Excel 2007 :: Determining / Counting Number Of Values Used In SUMIF / SUMPRODUCT Function

Aug 2, 2014

I am using Office/Excel 2007 and Windows 8

I want to determine the number of values SUMIF/SUMPRODUCT functions used/checked to arrive at the answer, i.e. 95 for row 2 and 116 for row 3. A function that can give a 3 and 2 respectively.


Results for Row #2 gives: 95 with 3 values picked up under "Rate"

Results for Row #3 gives: 116 with 2 values though three places were checked up under "Rate"

How can I count the number of these values referencing at the "Rate" like in the functions used.

I managed to use SUMIF/SUMPRODUCT functions to calculate totals based on "Rate" in row one.

I tried COUNTIF function, but allows only field/heading.


[Code] ..........

results for each formula used

95 formula: =SUMIF(B$1:G$1,B$1,B2:G2)

95 formula: =SUMPRODUCT((B$1:G$1=B$1)*(B2:G2))

3 formula: =COUNTIF(B1:G2,B1)

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Excel 2007 :: Complex SumIf / Sumproduct Formula?

Oct 11, 2011

I am trying to do a dynamic sumifs that allows the user to use data validation lists to select 5 items to query. This is the easy part.

The hard part is that the amounts range to sum goes across 6 weeks and I want the answer to also take account of another validation input which specifies up to what week the range should be.

I have done a simply if statement in row 8 that flags weeks relevant to input cell B6.

How do I do a formula in say cell A16 that does the sumifs and acknowledges that the user has requested a dynamic range to sum?

Sheet1ABCDEFGHIJK1RegimePost 20052TypeBudget<<<<- Dropdowns3Prod AreaLoans4ChannelRetail5Pro/ReReactive6Week18-May-1178Flags ->1110009Regime 2TypeProd AreaChannelPro/Re04-May-1111-May-1118-May-1125-May-1101-Jun-1108-Jun-1110Post 2005Budget Loans Retail Reactive 36942041320736540011Post 2005Budget Cards Retail Reactive 38423444021726636212Pre 2005Actual Mortgages Tele Proactive 35739840536923740113Pre 2005Actual Loans Direct Proactive 3213872554552254621415Answer16Excel 2007

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Excel 2007 :: Counting Unique Values

Dec 9, 2013

I am using Excel 2007

I have 50 000+ rows that covers fiscal years from 2006 to 2014 and I want to calculate how many unique clients are there per asset type per fiscal year. In addition, the results table needs to adjust to filters i would use on the raw data..





Here is a sample file: SampleData.xls

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Excel 2007 :: Counting Number Of Times A Word Appears

Dec 12, 2011

I have a 2007 Excel spreadsheet (saved as .XLS) with worker names in column A and error types in column B. Column B can have multiple entries (which are sometimes duplicative of each other) separated by a hard return.

What I need to do is run tallies to determine the number of errors by type for each person, counting the value every time it appears, even if it is more than once in a particular cell. The ultimate goal is to generate a formula to track the number of occurrences for all error types types for the person in Column A (i.e. one formula each to track ABC's Procedural errors, ABC's Technical errors, ABC's Admin errors, DEF's Procedural, etc) though ideally I just need a formula to calculate any one of those and I can edit it to get the rest. Here's a sample screenshot:

The COUNTIFS formula is where I started but that only seems to count cells with the value as opposed to occurrences of the value. I did find this formula in my searches but it doesn't seem to work:


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Excel 2007 :: Count Number Of Digits Without Counting Digit Twice

Sep 10, 2013

The values in columns b:d range from 000-999. I need a formula that will count the number of digits in B:D that match the 3 values in H1 without counting a digit twice. The existing formula counts a digit twice, like the value in H4.

DIGIT HITSABCDEFGH10,1,2209/09/132192191222309/09/134824821441409/08/131191191112509/08/139799792550609/07/137177171551709/07/138668662000
Excel 2007Worksheet FormulasCellFormulaE2=B2&C2&D2F2=SUM(B2:D2)G2=MOD(F2,10)H2=SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(FIND(","&$B2:$D2&",",","&H$1&",")))E3=B3&C3&D3F3=SUM(B3:D3)G3=MOD(F3,10)H3=SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(FIND(","&$B3:$D3&",",","&H$1&",")))E4=B4&

[Code] ......

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Formula- To Pull Cell Values Similar To A SUMIF Function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range))

Oct 25, 2007

I am trying to pull cell values similar to a SUMIF function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)). For example, in A1 I use a data list created from data elsewhere on the spreadsheet. In the data I created elsewhere, there are 2 columns being used. The 1st column is the information that is being used to create the list and the second column contains specific values (number or text). In the dropdown menu I select an available value (text or number) . When I have selected that value I would like cell A2 to show what the cell directly to the right of it shows from the data I have elsewhere in the spreadsheet as mentioned. I have tried the SUMIF function however it seems to exclude certain values (number or text) and I am not sure what else to use.

