Counting A Number In A Cell When Sumproduct

Apr 4, 2007

I have a spreadsheet with 3 coloumns. In A I enter Address, B Date, C Ward/District Area (this is a data validation list). At present I use; = SUMPRODUCT((HFRA!B4:B2000>=Summary!B1)*(HFRA!B4:B2000<=Summary!B2)). Summary B1 and B2 are dates to search between e.g 1/01/07 and 31/01/07. The above formula only counts the date enteries between B1 and B2.

I would like to change this so that it still checks that the date still falls between B1 and B2 but is adds together the numbers entered in coloum A. So coloumn A would become number of completed actions not an address.

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Excel 2007 :: Determining / Counting Number Of Values Used In SUMIF / SUMPRODUCT Function

Aug 2, 2014

I am using Office/Excel 2007 and Windows 8

I want to determine the number of values SUMIF/SUMPRODUCT functions used/checked to arrive at the answer, i.e. 95 for row 2 and 116 for row 3. A function that can give a 3 and 2 respectively.


Results for Row #2 gives: 95 with 3 values picked up under "Rate"

Results for Row #3 gives: 116 with 2 values though three places were checked up under "Rate"

How can I count the number of these values referencing at the "Rate" like in the functions used.

I managed to use SUMIF/SUMPRODUCT functions to calculate totals based on "Rate" in row one.

I tried COUNTIF function, but allows only field/heading.


[Code] ..........

results for each formula used

95 formula: =SUMIF(B$1:G$1,B$1,B2:G2)

95 formula: =SUMPRODUCT((B$1:G$1=B$1)*(B2:G2))

3 formula: =COUNTIF(B1:G2,B1)

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Sumproduct.... But Counting?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a working SUMPRODUCT forumla, which sums the numbers in column B that are between two dates (column A) that I specify.

Is there a simple way to turn this into a count? I thought maybe a COUNTIFS formula, but that can't get the count between the dates, as only one criteria is applied to each range.

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Conditional Counting With SUMPRODUCT

May 8, 2008

I want to know the formula which sums up volume and multiply it with given price to get the value by category. An example is given in the encl. excel file.

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SUMPRODUCT - Counting Records - How Do I Not Count Dupes

Oct 19, 2007

I'm using the following formula to get a count of records that have a matching function name that is in B10.


My Problem: There are duplicate entries in my recordset based on COl A (AppID).

How can I change the formula to only count the occurences of the B10 values based on a unique AppID (col A)?

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Counting Number Of (-) Character In A Row And Activating Cell With Last Used (-)

Dec 3, 2012

I have a requirement where I have to count number of "-" character in particular row

I am using a excel database for promotion records of my team....The data base works as follows. I am using countif function to calculate number of associates in specific grade for specific month. One associate is getting promoted to next level, I will add one more row with the same employee name with change in designation and diff start and end date. I want to generate report for monthly promotions, The report should depict number of promotions in each month. ie in Jul there is one promotion from trainee to Engg for EMP1. There are hundreds of employees, eligible for promotion in each month.

Emp Name Desig From Date To Date Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Spt 13 Oct-13 Nov-13
EMP 1 trainee 4-1-13 6-30-13 trainee trainee trainee - - - - -
EMP 1 Engg 7-1-13 11-30-13 - - - Engg Engg Engg Engg Engg

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Counting Number Of Specific Letters In A Cell?

Sep 11, 2013

I have column A and B , in Column A cells i have words that I need to count the number of specific letters from them.

like :

A2= Apples

I need B2 to show the number of letter "A" in A2's text.

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Counting The Number Of Non-empty Cells Beneath A Reference Cell

Aug 18, 2009

I'm trying to count the number of non-empty cells beneath a reference cell and would be most grateful for a few pointers. The code I currently have (that doesn't work) is:

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Counting The Number Of Times A Multi Digit Number Appears

Nov 22, 2007

I've tried everything I know (which isnt that much to be honest. lol). Ive tried the frequency formula but that doesn't work the way I want it - I think its probably the wrong formula to use. I've also tried a pivot table but they always vex me. If a pivot table IS the way to go, could someone talk me through it step by step? (*the wizard is just as confusing as doing it yourself I find) ....

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Counting The Number Of Occurrences Before The Current Week Number?

Jul 10, 2014

I have a spreadsheet for tracking jobs. Most everything is based off of week # rather than date. I am trying to get the stats page of the workbook to tally the total number of late jobs per week.The current week is taken care of because there is a function that automatically displays on time yes or no and I just set it to count the yeses or nos.The problem I am having is for past weeks.

I tried- =COUNTIF(Table2[On-time],"No"+(CountIF(Table2[Week # Hidden],"<Weeknum(Now())" but that doesn't work. I also tried isolating the < like this. =COUNTIF(Table2[On-time],"No"+(CountIF(Table2[Week # Hidden],"<"Weeknum(Now()) and that did not work either.

