Put Message Box Related To A Cell If Threshold Values Reached

Mar 25, 2012

I am trying to put a message box related to a cell if a threshold values is reached.

E.g.: Cell A: 85

If cell A values moves to 86 I am trying to put in a message that says something like " This value is not allowed". Is there a way to do this ?

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Pop-Up Message If Cell Value Not Reached

Jan 16, 2008

Is there any code to pop up a message each time a cell value is not reached. For ex if the resulted formula in A1 is less than 0 to pop up a message "LOOSE"

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MsgBox When Cell Value In Column Exceeds Threshold

May 14, 2014

The user enters data into Column E on Sheet1 and i want my code to display a pop-up box when a cell's value exceeds 500. I've tried the two codes below which i thought would work as Excel didn't highlight any breaks when i wrote the code, but no pop-up box is being generated when values > 500.


Private Sub Threshold_Check2(ByVal Target As range)
Dim cell As range

For Each cell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns(5).Cells
If cell.Value > 500 Then
MsgBox "Value within 15% of Threshold"
Next cell
End Sub


Sub Threshold_Check(ByVal Target As range)
Set Target = range("E1:E150")
For Each cell In range("E1:E150")
If Target.Value > 500# Then
MsgBox "Value within 15% of Threshold"
End If
End Sub

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Macro To Paste Values Until Count Reached?

Sep 17, 2012

On Sheet1, I have a list of names in Column A, with a corresponding value in Column B






On Sheet2, I have a list of items that need to be assigned based on the values on Sheet1 (Assign to column would be blank, filled in by the macro/formula)







best way to automate the data on Sheet2? The items can be assigned in any order, it just needs to match the count on Sheet1.

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How To Group Values Related To Each Minute

Apr 16, 2014

I have a table in format below, I want show a third column with sum of w.r.t the minute, so for time 2:10 ,

i want to show 10 which is sum of first four values.

Started DB request
2:10:00 2
2:10:11 3
2:10:11 4
2:10:13 1
2:11:10 3
2:11:11 2
2:11:12 1
2:12:10 1
2:12:12 2
2:12:12 2
2:12:13 1
2:13:11 1
2:13:12 1

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Look Up Value And Return All Related Values From Other Cells

Jan 8, 2009

I have two worksheets. One contains my master data and the other my look up table.

Master Data: ....

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Combobox To Show Only Values Related To Row

Feb 24, 2007

I have an inventory sheet that uses multiple userform comboboxes to input data to a sheet. Everything works great except on one userform "pullmat" where the user removes inventory from a unique list of all material available in "Master Log" sheet. The combobox that im trying to fix is "combobox3" in the "pullmat" userform. I'm trying to get that combobox to only show P.O. numbers that are related to the material selected in the "Material Code / Name- combobox2. In other words, the user should only be able to select a P.O.# that matches that specific material on the Master Log sheet.

The file size is too large to attach but I can email a copy if needed.

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Find Value And Copy Related Values

May 21, 2008

I am building a Macro which can be found underneath. The red code is not working right now and I am looking for alternatives to solve this error but until now I haven't found none.

Basically, I am looking for a correct code to copy files from a sheet to another sheet with a find macro.

Sub vinden()
Dim FindString As String
Dim Rng As Range
FindString = Range("A21")
If Trim(FindString) <> "" Then
With Sheets("Voorraadverloop").Range("A1:IV65536")

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Array Formula - Finds Date Then Start Adding Values Until Specified Sum Reached

Jul 23, 2014

I have an Excel workbook with two sheets "DataSheet" and "Actual Peaks", "DataSheet" contains a column with dates and a column with values. "Actual Peaks" has a bunch of dates listed in a column. For each date in 'Actual Peaks', another column goes back to the "DataSheet" finds the date, then starts adding values until a specified sum is reached, once the sum is reached, it returns the date at which the sum was reached. However, I have found that sometimes it is off by a day or two.

See the attached workbook for a much clearer example : Excel_forum help 7-23-14 DD validation.xlsx‎

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Message Box With Two Cell Values?