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Determining If Excel Values Equal Access Table Values

Jun 19, 2014

One aspect of my Excel-based project involves comparing the operator-entered part number (in Excel) to a predetermined list of part numbers in one column of an Access database table. Right now, my program is telling me that every part number entered in the spreadsheet (50+) does not match any part number in the database, which I've verified to be incorrect. I've checked that both the spreadsheet part number and the database part number are of the string datatype.

To the best of my knowledge, my looping logic seems valid and robust. To the best of my knowledge, there are no hidden characters in either the database cells or in the spreadsheet cells causing this apparent mismatch. I'm completely stumped at this point as to why my program doesn't detect any matches between the spreadsheet and the database table. Below is the Sub containing the code for checking that the part numbers match:

[Code] ....

This issue seems to be a hybrid issue between Excel and Access with (to me) more of the issue on the Access end.

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Counting A Number In A Cell When Sumproduct

Apr 4, 2007

I have a spreadsheet with 3 coloumns. In A I enter Address, B Date, C Ward/District Area (this is a data validation list). At present I use; = SUMPRODUCT((HFRA!B4:B2000>=Summary!B1)*(HFRA!B4:B2000<=Summary!B2)). Summary B1 and B2 are dates to search between e.g 1/01/07 and 31/01/07. The above formula only counts the date enteries between B1 and B2.

I would like to change this so that it still checks that the date still falls between B1 and B2 but is adds together the numbers entered in coloum A. So coloumn A would become number of completed actions not an address.

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Sumif Counting Values In Date Range

Jun 27, 2014

I'm currently using the below formula to calculate the values within a certain date range.


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Excel 2007 :: Sumproduct And IfError

Jul 6, 2012

I need the following formula to return the sum despite having #ref errors in the ranges


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Excel 2007 :: SumIf (total Value) For Supplier Codes

Feb 6, 2012

Column O is a list of unique 1000 supplier codes

Column G is a list of 75000 imports (dollar amounts), each row has a supplier code.

I want to have a formula in Column P to sum the rows where the suppier code equals the supplier in column O.

i thought this was easier in 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Simplifying Formula With Multiple SUMIF

Feb 20, 2014

I've got a SUMIF formula that works but will be complex to expand. Excel 2007

A10= SUMIFS(b2:b4,a2:a4,">="&B6,a2:a4,"="&B6,c2:c4,"="&c6,a2:a4,"="&c6,c2:c4,"

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Excel 2007 :: Using Sumproduct (or Alternative) For Hundreds Of Criteria?

Feb 13, 2013

I have a some data where I need to sum some data based on date range, and dept id's. But the dept ids are parts of various groups. For ex, one group covers about 300+ dept id's. Some of them have ranges (e.g. dept 1000 - 1050) but for whatever reason some dept id's that belong to other groups sometimes fall into the same ranges.

My first hope was one big range, but the overlap issue nixed that. As I mentioned there are some ranges so maybe 100 of them could be grouped into a range but I'd still have 200+ independent dept id's.

I read for 2003 the max criteria for sumproduct is 30 and for 2007+ it's 255. So maybe 2007 might cut it but this doesn't seem like the right way.

Btw, I'm doing this in VBA but I mention sumproduct because I've used it a few times within code via evaluate. Otherwise do I just have a massive string in vba (If deptid = #### or deptid = #### or deptid = #### etc)?

Again, it seems like there should be a better way. I thought about making a master list of all the dept's and sumproduct each one individually and then sum from the ones that fall under group but even then I have to identify the deptids I need for a particular group.

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Excel 2007 :: Sumif Command Adding 2 Different Part Numbers Together?

Apr 10, 2013

I have a Excel 2007 spreadsheet of part numbers and quantities sold. In the spreadsheet we have similar part numbers, but my sumif command is adding these together. the parts are :


My column of part numbers is formatted as text

My formula is this =SUMIF(Sheet1!H:H,A16,Sheet1!Q:Q) where H is the part number and Q is the quanity

I tried adding a format command in the sumif command, but it returned a 0. =SUMIF(Sheet1!H:H,format(A16,"0"),Sheet1!Q:Q)

better formula and why is excel adding different part numbers together?

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Excel 2007 :: Crashes When Cell References Using SUMIF To Another Workfile Are Above Row 65k

Nov 28, 2013

I have 2 excel files (both .xlsx) and in the first file i am creating a reference to cells in the 2nd file using SUMIFS function. The 2nd file has 275,000 rows of data. I can create the formula correctly, however when i save the file, it just crashes every time (says not responding). If i create simple reference (=A275000) then its fine so im not sure what the issue is.

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Excel 2007 :: Counting Dates Then Creating Dynamic Graph

Jul 24, 2014

What I have done is entered code to auto generate the date in column O whenever data is entered or altered in column A. Here is that code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A:A")) Is Nothing Then _
Target.Offset(0, 14).Value = Now

End If
End Sub

What I am trying to do now, is create a column that will take the information from O and do a sort of COUNTIF function that will count how many items of data were entered on a certain date by the day. For a clearer example, I want it to tell me how many items were entered/altered on 7/23. But I also want it to continuously calculate it for each date after that. Preferably automatically, but if a macro is needed I can create an update button.

Once it can achieve that I would like to create a dynamic graph that will automatically (or via macro button) update to show the last 5 days. It should display the date and how many items were entered that day.

