Counting The Number Of Non-empty Cells Beneath A Reference Cell

Aug 18, 2009

I'm trying to count the number of non-empty cells beneath a reference cell and would be most grateful for a few pointers. The code I currently have (that doesn't work) is:

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Counting Empty Cells To The Left

Sep 22, 2009

I am trying to count the # of empty cells to the left. I trying to work out how many days since an employee has missed. In this worksheet, a letter is placed in the cell corresponding to the day they missed. And I need to count backwards from a date (say: July 31st) to the last day with a letter in it.

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Fill Empty Column Cells With Reference To Adjacent Cells

Aug 11, 2008

I would like a macro that when run, finds empty cells in a column within the used range and fills them with the same formula in the other cells in the same column but relative to the row.

I have a basic understanding of VBA so if someone can set me on the right track i'll have a go myself as i appreciate this would take a while to write out from scratch.

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Filling Empty Cell Value Based On If Else Condition And Delete Row More Than 2 Cells Empty

May 23, 2014

Here find the excel file

My requirement

1) 4 values contains in each row based on the values from those cells the max value will display.

2) if more than 2 cells have empty,NR or NA text means the entire row has to delete.

3) if 2 or more that means 3 cells having values the empty cell,NR or NA cell will place value with the condition of macro that is 75% of other values which is maximum among them.

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Find Empty Cell In Column And Apply Required Character To Empty Visible Cells?

May 8, 2014

I am looking to find all visible cells in column E that are blank, and then add ''B'' to those empty cells.

I am using code similar to the below:

[Code] .....

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Returning The Contents Of A Non-empty Cell In A Range Of Empty Cells

Jan 8, 2008

I have a long range of cells (U3:AX3), all of which are empty save one. Is there a way to search through the range of cells, and return the contents of the one cell that contains text?

I would do this with a series of nested IF statements if there weren't more than 30 of them!

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How To Select Cell Beneath Chart

Jan 2, 2012

I have a chart, I need to select a cell beneath that chart. It can be the top cell or top left cell. So is there a way, by using vba, to know which cell is the top or left cell being covered by a chart

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Counting Number Of Cells

Mar 24, 2014

My data is as follows:

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Number of Starts 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Rolling Number of Cases 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 120 120 120 120 120

In my dataset above the cases finish after 12 months (hence why there is a maximum number of cases).

What I am seeking is a method to count along a certain number of cells, then sum the contents of those. For example, I would like to count the contents of up to 12 cells, then sum those 12 cells.

Where it gets difficult is as follows:

- In month 6, I am just counting the contents of 6 cells (months 1-6)
- In month 12, I am counting the contents of 12 cells (months 1 -12)
- In month 18, I am counting the contents of 12 cells (month 7 - 18)

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Macro- Find Cell, Select That Row, And The One Beneath It

Feb 19, 2008

When recording a macro, how would I have it record me searching for a word in a cell, then select the two rows beneath it so that I can hide/unhide the hidden rows?

The reason it has to search for the word in the cell is that with changes above, the rows keep getting bumped further and further down (i.e., a moving target).

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Excel 2010 :: How To Return Value Of Cell Beneath A Cell With Specific Value

Jun 14, 2014

What I'm trying to do is, create a formula that works like vlookup, except I want to return the value of the cell that is a specified number of cells below the looked-up data in a single column array. So, let's say cell A1 reads "Bacon". In B1, I'd like to put a formula which searches the array for the cell that contains "Bacon" and then returns the value of the cell underneath, let's say the value is "Eggs". Then in C1, I'd like to put another formula which also looks up "Bacon" in the array, then returns the value of the cell that is down two cells from the cell that contains "Bacon", let's say the value is "Milk". And then in D1, a formula that returns the value 3 cells below "Bacon", and so on. All the values here will be text, and not sorted in any specific order. I'll be using Excel 2010.

Please take a look at the attached sheet if it clarifies things.

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Counting Cells With Certain Number Conditions

May 9, 2012

I need to count all the cells in columns H, I, and J that contain a number either less than -.5 or greater than .5.

Separately, I also need to count all the cells in columns H, I, and J that contain a number either less than -.5 or greater than .5 if the corresponding cell in column G is not empty.

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Counting Number Of Cells Which Are Green

Apr 12, 2013

I have a column that shows green when a target has been reached.

On a separate sheet, in the same workbook I have the number of days which target has been reached in the month. At present I have to update this manually, is there a way to automate this?

