Create Dymanic Charts Or Graphs

Jul 10, 2009

I'd like to put a spinner button on a chart that will change the x-axis date range. The data is in day/month/year format, but ideally I'd like to have the spinner button move in 1 year increments. The most recent date should always be present and changes should just impact how far back in history to go. I have basically no experience with vba coding, so please be as thorough and simple with your responses/solutions.

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VBA To Create Charts/Graphs From Non Continuous Ranges

Aug 12, 2008

I have an excel sheet populated with loads of values. There is a space between each set of data. I need to draw a graph for each section and i cant work out how to do it. I have attached the sheet in question. The gap between each column has "space" written on row, which is needed to prevent it being deleted. The drawing of the graphs needs to be automated as there is going to be 100's of sheets containg lots of data. The column size of each section can change so it needs to be dynamic. I have attached an example sheet

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Create Multiple Graphs/Charts From Data Groups

Jun 26, 2008

I need to make a macro that creates a specified number of graphs depending on the file's number of data sets. I know the number of sets that are in the data, and I know the number of data points that were taken. Here is what I have:

Sub Graphs()
Dim Startpoint As Integer
Dim Endpoint As Integer
Dim count As Integer
Dim xStart As String
Dim xEnd As String
Dim NumberSets As Integer
Dim yStart As String
Dim yEnd As String
Dim DataSet As Integer
Dim Data
Startpoint = 11 'The first set always starts in row 11
Endpoint = Range("L4").Value + 10 'Thefirst set always ends after the value of L4+10
NumberSets = Range("L7").Value 'number of times I need the loop to work
count = 1..........................

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Graphs / Charts Generation Automatically In Excel?

Sep 5, 2012

I want to prepare a graph / chart for the column A and column B. Column A has headers and B has the data that I want to represent in the graphs. The real problem in this is that the two columns length is not fixed. For eg. for January Column A & B could have 5 rows of data but for February they could have 10 rows of data. I dont want to prepare the chart manually every month. I want that if we could apply any VBA coomands that could prepare the chart automatically irrespective of the rows count.

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Auto Hiding Zero Date For Graphs And Charts

Feb 16, 2009

I've got 100's of different graphs the problem is i'm currently manually updating them all, a simple example of the data is: ....

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Clustered And Stacked Charts Including Line Graphs

Mar 15, 2012

I need to show a chart with new and return visits 2 years side by side. I also need to show a budget line and 2 seperate utilization lines. How to show this.

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Excel 2010 :: Won't Correctly Display Charts / Graphs

Apr 27, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 to create a simple chart. When I enter the information, highlight it and select a chart, the chart area appears blank. It doesn't matter what kind of chart I choose- it still appears blank. I've tried going into the Advanced options and indicating for All objects to be shown and that didn't work.

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Change Order Of Graphs When Using Macro To Export All Excel Charts To Powerpoint?

Apr 14, 2014

I've been using a VBA code to look through my spreadsheet and find any graphs in any tab and move it to powerpoint. I have about 70 tabs with 7 graphs each.

I have is that the order of the graphs in the slidepack isn't in the same as found on each excel tab.I also tried renaming them (chart1-chart7) but problem still remains.

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Macro To Create A PPT Of Graphs

Apr 24, 2014

I have this following code to create the PPT with a specific template. But in this, the first slide of the PPT are coming blank. How to remove those blank slides?

PHP Code: 

Sub CreatePowerPoint()Answer = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to continue?" & vbNewLine & 
"Clicking 'YES' will create the DU Dashboard PPT" & vbNewLine & "You may want to set the range & Update VOC graph",
vbYesNoCancel + vbInformation, "Warning: DU Dashboard graph")If Answer = vbYes Then Else Exit Sub 
'Add a reference to the Microsoft PowerPoint Library by:    '1. Go to Tools in the VBA menu    '2. Click on Reference    


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Macro To Create Multiple Graphs

Nov 5, 2009

I would like to create 2 graphs for each set of data in my worksheet. the first set of data that I would like to create a 2D line chart for is in cells AQ3:AS19 (not sure if that is the correct syntax??) and the second is AW3:AY3.

