Copying Only Values With VBA Below Other Results?
Apr 25, 2014
I have a file where I have few sheets (link to file below). Sheet zrzut is dropdown from other system - updated daily. Sheet Productivity is filled with data supporting to group data and add conditions (for example column "I" in "zrzut" sheet). Sheet "Vena" has data from "zrzut" based on condition in column "I". Sheet "VENA_PLAN" has the same data as "Vena" but only values - I need only values for other actions. The thing is my current code replaces old data with new, but what I would like to achieve is to have new data stored below old. For now code looks like
Sub PlanVENA()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Worksheets("VENA_PLAN").Range("A3:H300").Value =
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May 27, 2008
what i have is a workbook with 4 worksheets. each is a list of tapes that i use for back ups.
each worksheet has a auto filter so that i can filter by the day i need to use the tape. i.e. when i select monday it displays mondays tapes only.
what i want to do is take the result from this and copy it into another sheet so when i select tuesday it copys onto a 5th sheet in a specific area.
i would also like it to change the day on all sheets filters from a single drop down. i cant put everything on one sheet as there are duplicate tapes and days.
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Aug 27, 2009
I'm working on a quote template that has 600+ products with descriptions and prices that gets autofiltered down to one product. After it has been filtered down to that one product how do I link that to a new worksheet?
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Feb 27, 2007
In my attached example you can see I have Sheet "Computer" & Sheet "RHN" both have a number of columns, but all I want is to compare Column A of "Computer" with Column A of "RHN" and copy all entires found in A "Computer" and not found in A "RHN" to a new sheet!
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Jun 3, 2009
I have a work sheet with about 35,000 lines of data. Every day I have to sort the list by product category (I use auto filter to separate) and then copy the results into a new worksheet, there are about 300 product catagories. I'm new to macros but I'm wondering if there is a macro that can automate this process.
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Jul 5, 2014
I want the following script to:
1) Find and define a range ("DateRng") based on cell values. This is controlled by the first block and the script does this job correctly.
2) Find cells
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May 4, 2014
I began to ponder a way to copy down cells so that the copying of the formulas results in references as shifting horizontally instead of vertically. One particular reason that this occurred to me had to do with my attempting to use Excel to make more orderly text copied from Adobe.
So, for example, if I copied text from Adobe, I would paste it in Excel. Thirty lines of text would past vertically into a column, from Row A1 to Row A30, with each line of text in its own row. I wanted to figure out a way so that in adjacent columns, I could put it so that I would have a set of formulas reading in =A1 in Column C cell/row 1, =A2 in Column D cell 1, =A3 in Column E cell/row 1, =A4 in Column F cell/row 1, =A5 in Column G cell/row 1, and so forth. I realized that if I copied this down, in the second row, the result would entail references to A2, A3, A4, A5, A6. I would prefer that the references update to A6, A7, A8, A9, and A10.
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Sep 27, 2007
I have two named ranges 'wrkNRP' and 'wrkQTY'.
Instead of totalling each range seperately, I need a way (within VBA) to go through every value in both ranges and mutiply them together, then record the total- e.g.
wrkNRP has the values
wrkQTY has the values
Then I need a way to do (10*10)+(20*20)+(30*30)+(40*40)
Is this possible WITHOUT adding an additional column?
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Jun 11, 2007
I have a spread sheet which is organised in date order column A and produces three signals Buy, Sell, No trade in column S. If i get a signal to buy or sell the price is taken in column T so i might have Buy - 1.9977. I wish to calculate the diff between the value taken to buy in this eg and deduct this value from the opp signal at some point ie a sell signal. Other buy signals and notrade signals should be ignored. The opposite is true for a sell signal
13/4/07, buy,19955,35
12/4/07,no signal
11/4/07,no signal
10/4/07,no signal
9/4/07, no signal
8/4/07, no signal
7/4/07, sell, 19990,13
6/4/07,no signal
5/4/07,no signal
if a buy signal is generated then in this eg 19990-19977 gives the diff if selling then 19990-19955 gives the diff .
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Feb 22, 2012
Based on filtered data I want to produce a result for the Average trade gain.
Lets say I have 100 rows of data, and based on filtered settings the rows reduce to 5 rows of results.