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Cell Reference- Able To Reference Two Cells To The Left Even As More Cells Are Added

Jun 11, 2008

I have 5 columns set up: A,B,C,D,E
D is the sum of A and B
E is the sum of A,B,and C

As I add in a new column to the right of C (call it C2), I need D (which has shifted over one) to sum A,B, and C.

I also need E (which has also shifted over one) to sum A,B,C, and C2.

Essentially I need a function in a cell that will be able to reference two cells to the left even as more cells are added.

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Counting Number Of Cells With Same Number

Jan 5, 2007

I need to know wich formula or VB method, I have to use to count the number of cases in a range of colomns and rows C4:G107, have the same number. For eaxample how many times do I have number 1 and so on...

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Counting The Number Of Instances Between Blanks Cells?

Mar 18, 2009

I like to think that I am pretty good on Excel 2003, can't stand 2007 but hey thats for another thread.

I can do most forumulas and write some pretty elaborate macros, but one thing I am trying to do has completely stumped me.

Each month I compile a Pivit table that shows by day if a product was in stock or out of stock, this is represented by a blank cell (in stock), "1" Out of stock.

All this is fine, but I want to be able to show the number of instances that a product was out of stock in any given month...

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Counting Number Of Cells In Column That Are Not Blank

Mar 21, 2012

I want to count the number of cells in column A that are not blank MINUS or EXCLUDING the cells in Column AD whose values are "Closed".

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Counting Total Number Duplicate Cells

May 21, 2013

I have a Workbook with multiple sheets with Data in them. I would like to Count the number of duplicate values between the sheets.

For example.

Sheet one has a list of case references Person A is dealing with.

Sheet two has a another list of case references Person B is dealing with however the also have a list of case reference's they are monitoring as part of a project.

Sheet 3 has got the total number of case references each Person is dealing with, it also contain the total number of cases Person A&B together are dealing with. however i need to find the total number of cases Person B is monitoring that Person A also has so that the total number of cases is the true number of total cases with no duplicates involved.

(References begin with VB then have a string of numbers afterwards and I would like to know the total number of cases the Person B is monitoring as well so these need ot be calculated).

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Counting Number Of Months If More Than 9 And Highlighting Cells

Dec 24, 2013

Have been doing some sums on excel. I've managed to calculate the number of months between 2 dates using this formula.....

=DATEDIF(C3,D3,"y")&" years "&DATEDIF(C3,D3,"ym")&" months "

I then come up with a list of months calculated.

What I now want to know is, how many are equal to or more than 9 months? And if this is the case then can the cells be highlighted in a different colour?

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Formula Based Upon Number Of Empty Cells?

Jul 28, 2014

I am creating a fantasy football draft board using excel. To keep it short and sweet, each individual team (one per column) has a $200 budget to draft players. Each team must fill 14 roster positions (one per row), but here's the catch; you must spend at least $1 on all of the 14 players on your roster. So you have a maximum bid amount which is your remaining budget subtracted by $1 for every remaining spot you have left to fill.

I have already created a "remaining budget" field which subtracts each drafted player's inserted dollar amounts from the $200... easy. Beneath this, I'd like to create another cell per team that tells you your "maximum bid," which is essentially 200, -1 for every cell that remains blank. I have played around with the conditional IF formulas but cannot seem to have it account for multiple cells.

As a workaround, I have made columns hidden beneath the board which contain the conditional IF, ISBLANK fields which are -1 if true and 0 if false. Then creating the "remaining budget" field that subtracts these values from 200. This works, but it's not perfect, as when you have multiple players you still need to draft and you've exhausted your budget only saving $1 for each, it overstates your "maximum bid" by $1, or when you have $X left and you need to only fill one more spot, it ill tell you your "maximum bid" is $X-1.

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Count Number Of Empty Cells Up To Maximum?

Feb 13, 2014

Is there a way I can count the number of empty cells in a range, but up to 1 below a maximum, in this case a cell value?

For example, if the value of A1 is 10, I want to count how many blank cells appear between the range B1:B30 up to a maximum of 9, (1 below 10).

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Counting Conditionally - Count A Number Of Cells In One Column?

Dec 11, 2012

I am attempting to count a number of cells in one column so long as they fall within a certain date, which is located in another cell in the same column. I'm trying to account for a number of reports that happened within a certain week.

The formula I came up with was


But this returns 1 more then it should no matter what. Even when all cells within A_DATE are empty. it returns 1.

I know the COUNTIFS portion works to count the cells between certain dates.

Is what i'm looking to do possible or am I suffering from Excel burnout and just can't see that logicaly it makes no sense?