Oct 5, 2013

Is it possible to have a message box with two values? I've had a good look around but have drawn a blank so far. This works perfectly for the bank balance cell value:

Sub Bank_Balance()

Dim MyNote As String, Ans As Variant
MyNote1 = "Bank Balance = £" & Range("G2")


But I'd like to see the date in there as well which is pulled from cell H2. Tried this but it doesn't work:

Sub Bank_Balance()

Dim MyNote As String, Ans As Variant


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Find Related Data From Another Sheet & Copy Values From Left

Mar 30, 2008

Im going to try to make this as clear as possible. I cant use my actual data because it wouldnt make any sense to anyone so Ive made up an example problem. Here goes...

Lets say in Sheet 1 I have two descending columns of data. Column A is MODEL of Vehicle (Civic for example). Column B is vehicle identification number (xxx for example). Sheet two has 4 columns of data, but only one is really required for this example. Cell A1 is the MAKE of vehicle (Honda for example). Directly below that in Cell A2 is the MODEL of the vehicle (Civic). There are then a few rows of empty space until it gets to the next vehicle MAKE and MODEL.

So in Sheet1 there is a long list of MAKE's in ColumnA and VIN's in ColumnB. Sheet2 Has a long list of MAKE's and MODEL's in ColumnA and random data in other columns.

What I want to do is assemble a Macro to start in Sheet1-A2, read the MODEL then copy the corresponding Vehicle Identification Number in B2. I then want it to go to Sheet2-A2 and start searching downward until it comes across a matching MODEL. Once it finds the match I want it to step downward 2 cells and paste the Vehicle Identification Number. Then return to Sheet1-A3, and repeat the process until EOF.

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Text Color Change - Cell By Cell Basis - When Budget Is Reached

Jan 20, 2009

I'm a business/application consultant for ERP software, and generally pretty solid when it comes to excel. However, I've come across a question for a personal sheet that I can't seem to solve.

In my personal budget worksheet, I'd like to set a budget on a cell-by-cell basis. When the budget is hit, I'd like the text color (or cell color) to change.

I.E. Cell D14 has a budget of $200. When I enter $200 in the cell, the text turns from black to red. I've searched through google with no luck. I have mildly searched this forum, but haven't found my direct answer - I have come pretty close though, in other languages

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Keep Row HIDDEN Until Specific Cell Has Been Reached

Feb 12, 2007

I want to Freeze my Header Row (A16 to T16) on my spreadsheet but I can't seem to get it to freeze. I wanted to have it freeze when that row reached the Top of the page but all I can do is freeze it and the 15 rows above it. Can one row be made to be visible at all times? I don't think so as I asked this question before but thought I would start by asking it again...

Now my workaround for that was to put the header row at the top of the page as well and freeze it. This works but when you initially open the spreadsheet it look weird because you see a header row on top and one 15 rows below it.

My question is is there a way to hide row 1 until a specific cell becomes active and then the code can undide the row? I want row one to become visible when the user gets to cell A41. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this or do you have any other suggestions for me to try?

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Repeat Macro Until Empty Cell Is Reached

May 6, 2014

I have the following Macro to transpose data from a column into succesive rows. I need it to repeat, until it has processed all data in column A / until it reaches an empty cell in A.

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro


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SUM Until Specific Cell Is Reached And Heading Return?

Nov 18, 2013

I have a number of dates (columns) and under each date there is the demand value (Rows). Also, i have a column that has the current inventory. what im trying to do is to keep on adding the demand in one row (i.e multiple dates) until the sum just exceeds the inventory. After that, i would like to return sum the date at which we stopped adding. the point of this excercise is to see at which month will our inventory deplete according to the demand. Below is an example solved by hand.

Part #
month 1
month 2


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Force User Onto Next Cell Once Character Limit Reached?

Feb 10, 2011

Currently using LEN to simply count 50 characters then it tells the user that they need to move onto the next line.

Is it possible with VBA that after 50 characters reached in the selected cell it forces the user into the next cell below and so on in a loop?

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Increment Number From Cell Value Until Another Cell Value Reached

Dec 7, 2012

We need to reach a cell value by using increment of another cell value. But ideally the results will all be in one cell.

Now to make it a little more advance there could be an overhang of the board in A3 which would need to be deducted from the first increment.

