Automate Copying From Multiple Spreadsheets Into One Summary In Same Workbook?

Apr 3, 2013

My problem is automating a process that takes information from a single column with a range of D7:D77 in 22 spreadsheets and places this information in a summary spreadsheet as rows corresponding to the names of each spreadsheet. This is within the same workbook.

For example say spreadsheet A1 has a column from D7:D77 I would like this information in a summary spreadsheet with the row titled A1 and D1:D77 transposed. This would then be repeated for the remaining spreadsheets

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For Next Looping - Copying Multiple Spreadsheets

Sep 25, 2006

I am attempting to amalgamate several (100+) spreadsheets into a single spreadsheet. The data is very simple (only three columns, several rows). I have written a simple macro to copy 5 spreadsheets (called TIMESHEET1, TIMESHEET2 etc) into 1 spreadsheet called AMALGAMATED TIMESHEETS. I would like to expand this using a FOR - NEXT loop if possible - or any other way that someone can think of! I cannot use the variable TIMESHEETx as this is not accepted......

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Copying Multiple Columns From Multiple Worksheets To Summary Worksheet

Jul 28, 2013

I'm making a Excel list for trading cards (MTG) and I've divided it into different worksheets in order to sort it by the color of the cards (not really important I guess).

The issue I have is that I want it to copy certain columns (in this case C3:C1000, F3:F1000, G3:1000 ) from almost all of the worksheets into a new worksheet where it should paste them into column A, B and C.

In two of the worksheets it's also different (C3:C1000 , G3:G:1000, H3:H1000).

I've seen many where you copy one range from multiple worksheets, and that would've been okay I guess if not those two worksheets were different. I'd prefer not to change them, and I'd also prefer if I could've gotten just the information I needed also. Is this possible to do?

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Copying A Set Of Cells From Multiple Worksheets To New Row On Summary Sheet

Oct 6, 2009

I have a workbook that tracks pollutant emissions. The workbook could end up having up to 180 worksheets, one for each pollutant and the emission total. I have VBA to create a new sheet for each pollutant (attached) using a hidden template sheet.

The summary sheet in position 1 needs to list each pollutant worksheet on a new row, and the same 4 cells from each worksheet (id, name, value, value). I have been typing out the cell references in the summary sheet, and it gets boring [=Sheet!Cell id], [=Sheet!Cell name], etc.

Is there a way for me to copy those cells to the summary sheet when the new sheet is created?

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Creating Summary Spreadsheet From Two Seperate Spreadsheets

Mar 16, 2007

I have two spreadsheets. I need to be able to match information from detailed spreadsheet for specific information from a lookup spreadsheet.

The detailed sheet (call it Purchases) has information about what was purchased during a month.

Columns: ...

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Produce Summary Workbook Sheet With Data From Multiple Workbooks

Mar 26, 2013

I have created a template workbook for individuals who work on different sites. The spreadsheets used by each individual have the same headers. The sheets all sit in the same folder in dropbox.

I am wanting to produce a summary workbook within the dropbox folder that automatically populates when an individual updates their workbook.

I have attached mock example of the individuals worksheet for your information.

The questions that I have are as follows:

1. Is it better within an individuals workbook that they record their activity all on one sheet as opposed to having a spreadsheet per months activity? It seems tidier to have a sheet per month but does this make it more difficult to produce a summary workbook?

2. The individual is required to record a patients individual drugs on separate lines but they need to record a unique identifier, age, *** and month worked. Do they need to record all this for each line of drug or is there an easier way?

3. How should the summary sheet be produced - pivot table or sheet with formulas linked to the individuals workbooks?

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Automate Copying Columns From One Sheet To Another?

Nov 16, 2013

I want to copy certain columns from Sheet6 to Sheet1. For instance, Column G in Sheet6 would be copied to Column A in Sheet1. I have over 20 columns that need to be copied. There are over 5,000 rows in Sheet6. Thiomething that I have to do daily.

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Macro To Make Copying Cells Automate

May 3, 2014

I've got a problem with copying cells from table A to B.

A short insight of the situation:

Table A shows: ITEM_1 = 3, consequently ITEM_1 from table A is copied to table B for 3 times.

I've got a few huge information blocks to handle (up to 5000 items) obviously it's unreasonable to do this manually.

I've added an xlsx file with more detailed description.


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How To Automate Copying Of Range Of Cells Into Same Row 365 Times

Feb 1, 2014

I am trying to capture data for statistical analysis, but have hit a snag. As shown in attached sheet I have each day for the year broken down into hour time slots into which data will be added. As I will need to come up with a number of similar sheets in the future I was wondering if there is a way to automate through vba, a quick way to copy down the hour slots for each day, 365 times, rather than the laborious task of copy and paste manually.