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Counting Number Of Populated Cells In A Specific Column

Aug 7, 2009

I am sure this should be REALLY simple, but i just can't find the answer i'm looking for. I have a sheet which changes daily in quantity of information. I want some simple code which counts up the number of populated cells in column A and returns the answer to a cell in another worksheet - or just automatically use it to print that number of pages.

I think i should be able to do the printing side, but, currently have no idea how to count up the number of populated cells in the row. If someones feeling very generous though, giving me the code for printing that number of pages too would save me some work (the worksheet which needs printing is different to the worksheet which needs the number of cells adding up.)

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Counting The Number Of The Remaining Cells (yet To Be Filled In) Of A Column

Aug 15, 2009

A column (A1:A60) is being progressively filled in with numbers, and occasionally some blank cells are between.

I need a formula to work out the number of the remaining cells (that are yet to be filled in) from the last entry till the last cell (A60) of the column.

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Counting Number Of Date Occurrences In Range Of Cells

Aug 13, 2012

I have an excel sheet which is currently 1,100 lines long and expected to increase and has a number of dates in columns W-AO representing the dates in which someone has had an onsite assessment. I wish to report in column AQ if there has been any visit activity in the month, i.e August for this month’s report. Is there an Excel function which will allow for this? Im thinking something like having a drop down list to select the month at the top of the column and then the sheet returns a value of 1 for all lines where a there is a date equal to the month selected?

I guess it is also worth mentioning that the sheet is setup as a table.

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Macro To Autofill A Number In Empty Cells In A Column

Jan 27, 2009

1. I need a macro to find a unique number, say a 10 digit number starting with 4100.. and move it 1 row down and 3 rows to the left. It needs to look only in one column (E) for this number. This row contains several unique numbers, variable number of blank cells between them, all having 10 digits and starting with 4100.. - So the macro needs to repeat this for every unique number.

2)Once it does this, I need it to autofill the unique number in all the cells in column A until the next unique number is reached.

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Vba Shade A Cell Once Its Moved ( And Add New Rows Beneath ) Minor Code Adjustment

Nov 7, 2009

I've adjusted a jonmo code to add an item in col B which is not in col A to the bottom of col A. - fab code, thanks jonmo.

But.. i want to:

insert rows beneath those in column A to accommodate the added items and shade those cells in list A once they been added ( so the users now they've been moved )

I've posted the code below ( including my attempts at colour change where it shade the right cell but in the wrong column ) ...

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Formula For Counting Number Of Occurrences Within Range Of Cells AND Strings

Jan 14, 2014

I'm looking for the easiest way to count the number of occurrences within a cell range.

The formula that I'm currently using is:


This counts the number of cells that start with 'a' and returns the sum. It seems to work fine, but when I try to make it look for more values in the range it gives me an error. For example;

When I want to find multiple values in the range and count them all, I use this formula:


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Finding The Number Of Unique Items In A Range That Contains Empty Cells?

Aug 15, 2014

It is about finding the number of unique items in a range that contains empty cells.I can intuit the form of this:



And many of the variations of it when there are no empty cells in the range.

For a range of that contains empty cells I've tried this:

Formula: [Code] .....

And variations of it. It does not work, and I don't know why...............however..........

I ran across this on another [SOLVED] thread and it does work:

Formula: [Code] .....

I would have never considered this plausible. What is the magic behind appending an empty string to the criteria in the COUNTIF function?

It strikes me that this strategy likely has application elsewhere, too.

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Cell Reference :: Formula To Reference New Cells

Feb 15, 2010

I have lets say 12 months of data. I have formulas that reference the latest 6 months. When I insert a new column to input a new month, how can I make the formulas include the new months without manually updating them.


12 months of data exist in cells B3:M3 going from B3(oldest) to M3(newest). Formulas reference latest 6 months of data in cells H3:M3. When a new month hits, I insert a column after column M.I would like the formulas to now reference cells I3:N3 which is now the newest 6 months.

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Counting A Number In A Cell When Sumproduct

Apr 4, 2007

I have a spreadsheet with 3 coloumns. In A I enter Address, B Date, C Ward/District Area (this is a data validation list). At present I use; = SUMPRODUCT((HFRA!B4:B2000>=Summary!B1)*(HFRA!B4:B2000<=Summary!B2)). Summary B1 and B2 are dates to search between e.g 1/01/07 and 31/01/07. The above formula only counts the date enteries between B1 and B2.

I would like to change this so that it still checks that the date still falls between B1 and B2 but is adds together the numbers entered in coloum A. So coloumn A would become number of completed actions not an address.

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