Of those results I want to find an average of all the positive values (trading profits) and ignore the negative ones.
The answer should be (2000+1500+4000)/3
The need for filtering makes this problematic. I am inclined to use SUBTOTAL as it applies to filters rows only, but I can't see how to use an IF statement within it.
In addition to this I would also love to know how to subtotal all positive values without averaging.
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Jan 31, 2010
I'm trying to populate the Hourly Rate from 4 different Vendors based on 2 conditions.
What is the AREA and what is the Category.
The Area is a pick list (10 unique values) and the Category is a pick list (50 unique values)
If A2 is picked from AREA and B5 is picked from Category THEN populate the value of C5,D5,E5,F5 into the cells of J2, K2,L2,and M2 ...
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Sep 25, 2006
I have an excel calculator that I use daily (mostly written in VBA). I change some of the values to get a new result. Is it possible to post the values of the results in a column so that I can see what the old values are? For security reasons I cannot disclose the calculator but I guess I can post an example of how I would like it to work.
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Aug 12, 2013
I need cell d4 to display the number in column b next to the applicable insurance company when the insurance company is selected from the drop down menu in cell c4. How do I do this?
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Jan 25, 2007
I have a simple one today but on a time crunch so I don't have time to go through the book.
I am trying to hlookup a list of values from a table and average the results. The values are setup horizontally.
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Jun 18, 2008
I have the following code that copies only the visible cells in an auto could I modify this code to paste only the values and not the format?
.Range("a:a").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="True"
.Range("b:d,g:r").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Monthly Hours").Range("A1")
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Aug 25, 2008
Depending upon a figure entered e.g. = $ 895.00 and also Depending upon a state being entered e.g. = NSW. Then Excel will lookup a series of cells to produce the correct figure depending upon the correct data ciritera being met. I have a data table sitting behind the spreadsheet with all relevant values.
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Feb 2, 2009
I want to locate the corresponding acct number between worksheets “primary_data” and “qty_movement” and once a match is found (from acct worksheet) then copy over the acct numbers and the share data to the results page. If there is no match I don’t want anything copied to the results page, just ignore that data on either worksheet “primary_data” or “qty_movement”.
•Both ranges on “primary_data” and “qty_movement” worksheet are variable, as accts are left off or kept on depending on the daily activity so the ranges are never set.
•I need to concatenate on “primary_data” worksheet cells A&B&C to get acct number
•concatenate on “qty_movment” worksheet cells B&C (need to keep zeros in front of actual numbers for acct number reasons)
•these accts need to be cross referenced as the accounts on the “acct” worksheet (pre-populated with corresponding acct numbers that never change and will always be on that worksheet)
•If a match is found on the “acct” sheet then I would like it to either replace the acct so they match on both worksheets or just to recognize those accounts correspond with each other and do the below.
•then take the 2 concatenated acct numbers off of “primary_data” and “qty_movement” in the I cells and copy them over to the “results” worksheet as well as the share data from “primary_data (column E)” and “qty_movement(Column D)” and then compare the 2 share amounts on “results(column E)”
i need to elaborate on anything, the attached sample sheet shows what i want to do, but without any formulas or code.
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Apr 21, 2009
I have these values in one column
In an another column I have same values and in the next column some more values that correspond to the previous values
12 red
512 blue
706 orange
I need a formula that can automatically copy those text values according to number values.
706 orange
706 orange
706 orange
512 blue
512 blue
12 red
12 red
12 red
12 red
I have tried =lookup and some variations of =if, but no good result so far.
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Nov 21, 2006
I have a command button. When the user clicks it, it needs to dynamically refresh the data in Excel.
I have a SQL server running on the backend. I have been successful in establishing a connection between the Server and Excel and am able to query the data required for me.
These are the columns in Excel. Now i need to start copying from SQL to these fields row by row till the end of the record set
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Feb 8, 2008
I need VBA Code that will copy numerical values (including formulas) i.e excluding text in column J and to paste these as values in column F.
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Jan 7, 2014
I am wanting to have conditional formats so the cell fill in a range on sheet 1 will change to:
- red if the value of a cell on a seperate sheet (date) is greater than 18 months old
- yellow if the value of a cell on a seperate sheet is 'In progress'
- green if the value of a cell on a seperate sheet (date) is less than 18 months old
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May 25, 2009
I have a work sheet which includes a column of numbers representing certain daily events. I am building a user defined function to analyse the trend in the numbers by assisigning values from -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 based on comparison of two days.
