColumn.Delete End Sub
But I think this line is wrong but I am not sure how to fix it - If (cell.Value) = D2 _