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Automate The Copying Of Formulas And Cell Formatting

Oct 31, 2009

is it possible, after inserting new sheet rows, to automate the copying of formulas and cell formatting into the newly created space, instead of manually copying the formulas and formatting down into each column?

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Copying Data From Spreadsheets

Jun 28, 2006

I created a form that takes information from textboxes and places them onto a new worksheet. This is done about 20 times until I have 20 different worksheets.

What I'm looking for is a way to Copy only certain information from all the spreadsheets and paste it onto one spreadsheet. For example if column C has a cell with the word "Not Accepted" in it, that information needs to transfer to a new worksheet.

I'm looking to do this so that it will run through all spreadsheets and grab that specific information and dump it into a new sheet...

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VBA - Copying Multiple Worksheets Into New Workbook As Values

Dec 14, 2012

I am trying to optimize my code below. It works but it is soo slow, it seems to slow down on the array copy and paste special areas. I believe this is because its doing a cell to cell paste method. These sheets have data as well as graphs that i want to retain on the new sheet, but i could select ranges for each each if that would speed up this procedure.


Sub CreateDataSheet()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim sDataOutputName As String
With Application
.Cursor = xlWait
.StatusBar = "Saving DataSheet..."
.ScreenUpdating = False


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Copying Data From Open Spreadsheets

Jul 11, 2007

I have about 10 open spreadsheets (the name of these changes each time but has a certain format). What I need to do is write some code to cycle through all the open spreadsheets and copy and paste the data into a single master spreadsheet. All these spreadsheets have a single worksheet.

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Excel 2010 :: Copying Worksheets From Multiple Workbooks Into Current Workbook?

Apr 2, 2014

Im trying to copy multiple workbooks and just save it into only one worksheet. I have 2000 diffrent workbooks with the diffrent amount of rows, The ammount of cells is the same and it dosent change.

im working on a excel 2010

This is what i got for the moment..

Sub LoopThroughDirectory()
Dim MyFile As String[code].....

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Macro For Opening Series Of Spreadsheets And Copying The Data - 1004 Error

Aug 20, 2014

The macro (used to) go down the list of spreadsheets and copy certain data from them into this master workbook. Now I'm getting a "'C:Users310108841DesktopTestFolder' could not be found" error and don't know why.


The error appears to happen here:

[Code] ....

What's more infuriating is that this appears to happen at random. I have been trying all afternoon to get it to work, and had no luck. I have literally just run it now, and it works fine. I can't believe it just works at random.

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Filtering Data And Copying The Rows Back To The Summary Page

Feb 4, 2014

I have a spreadsheet of raw data that has been downloaded in Excel. In Column N there are different site numbers.

I want to use a new Sheet for each site. Using a formulae I want to filter the data for each site and then copy the entire row to the relevant site`s page.

So I should end up with a sheet for each page and allthe data sorted correctly?

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Automate New Workbook

Feb 11, 2009

I have a workbook that I use for my purchase orders which is pretty simple. Each row is a separate PO, with 10 columns (po#, description, cost, date, etc.).

Is there a way to automatically generate new workbooks that contain all of the info from each individual row? For example: if I have 100 rows on my spreadsheet, which means I've issued 100 POs, then I want to have 100 individual xls workbooks, with the filename for each workbook representing the PO #s (206904.xls, 206905.xls, etc.).

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Copying Data From Multiple Worksheets To Multiple Worksheets In Another Workbook VBA

May 14, 2012

I have 2 nearly identical workbooks and I need to update historical data from the old workbook into the newer one.

My current Coding Snippets that I want to use look like the following:

Sub UpdateWorkbook()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r1 As String
Dim r2 As String
Dim r3 As String
Dim r4 As String
Dim r5 As String
Dim r6 As String


Now, this code isn't working I suspect because the Copy and PasteSpecial Functions don't work the way I wish to.

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Open Workbook, Run Macro, Save - Automate

Sep 16, 2006

I have 5 Excel files. The first one is Main, and the other 4 are subfiles, namely A1, A2, A3 & A4. I have a need to open Main, then click a button to start a Macro (in Main) which will do the following, sequentially:

1. open A1
2. run a Macro in A1
3. close and save A1.
4. open A2
5. run a Macro in A2
12 close and save A4.

The files A1..A4 are a file server and being shared. If they're being used by another user, it cannot be saved - so I would have to skip it and continue with the next A. It would be great if start Excel, open Main, and run the Macro in Main fully automatically.

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Copy/Paste Macro (automate Copies To Another Workbook)

May 8, 2007

I'm looking for information on building a macro that will automate making copies of a spreadsheet into another workbook that contains very particular information. My master sheet has lists of my customers and the rep's that service them. What I need to do is have macro buttons for each rep. that will pull all the shops that they service and all information for these shops into another spreadsheet.