I would like to position the first chart (top right corner) at BA3 and re-size it so that it is 17 cells tall and 7 cells wide. the second chart should be positioned at BI3 and the same dimensions.

I would like to delete the chart legend for both graphs

then I need to repeat about 1000 times. Each new set of data starts 20 cells lower (ie. AQ3, AQ22, AQ41..). Or every time "Band" is found in column AP.

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Create & Copy Multiple Graphs

Sep 4, 2007

I'm pretty much a novice at Excel so obviously my knowledge is fairly limited. Basically I have created 2 sheets called 'Week 1 - By Day' and 'Week 1 - By Campaign'. The first sheet (By Day) contains data which supplies graphs to not only that sheet but also to sheet 2 (By Campaign). Sheet 2 (By Campaign) only contains graphs sourced from data within sheet 1.

So, I need to copy both of these 52 times (for every week of the year). That’s 52 x sheet 1 and 52 x sheet 2.

I have been able to copy sheet 1 easily enough by holding down the Ctrl button and dragging the sheet. This works fine and the formula and graphs within the sheet change automatically. However, the major problem at the moment is sheet 2(sheet 2 only contains Graphs which is related to data from sheet 1). When I do the same thing with sheet 2 (hold down Ctrl and drag) the graphs within the new sheet (sheet 4) are still sourcing the data from sheet 1 instead of sourcing the data from Sheet 3 'Week 2 - By Day'.

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Macro To Create Multiple Graphs From X Sheets

Aug 6, 2007

I am trying to use VB to create 50 charts each with 3 lines using data from 3 different excel spreadsheets in the same workbook. I am able to create one chart with 3 lines using data from the three spreadsheets, this is good. However I exprience problems when i try to insert a loop to create 50 charts that correspond the the rows in each spreadsheet. I am new to VB and am very inexperienced with VB. In each worksheet my data is arranged in rows. row 1 of each worksheet has the header information and rows 2 through row 50 have my corresponding data. for example A2 lists the name and F2 through T2 lists the data. I have tried a bunch of different things but nothing seems to alllow me to be able to create multiple charts which correspond to each row of data?

Sub Chart2PPT()
Dim arow As Integer
Dim acol As Integer
Dim StartPoint As Integer
Dim EndPoint As Integer
Dim rStartPoint As String
Dim rEndPoint As String
StartPoint = 2
EndPoint = 4
For arow = 2 To 5
rStartPoint = "f" & StartPoint
rEndPoint = "t" & EndPoint
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLine 'Type of graph........................

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Multiple Graphs On One Screen And Moving Graphs

Feb 12, 2014

i have attached a sheet where I have 4 graphs on one sheet. I prefer this to an overlay. I would like to add a 5th graph but it would make all the the graphs too small. Is there a way to make the graph background longer. For instance, extend the length of this so that I can put multiple graphs on it and then just scroll from top to bottom to review them? Also, how do I copy and paste these individual graphs into a newly created graph. copy/paste doesn't work on these?


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Add-in That CAN Create Big Charts Of 100 X 100

Apr 21, 2013

I don't mind paying for the add-on/add-in, I need to have a chart displayed of 100 rows and 1000 cells of data.

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Create Multiple Charts With VBA?

Aug 18, 2012

I'm trying to create multiple Charts with VBA, each chart on a seperate Sheet. The link below works but i need to change it some and i'm stuck. What i'm trying to do is create a new sheet for each new graph, but I need it to create a graph for the 250 associates in column B then plot 52 weeks of their % from the Row their name shows up in. First name is in (B3), his % data is in range (N3:BO3). I have the weeks numbered out 1-52 in (N2:BO2) and i'd like their name to appear in the Tab and on top of the graph. I applied the VBA code from the link below to my sheet and changed what i knew i needed to change, but it debugs. I use to do each graph manually when i had 25 associates but i would like to use this for the whole building now.