Example :

A1 = 5193mm (Lenght of beam)
A2 = 600mm (Width of board)
A3 = 200 (Overhang)
A4 = 400 - 1200 - 1800 - 2200 - 2800 - 3400 - 4000 - 4600 (End Result, The formula wont do the next sum as it exceeds A1)

Of course the vaules of A1 and A2 will vary but that shouldnt make any difference to the formula.

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Force New Active Cell When Maximum Number Of Characters Is Reached

Jan 16, 2008

We have a form that requires descriptive comments to be entered into several rows of merged cells. My goal is to have the form be able to automatically dropped down to the next row of merged cells when the current row of merged cells reaches a maximum number of characters.

And finally, the last row of merged cells would not allow any more characters than the maximum assigned but not advance to another cell automatically.

The rows I am working with specifically are:
Merged Cells F23:R23; A24:R24; A25:R25; A26:R26;...A29:R29

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Auto Increment Specific Cell Value Based On Different But Related Cell Value

Nov 20, 2011

In my excel workbook, I have a customer table and invoice sheet among many others.

As part of my system, there is functionality to grant new customers with a discount on the first purchase. Within my customer table, the last two columns are "Number of Purchases" and "Customer Type" (either single/multiple depending on no. of purchases), which are then used to determine whether the discount is valid or not on the invoice.

Once an invoice has been created, archived and refreshed with the customer selected (via a Customer ID), I would like some code to auto increment the number of purchases on the Customer table for that specific customer to +1.

For example, customer called Bob (Bob-1);
Number of purchases = 1
Customer Type = Single
Discount = Yes

Invoice then created for Bob (using Bob-1 as the unique value), sent off and refreshed. New figures should be:

Number of purchases = 2
Customer Type = Multiple (can be achieved by using IF statement on No. of purchases)
Discount = No

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Highlighting Cells Related To A Cell

Jul 14, 2009

in this sheet i have 3 groups of data. group 3 is the sum of group 2 - group 1.

how can i make the cells highlight that relate to the cell sum in group 3.

i.e when i click cell b38 cell b21 and b4 should highlight.

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Filtered Listbox Selection To Return Value To Related Cell?

Apr 30, 2014

See the attached : ToolMatrix4.xlsm

Combobox2 filters listbox2 which is pulled from sheet2. How do I get the X to return the value to the relevant cell on sheet 2, ie create a relevant listindex for the listbox

Also, one other minor thing, why selecting the last record in the listbox doesnt write to the worksheet?

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Percentage Threshold Calculation

Jul 2, 2013

In the attached table the fees generated are on a sliding scale and the total is the fee generated within these ranges

I would like a formula in b10 to give me the value based on the total sale figure, i.e. 80.00. I've searched the board and tried some very long "if" statements and "lookup" table but to no avail.

Is there a formula I could use to calculate the desired value, preferable using cell references and not the actual values.

Sale Value
% Fee

Upto 2000
2001 to 3000

[Code] ........

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Excel 2007 :: Comment Boxes Not Showing To Near The Related Cell?

Dec 9, 2012

I have worksheet with 5000 rows data's including the comments in one coloumn.My problem is when I edit the comments,the comment box shows somewhere else is not showing to near the related cell.I am using excel 2007,its happen after the upgradation of 2003 to 2007.

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Pick Data From A Specific Row/column (eg 10/B) Related To Active Cell

Dec 2, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with my Periods along row 10. e.g. C10: "1", D10: "2", E10 "3", F10: "4", G10: "5" etc. (green on the attached sheet). I have my departments along column B, e.g. B11: "Baked" B12: "Fresh" B13: "Frozen" (yellow on the attached sheet)

what I need and cannot work out is some VBA code that will populate two variables (lets call them Period & Department) when I click on one of the figures. For example if I click on cell: if I click E14: Period would have the contents of cell E10, and Department the contents of cell B14.

if i click G14: Period would have the contents of G10, and Department the contents of cell B14 again. I know how to get the click on the cell to work properly etc, and I have code to slot these variables into that works very nicely, I just can't get this bit to work!!!!

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Count Periods Where Threshold Is Exceeded

Mar 20, 2009

I am trying to find a way to identify the nmber of periods where a particular value is exceeded.