Below is the function I built but it is not working, it is resulting in zero values in most conditions. I have attached the sheet which includes the numbers and the function.
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Apr 25, 2008
i have the following macro which finds instances of a search criteria and brings them back to a results column. what i need is instead of having the word GD: appear before each result i need it once at the begining of the results
LastRow = Sheets("design owb").Cells(Rows.Count, 10).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 26 To LastRow
Target = Sheets("design owb").Cells(i, 10)
With Sheets("design")
For J = 2 To 54
For K = 4 To 11
If Target = .Cells(J, K) Then
Sheets("design owb").Cells(i, 11) = Sheets("design owb").Cells(i, 11) + "GD: " & .Cells(J, 15) + " | "
End If
Next K
Next J
End With
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
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Apr 29, 2014
Basically what I need is to find a row (I'm doing it by matching the row title that is 'BALANCE'), then I need to find the max value in this row (the problem I'm having is that the row number is not constant), copy that value in another cell and copy the name, that is located in the same column, next to the previous copied value.
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Dec 31, 2009
I'd like the following code to do is to go through each worksheet in the workbook and copy the value of the formula in cell S2 down the S column to the last row based off of a count of rows in column B. It's not working quite right and was hoping someone would be willing to correct it.
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Jun 21, 2009
I have a cell "A1" that changes values. Every time "A1" gets a new value I want to copy it the the cell below the last value in Column "B". Assume "B1" contains a column name.
I want to copy A1 to B2, then copy A2 to B3 when A1 gets a new value.
Then I want to copy A1 to B3 when A1 gets another new value and so on.
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Apr 26, 2007
I have a "weekly"workbook that is link to 26 workbooks the weekly sheet updates percentages from the other workbooks. What i am tring to do is I have a range "S9:S35" that pulls the percentages from the other workbooks I need it to copy the value of that range to "T9:T35" only when promted too(msgbox) in both cases. So that way if a workbook gets opened it doesnt automaticlly update "s9:s35" and "t9:t35" does'nt update when weekly workbook gets opened.
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May 29, 2007
I have a large list of data including subtotals. I want to copy and paste just the values of the subtotals to another worksheet. I have tried collapsing the list to Level 2 and copying/pasting values but this still carries over the whole list.
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Oct 9, 2009
I have a Sheet in which the data is calculated by changing the Sheet reference and also by the period..
Now I need to transfer this data as values, however there are certail cells which are merged and therefore I get a prompt as I cannot paste as values using Paste Special-> Values..
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Apr 8, 2009
I have a pair of workbooks in which one calculates a number of values and I want to store the values only in the other.
I would expect to be able to highlight the range of the calculated cells in the source workbook, Copy and then Paste Special | Values in the other.
Both the source and the target contain some merged cells. When I try to do the paste, it complains that "this operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized".
They are identically sized.
I have even done Paste Special | Column Widths to guarantee they are identically sized. It doesn't complain about the merged cells then; in fact, it doesn't complain about the merged cells with any of the other paste operations, only with Values.
I have been able to repeat the behaviour with a very simple example. See the two attached sheets. Try pasting Values only of the range $B$2:$D$4 from either one to the other.
When I first created the samples they worked. What seemed to triggered it is I changed one of the merged column widths by one pixel, tried expecting it to fail (and it did), changed that column width back again and it hasn't worked since. As I said, I even tried pasting the Column Width to the target, which it appeared to do successfully, but it hasn't helped.
Now, the attached examples are only to show the principle of the problem. They are very simple and there would be a myriad alternative work-arounds for them. In my original case though there are many formulae over a much larger range and I want other people to be able to paste values without having to follow complicated instructions, so I am not looking for work-arounds unless someone has a mind-numbingly simple one that my numb mind has overlooked.
The only other way of solving the problem that I can think of would be to write a macro that copies cell values individually, but I'd rather not do that because I know these people: they will get narky about having to enable macros. It will be "against organisation policy" or something.
Is there any way of resetting the target workbook so that it will receive the values from the source?
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