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Create Dashboards Or Charts

Nov 13, 2009

how to create dashboards or charts. I am looking for similar website like this is very good website for those of you who need to do some fancy staff with excel.

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VBA To Create Pie Charts For Top 10 Of Each Location

Feb 23, 2014

Basically I want to have a macro to loop through and make all the pie charts for each location but only for the top 10 of each location.

I also want the legend to be more precise for example, for London the first one in the legend should show:
Column C + "-" + Column I + "-" + Column J

Which would be: London - Rol9 -13

Instead of it being: London data rol9 13

Attached is the document in question where I've made the graphs manually : Example_Pies.xlsx‎

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VBA Macro To Create New Worksheet, Charts, Etc.

Oct 23, 2008

I need a macro to create the following worksheets and charts from an Excel data set:

Three (3) worksheets (already created manually in attached Excel file):

1. Chart Data.
(a) Column A in Chart Data is always numbered 1 - 600 (50 years x 12 mos/yr).
(b) Column I and column Y data sets (from Prod_Month) created in Chart Data. Each data set can be identified and collated with column F in Prod_Month (API) which is unique for each dataset.

2. Rate vs. Month - plot of Daily Gas (col. Y in Prod_Month) vs. Months (col. A in Chart Data).

3. Rate vs. Time - plot of Daily Gas (col. Y in Prod_Month) vs. Calender Time (col. B et. al. in Chart Data)

At a minimum, could someone help me create the Chart Data worksheet from the data in PROD_MONTH? Charting all the columns takes time from Chart Data but any data manipulation macro(s) help.

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Create Pie Charts And Save As Image?

Jan 29, 2013

Create an individual pie chart for each row of data (roughly 2000 rows in master list). Data to be charted contains 2 cells (Benefit and Salary). Once the chart is created I need to save the chart as an image (assuming it will need to go into Paint or another program?) Once the images are created and saved to a folder I can add the image link (file location) to a merge document data source. This way I will be able pull in the pie chart (now a picture) with a merge field during a mail merge.

Sample Data


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Create Charts And Use Same Formatting For Colours

Apr 7, 2013

I normally create charts and use the same formatting for my colours i.e. Gradient fill with Shadow etc...

Now each time i create my charts i am having to keep do the formatting again and again and if i create a new spreadsheet with charts i have to do it all over again

Is there any way i can save this formatting colour so i can quickly apply to my chart series etc?

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Macro To Create Dynamic Charts

Dec 22, 2006

i want to create dynamic Excel Charts in one sheet ,The sheeet contain dynamic columns and rows and i want to create for each 4 columns a chart in a new sheet ,i started to try it in VBA and didnt founs the way to select 4 columns as a range, i succeseed to do it with msgboox that the user enter the range but i want to do it in a loop

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Create Charts/Based On ListBox Value

Jun 10, 2008

i am having a problem of updating my graphs in the application i devloped, my application is like this, go to sheet 1 click showuserform button and suer form contains combo and list box select the sheetname in the combo and select two values in the list and click plots the graphs acording to the selected values but my problem is it makes a newchart every time when we select a new week range it is getting is not getting updated with the most recently plotted graph ??? i am facing this problem when i am opening my application in other computer...u can see my problem when u open my application. i am attaching my workbook and this is the code i used for making the chart

Sub MakeChart()
Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range
Dim gs As String
gs = ComboBox1.Value
Application. ScreenUpdating = True
'First selected
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(i) Then
Set rng1 = Columns(1). Find(ListBox1.List(i))
Exit For
End If
'Last selected
For i = ListBox1.ListCount - 1 To 1 Step -1..............................

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Loop Through Ranges To Create Multiple Charts?

Apr 2, 2014

I am having an issue with looping through data ranges. Below is a subset of my macro. What I require is for LegendRng to stay the same and DataRng to move after each loop.

However everytime the vba runs through a loop, the previous range is recorded i.e. the source data for the chart is "A1:D5" instead of "A1:D1, A5:D5").

[Code] .....