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Consonlidate 100 Different Spreadsheets Into One Workbook

Mar 20, 2009

How I can pull over 100 different spreadsheet files into one workbook? I have many diffent files saved in one directory and need to consolidate all of them into one file? Any better ideas to do it via VBA instead of opening up so many times to manually copy them?

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Populating One Spreadsheet From Data In Other Spreadsheets In Same Workbook

Jun 1, 2007

I need to have totals from individual worksheets automatically enter into cells in a master spreadsheet.

What I am doing is keeping track of donations collected from individual departments - each on their own worksheet. I would like to have the totals of each page automatically enter & update onto a master worksheet that would show the totals from each dept and then give me a total of all those.

I am not that well versed in Excel. I have been able to set up the individual worksheets and the master.....but can not figure out how to accomplish what I want with the Master tally sheet.

On the individual worksheets I also want to set it up to give me the average donation per person. So if I total the # of donors and the total $$$ amount...what formula do I use to get the average?

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Excel 2010 :: Compare Two Spreadsheets In Same Workbook

Nov 17, 2011

How to compare two spreadsheets in the same workbook in Excel 2010.

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Email 2 Of Spreadsheets From Workbook Via Lotus Notes

Feb 18, 2013

I have found the code that I need to send one spreadsheet or the entire workbook via lotus notes through VBA, but I cannot seem to find the way to email 2 specific spreadsheets anywhere..

I have tried both of these, but I get an error when running:

With Worksheets("Diario") And Worksheets("Periodo")
stFileName = Worksheets("BD").Range("A1").Value & "- NDG " & Worksheets("Code").Range("K22").Value
Debug.Print stFileName
End With

With Sheets(Array("Diario", "Periodo"))
stFileName = Worksheets("BD").Range("A1").Value & " - NDG " & Worksheets("Code").Range("K19").Value
Debug.Print stFileName
End With

I would like the 2 sheets (Diario & Periodo) to be copied both to the same temporary workbook...

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Automate Multiple Web Queries In One Worksheet

Jul 13, 2008

I can set up one query to take the parameters from say cell E1 and F1 and post the results of the query in cell A1.
The next query I want to take parameters from say cell E20 and F20 and post results in cell A20.
I need to run this several hundred times and am limited by the webite URL to 2 parameters.

I can't work out how to automaticaly change the URL via a macro so it adapts it with the changing parameters in my worksheet.

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Automate Multiple Email Report.

Jun 7, 2009

Each week our department receives a single Excel report that contains ~15,000 rows of data.

Column A of this report is populated with a store number.

Every time the report is received, we go through a manual process in which we have to break the report down into individual store numbers and then email the data to the branch managers for their particular store only (~40 emails).

I have attached two spreadsheets (1) Invoice Report and (2) Email List.

To clarify:

Send data for branch 124 to (column header + row 2 only)
Send data for branch 126 to (column header + rows 3-9 only)
Skip branch 140 as there is no data
Send data for branch 159 to and (column header + row 10 only)

And so on.

I want to do is to (1) create a report for each branch in the list (2) email the report to the specified recipients and (3) delete the created report.

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Automate Multiple Iterations Of Solver

Apr 30, 2008

I am using solver to get a list of values that make up mulitiple known values. I would like to make the code easier to apply instead of copying it and changing it for every cell. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;

Sub Macro()
SolverOk SetCell:="$F$28", MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:="0.002", ByChange:= _
SolverAdd CellRef:="$F$31:$F$37", Relation:=1, FormulaText:="100%"
SolverAdd CellRef:="$F$31:$F$37", Relation:=3, FormulaText:="0"
SolverAdd CellRef:="$F$31:$F$37", Relation:=3, FormulaText:="$E$31:$E$37"
SolverSolve userFinish:=True
SolverOk SetCell:="$G$28", MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:="0.008", ByChange:= _

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Create Summary Workbook

Jul 10, 2009

I need a macro that will copy and paste the data from the range below from every file in a directory with each file in the directory on a new row. My goal is to build a database with the information in the files in the directory. I will need to be able to put the directory in the code at a later time as it has not be set up yet. it will be on the local computer and not on a network share.....

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Charts - Workbook Of An AR Summary

Jan 19, 2007

I have this workbook of an AR summary.

I would like Charts in there that pull from 'Sheet 1' and what i am trying to achieve is the chart always shows the most current data, as the data is entered weekly. Is it possible to have the graph constantly showing the data that is the most current?

The X & Y are

Total AR
10/22/06 10/29/06 ect.. 13 weeks of most recent data.

There are about 15 different graphs, and it is time consuming to have to go into each one of them and update all the series.

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Multiple Fonts- Automate Text For A Document

Mar 28, 2008

I am trying to automate text for a document. How can I combine Greek symbols and normal typing in one cell?

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