I am using Office 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Conditional Formatting And Counting Coloured Cells?

Nov 1, 2011

i have a spreadsheet in excel 2007. It shows a students target grade in one column and their recent test mark in another column. Firstly i have applied conditional formatting to say whether or not the student has hit their target, below or above, using red, yellow and green colours. This all works fine.

Now i would like to add a formula that counts the number of cells that are red, yellow or green etc.....

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Counting Unique Values With A Function

Feb 16, 2006

I have a column of data with 1000 rows. In this column there are duplicated values. I would like to be able to use a function count how many unique values are in the column. Let's say there were 4 duplicates of 250 values in the column. I would like to be able to write a function to calculate the 250. I am very familiar with Excel and am able to acheive the number through subtotals and/or pivot tables. I know I can find how many instances one specific value appears in the column through sumproduct and/or countif statements,

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Function For Counting Unique Values?

Jan 31, 2013

what function can I use to count the number of unique values in a range of cells?

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Countif Function For Counting Values Based On More Then 1 Variable

May 7, 2007

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that will count the number of times a certain incident occurs, for a particular person, for a particular month. The attached spreadsheet is an example of what I need done.

For the attached spreadsheet, I need to find out how many times x employee has been late for x month, and how many times they've been late overall.

You can see one of the many tries I've attempted in the second sheet, but it doesn't seem to want to work. I have to be able to do this without VBA, because of signature issues.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro For Finding Out Missing Number And Duplicate Number In A Range

Jan 22, 2013

Excel 2007

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Counting Number Of Individual Values In Array?

Apr 23, 2012

I need a formula which ignores duplicates and uniques in an array, which returns the number of individual values.

A comma denotes a new cell;


In this case, the answer should be "6".

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Counting Number Of Unique Values In Rows/columns

Mar 6, 2003

I have several columns in an excel sheet which contain values (eg. Names). The entered names can be unique or already exist in the column. I need to find out (using a function or macro) how many different names were entered. Duplicates shshould be ignored in the count.

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Determining Data Type Of Argument In Custom Function

May 29, 2007

In VBA, True takes the integer value of -1. However, in Excel, it is 1.

I am writing a custom function that does arithmetic on a value. However, due to above, if the value is True, my custom function produces a different result than if I wrote an Excel formula to do the same thing.

Is there some way to identify the data type of a value passed into a function? Currently my function looks like this:

' Return the valueToIncrement with its magnitude increased by PctToAdd
Public Function INCREMENTPCT(valueToIncrement As Variant, PctToAdd As Variant) As Variant

INCREMENTPCT = valueToIncrement * (1 + PctToAdd)

End Function

Ideally I would like to identify whether the type is Boolean and adjust the value so as to give the same result as an Excel formula would give.

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Determining If Cell Contains Number Or Not?

Mar 4, 2014

I have a situation where I have a column with 10 numbers in it... say A1 - A10 each contain an equation that will solve to a numerical value. If one of these does not solve and gives me a "#VALUE!" response, how do I tell a function to look for that? I'm specifically attempting to use Match to find it, in this case "=MATCH("0",A1:A10,0)".

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Multiple Criteria And SUMPRODUCT (count The Number Of Rows That Have Values Greater Than 10/01/2008 In Either Of Two Fields)

Jan 23, 2009

I am trying to count the number of rows that have values greater than 10/01/2008 in either of two fields. I tried following formula but instead of giving total number of rows, it returns a random date.

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Excel 2010 :: Sumproduct Of Unique Values In Multiple Ranges

Jul 31, 2014

I have 3 ranges of data which each have a quantity and a length. I want to create from these ranges a list of unique values with the total quantity required of each value (as shown). Inputs on any column may be blank but where there is a length, there will be an adjacent quantity to the left.

I'm using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Use Month Function In VBA

Jun 25, 2013

How to use the Month function in VBA but am not getting the results I expect after reviewing other websites.

I'm running MS Excel 2007.
Simple example:
the worsheet cell, A1 has "5/14/2013" , cell format is DATE

I want to get the month as a number. I know that year(cells(1,1)) results in 2013 so in the immediate window, I try


Both result in Run-time error '13' Type Mismatch.

What am I misunderstanding about the Month function?

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Oct 21, 2008

1 FA4,000.00 10%
2 CB1,500.00 15%
3 FA7,500.00 15%
4 AA700.00 5%
5 JG250.00 5%
6 FA1,200.00 5%
7 AA900.00 5%
8 CB175.00 15%
9 FA2,000.00 2%

At the foot of the spreadsheet I would like to show the total of the calculation
Col B * Col C, if Col A shows a value of "FA"

Having veiwed similar posts, I believe SUMPRODUCT may be the correct formula, but I cannot seem to achieve the result I am looking for.

So in the example the desired result is 1,625 B1 * C1 + B3 * C3 + B6 * C6 + B9 * C9

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Sumif Or Sumproduct?

Feb 26, 2009

How can I write a conditional sum formula that will skip a criterion when it is left blank?

I was able to make this work:

where column B has the criteria.

I was wondering if there was a better way using Sumif or Sumproduct.

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