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Automatically Create Set Of Charts From Block Of Data

Jul 12, 2012

I have a quite big database as a result of a study in Excel 2010. There is a special block of data for every participant in the study, including 16 data series in 16 lines. I have to make a unique chart for every line.

One block is bulid up in a way, that every row is the input for a chart, with the exception of one "spacer" row, which is empty.

1 2 3 4 ...


For example in the sample above, there should be 6 line-charts (A, B, C, D, E, F) next to the block.

Can a macro be written, so I can automatically create the chart-set by selecting the block's upper left cell and running the macro? Or is there any easier method?

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Using Excel VBA To Create PowerPoint With 4 Charts In Each Slide

Aug 2, 2013

I am trying to write a macro that goes in an excel file that creates a powerpoint presentation, and puts four (4) charts in each slide.. I currently have a code that is pasting all of the charts in the same slide and I can't figure out why it isn't working (side note: I haven't attempted to resize or relocate the pictures on the powerpoint slides yet)..


'Add a reference to the Microsoft PowerPoint Library by:
'1. Go to Tools in the VBA menu
'2. Click on Reference
'3. Scroll down to Microsoft PowerPoint X.0 Object Library, check the box, and press Okay

'keep button in same location
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Shapes("CommandButton17")
With btn
btLeft = .Left
btTop = .Top
End With


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VBA Macro Code To Create Multiple Charts

May 9, 2009

I need to create 63 charts from data which I have in two columns. I want to create multiple charts using one macro. For the first chart I want it to use cells K2:K80 as the x values, and M2:M80 as the y values. For the next chart I want it to use cells K81:K159 as the x values and M81:159 as the y values. For the next chart I want it to use cells K160:K238 as the x values and M160:M238 as the y values. I want to continue this, creating a chart for every 78 cells of data, all the way until the 63rd chart which uses K4900:K4978 as the x values and M4900:M4978 as the y values. I have created the following macro by " recording." This macro generates the first chart that I want:

Sub Macro5()
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "=Sheet1!$K$2:$K$80"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "=Sheet1!$M$2:$M$80"
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-3
End Sub

How can I alter this macro to create all 63 charts?. It seems like there is an easy way to do this, but I don't use macros very much (at all).

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Create Macro To Pull From List And Then Update Charts And Print

Nov 1, 2013

I am trying to create a Macro to pull from a list and then update the charts and print. I have a list that has over 100 clients. I believe I need to loop but I am not familiar with VBAs at all. Below is what I am trying to accomplish.

Sub Update()
' Update Macro
Application.CutCopyMode = False

[Code] ......

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Create Charts From Same Data But Each Based Ob Data Criteria

Aug 31, 2006

Hi, have a question regarding dynamic charts, specifically I am trying to create several dymanic charts based on data in a single column (So i can only say my first set of data will be starting a a set location in the chart, the rest has to shift down based chart data above it). This data should organized in charts depending on the data in several other columns. For instance, need to pull out values from column based some ID and some PartNumber. A sample excel or VBA would be much appreciated. I know VBA but do not know Excel VBA much.

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Converting Static Charts To Dynamic Charts

Jun 27, 2013

My DB is in table format . I use this table as source data for 2 barcharts and 1 pie chart.Following are my table headers

Costs|exp heads|Month1|Month2|...|Month n|Spark lines|Average

When i add a month coloumn,Sparklines and Average coloumn should get updated automaticaly.Now this is not happening even if the data is in table format.I also want the graphs to be automaticaly updated.

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Create Multiple Charts On Multiple Sheets?

Apr 14, 2014

The macro creates multiple charts from data in one sheet, but now when I'm trying to scale it up to multiple sheets, the previous charts created disappear. E.g Creates 5 charts for sheet 1 (can see them being created, using debugger mode), looping to the next chart and they are created but the first ones has disappeared! What am I doing wrong? I'm creating my chart by the following code:

[Code] .....

The startpoint variable is changed for every new chart within the one sheet and the outputsheet is changed when you change the sheet.

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