------ UPDATE

In response to using CountIFS I have also tried-

=COUNTIFS(Table2[On-time],"NO",Table2[Due Week '# Hidden],"<Weeknum(Now())") this just returns a zero value even when I have a late job listed three weeks ago.

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Counting Number Of Cells With Same Number

Jan 5, 2007

I need to know wich formula or VB method, I have to use to count the number of cases in a range of colomns and rows C4:G107, have the same number. For eaxample how many times do I have number 1 and so on...

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Counting The Number When You Have A Number And Text

May 23, 2006

I have a column for EE or SP and a column that has an amount of insurance
coverage like 10,000 etc.

I want to count the total number of EE have that level or type of coverage

My columns are like this:
C1 EE K1 10,000
CE SP K2 200,00

I have tried numerous formulas from the various discussions and I can't find
any that works.

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Counting The Number That Comes From A Destignated Number

Dec 23, 2006

How do I create a formula that will count the number of times in F7:H106,
where the number "0" occurred and had a value of "1" to occur
in the previous row in the range, if no number "1" in previous row
then ""


if G22=0 and G21=1, then count 1

if G12=0 and G11=1, then count 1 more

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SUMPRODUCT Use But With Unknown Number Of Rows?

Sep 15, 2012

I need to put a value on every line having "file:" in the second column. The value requested is a sum of the numbers in the forth column following this line until the next "file:" line.

I know it is not trivial, but sure it is possible.



[Code] ...........

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=sumproduct- Returning The Number Of Items

Feb 23, 2009

Im using the below formula -

=SUMPRODUCT(--(Jan!D9:D999 > 0)--(Jan!Y9:Y999="FALSE"))
But it keeps returning the number of items in JanD9:D999 > 0 , when i want the number of items in column Y which contain "FALSE" if D is greater than 0.

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Sumproduct - Number Of Divers Logging Dives

Jan 24, 2014

Building a Dive Record spreadsheet and Annual Statisics requirements to compute automatically. I have gotten this far:


Unfortuantely, I do not have a list of divers names for referencing. I am using these for testing purposes:

Column B Diver's Names: B. Dodson, L. Lloyd, D. Burch, C. Haley, J. Wilson, B.Dodson, B. Dodson Columns M through BO (types of dives): will have "X's" in them if a specific type of dive was made, Scientific, Working, Training, Non-duty... Shore, Boat, Ice, Cave, etc..

I need to know how many Divers made the type of dives. For example, if I make three dives in Saltwater, L. Lloyd makes one, and D. Burch make one, the answer needs to show 3 which is correct. If Dodson makes one, Haley makes one, and Wilson makes one, the number is 2 (actually 2.33). It works in some cases and not in others.

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Sumproduct: Count Number Of Leaves Within A Specified Period

Nov 5, 2009


I'm sure that there had been an error somewhere but I can't figure it out. I'm getting zero value. Situation: need to count number of leaves within a specified period, thus I opted to use Sumproduct.

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Sumproduct :: Get A Number Of Entries That Fall Into Category

Oct 6, 2009

I'm trying to make my formula work. It is working now but I need to add one more criteria and I can' figure it out. I need to get a number of entries that fall into this categories:

John Smith09/02/2009Closed

=sumproduct(--(A1="John Smith"),--(B2>=Today()-90),--(C3="Closed"))

Now I need to get a count of entry either if there is a date >= Today()-90 or if it says "Closed" in C1. But I only need one of the two and I can' figure it out.

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Sumproduct With OR Logic - Count Number Of Rows In Dataset

Jan 17, 2014

I'm trying to count the number of rows in a dataset where column A is something, B is something, C is something, D is not something, D is not something else, and column E > 0 OR F is something but I just can't get the result I want.

My actual dataset is a staggering 294,000 rows and 46 columns so here's a simplified version:

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Sumproduct Query: Count Number Of Days Holiday

Jun 29, 2009

I have a formula which I have copied from one of your good selves and tried to adapt it. The formula is below. I a am getting #NA as my answer.


I have a person name in Colomn A and then 1 week B-G on a row and want to count number of days holiday.

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Sumproduct: Determine The Number Of Unique Names In Column

Jan 22, 2010

I have 1500+customer names in column C7 of table. I'm looking for a SUMPRODUCT formula that achieves the following 2 logical goals. First, it needs to determine the number of unique names in column C7. It can't just count the rows because many customers appear multiple times in the range. So, I have been using the following formula and it works great:

Second, I'd like the formula to tell me how many of the unique names in C7 correspond to public companies. Column C8 of my table indicates whether or not a company is public ("Yes") or private ("No"). So, I've been using the following formula and it seems to deliver the right result:


But the added COUNTIFS statement seems very unwieldy and indirect to me. Why do I have to examine every instance of a particular company's name when the answer could be determined by looking at any instance of the name -- after all, each company in C7 is either public or private, and has the same corresponding value in C8 (whether "Yes" or "No") everywhere that its name appears in C7!