Basically I have daily data on sales for 40 years and I would like to define a level of sales i.e. 23 units per day and a period i.e. 10 days and then output the number of times where the recorded sales level is greater than 23 units per day for 10 or more days.

Ideally I would like it so the sales level and period can be set in reference cells and the formula can adapt to different sales levels and periods.

The data is formatted as follows: ...

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Counting Periods Where Threshold Exceeded?

Mar 25, 2014

From G13:G33 I have an array of values of which I have computed.

E36 is where I have set my threshold value.

What is the excel formula to use, to count the PERIODS (not number of times), which this threshold value has been exceeded?

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Formula To Zerorize The Amount That Is Within The Threshold Value

Feb 20, 2010

my data will look like table below:

9.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.77 0.00 0.00 1.20 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.00 3.40 3.40 0.00 0.00 5.67 5.67 5.67 0.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73
i need a formula to zerorize the amount that is within the threshold value &
just display the same amount as input if exceed.

column A is my input, colum B,C,D is my working area where there are few threshold value.

for example,
the B column give the threshold value = 10,
thus cell B2 & B3 were zerorize. ( not B2 only)

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Compare 2 Lists In Different Sheets Then Copy And Paste Related Cell Onto First Sheet

May 4, 2006

What I am trying to do here is to compare 2 lists in 2 different files, and when there is a match, then copy and paste the related cells of the matching name. Sorry if this sounds messy, perhaps the sample file I have attached can explain better.

Every month I get a new file in the format of “Data Source” sheet where the list of banks in column A and the figures in column M, AA and AB might change from month to month. For the sake of convenience, I put the source data as a different sheet instead of different file here.

I have an existing report template in the format of “Final report” sheet where basically I copy and paste the relevant cells according to the name of the banks.

I don’t think I can use Vlookup because the cells that I want to extract are not right beside the search criteria. If I’m wrong please correct me.

Anyway, assuming a macro is needed for this, I am wondering if I can create a macro, where it can search the list of banks in column A in “Data Source” sheet based on the list in column A in “Final Report” sheet, then copy the correct cells from column M, AA and AB and then paste them into the correct cells in columns B, E and H in “Final Report” worksheet?

Note that not all the banks in the “Final Report” sheet are in the “Data Source”, so for this example, row 4 for ABN Bank should remain blank after the search because it is not listed in the “Data Source”. The Data Source List might also change over time.

There is also this problem of the bank names from the “Data Source” sheet not being exactly the same as the existing list in “Final Report”. For example in this file, ANZ Bank in the other sheet have all the extra stuff behind, but we know it is the same bank.

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Return Year For All Data Over Threshold In A Row Without Macros

Feb 19, 2013

I have a financial model that returns ratios for various years. I would like to highlight in the summary part of the model those years where the ratio is over a set threshold.

For example:





2 years over Max: 2013, 2015

In the above example, the threshold (Max) is 30% (cell B3), so the value in A4 would be "2 years over Max: 2013, 2015"

I have been able to do it manually by putting together a COUNTIF function along with various IF statements as follows:
=COUNTIF(A2:D2,">="&B3)&" years over Max: "&IF(A$2>$B$3,A$1&", ,"")&IF(B$2>$B$3,B$1&", ","")&IF(C$2>$B$3,C$1&", ","")&IF(D$2>$B$3,D$1&", ","")...

I even managed to get rid of the final "," by adding a second "," at the end and replacing the expression ", ," using the SUBSTITUTE function (yes, I am a bit **** when it comes to details).

My problem is that I currently have 16 years of projections and, although the above formula works, it requires manual changes every time I add / remove years.

I know that I can do it easily in VBA but the Excel file is to be shared with others via email and I know that their systems are setup to deactivate macros by default (and I don't want to rely on the user having to manually activate macros).

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Price Breaks Based On Volume And Threshold

May 22, 2013

1 TO 10 25.00
11 TO 50 15.00
51 TO 100 9.00
101 TO 250 5.40

In this there is an area where it is cheaper to buy for example 12 instead of 10 and I am trying to work out a formula to deal with this funny step change down as people buy more.

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