So that's my first question: is there a clearer, more efficient way to achieve the same result? My second question has to do with toggling the public company test.
What if I create a special cell, say A1, that will always contain either the word "On" or "Off"........

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SUMPRODUCT With Multiple Criteria: Count The Number Of Documents

Nov 3, 2009

I have attached a spreadsheet with a small indicative data set to assist in understanding. I am trying to count the number of documents each individual has assigned to them that are not yet 'completed' (ie REGISTERED, IN WORK, REVIEWED). The problem I am trying to overcome is that the document state can be 1 of several values indicated in the same column.

I have tried using this SUMPRODUCT formula:
=SUMPRODUCT((($E$2:$E$11="REGISTERED")+($E$2:$E$11="IN WORK")+($E$2:$E$11="REVIEWED")*($B$2:$B$11="Jones")))
but it is generating incorrect values!

- Jones shoulld return 1
- Franks should return 3
- Smith shoudl return 0

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Sumproduct- To Get The Total Number Of Columns That Have A Specific Match-up

Aug 25, 2008

I've got two columns of numbers, such as:

(Col A) (Col B)
Cycle Bin
1 - - 3
1 - - 7
1 - - 7
1 - - 2
1 - - 5
2 - - 7
2 - - 9
2 - - 6
3 - - 7
3 - - 2
4 - - 2
4 - - 8
4 - - 2
4 - - 8
4 - - 5

I'm trying to get the total number of columns that have a specific match-up, for instance, how many cells are in Cycle 1 with Bin #7? ....

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SUMPRODUCT With 2 Criteria, But One Is A Maximum Number Of Items To Include

Jan 14, 2009

I have no problems figuring out SUMIF or SUMPRODUCT with multiple criteria, but I'm trying to help someone with an issue that the second criteria is actually not all-inclusive.

Column B - Lots of numbers, the SUM range
Column C - Yes and No flags. Y or N

C1 = maximum number of matching items to include.

So, =SUMPRODUCT((C2:C100="Y")*(B2:B100)) sums up ALL the Yes rows, but the guy wants to restrict it to the last X matches, and put that X factor in C1. So if C1=5, only the last 5 Y matches are included.

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Sumproduct And Max: Caclulate The Max Number Based On Two Colomns Criteria

May 5, 2006

i'm trying to caclulate the max number based on two colomns criteria. For example if column A equal MC1 and column B equal 1 then find the max value of that group. I tried using sumproduct but so far it only works if i have one criteria wasn't too sure how to use it for two criterias. See attached file

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Counting Number Of Cells

Mar 24, 2014

My data is as follows:

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Number of Starts 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Rolling Number of Cases 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 120 120 120 120 120

In my dataset above the cases finish after 12 months (hence why there is a maximum number of cases).

What I am seeking is a method to count along a certain number of cells, then sum the contents of those. For example, I would like to count the contents of up to 12 cells, then sum those 12 cells.

Where it gets difficult is as follows:

- In month 6, I am just counting the contents of 6 cells (months 1-6)
- In month 12, I am counting the contents of 12 cells (months 1 -12)
- In month 18, I am counting the contents of 12 cells (month 7 - 18)

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Counting Distance Between Number 1

Mar 27, 2014

I need a formula, from which I need to drag (if needed) and to fill with numbers, by following principles:

- when the left cell contain the zero, it needs to find on the same column if there exists another zero, or another one and count them, let's say if find three zeros untill find number one, return 3.
- when find a number 1, after another 1, has to return a zero.
- the formula need to initialise from the top of the column, only finds the first number 1.

I have a relevant example down bellow. I used to count them visually and sometimes errors sneak into my spreadsheets.

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Counting Number Of Each Letter

Aug 14, 2013

I have a table like this.........

Item Code
Ice A
Ice A
Ice B
water D
water A
water C
water A
milk B
milk D
milk C
milk C
milk C
milk B

And I would like to count the number of each letter to look like........
_______ A B C D
Ice ___ 2 1 0 0
water _ 2 0 1 1
milk ___0 2 3 1

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Counting The Number Of Months

Dec 13, 2006

I am trying to calculate the number of months between two given dates.
The spreadsheet is basically about staff and their start and end dates.

For example start dates would be in colum A and end dates would be in column B (in dd/mm/yyyy format).

I am currently using the following formula:

It does return the correct results when the dates are the same e.g. start date = 01/01/2006 and end date = 01/04/2006 = 3 months.
BUT when I change the end date to 31/03/2006, it returns as 2 months.

Is there a way around this? I need a more accurate number of months (with no decimal places)

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Random Number Counting

Sep 21, 2009

If I generate a random number in cell A1 ranging from 1 to 3. Can I count how many times the result is equal to 2 if I was to run it 100 times and then show the results in cell A3.

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